摘要:can she 26.has he 27.did they 28.did she





1.A.Yes, she is

B.By learning to forget

C.No, never

2.A.The noise.

B.Her neighbor

C.TV programs

3.A.One hour and a half

B.Seven hours and a half

C.Two hours




5.A.One of her fingers look terrible

B.One of her fingers is cut by a knife

C.One of her fingers was hurt


B.Yes, she does.

C.No, she doesn’t.

7.A.The language isn’t understood easily.

B.The people there are friendly.

C.There’s not much to do.

8.A.Because she is kind

B.Because she is patient

C.Because her classes are very lively.


B.Her hometown

C.The Great wall

10.A.In the forest

B.In Bell Town Neighborhood

C.In the zoo of Bell Town Neighborhood.

第二节 听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后面有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳,每段对话或独白读两遍。


11.What will the girl do after the exam?

A.Stay at home with her parents

B.Live in the country with her parents

C.Live in the country with her grandparents

12.What kind of mater sports can she do there?




13.What’s the name of the dog.



C.They didn’t tell


14.What did Dick think of the English exam?

A.It was very hard

B.It was very easy

C.Some of the questions were easy.

15.Why did Dick think he couldn’t pass the Chinese exam?

A.Because he hated it.

B.Because the exam was easy.

C.Because the exam was too hard.

16.What did the girl next to Mary write on her Chinese exam paper?

A.Only her name.

B.She wrote a short passage.

C.She didn’t write anything.

17.How many subjects do you know they talked about?





18.When did the girl lose the backpack?

A.On her way to school.

B.While she watched a football match.

C.When she played soccer.

19.What’s her telephone number?




20.How long has she had the backpack?

A.15 days

B.Half a week

C.30 days

21.What’s in the backpack?

A.Some magazines.

B.An Mp3

C.A mobile phone


22.What makes most students sleep less than nine hours every night?

A.Watching TV.

B.Playing computer games.

C.Doing their homework.

D.Doing housework.

23.Who else gives children some homework to do except their teachers?

A.Their parents.

B.Other students.

C.The children themselves.

D.Nobody else.

24.How many hours of sleep is good for students’ health?

A.Less than 9 hours.

B.Over 9 hours.

C.Only 9 hours.

D.8 hours.

25.What would happen to student who often goes go bed late and gets up early?

A.He would fall asleep in class.

B.He would do well in study.

C.He would finish his homework fast.

D.He would have good health.


26.When do children in Western countries usually start to do chores to get money? _________

A.When they’re 6

B.When they’re 10

C.When they’re 12

27.Children do chores only on weekends because _________.

A.they have to study from Monday to Friday.

B.they want to play from Monday to Friday.

C.they have nothing to do on weekends.

28.Which of the following do younger kids often do?

A.Look dinner for the family

B.Cut grass

C.Feed the family cat or dog.

29.Older kids have to do more chores to _________.

A.give the younger ones more candy

B.get more money

C.have more candy

30.The writer wants to tell us that _________.

A.getting money is not easy

B.doing chores takes time

C.doing chores is good for kids.




1. ( A  B  C )        2. ( A  B  C )      3. ( A  B  C  )      4. ( A  B  C  )


(    )5. A. It’s Sunday.            B. It’ April 21.                           C. It’s half past eleven.

(    )6. A. It’s very hot.           B. It’s very heavy.          C. It’s very large.

(    )7. A. Yes, please.              B. You are welcome.      C. Sorry, I can’t.

(    )8. A. No, it isn’t.             B. Yes, it is.                   C. Thank you.

(    )9. A. About 40 minutes.                

B. About half an hour’s walk.

         C. About 5 meters long.

(    )10. A. I think it is interesting.

B. I like a story. 

C. I’m reading.


(    )11. When was Edison born?

A. In 1874.  B. In 1931.  C. In 1847.

(    )12. Why wasn’t the boy at school yesterday?

A. He had to look after his mother.

B. He had to look after his father.

C. He was ill in bed.

(    )13. What’s the woman’s telephone number?

A. 3897244.  B. 3879224.  C. 3789244.

(    )14. Why was the girl late again for school?

A. She was ill.  B. She got up late.  C. She met a traffic accident.

(    )15. When does the dialogue happen?

A. During class.  B. After class.  C. Before class.

(    )16. What does the girl’s mother do?

A. A nurse.  B. A doctor.  C. A worker.

(    )17. What size does the man wear?

