___________________________________ when I get home every day.
2. 雨停了再走吧。
___________________________________ the rain stops.
3. 听说《哈里·波特III》特有意思,我知道不是你就是李雷有一本。
It is said Harry Potter III is very interesting. I know _______________________________.
4. 他一看完这张DVD盘就会把它借给你。
___________________________________ he finishes watching it.
5. 一些学生学习英语不如学习数学那么努力。
___________________________________ they study maths.
English , important , maths
2. 郝老师不仅是我们的老师而且也是我们的朋友。
Mr Hao , our teacher , our friend
3. 哈里·波特的故事真有意思,我们都喜欢。
the story of Harry Porter , interesting , like it
4. 工人们仅用七天的时间就建成了一座新医院。
the workers, only seven days, build a new hospital
5. 旅客们直到下了飞机才能使用手机。
passengers, must, use their mobile phones, get off the plane
6. 你要么呆在家里,要么和我们一起去。
may, stay at home, go with us
(Tony and Daming would like to read books in their school library.)
T: Let's go to read a new book named Harry Potter 5 in the library.
D: Come on, please. __(1)___
(They are reading in the library.)
D: Wow! It's very amazing. __(2)___
T: Shh! __(3)___ It's against the rules.
D: Oh, I see! Everyone must keep quiet here!
T: Can I write something on this book?
D: Sorry! Look at the sign on the wall. __(4)___
But you can write something on your notebook.
T: Thanks very much. __(5)___
D: Not at all.
(1) __________ (2) __________ (3) __________
(4) __________ (5) __________
Tony 和 Darning 都是《哈里·波特》迷,他们星期天都到图书室转转。请根据提示选择表格内正确的选项补全对话,其中一项为多余的选项。
(Tony and Daming would like to read books in their school library.)
T:Let's go to read a new book named Harry Potter 5 in the library.
D:Come on,please.1 (They are reading in the library.)
D:Wow!It's very amazing.2 ndline
T:Shh! 3 ndline It's against the rules.
D:Oh,I see! Everyone must keep quiet here!
T:Can I write something on this book?
D:Sorry! Look at the sign on the wall.4 ndline
But you can write something on your notebook.
T:Thanks very much.5 ndline
D.Not at all.
A.Oh,very funny.
B.I wasn't paying attention to the rules.
C.No wonder so many young people like it.
D.No shouting.
E.I am looking forward to this so long.
F.You are not allowed to write anything on the books.