摘要: was made to do 8.have been given 9. Was, built 10. be watered 11. have been sold 12. is cleaned


One of the greatest mysteries on Earth is the statues which stand on Easter Island. Easter Island, which was almost uninhabited when it was discovered on Easter Day in 1722 by a Dutch captain, is the most distant island in the world covered with hundreds of giant statues, each weighing several tons and some standing more than 30 feet tall.
Who built these statues and why and how did they get there? Nobody knows the answer for sure.
One theory suggests that Easter Island was first inhabited by Polynesians, who traveled thousands of miles in their canoes(独木舟)in 400 A.D. However, the ocean currents(洋流)which carried them there would not take them back, so that they could not leave.
The statues appear to have been made out of the top edge of the walls of a volcano on the island. Then, it may have been rolled or dragged down to the foot of the volcano(火山). Then, it was stood upright(直立)and ropes were tied around it, which was made to act as a pulley(滑轮). Over a period of months, a statue could be walked for miles down to the ocean. Finally, it was placed in line with other statues, all of them looking towards the center of the island.
This process was difficult. If a statue fell over, it was too heavy to be pulled upright again, so the islanders went back and carved another statue.
The population of Easter Island must have reached 11,000. Later, the resources of the island were used up and people began fighting and eating each other. Work on the statues stopped and the statues were knocked over. When the first Europeans finally arrived on the island, most of these people had died out.
【小题1】This passage is mainly about ________ .
A.the discovery of Easter IslandB.the statues on Easter Island
C.the history of Easter IslandersD.the earliest population on Easter Island
【小题2】 Which of the following correctly tells of the possible working process after a statue was made?
a. It was stood upright and ropes were tied around it.
b. It was walked for miles down to the ocean.
c. It was placed in line with other statues.
d. It was moved to the foot of the volcano.
【小题3】 It’s not a fact that ________ .
A.Easter Island is the most distant island in the world
B.Easter is the name of a holiday
C.not all the statues were placed in a line
D.the island was once rich in natural resources
【小题4】The underlined word uninhabited most probably means ________.
C.unknown to the worldD.with no people living there

London used to be “foggy” for the same reason that cities like Beijing or Chongqing are “foggy” todayThe “fog” was in fact smog, a mixture of smoke and fogIn other words, it was made by air pollutionIn London, some of this pollution came from factories, but much of it came from the coal()that people burnt in their houses to keep warm during the winterBy the 1950s, London’s smog problem had become so bad that the government decided to do something to clean the airA new law was made and nobody could burn coal in any British cityWithin a few years, the air became much cleanerThere were no more “pea-soupers”

Many Chinese cities now face the same sort of problem with air pollution that London faced 40 or 50 years agoHowever, this problem is more difficult for Chinese cities to solveOne reason is that more of the pollution comes from the factories, rather than from coal burnt in people’s housesIf these factories were closed, this would harm the economy and lots of people would lose their jobsAnother reason is that changing from coal to cleaner fuel(燃料), like gas, is quite expensive

However, the air in many Chinese cities is becoming cleaner and cleaner, as the government and people pay more and more attention to cutting down pollutionAs a result, there are fewer “pea-soupers”in Beijing than there used to be

1.What was the main reason for air pollution in London?

AThere was too much smoke in the sky

BThere were too many factories in the city

CPeople burnt too much coal in the houses

DThe city was too big for the cleaners to clean

2.How did the air in London become much cleaner?

AThere was not so much fog in the winter later

BA law was made to keep people from burning coal in their houses

CMany factories in the city were closed

DPeople paid more attention to cleaning their city

3.What does the underlined work “pea-soupers”refer to?

ASmog????? ????????????? ????????????? BSmoke????? ????????????? ????????????? CGas?????? ????????????? ????????????? DCoal

4.The problem of air pollution is more difficult for Chinese cities to solve because of ___ reasons

Aone????????? ????????????? Btwo??????? ????????????? ????????????? Cthree?????? ????????????? ????????????? Dfour

5.Which sentence is Not true?

