摘要: whose在定语从句中.只用作定语.有时它还可以同of which互换.如: please pass me the book whose/of which cover is green. 请递给我那本绿皮的书.



Who Is Fooled?

  Just as the teacher was coming into the classroom, one of the boys, whose name was James, said loudly, Teacher is a fool. The teacher pretended not to have heard this.He went up to the platform and said, Today we are going to have a lesson on punctuation.Punctuation in a sentence is very important.Look at this sentence. He picked up a piece of chalk and wrote the following sentence on the blackboard:James says the teacher is a fool.The class laughed.Now, continued the teacher, with two commas I can change the meaning of the sentence entirely. He then put in two commas and the sentence read:

  James, says the teacher, is a fool.


  1.fool V.愚弄;玩弄,标题中的be fooled是被动语态。n.愚人;傻瓜

  2.whose的先行词是one of the boys,由whose引出的从句,其前后均有逗点,是非限制性定语从句。

  3.pretend v.伪装;假装,其后接动词不定式。在句中它后面接not to have heard,表示:老师假装没听见。

  4.platform n.讲台

  5.punctuation n.标点;标点使用法,a lesson on punctuation是关于标点使用法的课,这里的on相当于介词about.

  6.comma n.逗点,entirely adv.完全地。全句可译作:我用两个逗点就能完全改变这话的意思。



What did James say when the teacher was coming?

He said ________.


What will they learn today?

[  ]




Who is a fool







Would you mind ________.


1Bring me the magazine which lies on the shelf in the drawing room.


2I met my old schoolmate, who was very pleased to see me.


3I met the clever girl whom you have often praised.


4There are some desks and chairs in the meeting room which need repairing.


5It is the largest power station that has ever been built in this province.


6The town towards which we are moving is the one I used to live in.


7Yesterday I saw your brother, who told me the good news of your mother’s recovery from her illness.


8Everything that we saw at the West Lake was charming and beautiful.


9We reached a little hut, where we took shelter from the rain.


10Many accidents which occur in the streets could be prevented if pedestrians were more careful.


11Next term I intend to take English poetry, which is a subject I have long wanted to study.


12I went to see their new house, which I liked very much.


13The Thames, which flows through London, is a beautiful river.


14The rubbish which Wang Dong has collected must be cleared away or burnt.


15Dumas was a famous French novelist, whose works is widely read in China.


16The dinner party was held in a large hall on the third floor, which was already crowded with people when we entered.




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