A. The large size.  B. The small size.  C. The medium size.

(四)对话理解: 对话听两遍:
(    )18. What’s wrong with the boy?
     A. He’s got a headache. B. He’s got a high temperature.
     C. He’s got a cold.
(    )19. How long has he been like this?
     A. For one day. B. For two days. C. For three days.
(    )20. Is he seriously ill?
      A. Yes, he is. B. Yes. But he will be well soon. C. No, he isn’t.
(    )21. How many times should he take the medicine a day?
      A. One time. B. Two times. C. Three times.
(    )22. Where does the man want to go?
      A. London. B. Hong Kong. C. America.
(    )23. When will he go there?
      A. June 29th. B. June 30th. C. July 1st.
(    )24. When will the earliest flight leave?
      A. At 7:00 in the evening. B. At 8:00 in the morning.
      C. At 7:00 in the morning.
(    )25. Does it stop in Beijing?
      A. Yes, it does. B. No, it doesn’t. C. We don’t know.
(    )26. Where did Mr. White work?
      A. France. B. America. C. England.
(    )27. Why was Mrs. White angry?
      A. Her husband wouldn’t go to see their son.

B. Her husband was hit by a car.

C. Her husband didn’t love her.
(    )28. How did Mr. and Mrs. White go to Paris?
      A. By ship. B. By train. C. By plane.
(    )29. Mr. White didn’t know how they had got to Paris because _____ on their way.
      A. he was asleep

B. he was thinking about his work

C. he was worried about his son
(    )30. From this passage we know_____.
      A. Mr. White loved nobody except himself 

B. Mr. White couldn’t get on well with anybody

C. Mr. White was always interested in his work






6.What's the time now?




7.Whom does the woman want to speak to?




8.Why can't the man go to the birthday party?

A.Because he is iii.

B.Because he is busy.

C.Because he will go to Shanghai.

9.How will the weather be tomorrow?




10.What do we know about the new teacher?

A.He often keeps silent.

B.He talks too much.

C.He has no chance to speak.



11.When does the conversation take place?

A.At breakfast time.

B.At lunch time.

C.At supper time.

12.What are they going to do?

A.To drink a cup of milk.

B.To cook at home.

C.To have a meal at a restaurant.


13.What's wrong with the woman?

A.She has a stomachache.

B.She has a toothache.

C.She has a cough.

14.Where are the two speakers?

A.In a chemistry shop.

B.At home.

C.At a bus stop.


15.What does the man do?

A.He is a teacher.

B.He is a singer.

C.He is a doctor.

16.Who wants to see the man?

A.The headteacher.

B.The teachers.

C.The students.

17.Why is the man worried about going back to that school?

A.Because he is not popular.

B.Because he made a lot of trouble there when he was young.


18.Where is the girl from?




19.Why does the girl come to China?

A.To see her parents.

B.To go travelling.

C.To find a job.

20.What will the girl do next year?

A.She will work in China.

B.She will work in Japan.

C.She will stay in her own country.


21.How long did Mr.Black work in a restaurant?

A.For ten years.

B.For ten months.

C.For ten days.

22.Once Mr.Black had to see a doctor because something was wrong with his ________




23.What did Mr.Black decide to do?

A.To open a hotel.

B.To open a shop.

C.To open a hospital.

24.Who came to knock at his door one evening?

A.A stranger.

B.A woman.

C.A doctor.

25.What happened to the man after he took Mr.Black's medicine?

A.He got better.

B.He got well.

C.He became worse.



Age:  26  

Hair:  27  

Tel:  28  

Job:an   29   in Micro Works

Likes:going out,   30  , music and watching TV





1.What's Tom's favorite animal?




2.What does the boy want to drink?




3.What was Jim doing this time yesterday?




4.When will Mary go shopping with the man?




5.How can he get to the hospital?







6.What kind of TV programs does Wang Mei like?




7.Why does she like them?

A.Because they're interesting.

B.Because they're boring.

C.Because they're relaxing.


8.What picture is the woman showing the man?

A.A picture of the Great Wall.

B.A picture of Beijing Zoo.

C.A picture of the History Museum.

9.How many places did the woman visit besides the Great Wall?




10.What does the man say at the end of the dialogue?

A.He wants to visit Beijing next year.

B.He visited Beijing the year before.

C.He will visit Beijing this year.


11.What's wrong with the woman?

A.She has a headache.

B.Her back hurts.

C.She has a stomachache.

12.When did the woman start to feel that way?

A.This morning.

B.The day before yesterday.


13.What's the man's advice?

A.To eat some food she likes.

B.To buy a warm coat.

C.To have a good rest.


14.Who are the two speakers?

