根据汉语提示完成英语句子。(每空1 分,共15分)
86. 我表弟上个月去了趟希腊,他就喜欢上了那里。
My cousin went to Greece last month and ___ ___ ____ ___ __ ___ with it.
87. 我认为有一天我的梦想会实现的。
I think my dream ___ ____ _____ ___.
88. 我们可以向大卫借一些钱。
We can ___ some money _________Dave.
89. 我妈妈的衣服过时了。
My mother’s clothes are _____ __________ _________.
90. ----当小偷进入你的房子时,你在做什么?
----what were you doing when the thief got into your house?
-----I was 。
91. 我们迟到了,飞机十分钟前起飞了。
We were late for the plane. It ten minutes ago.
【小题1】I forgot your address . I can’t _________ how to get to your house.
Life in the mountains is _____ _______ ________ for Yang Lei.
He _______ really ______ _______ me and he said he didn’t want to
be my best friend anymore.
I hope you are ______ _______ _______.
You were supposed ________ _________ at the bus stop.
When Tom was buying a newspaper at the train station, the dog got out of the box and _______ _______.
【小题7】当UFO 起飞时,小姑娘在做什么?
What was the girl doing when the UFO _______ _______?
Life for Mike’s three ________ is very busy .
I always thought I was __________ at school .
One day people will ________ _______ the moon for vacations .