摘要:are crowing round 7.prefers, to 8.arrived in



 It's fine spring weather now. The trees and fields are  1  . The farmers are busy  2    in the fields. The birds are singing happily in the forest and the  3    are coming out. The sun is shining warmly and  4    is a warm wind. Some little boys are flying kites in the fields. They like the wind because they can fly kites  5 .

 It's a lovely summer morning. The sun is just coming up the hills in the  6    . It's early morning and cocks are crowing (叫)on the farm. Now it's midday and it's  7    very hot. The sun is shining brightly. There are hardly any clouds in the sky. Some children are  8    in the river. The farmers are weeding (除草)the fields now. The sun is going  9   in the west. It's getting dark and the farmers are going back to the farm house. It's  10    now and it's getting cooler. Soon you can see thousands of bright stars in the sky.


1 A yellow

B black

C red

D green

[  ]

2 A talking

B working

C to talk

D to work

[  ]

3 A leafs

B leaf

C flowers

D flower

[  ]

4 A it

B this

C that

D there

[  ]

5 A low

B lowly

C high

D highly

[  ]

6 A east

B west

C north

D south

[  ]

7 A going

B coming

C getting

D usually

[  ]

8 A working

B swimming

C playing

D enjoying

[  ]

9 A up

B in

C down

D out

[  ]

10 A afternoon

B morning

C noon

D evening

[  ]

When you put down your pens at the end of the college entrance e  小题1:   , twelve hard years of study will have come to an end. Forget your studies for a while. It's time to enjoy yourselves!
  There are many ways to c  小题2:    this special month of graduation. You can have photos t  小题3:   with your classmates and teachers, or dinner out together and exchange gifts.
  High school students in western countries such as the United States and Canada usually have a party to m  小题4:   their graduation. After the party, teenagers either go to college or find a job. It means they will no longer depend on(依靠) their parents as b 小题5:  .
  At the party, boys usually dress in dinner jackets and bow ties, though many different types of formal clothes are worn. Girls t 小题6:    wear nice dresses or dress to be noticed, in shiny or brightly colored materials.
  Common party activities include dining, dancing, the crowing(加冕) of a ball(舞会) king and queen, and just talking to friends. In some cases, high school students collect funds for their class party t  小题7:    the four years of their high school.
High schools in or near large cities may rent(租用) some big rooms at expensive hotels or, to be u  小题8:   , on a pleasure boat.But often c  小题9:    are cut by simply using the school gym(健身房). Students make a lot of e  小题10:    to decorate(装饰) the gym to make the event special. The music played at the party will be the most popular kinds, like rock and hip-hop.
Sometimes teachers and parents also go to the party. But others like to go with friends, to whom they are soon going to say goodbye.


One day while Lu Ban and his younger sister were visiting the West Lake in Hangzhou,they were caught in a sudden heavy rain and had to turn back."What a pity," thought sister Lu.

When they got home,she told her brother,"You are the best craftsman around here,trot I will make a bet with you.Let's see who can invent something that will let people enjoy the scenery even in the rain."

Lu Ban laughed."All right." he said,"But there must be a time limit.Three days?"

"No,just one night.We start tonight and stop at the first cook's crow."

Lu Ban was surprised,"All right,it's a bet."

When it turned dark,Lu Ban started building a pavilion (亭子) at the lakeside.Under the pavilion,people would be able to enjoy the scenery,even in wet weather.When he finished,he went home and looked through the window of his sister's workshop.All was quiet inside.

Lu Ban went back and built another pavilion,then another,and still another.He built nine and started working on the tenth,but before he could finish,he heard a cock crowing,so he stopped.

Soon the sun rose.As he stood by one of the pavilions wondering what his sister had done,Lu Ban saw something coming towards him,something like the roof of a pavilion.Under it was his sister.

As she came nearer。Lu Ban saw that she was holding a bamboo pole(竹竿) which had something round and flat(平的)at one end and covered with silk of many colors.

“What a useful thing! How clever!” he cried out,examining his sister’s invention.

Sister Lu smiled.“Mine can only be used by a single person, while yours can he used by many at the same time.What’s more,it was your design that gave me the idea.The scenery looks so much nicer with your pavilions.”

Some people say that was the beginning of the Hangzhou umbrella.

1.He was visiting the West Lake when it began to rain.

2.The word “craftsman” means“发明家”in Chinese.

3.Lu Ban built nine pavilions.

4.Lu Ban invented the same thing as his sister.

5.It is said people in Hangzhou learned to make an umbrella,following sister Lu's idea.

     How should we clecide what to eat in a low-carbon(低碳)lifestyle? Do you buy tomatoes from a place far away or those grown in a local
greenhouse? Is organic(有机的)food healthier for humans and the earth? Here is some advice that you can follow when you are choosing what food to buy.
    Eat less red meat
    Your doctor may have advised you to eat less red meat because itis bad for your health. There are environmental reasons, too, because a meat-based diet needs more land, energy and water than a plbased one.
    Buy local food often
    The reasons are as following: first, locally-grown food often uses much
less f'uel(燃料)than I froru afaraway place, because there js no need to
transport(运输)it ove.r a long distance. Second, kind of food is fresh and
rich in nutrients.
   Choose food that has not been processed(加工)much
    Heavily processed food is probably high in fat and sugar that are harmful
to the health. On the o hand, more energy is needed to transport the food. So
it would be better for you to get food that goes f the field to the table.
   Buy organic food
    Crowing organic food produces less pollution than growing traditional
foocl. Ancl studies show organic food is often richer in nutrients.  
1. Jn the first paragraph, the writer means to____.
A. introduce organic food to people
B. introduce the topic of the passage
C. tell people how to choose tomatoes
D. tell people how a greenhouse works
2. If you eat less red meat, you can be healthier and____.
A. do something good to the environment
B.enjoy more tasty food
C. spend less money on food
D.put on more weight
3. What does the underlined word "nutrients" mean in Chinese?
A. 水分    
4. The writer suggests that we should buy all kinds of food EXCEPT
A. organic food    
B.local food    
C.fresh food    
D.foreign food
5. What does a low-carbon lifestyle mean according to the passage?
A. Eating more delicious food.
B. Making people know more about healthy food.
C. Knowing more about the environment and making good use of it.
D. Keeping people healthy and at the same time protecting the environment.

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