摘要: Everyone here. I think we can begin now. A. is B. are C. be D. may


I really only meant it as a joke. I wasn't trying to steal anything honestly.
My friend Matthew started bringing his new cell phone to class last week. He was walking around bragging (吹嘘) about it to everyone. He was saying, "My cell phone can download the newest  36 off the Internet."Then he 37 everyone by downloading a game and starting to play it. The pictures and sound were really 38  .
39  class, he would use his cell phone to watch TV. The rest of us didn't have a phone like 40  , so we had to crowd(拥挤) around him. I was just trying to see the screen,  41there were so many other kids that I could not see it clearly. I was getting really jealous.
But then yesterday, he forgot his cell phone at the end of class. He left it right on his desk. 42  noticed it was there except me. I decided to teach him a lesson. I took his phone quietly off the desk, and put it in my own bag. My  43  was to give it back to him the next day. I44  wanted to see his reaction (反应). Maybe he would stop being such a show-off.
But this morning he rushed into class, screaming and yelling (吼叫). He was very 45 and almost mad. He started accusing (指责) different people of 46  his phone, but I had it in my  47  the whole time. He even started fighting with another classmate  48   Matthew was sure that person had taken it. The teacher sent them to the headmaster's office. They 49  got in a lot of trouble. Now I don't know what to 50  ! If I tell him that I took the cell phone, he'll think I stole it. If I don't tell him, then I really did steal it. How did I get into such a trouble?

A.ads B.songs C.films D.games
A.gave B.showed C.lent D.asked
A.good B.bad C.noisy D.unclear
A.After B.During C.In D.From
A.hers B.ours C.his D.theirs
A.and B.but C.then D.so
A.Everybody B.Somebody C.Anybody D.Nobody
A.plan B.suggestion C.dream D.action
A.always B.hardly C.just D.sometimes
A.happy B.quiet C.sad D.angry
A.losing B.stealing C.playing D.using
A.desk B.hand C.bag D.pocket
A.if B.because C.until D.though
A.both B.all C.neither D.none
A.say B.take C.see D.do



“My dear lady,” says Holmes. “You’re shivering. Are you cold? Do you want a cup of hot tea?”

“I’m not cold,” the woman replies, “I fear for my life!”

“We are here to help you. Don’t worry about anything. I don’t know you. But I know many things about you. For example, I know how you travel. You came to London by train. You also ride to the train station on a horse-drawn wagon(马车).”

“Why, yes. You’re right. But how do you know these things?”

“ I see a return ticket in your glove. I see fresh mud on the left arm of your dress. Now tell us your problem.”

“My name is Helen Stoner,” she states, “My mother and father are dead. I am living with my stepfather, Dr Grimesby Roylott. He comes from a rich family. But they are no longer rich. They have nothing except a small piece of land and a huge old house. We are living in the house. Dr Roylott is using my mother’s money for expenses(开支). Part of it was for my sister and me. It was for our marriages.”

Holmes is sitting in his chair. His eyes are closed. He is listening carefully to Helen’s story. He hears every detail.

Helen continues. “My stepfather has no friends. He fights with everyone. He is strong and gets angry quickly. Everyone is afraid of him.”

“He has no friends at all?” asks Holmes.

“No. He talks to no one except the gypsies. They are poor people who travel from place to place. A band of gypsies is staying on our land right now.”

“Are you and your sister afraid of the gypsies?”

“My dear Mr Holmes. You are making me so sad. My sister is dead. That is why I am standing here in this room.”

1.Paragraph 6 beginning with “My name is …” is mostly about_______________.

A. Helen’s dead sister                        B. Helen’s trip to London

C. the house Helen lives in                    D. Helen’s stepfather and the family

2.What is Holmes doing while Helen is telling her story?

A. Walking slowly                           B. Listening carefully

C. standing sadly                            D. Writing quickly

3.Which of the following can best describe the gypsies according to the passage?

A. They are very rich                         B. They are afraid of other people

C. They live on a horse-drawn wagon            D. They move from one place to another

4.The passage is probably from __________.

A. a poem         B. a guide            C. a novel         D. an advertisement



“My dear lady,” says Holmes. “You’re shivering. Are you old? Do you want a cup of hot tea?”
“I’m not cold,” the woman replies, “I fear for my life!”
“We are here to help you. Don’t worry about anything. I don’t know you. But I know many things about you. For example, I know how you travel. You came to London by train. You also ride to the train station on a horse-drawn wagon(马车).”
“Why, yes. You’re right. But how do you know these things?”
“ I see a return ticket in your glove. I see fresh mud on the left arm of your dress. Now tell us your problem.”
“My name is Helen Stoner,” she states, “ My mother and father are dead. I am living with my stepfather, Dr Grimesby Roylott. He comes from a rich family. But they are no longer rich. They have nothing except a small piece of land and a huge old house. We are living in the house. Dr Roylott is using my mother’s money for expenses(开支). Part of it was for my sister and me. It was for our marriages.”
Holmes is sitting in his chair. His eyes are closed. He is listening carefully to Helen’s story. He hears every detail.
Helen continues. “My stepfather has no friends. He fights with everyone. He is strong and gets angry quickly. Everyone is afraid of him.”
“He has no friends at all?” asks Holmes.
“No. He talks to no one except the gypsies. They are poor people who travel from place to place. A band of gypsies is staying on our land right now.”
“Are you and your sister afraid of the gypsies?”
“My dear Mr Holmes. You are making me so sad. My sister is dead. That is why I am standing here in this room.”
【小题1】Paragraph 6 beginning with “My name is …” is mostly about_______________.

A.Helen’s dead sisterB.Helen’s trip to London
C.the house Helen lives inD.Helen’s stepfather and the family
【小题2】What is Holmes doing while Helen is telling her story?
A.Walking slowlyB.Listening carefully
C.standing sadlyD.Writing quickly
【小题3】Which of the following can best describe the gypsies according to the passage?
A.They are very richB.They are afraid of other people
C.They live on a horse-drawn wagonD.They move from one place to another
【小题4】The passage is probably from __________.
A.a novelB.a guideC.a poemD.an advertisement


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