摘要:A.come B.walk C.see D.eat



  A.Who is Dr. Know?

  Choose a problem from the list below. Ask your classmates for advice. Who gives the best advice is “Dr. Know”.


  1)Problems: toothache, stressed out, hungry, backache, cold, sorethroat, tired, headache, thirsty

  2)What's the matter?

  You should (shouldn't)…

  3)lie down, go to bed, see a dentist, listen to music, go out, drink, eat, have a rest, exercise…

  B.Who is the healthiest?

  Make a survey about what some of your classmates do and how often they do on weekends. Tell it to your classmates. Take a vote:

  Who is the healthiest?


  1)always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never, watch TV, read books, exercise, shop, surf the Internet, play football

  2)What do you usually do on weekends?

  How often do you watch TV?

  C.Vacation Dreams

  Imagine your dream vacation. On a piece of paper, write what you are doing for vacation, when you are going and how long you are staying there. Put your paper in a bag, then take another paper from the bag. Find the students who has your paper.


  1)go camping, go bike riding, go sightseeing, take walks, visit, on Monday, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, on the 12th, next week, for a week, for three days

  2)Where are you doing for vacation?

  What are you doing for vacation?

  When are you going?

  How long are you staying there?

  D.Find someone who…

  Ask three of your classmates questions. Write their answers in the table below. The first student to fill in all the blanks wins.


  1)walk to, ride my bike, take the bus (train, subway), get to school

  2)How do you get to school?

  How long does it take?

  How far is it from…to…?

  E.Plan a party

  Write everything you have to do next week, and fill in the table below. Choose a day and time to have a party. Then invite classmates to your party.


  1)study, have a lesson, visit, help, play football, go to the movies, watch TV

  2)Can you come to my party?

  I have to…

  What are you doing on Tuesday?

  F.The same and different

  Write your name on a piece of paper and put it in a bag. Take a paper from the bag to find a partner. You have three minutes to make a list of things that are the same and different between you and your partner. The pair with the most items wins.


  1)tall, quiet, athletic, serious, intellectual, thin, funny

  2)He is taller than me.

  We are both girls.



Some people think that all wild animals are dangerous. But in fact, very few of them will   1   a man if he leaves them alone. If you meet a lion or an elephant, I guess you will   2 ; but even a lion will avoid(躲避)a man if it is not very   3 . Lions and tigers only kill and eat men when they have grown too old and too weak to catch their usual   4  , such as deer and  5   small animals. If you see a wild elephant, perhaps you will be   6  . However, elephants usually run away at once if you don’t attack them. Some animals get very frightened if they only smell a man, some stand and look at him for a moment   7  they run away, some take no notice at all but walk away  8  in another direction. Wild animals only attack   9  when they are afraid that people want to harm(伤害) their   10 , or when the hunters shoot at them and make them angry.

1.                A.bite           B.attack          C.protect   D.hide


2.                A.come nearer     B.break down      C.stay alive  D.run away


3.                A.thirsty          B.excited         C.tired D.hungry


4.                A.food           B.fish            C.things    D.drinks


5.                A.others         B.other          C.another  D.any


6.                A.excited         B.pleased         C.frightened D.angry


7.                A.before         B.after           C.as soon as D.while


8.                A.luckily          B.noisily          C.quietly   D.loudly


9.                A.dogs           B.people         C.children  D.other


10.               A.neighbours      B.friends         C.young babies   D.parents





  Every Saturday, Grandpa and I walk to the nursing home to visit some of the old and sick people there because they can't take care of themselves.

  First we visit Mrs, Sokol.I call her “The Cook.”She likes to talk about the time when she was a(A)well-known cook in Russia.People would come from miles, just to taste her chicken soup.

  Next we visit Mr.Lipman.I call him “The Singer” because he loves to sing for us.(B)无论何时he does, his voice fills the air, clear and full of energy.

  I also enjoy Mrs.Kagan's stories about her own experiences during the old days.I call her“The Memory Lady.”

  One day Grandpa got very sick and the doctor said they didn't think he would get better.

  It was time to visit the nursing home again.(C)I had to go alone.Everyone was surprised when I told them that my grandpa was ill and in hospital.

  A few days later, Grandpa was not able to sit up, eat and even speak.I went to the corner of the room so Grandpa wouldn't see me cry.Suddenly, I heard someone singing.I looked up.It was The Singer.Behind(D)him were The Cook and The Memory Lady.The Cook brought her famous homemade chicken soup.The Memory Lady held Grandpa's hand and told us how Grandpa once came to visit her in a snowstorm, just to bring her some roses for her birthday.

  (E)Before I realized it, visiting hours were up.That evening, Grandpa called the nurse in and said he was hungry.Soon he began to sit up.Finally he was able to get out of bed.It is really a miracle(surprising event), isn't it?



3.将画线部分(C)改写为:I had to go _________




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