摘要: When the bell rang announcing the end of class, students came out . A. by twos and threes B. by two and three C. by two or three D. by twos or threes


I live with my grandmother in a Beijing yard house. One day last year, I was surprised to see a big foreigner coming out of the house next door to ours. He was very tall with short brown hair and a pair of glasses.

The first time I saw him, I was too shy to speak to him. “My English is too poor!” I thought. My grandmother told me that he had just moved into our yard. “I don’t like it!” she said. “Foreigners aren’t like us. Maybe he’ll play loud music and parties every night! I’m sure he’s going to cause trouble.”

Several days later, I met the foreigner as I was walking home after work. “Hello!” he said (in Chinese!). “My name’s Tony. I’ve just moved into the house next door to yours.” While I was wondering what to say, he continued, “There’s a nice bar down the road. Why don’t you and your family come and have dinner with me?” “Bars are bad places,” said my grandmother when I told her, but we decided to go.

The bar was not at all what I had expected. It was in a beautiful little yard house, with several large bookshelves and pictures of Tibet on the walls. Several Chinese people and foreigners were sitting drinking or reading books. I noticed that some of the foreigners were speaking Chinese in a low voice to each other! “Oh, what a civilized place!” my grandmother exclaimed.

The bar served special “hutong pizzas”. As we ate, Tony told us about himself-he is an English expert in environment. He always likes to be quiet. My grandmother said to me, “He really seems like a very nice young man.”

1.When the writer first saw the foreigners, she______.

A.was frightened to him

B.wanted to practice English with him

C.felt too shy to speak to him

D.hoped to invite the foreigner to the bar

2.From the sentence “Bar are bad places”, we can know that the grandmother______.

A.was very excited

B.didn’t go to the bar

C.didn’t like bars

D.was angry with Tony

3.What’s the meaning of the word “civilized” in the passage?





4.Which of the following sentence is Not true?

A.Tony made a lot of noise every night.

B.Tony was an English expert in environment.

C.There were some foreigners speaking Chinese in the bar.

D.The grandmother thought Tony might cause some trouble.

5.The best title for this story is______.

A.A Bar in Tibet

B.A Foreigner in Beijing

C.Bars are Bad Places

D.Foreigners Like Bars



Cars are lots of fun, but they could also be dangerous. We have to be careful when we drive them or ride in them.

It's always a good idea to put on your seat belt when you're in a car. Why? Think about this example: You put an egg on a skateboard and give it a push. If the skateboard hits a stone, it will stop, but the egg won't. It will fly through the air, hit the ground and break.

Now, think what would happen if you tied the egg to the skateboard. When the skateboard hits a stone, the egg won't go flying; it will stay safely on the skateboard.

Volvo, a famous Swedish carmaker, was the first to use seat belts in 1849.

Air bags are also very important for car safety, because sometimes a seat belt isn't enough. If the car is going really fast and runs into something, seat belts could even hurt the people who wear them. Most new cars have air bags in front of and next to the seats. When a car hits something, its air bags will come out quickly in less than one second to keep the people inside safe.

1.The passage mainly tells us                  .

A.two important ways to keep safe in cars

B.how air bags work to make cars safe

C.how seat belts work to make cars safe

D.why we must tie the egg to the skateboard

2.The writer gives the example of the egg to _.

A.tell us that eggs are easy to break

B.show how to wear a seat belt

C.show why it's important to wear a seat belt in a car

D.tell us what a skateboard is

3.Seat belts can make us safer because .

A.we are interested in them

B.they can stop us from hitting other cars

C.they can help us stay safely on the seats

D.they are made of strong materials

4.Air bags are important for cars because _.

A.they are made of plastic

B.they can also help us to keep safe in a car

C.they can keep cars running slowly

D.they are put in front of and next to the seats

5.Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?

A.It won't be dangerous if there are seat belts or air bags in a car.

B.Now most of new cars still have only one air bag.

C.When a car hits something, its air bags will come out a few minutes later.

D.Volvo was the first to use seat belts.




