摘要:A.larger B.bigger C.nicer D.smaller



Most American families are smaller than the families in other countriesMost American families have one or two parents and one or two children each

Children in the US will leave their parents' home when they grow upThey usually live far from their parents because they want to find good jobsThey often write to their parents or telephone themAnd they often go to visit their parents on holiday

Parents usually let their children choose their own jobsAmericans think it important for young people to decide on their lives by themselves

Children are asked to do some work around their houseAnd in many families,children are paid for doing some housework so that they learn how to make money for their own use


The size of most American families is ________ that of other countries

[  ]


larger than


smaller than


as big as


as small as


When children grow up,they leave their parents' home to ________

[  ]


get married


be free


find good jobs




They visit their parents ________

[  ]


on weekdays


on weekends


at any time


on holiday


Which of the following statements is WRONG?

[  ]


Children have the freedom to choose their own job


Parents don't ask their children to do the housework


Parents think it important for children to make their own decision


When children grow up,they usually live far away from their home


Some parents pay their children for doing housework because ________

[  ]


children can learn how to make money for themselves


their children required them to do so


they are rich


it is required by law


In the summer of 1978 an English man named Steven was driving his tractor through a field of wheat when he discovered something strange. Some of his wheat was lying on the ground. The flattened wheat formed(形成)a circle about six meters across . Around this circle were four smaller circles of flattened wheat.

  Three years later a farmer who lived nearby discovered almost the same circles in one of his fields. These circles were larger—nearly 15 meters across . That same year , another English farmer discovered three circles of flattened wheat on his land—one large circle between two small circles. During the following years, farmers in England found circles in their fields more and more often.

  The circles are called “crop circles” because they usually appear in fields of wheat or corn. The wheat in the circles lies on the ground but is never broken; it keeps on growing, and the farmers can later harvest it. Farmers always discover the crop circles in the morning, so the circles probably form at night. They appear only in the months from May to September. What causes the crop circles?

  At first, people thought that some kids were making them as a joke, or that farmers were making them to attract tourists.(In fact, in 1991, two men said they made the circles themselves, but many scientists don’t believe them.) People tried to copy them: They tried to make circles exactly like the ones the farmers had found. They couldn’t do it. They couldn’t enter a field of wheat without leaving tracks, and they couldn’t flatten the wheat without breaking it.

  Several times people reported seeing stranger objects near the fields where crop circles later appeared. Many people believe that these crop circles are the messages sent by living things from outer space(外层空间)or the marks left by their spaceships.

  Scientists who have studied the crop circles try to find out what causes them. In the summer of 1990 some scientists spent three weeks in the part of England where many circles have appeared. They had all the latest high-tech equipment(最新高科技设备). The equipment—worth 1.8 million dollars—got nothing. But one night, as the scientists were watching a field, crop circles formed in the field behind them, which were quite different from the others. The scientists had neither seen nor heard anything.

  When Steven discovered the crop circles on his land in 1978, he said, “It was just like something that had landed in the field from the air and gone back up again. I don’t know what to make of these things.”

  Crop circles have appeared in England, Japan, the United States and Russia. Experts from all over the world have studied them, and they say what Steven said: They don’t know what to make of these things.

1.Which picture is probably the one formed in the field behind the scientists?

2.“Flattened wheat” means ___________.

     A. broken wheat             B. lying wheat

     C. harvested wheat          D. growing wheat

3.The passage is mainly about something ___________ .

A. that is done by living things from outer space

B. that cannot be solved but found all around the world

C. that cannot be made clear or understood

D. that is discovered and copied by the farmers



China and the Netherlands (荷兰) are long-time friends. The Netherlands is more than 41,500 square kilometres in area. It is a bit larger than the size of Taiwan, China.
The Netherlands is rich in culture and art. It is home of many great artists, for example, Vincent van Gogh. Besides fine art, the Netherlands is also called the country of tulips (郁金香). It has the world’s largest tulip garden: Keukenhof garden.
Dutch people are very hard-working. There’s a saying: “God made the Earth, but the Dutch made Holland.” More than a quarter of the country is below sea level. So Dutch people build many dams (水坝) to protect the country from flooding. They have created almost one sixth of the country from seas and rivers!
Did you know?
◆ Rubber ducks are popular around the world. Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman created it in 2007. The yellow duck is 26 metres high.
◆ Wooden clogs (木底鞋) are traditional shoes in the Netherlands. They make good gifts for tourists.
◆ In the Netherlands, it is impolite to start eating at once. Dutch people will sometimes say “delicious” before eating.
◆ Like the UK, the Netherlands also has
kings and queens.
【小题1】Taiwan, China is     than the Netherlands in area.

