摘要: Here is black blouse, blouse is hers.


1970 was “World Conservation(保护) Year”. The United Nations wanted everyone to know that the world is at risk(危险).They hoped that people would do something quickly to conserve nature.
Here is one example of the problem. At one time there were 1,300 plants, trees and flowers in Holland, but now only 860 are existing. The others have been destroyed by modern man and his technology.
Here is another example. In 1620, about half the USA was covered by forests. In 1850, about a third was covered by forests. Today the forests have almost gone. A lot of good land has gone with them, leaving only sand. Today too many trees are still being cut down.
We’re changing the earth, the air and water. We can’t live without these things. If we go on like this, we shall destroy ourselves. A lot of people know that conservation is necessary. Many things have been done to save our world. For example, people plant more and more trees on the hills. In a small town in the USA a large group of girls cleaned the banks of 11 kilometers of their river. Young people may hear about conservation through a record by the name of NO ONE’S GOING TO CHANGE OUR WORLD. It was made by Scales, Cliff Richard and other singers. The money from it will help to conserve wild plants and animals. In China, a new Great Wall has been built across the northern part of the country to stop the sand from moving towards the rich farmland in the south.
【小题1】What year was 1970?
【小题2】What did the United Nations hope ?
【小题3】How much land in the USA is covered by forests in 1850?
【小题4】Can you give us an example that people have done to save our world?
【小题5】What has a new Great Wall been built for?


Gregg Bleakney’s dream was to travel the Americas from top to bottom. He got the idea after he finished a long bike ride. Gregg’s friend, Brooks Allen, also liked riding a bike. The two friends talked and made a plan: they would travel from Alaska to Argentina – by bike.
To pay for the trip, Gregg and Brooks worked to save money for a long time. Once they were on the road, they often camped outdoors and ate cheaply. In many places, local people opened their doors to the two friends and gave them food.
On their way, they passed deserts, rainforests and mountains. They visited modern cities and ancient ruins (遗迹) such as Machu Picchu in Peru. And they made many friends from all over the world.
In May 2007 – two years, twelve countries, and over 30,500 kilometres later – Gregg finally reached Ushuaia, Argentina. (Near Guatemala, Brooks had to go back and Gregg continued without him.)
The trip taught both men a lot about traveling. What did they learn? Here is some of Gregg’s advice:
Travel light. You should carry many things with you.
Be flexible (灵活). Don’t plan everything. Then you’ll be more relaxed, especially if there are problems.
Be polite. One traveler told Gregg, “Nobody wants to fight or cheat a nice man.” It’s true.
【小题1】Gregg Bleakney’s dream was to _______________________.
【小题2】Before traveling, the two friends _____________________ to pay for the trip.
【小题3】___________ got to Ushuaia, Argentina in May 2007.
【小题4】According to the passage, if you don’t plan everything for a trip, ___________________.
【小题5】One traveler told Gregg that nobody wants to __________________________.


Mark Twain was famous in his days as a public speaker. In his public speeches he always liked to tell funny stories. He also liked to listen to funny stories and play jokes on his friends.

One day one of his friends lost his wallet and asked Mark Twain to pay his train fare (车费)for him.

“But I don’t have enough money to pay both your fare and mine, ”Mark Twain said. The friend didn’t know what to do.

“We can do this, ”said Mark Twain. “We can get on the train and when the conductor(列车员) comes to check the tickets,you can hide(藏) under my seat. ”

Later, however, when the conductor came to check the tickets, Mark Twain gave him two tickets-one for his friend and one for himself . Then he explained in a loud voice. “My friend here is a strange man. When he travels on a train, he doesn’t like to sit on the seat. He prefers (宁愿)to lie on the floor under the seat. ”Of course everybody in the train looked at the poor friend and laughed at him loudly.

1.Mark Twain told him he couldn’t buy him a ticket because ______.

A.he didn’t have enough money

B.he wanted to play a joke(玩笑) on him

C.he wanted to save some money

D.he didn’t find his wallet, either

2.When the conductor came to check the tickets, the friend was ________. 

A.lying under the seat

B.sitting on the seat

C.lying on the seat

D.standing nearby

3.Mark Twain spoke in a loud voice because ______.

A.the conductor was standing far away

B.his friend was deaf (聋)

C.he enjoyed doing so

D.he wanted all the people here to know there was a man under the seat



词语填空 10%

make  health   I   while  open   well   from   surprise   fight   if   



Dear Ronny,

  Years ago you came to me for help. You said, "Grandpa, how could you do so   1.  in your life? You're still active to your life, but I'm already tired of   2. for my life. How can I get the same thing that you've got?"

  I didn't know what to say to you. But when I know there are few days left for me, I tell   3.  that I should give you an answer. So here is what I believe.

First, you should know that life is filled(充满) with   4. , and many of them are good ones. If you don't keep your eyes   5. , you'll miss a number of good surprises in your life.  

  When you meet challenges, don’t run away, just welcome them. They'll make you stronger,   6.  and cleverer than you were before. When you do something wrong, you should be thankful for the things it gave you. And then, you should use this lesson to help you   7.  your dream come true. It's also important to decide what you want. Then keep your dream , work hard for it, and be ready to receive it. It will come true more quickly.

  And always follow the rules, even the little ones. When you follow the rules, life will work well.   8.  you think you can live without the rules, you're only fooling(愚弄) yourself.

  There will be more chances   9.  you are growing up. So you have to be brave enough to move from a known place to an unknown place. Life isn't just like climbing one mountain. It is also a part of your life to move   10.  one top to the next. If you rest for a too long time, you may fail at last. Leave the past in the past. Climb the next mountain and enjoy the fight in your life.

  The person that can win is the one who wants to win.

Love always,




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