摘要:就划线部分提问.是用一个合适的疑问词去替代句中的某一成分.使之成为一个特殊问句.其方法主要是:先依据语意选择相应的疑问词和疑问句语序.句末改用问号.这时我们要注意以下几点: (1)选择恰当的疑问词. (2)对主语或主语的定语提问时.用陈述句语序.对定语提问时.所修饰的名词应放在疑问词后. (3)对其它成分提问.用“疑问词+一般疑问句 语序.如: My grandpa has been in Shanxi for ten years. →Who has been in Shanxi for ten years? Lily’s dog has lost. →Whose dog has lost? Emma bought one dictionary yesterday. →How many dictionaries did Emma buy yesterday? 句型转换设题广.部分试题难度较大.这就要求同学们有扎实的语言基本功和熟练的解题技巧. 对于按要求改写句子的试题:首先应注意“要求 的内容,二是要注意选词的准确,三是要注意各种句型的特殊点,四是要注意大小写和拼写的正确.如: 1. The maths problem is too difficult for him to work out. The maths problem is difficult he can’t work it out. 2. The surfers both won first prize in the city surfing competition. the surfers won first prize in the city surfing competition. 3. I think the fastest way to travel is by plane. do you think the fastest way to travel ? 4. Miss Li showed us a picture of the feathered dinosaur. We a picture of the feathered dinosaur by Miss Li. 答案与简析: 1. too-to-=so -that -not .所以.应该填so, that. 2. 从转换后的句式中没有明确的否定词not可知不能用助动词加not的形式来完成.再根据both的反义词是neither.主语又是the surfers.因此应填Neither of. 3. 本题实际上是对“by plane 提问.改换后的句子只是缺少了“is by plane .因此.该将“by plane 改为“what .后一个空用“is . 4. 由showed确定要用一般过去时的被动语态.故填were shown / showed.


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