1.He wouldn’ t allow anything to ___ (get in the way of) him doing his job.

2. He was late because his car ___ (break down) on the road.

3. ——The sports meeting might ___(put off) because of the bad weather. ——What a pity!

4. Can you ___(come up with ) a good idea to help her with her English?

5. ____(take it easy) ! He will come back here in half an hour.

6. The dialogue is ____ (make up) of three sentences.

7. Don’t touch them because they don’t ___ (belong to) you.

8. The teacher’s chalk _____ (use up). Will you please bring some?

9. ____(at present) everyone in our class is studying English hard for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

10. The evening party began with an English song and ____ (end up) with a dance.

11. Some boys were talking and laughing ____(noise) when the teacher came in.

12. March 12th is Tree ______ (plant) Day.

13. The more we get together, the ___ (happy) we’ll be.

14. Look! The boy ____(tie) the tree to the top of the stick.

15. The ____ (die) leaves fall on the ground in autumn.

16. _____ (thank) to your help, I won the prize.

17. No man has traveled ____(far) than the moon so far.

18.Do you know ___ (who) son he is?

19. Please keep your eyes ______ (close).

20.My father told me an _____ (usual) story.

21. Michael Jordan is my favorite basketball ____ (play).

22. My wish is _____ (go) to college when I ____ (graduate) from high school.

23. _____ (say) is one thing and ____ (do) is quite another.

24. Does Mr Smith likes us ____ (speak) to him in Chinese?

25.Can rice ____ (grow) in winter?

26. Dr Bethune ____ (know) all over the world.

27. Three ____ (multiply) by two is six.

28. The world’s population is growing faster and faster, we must do _____ (some) to slow down its increasing.

29. Lily writes the most _____ (care) in our class.

30. They never knew what ___ (happen) in a hundred years.



Last week, 169 students at No.35 Middle School of Shenyang took their first no-teacher exam. After the teacher handed out the exam paper, he left the room and never came back. A student collected in the papers when the exam ended.

   “That test was not only a test of knowledge, but also a test of moral (道德). We wanted to show students how important honesty is, ” said Mr. Cai, the school’s headmaster. The school says no cheating happened in the test. Next year, it wants 80% of its exams to be without teachers. But students have different ideas.

    “I was happy and excited during the exam because my teachers trusted me,” said Lang Yudan, a 13-year-old girl in Class 11.

“Schools must trust students a lot not to use invigilators(监考人). But I think it is too early. Some students will cheat if there are no invigilators. And the students will not be able to ask for help when needed,” said Hua Sha.

    “I don’t like having invigilators in exams. When they walk around the classroom, they make me nervous. I would get higher marks without them in the room because I would feel more relaxed,” Liu Qingxi said.

    “I think it’s very important to have invigilators in exams. Many students want to check their answers with each other after they have finished papers. And they can also keep the classroom in order when something unusual happens. They may make me nervous, but I still think we need them,” Shangguan Yan said.

Not using invigilators may be a good idea. But before using it, schools must tell students the importance of honesty and try to find ways to solve something unusual in exams.

1.The passage mainly talks about ________.

A.how to pass an exam      

B.how to make students honest      

C.whether invigilators are needed in exams  

D.how to make students clever

2.No.35 Middle School of Shenyang held a no-teacher exam to _________.

       A.let the students have a good rest     

B.teach the students in a better way

C.help all the students pass the exam  

D.find whether the students were honest

3.From what the students have studied, we know _________.

       A.invigilators really help them a lot   

B.not all of them agree with the headmaster

       C.something unusual never happens in exams

       D.they like it very much

4.What does Hua Sha think about no-teacher exams ?

A.It’s a good idea to have no-teacher exams but something must be done first.  

B.If there are no invigilators, the students will certainly get lower marks.

C.Exams without invigilators will never be held since students are not honest.  

D.Some parents don’t think it’s fair for everyone to have no-teacher exams.

5.In the sentence “And they can also keep the classroom in order when something unusual happens” , “they” refers to __________.

A.students        B.headmasters       C.teachers        D.invigilators



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