A.Husband and wife.

B.Teacher and student.

C.Shopkeeper and customer.

15.What did the man buy?

A.Black trousers.

B.Brown trousers.

C.White trousers.

16.How much are the trousers?





17.The writer went to an old people's home to ________ last year.

A.look after them.

B.play the piano for them.

C.sing songs for them.

18.The old people felt ________ when they saw the children perform the play.




19.The writer wants to be ________ when he grows up.

A.a doctor

B.a volunteer.

C.a teacher.

20.Peter should be allowed to volunteer at the newspaper office ________.

A.once a week

B.once a year

C.once a month


21.When did the Tree Planting Day start?

A.March 20th,1987.

B.March 12th,1987.

C.March 12th ,1978.

22.How did the students get to the park?

A.They walked there.

B.They took a bus there.

C.They rode a bike there.

23.How far is it from the school to the park?

A.It's very far.

B.It's very near.

C.It's five kilometers away.

24.Where did the students get water?

A.From the bus.

B.From a river.

C.From a well.

25.How many trees did they plant that day?

A.More than 150.

B.Less than 300.

C.More than 300.


26.Mr Black worked ________.

A.in a factory

B.in a big city.

C.in a small town.

27.Mr Black washed his new car ________.

A.on Sunday

B.on Saturday

C.on Friday

28.At that moment, a friend of his asked him if the car was ________.

A.Mr black's



29.When there was ________, it was Mike's turn to use the car.

A.a basketball game

B.a football match

C.a party

30.Mr Black owned the car when the car ________.

A.needed washing

B.was clean

C.really looked nice




1.A.Since April.

B.About two months ago.

C.For about three weeks.

2.A.She is John's sister.

B.She is a worker.

C.She is badly hurt.

3.A.As soon as I can.

B.As quick as I can.

C.As fast as I can.

4.A.It's very beautiful.

B.It's a picture of a factory.

C.It's a picture of a farm.

5.A.Thank you all the same.

B.Yes, you can't miss it.

C.Sorry, I'm new here.

6.A.Twelve kilometers.

B.Five days.

C.Very far.




8.A.Fine, thank you.

B.Quite well.

C.With pleasure.


9.A.Lucy visited us yesterday.

B.We visited Lucy yesterday.

C.Lucy didn't visit us yesterday.

10.A.Miss Wang was a Chinese teacher.

B.Miss Wang teaches Chinese now.

C.Miss Wang was an English teacher.

11.A.I have bought a sweater for my brother.

B.I bought a sweater for my brother.

C.I am going to buy a sweater for my brother.

12.A.The sports meeting began the day before yesterday.

B.The sports meeting has been on for four days.

C.The sports meeting started last Friday.

13.A.Tom doesn't like his father.

B.Father and Tom don't look the same.

C.Father doesn't like Tom at all.

14.A.The old man was the first in the queue.

B.The old man was the most important one in the queue.

C.The old man was in charge of the queue.

15.A.The students stopped having a picnic.

B.The students stopped beside a big tree.

C.The students stopped to eat something under a big tree.

16.A.It took me six days to read the storybook.

B.I spent six yuan on this storybook.

C.The storybook is worth reading.


17.What time is it now?




18.What are they talking about?

A.The world's population.

B.The countries in the world.

C.The continents in the world.

19.Where are they talking?

A.In a library.

B.In the clothing shop.

C.In a post office.

20.When did the man take his coat to the washing shop?

A.On Tuesday.

B.On Wednesday.

C.On Thursday.

21.How is the weather?




22.What is the woman's idea?

A.She likes English better than French.

B.She thinks French is more interesting than English.

C.She doesn't agree with the man at all.

23.How much should the man pay if he wants to buy two yellow bags?

A.10 yuan.

B.13 yuan.

C.16 yuan.

24.What does the woman tell the man to do?

A.Drink some water.

B.Stay in bed.

C.Take some medicine.



25.What are the two speakers doing?

A.Talking about English study.

B.Speaking on the line.

C.Having a talk in the office.

26.When will the man go to see Mr Smith?

A.Tomorrow morning.

B.Tomorrow evening.

C.Tomorrow afternoon.

27.What did the man want to talk about to Mr Smith?

A.Jack's English study.

B.Jack's homework.

C.Jack's maths study.


28.When was Tree Planting Day started?

A.In 1987.

B.In 1971.

C.In 1980.

29.How did they get to the park?

A.By bus.

B.On foot.

C.By truck.

30.How many trees did they plant?

A.Over 250.

B.More than 350.

C.About 550.


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