AAir pollution is serious in Beijing and Chongqing

BUsing coal is much more expensive than using gas

CFactories made much more pollution in China

DThe reasons of air pollution in London and Beijing are different



Let children learn to judge their own work. A child learning to talk does not learn by being corrected all the time: if corrected too much, he will stop talking. He notices a thousand times a day the difference between the language he uses and the language those around him use. Bit by bit, he makes the necessary changes to make his language like other people’s. In the same way, children learning to do all the other things: they learn to do without being taught to walk, run, climb, whistle, ride a bicycle, compare their own performances with those of more skilled people, and slowly make the needed changes. But in school we never give a child a chance to find out his mistakes and correct them for himself. We do it all for him. We act as if we thought that he would never notice a mistake unless it was pointed out to him, or correct it unless he was made to. Let him work out, with the help of other children if he wants it, what this word says, what the answer is to that problem, whether this is a good way of saying or doing this or not.

If it is a matter of right answer, as it may be in mathematics or science, give him the answer book. Let him correct his own papers. Why should we teachers waste time on such routine(常规) work? Our job should be to help the child when he tells us that he can’t find the way to get the right answer. Let the children learn what all educated persons must some day learn, how to measure their own understanding, and how to know what they know or do not know.

1.According to the passage, the best way for children to learn things is by ________.

A. listening to skilled people’s advice

B. asking older people many questions

C. making mistakes and having them corrected

D. doing what other people do

2.Which of the following does the writer think teachers should NOT do?

A. Give children correct answers.

B. Allow children to make mistakes.

C. Point out children’s mistakes to them.

D. Let children mark their own work.

3.According to the writer, teachers in school should ________.

A. allow children to learn from each other

B. point out children’s mistakes whenever found

C. give children more book knowledge

D. correct children’s mistakes as soon as possible

4.The passage suggests that learning to speak and learning to ride a bicycle are ________.

A. different from learning other skills

B. the same as learning skills

C. more important than other skills

D. not really important skills




 One of the greatest mysteries on Earth is the statues which stand on Easter Island. Easter Island, which was almost uninhabited when it was discovered on Easter Day in 1722 by a Dutch captain, is the most distant island in the world covered with hundreds of giant statues, each weighing several tons and some standing more than 30 feet tall.

Who built these statues and why and how did they get there? Nobody knows the answer for sure.

One theory suggests that Easter Island was first inhabited by Polynesians, who traveled thousands of miles in their canoes(独木舟)in 400 A.D. However, the ocean currents(洋流)which carried them there would not take them back, so that they could not leave.

The statues appear to have been made out of the top edge of the walls of a volcano on the island. Then, it may have been rolled or dragged down to the foot of the volcano(火山). Then, it was stood upright(直立)and ropes were tied around it, which was made to act as a pulley(滑轮). Over a period of months, a statue could be walked for miles down to the ocean. Finally, it was placed in line with other statues, all of them looking towards the center of the island.

This process was difficult. If a statue fell over, it was too heavy to be pulled upright again, so the islanders went back and carved another statue.

The population of Easter Island must have reached 11,000. Later, the resources of the island were used up and people began fighting and eating each other. Work on the statues stopped and the statues were knocked over. When the first Europeans finally arrived on the island, most of these people had died out.

1.This passage is mainly about ________ .

A. the discovery of Easter Island             B. the statues on Easter Island

C. the history of Easter Islanders             D. the earliest population on Easter Island

2. Which of the following correctly tells of the possible working process after a statue was made?

a. It was stood upright and ropes were tied around it.

b. It was walked for miles down to the ocean.

c. It was placed in line with other statues.

d. It was moved to the foot of the volcano.

A. c-d-a-b             B. d-b-a-c          C. a-c-b-d            D. d-a-b-c

3. It’s not a fact that ________ .

A. Easter Island is the most distant island in the world    

B. Easter is the name of a holiday

C. not all the statues were placed in a line  

D. the island was once rich in natural resources

4.The underlined word uninhabited most probably means ________.

   A. mysterious                                 B. lost 

C. unknown to the world                             D. with no people living there



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