摘要: elephant is useful animal. A. An; an B. An; a C. The; an D. A; an


The elephant is the biggest four-legged animal in the world. It’s also, perhaps, the gentlest ,   1 not always.
Elephants are like us in some ways. They   2  for a long time—fifty or sixty years. They can  3  things very well. They never forget great sadness or happiness. A female elephant   4 , her daughters and her granddaughters are sad for many months. They stay with the dead   5 . Then they carry a bit of it away with them. They never forget a  6 friend.
Elephants are like us, but they’re also  7 .They live in families; families or females. There will be a few young males-a few “baby boy”. But they will soon be   8 away by their mothers or sisters. An elephant family   9  only its daughters, mothers and grandmothers and its great grandmothers.
The females stay together for fifty, sixty or a hundred years.The older animals   10 the young ones. The mothers teach their daughters and set a good example.And   11  happens to male elephant? Well, the young males stay with their mothers for a time. Then they must   12 the family. The females just send them away. A bull elephant does not often have a friend ,He lives  13 ,away from the family, and away from other bulls.
Sometimes the females call a bull. He can   14 _them then, and they stay for a time. But soon his “wives” and “sisters” send him away again. The females have a very   15   
family life. What do the bulls think about it? We don’t know.

A.rememberB.practiceC.talk D.change
A.is hurtB.is caughtC.losesD.dies
A.look atB.carry outC.look afterD.take away


Long long ago, an elephant and a monkey lived in the same forest. They were good friends, but both of them were very proud. The elephant thought of himself strong, and the monkey felt himself quick.

One day they went to ask the old bird, “Can you tell us which one of us is more important?” The old bird didn't give them the answer at once.  However, he asked them to get some bananas on the other side of the river and bring them to him.
So the elephant and the monkey went to the river, but the water ran so fast that the monkey was afraid.
“Get on my back, Monkey,” said the elephant, “I shall take you there. I'm big and strong, and I can swim across the river.”
Soon they got to the other side. The elephant tried to reach the bananas, but they were too high. “Wait a minute, please. I can climb,” said the monkey. He quickly ran up the tree and gave the bananas to the elephant.
Then they came back happily to the old bird and showed him the bananas. “Now, you see, the elephant is strong,” said the old bird with a smile, “but he couldn't get the bananas; the monkey is quick, but he couldn't, either. Only you two could do the work well when you helped each other.” 
【小题1】Both the elephant and the monkey are ______ in the story.
A. quick                        B. proud                   C. strong
【小题2】According to the story, ______ is more important.
A. the monkey               B. the elephant                C. neither
【小题3】Picture ______ shows the right position of the banana tree.

A.                        B.                         C.
【小题4】They should ______ to get the bananas.
A. first swim across the river and then come back
B. first climb up the tree and then swim across the river
C. first swim across the river and then climb up the tree
【小题5】The best title for the story is “______”.
A. Teamwork is important       B. An elephant and a monkey      C. Strong or quick


An elephant wants to have some friends. He sees a monkey in a tree. “Can you be my friend?” asks the elephant.

“You are too big. You can’t swing (摇荡) in the tree like me.”

Then the elephant meets a rabbit. “Please be my friend,” he says.

“How can I? Sorry, sir. You are strong.”

The elephant is very disappointed. Then he goes home.

The next day, he sees all the animals running. He doesn’t know why. The monkey says a tiger is near here. He will come to eat the animals.

The elephant goes to the tiger. “Please, Mr. tiger. Don’t eat the animals.”

“Go away!” says the tiger.

The elephant is not happy and kicks () the tiger. Then the tiger goes away. At last, all the animals want the elephant to be their friend.

1.The monkey thinks the elephant can’t ________ in the tree like him.

A. sleep B. swing C. swim D. jump

2. Why don’t the monkey and the rabbit want the elephant to be their friend?

A. Because the elephant is big and strong.

B. Because they are strong and big.

C. Because the elephant is scared of them.

D. Because they are scared of the elephant.

3.The underlined word “disappointed” in the passage (文章) means ________.

A. 高兴的 B. 礼貌的 C. 粗鲁的 D. 失望的

4.How many kinds of animals are there in the passage?

A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six.

5.Which of the following is True?

A. The elephant has many friends at last.

B. The rabbit wants to be the tiger’s friend.

C. The monkey will come to eat the animals.

D. The tiger kicks the elephant and goes away.



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