摘要:He had decided it again. A.written B.writing C.to write


Last summer vacation, I volunteered to work at a vet’s(兽医诊所). There I saw a lot of dogs. Minnie was the funniest-looking dog I’d ever seen. Short thin curly hair covered her sausage-shaped(香肠形)body. Her eyes always seemed surprised. And her tail looked like a rat’s tail.
She was brought to the vet because her owners didn’t want her any more. I thought Minnie had a sweet personality, though. “No one should judge her by her looks,”I thought. Finally, I advertised Minnie in the local paper. “Funny-looking dog, well-behaved, needs a loving family.”
When a boy called, I warned him that Minnie was strange-looking. The boy on the phone told me that his grandfather’s sixteen-year-old dog had just died. They wanted Minnie no matter what. I gave Minnie a good bath. Then we waited for them to arrive. At last, an old car pulled up in front of the vet’s. Two kids raced to the door. They picked Minnie up and rushed her out to their grandfather, who was waiting in the car. I hurried behind them to see his reaction to Minnie. Inside the car, the grandfather held Minnie in his arms and stroked her soft hair. She licked(舔)his face. Her tail wagged(摇摆)around so quickly that it looked like it might fly off her body.
“She’s perfect!”the old man said happily.
I was thankful that Minnie had found a good home.
Suddenly, I saw that the grandfather’s eyes were a milky white color—he was blind.
【小题1】The last three sentences in the first paragraph tell us      .

A.how funny Minnie looked
B.how well Minnie behaved
C.Minnie was a beautiful dog
D.Minnie was dying
【小题2】 Why did the writer advertise Minnie in the local newspaper?
A.Because he wanted to sell her at a good price.
B.Because he didn’t want her any more, either.
C.Because he wanted to find a family for her.
D.Because he wanted to have another dog.
【小题3】Why did the boy who called the writer want Minnie?
A.Because he loved all kinds of dogs very much.
B.Because he had seen Minnie and loved her very much.
C.Because his grandfather’s dog was too old.
D.Because his grandfather’s dog had just died.
【小题4】The underlined word “stroke”may mean      .
【小题5】Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Minnie wasn’t the type of dog the old man loved.
B.The old man couldn’t see how funny Minnie looked.
C.Minnie knew very well how to make others dislike her.
D.Minnie was like the old man’s dog which had just died.


David Beckham was born on 2nd May, 1975, in London. When he was a young boy, he played football whenever he had the chance. Sometimes he would go and watch a game with his friends.  【小题1】  . This led to him going for a visit to a football training camp in Spain. As a boy at secondary school he played for not only his school but also his country team.
On 8th July, 1991, he became a member of Manchester United.  【小题2】  . On 2nd April, 1995, he played his first major football league game against Leeds United. During 1995 and 1996, David became a regular member of the team and Manchester United won in both seasons, with David scoring many goals.
  【小题3】   . In the first game of the 1996/7 season, he scored an amazing goal from beyond the halfway line. Seeing the goalkeeper a little way out of his goal, David sent the ball over the goalkeeper’s head and into the goal. He continued to score astonishing goals, especially from free-kicks.
David Beckham is a great player, but he is different from most other players  . He has a real love for football. 【小题4】  . He is always on the move with the ball or running to pick up a pass from another team member. He also has his feet on the ground and behaves in a very natural and relaxed way.

A. David Beckham is 180 cm tall and weighs 47kg
B. He won a prize at the age of twelve
C. When he is training, he never rests
D. David Beckham became very famous overnight
E. This means that he could practice football as much as he wanted to


Much of the information we have today about chimpanzees(黑猩猩)comes from the research of Jane Goodall.
From an early age, Jane was interested in animals and animal stories. At the age of 10, she was talking about going to Africa to live among the animals there. At that time, in the early 1940s, this was a radical(激进的)idea because women did not go to Africa by themselves.
As a young woman, Jane finished school in London and then worked for filmmaker for a while. When a school friend invited her to visit Kenya, she worked as a waitress until she had earned(挣)the fare to travel there by boat. She was 23 years old at that time.
Once in Kenya, she met Dr. Louis Leakey, a famous paleontologist(古生物学家). He was impressed with her knowledge of Africa and its wildlife and hired her to help him and his wife on a fossil-hunting tour. Dr. Leakey soon realized that Jane was the perfect person to complete a study he had been planning for some time. she expressed her interest in the idea of studying animals by living in the wild with them, rather than studying dead animals like fossils(化石).
【小题1】 When Jane was very young, she      .

A.studied chimpanzees
B.was interested in animals
C.told stories about chimpanzees
D.both B and C
【小题2】 In the second paragraph, the underlined word “this” refers to(指的是)    .
A.interest in animals
B.going to Africa to live with animals
C.listening to animal stories
D.talking about animals
【小题3】 Jane worked as a waitress so that       .
A.she could attend school in London
B.she could work for a filmmaker
C.she could have the money to go to Kenya
D.she could buy a boat for herself


Jack Johnson is one of the most popular singer-songwriters in the world. Jack was born on May 18, 1975 in Hawaii. Being the son of a famous surfer, Jack naturally has an interest in surfing. Most of his life lessons were learned in the water. At the age of 17, Jack entered the finals of the Pineline Masters---the world’s most famous surfing competition. Everyone thought Jack would become a professional surfer like his father. Unluckily, one month later, he had a deadly accident while surfing and was seriously hurt.
Life is like a revolving (旋转) door. When it closes, it also opens. Jack started to practice playing the guitar and write songs when he was staying in hospital. At first, his father thought Jack only did it for fun, but soon he was surprised at the great progress his son had made.
When studying in the university, Jack didn’t stop practicing his guitar skills. He played the guitar for school parties. He wrote songs and sang for his teachers and friends. They liked his songs. His first music album Brushfire Fairytales came out in 2001. It was a great success. His second album, On and On, was much like his first one. They were filled with sweet, easy-going songs that everybody liked listening to. Later, Jack had lots of concerts in and out of America. He became popular all over the world.
Jack had five albums by 2010 and more than 15 million copies of them were sold. His music doesn’t fit into any of the popular music styles like pop, rock, R&B or hip-hop. It is more like fold music, played with a guitar and beautiful voice. When listening to his songs, you feel like lying on the beach enjoying the warm sunshine.
Jack is a talent, though he himself says he is only a surfer who loves music. In his songs we can find his secret of success: Whatever happens in our lives, we have to accept it and do the best we can.
【小题1】In 1992, Jack ___________.

A.had his first music albumB.took part in a surfing competition
C.had his first concertD.become popular all over the world
【小题2】Jack started to write songs ____________.
A.while he was staying in hospital
B.when he had concerts out of America
C.after his second album came out
D.after he played the guitar at the school party.
【小题3】What is the secret of Jack’s success ?
A.He was born in Hawaii.
B.His father was very famous.
C.He wrote many songs for his teachers and friends.
D.H e always faced difficulties bravely and tried his best.
【小题4】What’s the best title for the passage ?
A. A Famous WriterB.Surfing in the Sea
C. A Guitar PlayerD.Surfing in the Music


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