摘要: I was ill yesterday. (bad)



Bruce ate more than I

  Lucy was ill and didn't want to eat any food. Mrs Baker knew the little girl likes cakes very much and bought some for her this morning. She put them in the cupboard(橱柜). Her mother called her yesterday and told her that her father was coming to see her. She had a look at the clock on the wall. It was a quarter Past nine. His father's train was soon coming. She told her son Bruce and Henry to look after Lucy and then went to the station.

  The train was late and Mrs Baker got home with her father at a quarter to twelve. As soon as they went in the room, they heard Henry crying there.

  “What's the matter?” Asked the woman.

  “I have got a bad stomachache(肚子痛).” Answered the boy.

  Mrs Baker took the boy to a hospital. The doctor told him to sit down and said, “Show your tongue(舌头) to me, my boy.”

  “Oh, sir,” the boy said in alarm(惊慌地). “Bruce found the cakes in the cupboard first and ate three. I ate only two!”

1.Mrs Baker bought some cakes for Lucy because ________.

[  ]

A.she loves her very much

B.she's the youngest of her children

C.she's good at her lessons

D.she is ill

2.Mrs Baker's father was coming ________.

[  ]

A.on foot
B.by train
C.by car
D.by bus

3.It took Mrs Baker ________ to meet her father.

[  ]

A.two hours

B.two hours and a half

C.three hours

D.three hours and a half

4.Henry cried at home because ________.

[  ]

A.he ate too many cakes

B.he was hungry

C.the cakes were bad

D.his brother ate more than he did

5.Henry thought ________, so he told all to him.

[  ]

A.the doctor saw him eat the cakes

B.the doctor knew him very well

C.the doctor wanted to see how many cakes he ate

D.the doctor ward to know who ate more cakes 查看习题详情和答案>>

One morning Jane made some sandwiches for her husband’s lunch. As there was a little meat left, she gave it to Henry, their little dog. Henry ate it up quickly.

During the morning the dog seemed ill. He couldn’t stop shaking his head, and he couldn’t stand straight. Jane thought the meat must have got bad. She began to worry about her husband’s health. So she called him at once.

“Jim,I hope you haven’t eaten any of those sangwiches,” said Jane. “I gave Henry the last piece of meat, and he’s ill now. If you’ve eaten those sandwiches, go ang see a doctor as soon as you can and take some medicine.”

At noon Jim returned home. He said he had taken some medicine but that made him very uneasy(不舒服的). The next morning Jim was fine. Henry seemed quite all right, too. At eight o’clock the milkman came with the milk. He asked Jane. “How is your dog this morning?”

“Well, he seems all right now, but…” said Jane.

“Yesterday morning he and I had an accident,” said the milkman. “He jumped at me, and I dropped a bottle of milk on his head.”

56. Jane made sandwiches for           .

A. Jim        B. herself       C. the family       D. the dog

57. When did Henry fall ill?

A.At breakfast time  B.At lunch time  C.Later in the morning  D.Before he ate a little meat

58. Why did Jane telephone her husband?

A. Because she was sure Jim had been ill.

B. Because Jim had asked for help.

C. Because she thought the sandwiches had bad meat in them.

D. Because Jim needed some medicine.

59. Henry got ill because          .

A. he had got a beating                B. he had a bottle

C. he had eaten some bad meat          D. wanted to get more sandwiches

60. Which is the right order of what happened(发生) to Jim and Henry that morning?

a. Jim came back home, feeling uneasy.

b. Jim received a phone call from his wife.

c. Henry became ill.

d. Jim went to the doctor and took some medicine.

e. The milkman dropped a bottle of milk on Henry’s head.

A.ebcad         B.ecbda         C.cbdae         D.cbaed

      Sam is a strong man. He likes sports and isn't often ill. One Sunday he went to visit a place of
interest outside the city. On his way home, something was wrong with his motorbike and he had to
mend it himself. Suddenly it began to blow and the clouds were flying one after another in the sky.
Soon it began to rain heavily. He couldn't find any houses around and had stand under a tree.
       When the rain stopped, his clothes were wet through.He felt very cold, and he caught a bad cold
when he got home. He went to see a doctor at once. The man looked him over carefully and told him
to be in hospital. He stayed there for about one week. He felt very terrible. He wanted to go out for a
walk, but the doctor didn't let him do so. When he got a little better, the nurse told him to walk in the
       One day there was nobody in the ward except him, he went out. It was warm that day. The sun
was shining and there were a lot of flowers in the hospital. Sam was very happy. Half an hour later he
was tired. He went to a garden, and sat on a chair. There was an old woman not far from him. She was
reading a newspaper.
       He came up to her and said,"Could you tell me what the date is today, Granny?"
       "I'm sorry I didn't know." answered the old woman.
       "What day is it today, then?"
       "I don't know, either." 
       "May I read the newspaper?" 
       "It's no use for you." said the old woman," It's yesterday's paper!"
1. How did Same go to the place of interest? 
2. Why did Sam have a bad cold?
3. What did Sam hope to do? 
4. Why did Sam go out? 
5. Why did Sam want to read the newspaper? 

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