


  1 我喜欢演奏乐器,所以我常常出现在乐器前。如:play the piano/guitar(弹钢琴/吉他)等。

  2 我经常和世界上独一无二的事物在一起,为此我非常自豪。如:the sun/moon(太阳/月亮)等。

  3 我还喜欢帮助一些形容词、分词,与它们一起来表示一类人或事物。如:the old(老人)、the rich(富人) 等。

  4 我没事时就喜欢和姓氏的复数形式闲聊人家一家子的情况。如:the Greens(格林一家)等。

  5 我还喜欢和序数词一起强调数字的顺序,但当序数词前有形容词性物主代词等修饰限定时,我就会赶快逃走,销声匿迹。如:This is my eleventh birthday.(这是我的第十一个生日。)等。

  注意:当我和序数词一起表示日期时,我经常躲起来,但如果在of短语中,我就一定会露面。如:May(the)first=May 1st=the first of May(五月一日)。

  1 我不喜欢和科学名词在一起。如:math(数学)、English(英语)等。

  2 我对球类运动不感兴趣,你在球类运动前根本找不到我。如:play basketball/soccer(打篮球/踢足球)等。

  3 我还有个坏毛病——挑食,三餐饭前从来找不到我的影子。如:eat breakfast/lunch(吃早餐/中餐)等。



1.He usually eats ________ dinner at 6:00 p. m..

2.Let's go and play ________ volleyball now.

3.She can play ________ violin very well.

4.We can speak ________ English and Chinese.

5.We should help ________ poor in the world.

6.My birthday is ________ 23rd of March.

7.I usually go to ________ school at 7:00 in ________ morning.

8.September is ________ ninth month of a year.

9.________ Greens live in China now.

10.I like to stay at ________ home and watch TV.


"Can I see my baby?" asked the happy new mother. When the baby was in her arms, she couldn't believe her eyes. The baby was born without ears.

Time proved(证明) that the baby's hearing was very good though he had no ears. He got on well with his classmates. But one day, he said to his mother, tears in his eyes, "A big boy called me a freak (畸形的)."

  The boy's father asked the family doctor. "Could nothing be done?"

  "I believe I could graft (植入) on a pair of outer ears if they could be got," the doctor said. They tried to find a person who was helpful for the young man.

  One day, his father said to the son, "You're going to the hospital, son. Mother and I have someone who will donate the ears you need. But we must keep it a secret who the person is."

  The operation(手术) was a great success, and a new person appeared. His cleverness and hard work made him a very successful person. He married and lived a happy life.

  He once asked his father, "Who gave me the ears? I could do enough for him or her."

  "I do not believe you could, "said the father." The agreement was that you are not to know...not yet."

  For years they kept it a secret, but the day did come. He stood with his father over his mother's body. Slowly, the father raised the thick, brown hair. To his surprise, the son found his mother had no outer ears.

  "Mother said she was glad she never needed to cut her hair," his father said in a low voice, "and nobody ever thought mother less beautiful, did they?”

1.The mother was surprised to see her baby for the first time because the baby__.

A.had no outer ears

B.was born without hair

C.was in her arms

D.could not hear her

2.The sentence"...a new person appeared." means"______."

A.a new baby was born in the hospital

B.a stranger came into the hospital

C.a new doctor took care of the boy

D.the boy began to live a new life

3.Why did the boy's mother never cut her hair?

A.Because she liked her thick, brown hair.

B.Because her work didn't allow her to do that

C.Because the hair was good for her health

D.Because she wanted to keep the fact a secret

4.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.The boy couldn't hear without ears at first.

B.The boy didn't know the truth (真相) until his mother died.

C.His parents often encouraged him to work hard.

D.His classmates were always making fun of him.

5.Which is the best title for the passage?

