摘要: What did the teacher want to the noisy children? to do did


  Nicholas Adams was very quiet while Dr. Smith looked at his throat, took his temperature and listened to his heart. After a few minutes, Dr. Smith asked Nicholas's mother some questions.

  When did Nicholas first feel ill?

  This morning when he got up.

  What did he have for breakfast?

  He had two eggs, two pieces of bread and a bottle of milk.

  I see.Then Dr. Smith turned to Nicholas,How do you feel now, my boy?

  Terrible, said Nicholas,I think I'm going to die.

  You won't die. In fact, you'll be quite all right this afternoon.

  Oh, Doctor! Do you really think so?Nicholas's mother asked.

  Yes, Mrs. Adams, his illness is common in boys at the moment. It comes and goes quickly.

  But I don't understand.Said Mrs. Adams.

  Well, today,said the doctor,there is a World Cup Football Match on TV. If Nicholas feels well enough to watch it this afternoon, I think he'll be quite better by the time the match is over. It's the only cure for this illness. Now, I must go over the street to see Michael Horton. He seems to have the same thing as Nicholas.

Choose the best answer:

(1) How long did the doctor examine Nicholas?

[  ]

AFor a few hours.

BFor a few minutes.

CWhen he got up.

DSome months.

(2) Did Nicholas eat anything for breakfast?

[  ]

AYes. But he didn't eat much.

BYes. He ate as much as usual.

CYes. He ate too much and he felt ill.

DNo. He didn't eat anything.

(3) What was there going to be on TV that afternoon?

[  ]

A. A football match in Nicholas's school.

B. The filmThe World Cup Football Match.

C. News about a World Cup football match.

D. A World Cup football match.

(4) Did Nicholas want to watch the football match on TV that afternoon?

[  ]

AYes, very much.

BNo, he didn't.

CNo, he was ill.

DYes, of course.

(5) What did Dr. Smith think about Nicholas's illness?

AHaving a cold.

BEating too much.

CHe wasn't ill at all.

DVery serious.




  A man went to see his family doctor one day, because he had a headache(头疼). After the doctor's careful examination(检查), he said to the patient(病人), “Well, there is nothing really wrong with you, I'm glad to say. You worry too much. That's your trouble(麻烦). Do you know, I had a woman patient a few weeks ago. She came with the same trouble. I gave her the same advice(劝告) as I'm going to give you.”

  “What did you tell her?” the man asked. The doctor then answered, “I told her not to worry about the bills(账单) any more. She took my advice.”

  “So?” asked the man.

  “She came to see me again two days ago. She felt all right already.”

  “Yes. I know all about that,” answered the man with a sad(悲伤的) face. “You see, I'm that woman's tailor(裁缝).”

1.Why did the man go to see the doctor?

[  ]

A.Because he didn't feel well.

B.Because there was something really wrong with him.

C.Because he was glad.

D.Because he took the doctor's advice.

2.Was the man seriously ill?

[  ]

A.Yes, he was.

B.No, he wasn't.

C.There was something really wrong with him.

D.The doctor thought he was ill.

3.What was the trouble with the woman?

[  ]

A.She was ill.

B.She felt hot.

C.She felt cold.

D.She worried too much.

4.Why did the woman feel all right?

[  ]

A.Because she took some medicine.

B.Because she had a good rest.

C.Because she didn't worry about the bills any more.

D.Because she had a careful examination.

5.Why was the man sad?

[  ]

A.Because he was ill.

B.Because he knew the woman.

C.Because the woman paid him.

D.Because he worried about the bills. He knew the woman wouldn't pay(付款) him.


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