摘要:A.hole B.forest C.lake D.house


Assertiveness is the ability to confidently express your opinions, feelings,attitudes, and rights, in a way that doesn't infringe(侵犯) the rights of others.
Many of us are taught that it is not nice to consider our own needs above those of others. If someone says or does something that we don't like, we should just be quiet and try to stay away from that person in the future.
Why is Assertiveness important?
If you don't know how to be assertive, you might experience:
?Depression - Anger, a sense of being helpless, hopeless, or of having no control over your life.
?Resentment - Anger at others for taking advantage of you.
?Frustration - Why did I allow that to happen?
Most people find it easier to be assertive in some situations than in others. This makes perfect sense. It's a lot easier to hold your ground with a stranger than with someone you love. But the more important the relationship is to you, the more important it is to be assertive. Assertive behavior leads to increased respect from others!
But before you decide to act assertively, you have to decide if you can live
with the results. Although assertive behavior usually will result in a positive
response  (积极的回应),some people  might react differently.
How to be effectively(有效地) assertive:
?Use "I" statements. Keep the focus on the problem you're having. "I'd like to be able to tell my stories without interruption." instead of "You're always interrupting my stories ! "
?Use facts, not opinions. "Did you know that shirt has a hole?" instead of "You're not going out looking like THAT, are you?"
?Express ownership of your thoughts, feelings, and opinions. "I get angry when he breaks his promises. " instead of "He makes me angry. "
? Make clear and direct requirements. Don't invite the person to say no. "Will  you please?" instead of 'Would you mind...?" or "Why don't you...?"
?Keep repeating your point. Use a low level and pleasant voice. Don't try to explain yourself.
【小题1】The writer probably agrees that­­­____________.

A.you should consider others' response before you act assertively
B.you should be assertive if you want to get good marks
C.assertiveness is the ability to infringe others' rights.
D.assertive behavior will bring you bad feelings
【小题2】The expression "hold yourground" probably means “_________________”
A.reach an agreement
B.insist on your point
C.keep your word
D.keep on fighting
【小题3】Which of the following helps you to be effectively assertive?
A.Explaining yourself in a soft and sweet voice.
B.Expressing ownership of others' thoughts.
C.Making requirements directly and clearly.
D.Using your opinions instead of facts.


On Nov.18th, 1908, three men went up in a balloon. They started early in London. The headman was Auguste Gaudron, and the other two men were Tannar and Maitland. They had a big balloon and they were ready for a long way.

Soon they heard the sea. They were carrying the usual rope, and it was hanging down from the basket of the balloon. At the end of the rope they had tied a metal box. This could hold water, or it could be empty. So they were able to use the box to change the weight of the balloon. The three people were also carrying some bags of sand.

After the sun rose, the balloon went higher. It went up to 3,000 metres, and the air was very cold. The water in the balloon became ice. Snow fell past the men's basket, and they could see more snow on the ground. The men tried to throw out some more sand; but it was hard. They tried to break the icy sand with their knives, but it was not easy. The work was slow and they were still falling, so they had to drop some whole bags of sand. One of them fell on an icy lake and made a black hole in the ice.

  At last they pulled the box into the basket. It was still snowing; so they climbed to get away from the snow. They rose to 5,100 metres! Everything became icy. They were very cold and  they decided to land. They came down in Poland heavily but safely. They had travelled 1,797 kilometres from London!

1.Where did they start their travel on Nov.18th, 1908?


2.What was the metal box used for?


3. Why did they have to drop some whole bags of sand during the travel?


4. How long did they travel in the end?



What do you think of the three people and their travel? (请自拟一句话作答)





  The ostrich (能鸟)is a bird of the deserts of Africa.It is the largest of all birds.It is often 10 feet high.Sometimes the ostrich is called the “camel bird”.Like the camel it lives in the desert, and can live a long time without water.

  The ostrich's legs are very long and strong, but its wings are small, and it cannot fly.The ostrich can run very quickly-about 30 km an hour.The nest of the bird is a great hole in the sand.There the ostrich lays (产, 生)10 or 12 large eggs.She watches her nest and leaves it only during the hottest part of the day.

  People often hunt the ostrich, but it is not easy to catch it.The hunter must know that the ostrich runs only in a zigzag pattern (z 字形路线).


The ostrich can run quickly so ________.

[  ]


its legs become longer and stronger


its wings become smaller and smaller


it isn't easily caught


people call it the “camel bird”


According to the passage above, we can see that a couple of (一对)ostriches can have at most ________ children.

[  ]










The ostrich watches her nest and seldom leaves it because ________.

[  ]


her eggs are in it


people often hunt her


she wants to have a good rest after she has laid eggs


she is afraid of the hottest hours of the day


________, so people call it the “camel bird”.

[  ]


The ostrich has a larger body than any other bird in the desert


The ostrich's character is like the camel's


The ostrich is a bird of the deserts of Africa


The ostrich can run about 30 km an hour


If there is no water, the ostrich ________.

[  ]


will die in no time


can still stay alive for some time


can still live well


may leave her nest without laying eggs


On Nov.18th, 1908, three men went up in a balloon. They started early in London. The headman was Auguste Gaudron, and the other two men were Tannar and Maitland. They had a big balloon and they were ready for a long way.
Soon they heard the sea. They were carrying the usual rope, and it was hanging down from the basket of the balloon. At the end of the rope they had tied a metal box. This could hold water, or it could be empty. So they were able to use the box to change the weight of the balloon. The three people were also carrying some bags of sand.
After the sun rose, the balloon went higher. It went up to 3,000 metres, and the air was very cold. The water in the balloon became ice. Snow fell past the men’s basket, and they could see more snow on the ground. The men tried to throw out some more sand; but it was hard. They tried to break the icy sand with their knives, but it was not easy. The work was slow and they were still falling, so they had to drop some whole bags of sand. One of them fell on an icy lake and made a black hole in the ice.
  At last they pulled the box into the basket. It was still snowing; so they climbed to get away from the snow. They rose to 5,100 metres! Everything became icy. They were very cold and  they decided to land. They came down in Poland heavily but safely. They had travelled 1,797 kilometres from London!
【小题1】Where did they start their travel on Nov.18th, 1908?
【小题2】What was the metal box used for?
【小题3】 Why did they have to drop some whole bags of sand during the travel?
【小题4】 How long did they travel in the end?
What do you think of the three people and their travel? (请自拟一句话作答)


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