摘要:Who this book ? A. did; written B. was; written by C. did; written D. was; written


       Imagine you receive an e-mail that looks something like this: ARE YOU GOING TO CLASS TODAY?
How does reading this message make you feel? Why did the sender use all capital letters? Was he or she
angry, or did that person just forget to turn off the 'Caps Lock' on the computer? The fact is, this e-mail
'sounds' like the writer is shouting because using all capital letters in an e-mail is usually the way that people
shout online.
        Knowing when and when not to use capital letters is just one example of online etiquette (规矩) often
called netiquette. Virginia Shea's book, Netiquette, lists a basic set of dos and don'ts for communicating
(交流) rightly with others online. Following are some of her suggestions. 
        First, always remember that you are sending messages to a real person, not just to a computer. Don't
type anything that you wouldn't say to someone's face. Also, remember that the person who receives your
message cannot hear the tone of your voice, or see the expression on your face, so make sure your meaning
is clear. 
       Don't do anything online that you wouldn't do in real life. Don't take anything without paying for it,
unless it's free. Don't use information that someone else has written, and say it's yours. Don't read other
people's e-mail-you wouldn't open your next-door neighbor's mailbox and open their mail, right? Do share
your knowledge of the Internet with others. It's a big place with lots of information, and there are many new
things to discover.
       Remember that people think about you by your words as well as your actions, so do try to write well.
Good writing skills, as well as correct grammar and spelling, do matter. Send polite, well-written e-mail
messages to others. If you're uncertain about how to spell a word or which phrase to use, look it up. There
are lots of helpful books and websites.
        It's okay to express your opinions online in forums like chat rooms or message boards, for example
"MSN" or "QQ", but don't start arguments with people. 'Flame wars' (网上论争) in online discussions can
be interesting to read, but are often unfair (不公平) to other members of the group. Express your ideas, but
remember that fighting (打架) on or offline is just not right. 
        When you're online, just as in 'real' life, try to respect other people's space, privacy, and feelings.
Remember, you're not the only one traveling on this highway!
1. Using all capital letters in an e-mail means _______.
[     ]
A. shouting
B. laughing
C. pardoning
D. talking
2. Make sure your meaning in e-mails is clear because _______.
[     ]
A. the receiver can't see you or hear you
B. the e-mails are usually very short
C. it is easy to cause "flame wars"
D. e-mails are difficult to understand

3. From the last paragraph, we know that _______.

[     ]
A. besides us, there are many other people traveling on a highway
B. when we are online, we should think of other people and leave them enough time and room alone
C. we should follow the traffic rules when we are traveling on a highway
D. If we are online, we are in a real life
4. What is the best title for the passage?
[     ]
A. The Information Highway
B. How to Write a Good E-mail
C. Netiquette-Internet Dos and Don'ts
D. Don't Use Capital Letters In E-mails

In China,people born in and after the 1980s are called the post-80s generation(一代人).Most of them come from single-child families. However,this generation is playing a more and more important part in China,and their image in people’s minds is changing.Han Han,a popular youth writer,is one of them.

    Han Han was born in 1982 in Shanghai.His talent for writing was clear at an early age.When he was 17,he drew the public’s attention with the article Viewing the People through the Glass. The article won first prize in the national New Concept Composition Competition.Later,Han Han again surprised the public by leaving high school. “I did poorly in Grade One of high school and failed to move up to the next grade. I tried my best to improve my studies,but failed ,so I gave up. However ,I am always learning, since learning and going to school are two different things.” Han Han said.

    Han Han’s first novel Three Folded Gates sold very well in China.Later the book wastranslated(翻译)into several languages and sold abroad.

 In the following years,Han Han wrote a lot of books. All of them were welcomed by the market.In 2006,he started blogging(写博客)and had great success. Today,Han Han’s blog has become one of the honest blogs on the Internet.

1.The post-80s generation__________.

A. have changed China’s image     

B. are playing an important role in China

C. are very good at writing          

D. are people who are more than 80 years old  

2.What can we learn from Han Han’s words in the second paragraph?

A. He was good in all his subjects.       

B. He never studied hard at school.

C. His school life was interesting and colourful

D. He didn’t stop learning after he left school.

3.When did Han Han begin to write a blog?

A. When he was seventeen.        B. When he was fourteen   

C. When he was twenty           D. When he was twenty-four.

4.Which of the following is TRUE,according to the passage?

A. Three Folded Gates was only sold in China.

B. Nobody was surprised that Han Han left high school.

C. Han Han was not liked by the post-80s generation.

D. Han Han’s blog is very popular on the Internet.

5.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. The post-80s generation.

B. Han Han,a popular post-80s writer.

C. Blogging on the Intemet.

D. Popular books written by Han Han.