A.A Clever Boy

B.Kind Parents

C.Great Love

D.An Ear Operation



Thousands of people have been killed in a massive(大规模的) earthquake in Japan. The quake -- the most powerful to hit Japan in more than 100 years -- caused massive damage and many people are missing and feared dead.
The 8.9 magnitude quake struck Friday(March 11) off Japan's eastern coast, and prompted(引发) tsunami warnings(海啸警报)across the Pacific as far away as South America and the U.S. West Coast. Several days after a 8.9-magnitude earthquake and resulting 10-meter-high tsunami devastated the coastline. The United States Geological Survey says it was the fifth largest earthquake since 1900. The largest, with a 9.5 magnitude, shook Chile(智利) in 1960.
In Japan, the tsunami swept away boats, cars and hundreds of houses in coastal areas north of Tokyo. The quake shook buildings in the Japanese capital and caused several fires. All train and subway traffic in Tokyo has been stopped, and thousands of people there were unable to get back home. People are just trying to find clean water. Food supplies are running out. In the convenience stores, there are no rice balls left. There is no bottled water left. People are facing a really serious situation in the days ahead for these people that are living in areas that were only moderately(普通的) damaged. The final death toll could range from the thousands to tens of thousands, depending on how many of these communities are gone.
Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan said the government would do everything it can to minimize(使降到最低) the effects of the disaster. And in Washington, President Obama said the United States is ready to help the people of Japan.
【小题1】The underline word damage means_____________ in the article.
【小题2】 Which is true according to the passage?
A.Thousands of people have been killed in a massive earthquake in Japan.
B.Only people in areas that were only moderately damaged are facing a really serious situation in the days.
C.The tsunami devastatednot only the coastline in Japan, but also the areas across the Pacific as far away as South America and the U.S. West Coast.
D.The massive earthquake caused the tsunami.
【小题3】According to the passage, which earthquake is the largest one since 1990 ?
A.the one happened in Japan on March 11, 2011
B.the one in Chile in 1960
C.the fifth largest earthquake since 1900
D.We don't know.
【小题4】If you're in Tokyo these days, what you can't get from the convenience store?
A.newspapers and magazines
B.some medicine
C.paper napkins and toothpastes
D.rice balls and bottled water
【小题5】The passage can't be in/on __________.
A.March 10th newspapersB.TVC. InternetD. Radios

Thousands of people have been killed in a massive(大规模的) earthquake in Japan. The quake -- the most powerful to hit Japan in more than 100 years -- caused massive damage and many people are missing and feared dead.

The 8.9 magnitude quake struck Friday(March 11) off Japan's eastern coast, and prompted(引发) tsunami warnings(海啸警报)across the Pacific as far away as South America and the U.S. West Coast. Several days after a 8.9-magnitude earthquake and resulting 10-meter-high tsunami devastated the coastline. The United States Geological Survey says it was the fifth largest earthquake since 1900. The largest, with a 9.5 magnitude, shook Chile(智利) in 1960.

In Japan, the tsunami swept away boats, cars and hundreds of houses in coastal areas north of Tokyo. The quake shook buildings in the Japanese capital and caused several fires. All train and subway traffic in Tokyo has been stopped, and thousands of people there were unable to get back home. People are just trying to find clean water. Food supplies are running out. In the convenience stores, there are no rice balls left. There is no bottled water left. People are facing a really serious situation in the days ahead for these people that are living in areas that were only moderately(普通的) damaged. The final death toll could range from the thousands to tens of thousands, depending on how many of these communities are gone.

Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan said the government would do everything it can to minimize(使降到最低) the effects of the disaster. And in Washington, President Obama said the United States is ready to help the people of Japan.

1.The underline word damage means_____________ in the article.

A. illness         B. disaster       C. terror          D. danger

2. Which is true according to the passage?

A. Thousands of people have been killed in a massive earthquake in Japan.

B. Only people in areas that were only moderately damaged are facing a really serious      situation in the days.

C. The tsunami devastated not only the coastline in Japan, but also the areas across the Pacific as far away as South America and the U.S. West Coast.

D. The massive earthquake caused the tsunami.

3.According to the passage, which earthquake is the largest one since 1990 ?

A. the one happened in Japan on March 11, 2011

B. the one in Chile in 1960

C. the fifth largest earthquake since 1900

D. We don't know.

4.If you're in Tokyo these days, what you can't get from the convenience store?

A. newspapers and magazines

B. some medicine

C. paper napkins and toothpastes

D. rice balls and bottled water

5.The passage can't be in/on __________.

A. March 10th newspapers        B. TV             C.  Internet                    D.   Radios 



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