A.a bit smallerB.much largerC.much smallerD.a little larger
【小题2】Paragraph 3 mainly tells us about    .
A.hard-working Dutch people
B.culture in the Netherlands
C.Dutch artists
D.size of the Netherlands
【小题3】What is not talked about in the reading?
A.Table manners. B.Artists.C.Weather.D.Tulips.
【小题4】About     of the Netherlands is created from the seas and rivers.
【小题5】Which is NOT TRUE about the Netherlands?
A.China and the Netherlands have been neighouring countries for a long time.
B.Keukenhof garden is famous for tulips.
C.The Dutch may give foreign friends wooden clogs as small presents.
D.In the Netherlands, it’s good manners to praise (称赞) the food before eating.



  The ostrich (能鸟)is a bird of the deserts of Africa.It is the largest of all birds.It is often 10 feet high.Sometimes the ostrich is called the “camel bird”.Like the camel it lives in the desert, and can live a long time without water.

  The ostrich's legs are very long and strong, but its wings are small, and it cannot fly.The ostrich can run very quickly-about 30 km an hour.The nest of the bird is a great hole in the sand.There the ostrich lays (产, 生)10 or 12 large eggs.She watches her nest and leaves it only during the hottest part of the day.

  People often hunt the ostrich, but it is not easy to catch it.The hunter must know that the ostrich runs only in a zigzag pattern (z 字形路线).


The ostrich can run quickly so ________.

[  ]


its legs become longer and stronger


its wings become smaller and smaller


it isn't easily caught


people call it the “camel bird”


According to the passage above, we can see that a couple of (一对)ostriches can have at most ________ children.

[  ]










The ostrich watches her nest and seldom leaves it because ________.

[  ]


her eggs are in it


people often hunt her


she wants to have a good rest after she has laid eggs


she is afraid of the hottest hours of the day


________, so people call it the “camel bird”.

[  ]


The ostrich has a larger body than any other bird in the desert


The ostrich's character is like the camel's


The ostrich is a bird of the deserts of Africa


The ostrich can run about 30 km an hour


If there is no water, the ostrich ________.

[  ]


will die in no time


can still stay alive for some time


can still live well


may leave her nest without laying eggs


It was Christmas time in 2008, I had no idea that this would be the 31 Christmas we would spend with mom.This was a very special Christmas for me—you see mom  32 owned a new coat that I could remember.

Mom had polio(小儿麻痹症)when she was a young child. One of her legs was larger than the other. Sometimes she would have trouble walking, but she never complained. Mom always  33 my friends with kindness and they were always welcome at our house  34 .I remember my good friend Glen coming over and talking with mom even when I wasn't at home. Mom was always willing to  35 a listening ear.

  Mom's all clothes were four dresses, four pairs of shoes, a light jacket,and a couple of sweaters.

 I decided that I would buy mom a  36 that year, so I took her  37  to find something for Christmas. As we went past the coat shelf, one of the coats on the shelf  38  mom's eys. I asked her to try on the coat for fun. She said that we did not have the money to buy the coat.  39 after a long talk with mom, we left the store with mom wearing that nice new coat in the end. She agreed that the coat did look good  40  her. I will ever be  41 for this opportunity. being able to give back just a little. This was the nicest coat that she ever 42 .

 In Februay of 2009 mom passed  43 at age 42. As I reflect(回忆)back on my mother's life, it was  44  with acts of kindness. Giving came  45  her heart,with a willingness to help whenever possible.

31. A.first              B. last            C. thirtieth          D. fortieth

32. A.ever             B. always          C. never            D. even

33. A. helped           B. treated          C. suggested         D. provided

34. A. anytime B. sometime C. at times D. some times

35. A. hold             B. lend            C. help             D. give

36. A. coat             B. dress           C. jacket            D. sweater

37. A. off              B. away           C. up               D. down

38. A. took             B. caught          C. attracted          D. got

39. A. But              B. Until            C. Though           D. And

40. A. in               B. at             C. on               D. by

41. A. pleased           B. happy           C. excited           D. thankful

42. A. bought           B. owned          C. took             D. tried

43. A. back             B. away           C. over             D. through

44. A. filled             B. fill             C. full              D. fulled

45. A. with            B. off             C. in               D. from


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