摘要:假如你是Betty根据表中所列信息.用英语写一篇短文.介绍你家三口人的兴趣和爱好. 父亲 母亲 Betty 兴趣爱好 下象棋读书 烹饪 搞卫生 集邮 网球 卷Ⅱ A) 完成对话 通读下面的对话.然后根据上下文补全对话内容. A: Morning! What can I do for you? B: We’d like to make a trip for a weekend holiday, please. A: There are many travel paths. 66. ? B: We’d like to choose Nanyue mountains. A: It’s really worth visiting. 67. ? B: We’re not sure. Which hotel do you think is comfortable? A: The Holiday Home is very good. What’s more important, 68 ? B: We don’t want to live in an expensive hotel. That’s what we’ll do. A: 69. ? B: OK. I’ll ask my wife to fill in this form. By the way, is it all right if we pay by credit card? A: 70. Enjoy your weekend. B: Thank you. B) 句子翻译 将划线部分翻译成中文 Diving is a new sport today. 71.The sport takes you into a wonderful new world. It is like a visit to a moon! 72.When you are under water, it is easy for you to climb big rocks. Because you are no longer heavy. Here, under water, every thing is blue and green. 73.During the day, there is enough light. When fishes swim nearby, you can catch them with your hands. When you have a tank(桶) of air on your back, you can stay in deep water for a long time. 74.But you must be careful when you dive in deep water. Catching fish is one of the most interesting parts of this sport. Besides there are many uses for diving. 75.You can clean ships without taking them out of the water. Now you can see that diving is both useful and interesting. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 听力材料 A.单句理解 根据所听到的句子内容选择图片 1. W: What a lovely day! Shall we go swimming? M: Great! That is my favorite. Q: What does the man like doing? 2. W: Do you like working in the zoo? M: Yes, of course. You know the animals here are all lovely. Q: Where does the man work? 3. W: I have to go and meet my mother at the station right now. M: But it’s raining outside, Linda. W: Can I use your umbrella? M: Certainly. Here you are. 4. W: Hi, John. How are you today? M: Much better. But the doctor says I have to stay in hospital for another week. Q: Where are they talking? 5. W: Excuse me. Where is the post office? M: It’s over there next to the Science Museum. W: Thank you very much. Q: Which map is right? B. 对话理解 根据你听到的简短对话.选择正确的答案回答问题 6. W: Where does your father work? M: He works in a hospital. W: How long has he worked there? M: About ten years. 7. M: What do you want to do after graduation? W: To be a guide. M: Do you think it is easy to guide a group of tourists? W: No, I don’t think so. But I think it’s exciting to travel around. 8. M: When will you take the exam? W: I’ll take math on Tuesday, history on Thursday and geography the next Monday. 9. M: There’s a purse, two books, a camera and a video in my bag. W: That’s right, sir. You can take it now. 10. W: Could we have a table for four? M: Sorry, there’s only a table for three left. Would you please wait for a moment. C. 听下面两段对话.回答问题 听第一段对话.回答第11~12小题. M: You don’t look happy, Cathy. What’s the matter? W: I didn’t do well in the math exam. M: Really? I could hardly believe you not doing well in math. I know you’re very good at it. What happened this time? W: I was too careless. I found all the questions quite easy and I finished the exam in no time. 听第二段对话.回答第13~15小题. W: Oh, dear, it is cold today, isn’t it? M: Oh, do you think it’s cold, Lucy? I think it’s quite warm today. W: That’s because you are wearing warm clothes, Li Lei. M: Don’t you like this time of year? It’s spring now. I think spring is the best time of year. W: Do you, why? M: Because winter is over! What about you, Lucy? Which is your favorite season? W: Oh, I love summer best. I enjoy swimming. M: I also like swimming. But I like flying a kite more than swimming. It’s a pleasure to fly a kite with my friends on a fine day in spring. D.笔录要点 根据你听到的内容.完成表格 Bob, a student in his fifth year, studies in a middle school. He does well in all his subjects. When he is free on Saturdays or Sundays, he likes listening to music. He doesn’t like music that is loud and noisy. It makes him tired. “I like something gentle and that can make me feel good. he said.


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