摘要: children are still playing games outside. A. Two other little B. Other two little C. Little two other D. Other little two


 FOOTBALL TEAM. Age 9---13.Meet in Green Park on Fridays ar 3:00 pm.
Mike: There's new football team starting in the village, Mum. I'm old enough to play in it. School is over at
          half past three, so I'll have a lot of time.
Mum: Well, I guess you could do your homework in the evenings. But look, Mike, you haven't read the
          advertisement carefully. You can't play for the team.

HOUSE FOR SALE: COMFORTABLE family home with large garden on the north side of town. Three bedrooms, living-room, kitchen, washroom. Offers over $35,000.

     The Browns are looking for a new house. Mr Brown wants to live in a house with four bedrooms. Mrs
 Brown always follows her husband. Their children don't care what the house is like so long as the garden
 is big enough.
ASSISTANT WANTED for busy restaurant. Some evening and weekend work. All meals free.
 Ring 33201738.
     Andy has always wanted to work in a restaurant. She thinks it's an exciting job. The work is hard but
 she doesn't mind. She has to work in the evenings and on weekends. It's not very well paid, but who
 cares about money?
1. The first advertisement tells us that _____ .                                                                
    A. some boys and girls wanted to play football
    B. boys and girls are asked to the Green Park
    C. the local football team will be open on Fridays
    D. the local football team wanted some new members
2. Mike can't play for the team because _____.
     A. he's too young to join the team    
     B. his mother doesn't want him to
     C. the school ended too late          
    D. the advertisement is not true
3. From the second advertisement we can see _____.
    A. someone wants to sell a house     
    B. someone wants to buy a house
    C. someone wants to hire a house      
    D. someone wants to offer a house
4. Andy wants to get the job in the restaurant, for _____.
    A. she can get much money          
    B. she likes the job very much
    C. she can enjoy free meals          
    D. she doesn't care about money
5. Which of the following is not True?
   A. Football is more popular than basketball in U.S.
   B. There are at least four people in Brown's family.
   C. ASSISTANT is a person working in a restaurant.
   D. You can call the restaurant at 3320178 for details.

We all know the dangers of fires. It’s good and necessary for a family to learn how to prepare for a fire. Here are some suggestions.

Put a smoke alarm(火警) in the house. Smoke from a fire causes the alarm to go off. The alarm makes a loud sound. The sound tells everyone to leave the house at once.
Make escape(逃脱) plans. We should know all the ways out of the house. If there is a fire, everyone follows the plan to get out. Part of the plan is to check all the windows to make sure they can be opened easily.
Buy fire extinguishers(灭火器) in the house. Everyone in the family should know how to use them.
Practise for a fire. We do fire practice because we teach children about fire safety. Everyone in the family should know the following fire rules:
★    Don’t open a hot door! The fire can grow more quickly if you open the door.
★    Stay close to the floor! Smoke can be more dangerous than fire. The best air is near the floor because smoke rises.
★    What will you do if your hair or clothes start to burn? First, stop! Don’t run! The fire burns faster because of more air. Drop! Fall to the floor. Then roll! Turning over and over will make the fire go out. Put a blanket(毯子) around you to keep air away from the fire that may still be on you.
There are many possible causes for fires. A wise family is ready all the time. If there is a fire, don’t forget to call 119 for help.
【小题1】When a smoke alarm rings at home, it means _________.

A.you have to get upB.water is running to the floor
C.something is burningD.someone breaks your window
【小题2】The writer advises us to do the following to prepare for a fire except that _________.
A.we practise for a fireB.we make escape plans
C.we buy fire extinguishersD.we use electrical cookers
【小题3】When a fire happens,____ if you open the hot door.
A.the door will soon be on fireB.the electricity will be cut off
C.the fire will grow more quicklyD.the house will fall down
【小题4】What are the right steps you should take when your hair or clothes catch fire?
A.Stop, run, roll.B.Stop, drop, roll.
C.Run, drop, roll.D.Roll, drop, stop.
【小题5】What is the best title for this passage?
A.Be Ready for a Fire.B.The Causes of a Fire.
C.Learn to Use a Fire Extinguisher.D.The Dangers of a Fire.

Many parents make their children do chores around the house. For some families, teaching children what to do and how to do chores is easy. But in other families, getting children to do some housework can be a very big problem.
It is a good idea for parents to teach their children at an early age. All family members must work together to make the house clean, and each person must do his or her share(份) of the work. We can do this by starting plan of chores and responsibilities(责任) when children are young.
Chores are good for children—even very young ones. Doing chores can teach children many important skills(技能) like working together. Jobs also teach children what is fair(公平). The skills and value(价值) from doing chores will be good to children all their lives.
【小题1】The first paragraph(段) tells us ____________.
A.all the parents make their children do chores
B.it’s easy to teach children to do chores
C.some children think doing chores is difficult
D.teaching children to do chores is different in different families
【小题2】Children can learn ___________ from doing chores.
A.working together with othersB.how to write
C.what is fairD.Both A and C
【小题3】Which of the following sentence is TRUE?
A.It’s a small thing to teach children to do chores.
B.Only the children who do chores know what is fair.
C.Some children like to do chores but some don’t.
D.In a family, young children don’t need to do chores.

For years I wanted a flower garden. I would spend hours_ _1___ of different things I could plant that would look nice together.
But then we had children, five children! I was too busy  _2____ care of them to grow a garden.
Money was always_3____ . When my children were _4____, one of them would want something that cost too much, and I’d get annoyed and say, “ Do you see a money tree outside? Money doesn’t grow on__5___, you know.”
Finally, all five got through college and were off on their own. I started thinking again about having a __6_____.
I wasn’t sure, though. I mean, gardens do cost money.
Then, one spring morning, _7____ Mother’s Day, I was working in my kitchen. __8____, I heard a car come. I looked out of the window and there was a new tree, planted right _9____ the yard.
There was a money tree in my yard! There were dollar bills, one hundred of them, all over that tree.
That was three years ago. My garden is now very pretty, just the way I wanted. I __10___ what my children did for me, and then I get tears in my eyes every time.
A.to thinkB.thinkC.thoughtD.thinking
A.takingB.to takeC.takenD.took
A.fewB.a fewC.littleD.a little
A.inB.in front ofC.behindD.near
A.think ofB.think aboutC.think up D.think over

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