摘要: We haven't got a record player. Let's . (A) to borrow the Mary's to lend one of Mary (D) lend Mary's one



Once a man and his wife worked for an old man. There was a big box in the old man’s living room. The old man pointed to the  1 and said, “ There’s only one thing you mustn’t do.  2     open the box.” After saying this, he left his home.

The woman said to her husband, “ There  3  be something expensive in the box. Let’s open it, shall we?” Her husband said no  4  her. But the woman didn’t give up the idea. One day, she decided to find out  5  was in it. Her husband didn’t stop her. She  6  the box and looked inside. To her surprise, she found nothing in the box. She tried hard to close it,  7  she failed.

That evening the old man came home and found the box open. He was  8  and asked the woman and her husband to leave his home.

“ But there was nothing in the box,” the woman said “ We haven’t taken  9  at all.” The old man shouted at them. “ The box is not important, but I can’t  10  you. That’s important!’’

1.                A.bag            B.box            C.room D.desk


2.                A.Don’t         B.Doesn’t       C.Not  D.Do


3.                A.may not        B.can not         C.must D.should


4.                A.to             B.for            C.with D.about


5.                A.which          B.what           C.who D.that


6.                A.lost            B.broke          C.opened   D.watched


7.                A.but            B.and            C.for  D.then


8.                A.honest         B.happy          C.careful   D.angry


9.                A.something      B.nothing         C.everything D.anything


10.               A.understand      B.ask            C.believe    D.answer




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