摘要: -- When do you school every day ? -- School doesn’t begin when I . A. get to ; arrive B. get to ; arrive at C. arrive ; get B)完形填空 通读短文.掌握其大意.然后从各题所给的3个选项中选出1个可以填入空白处的最佳选项. There are many words in the English language. You will never 31 the meaning of every word in English. When you read, you will often find many 32 you do not know. You will not have enough time to 33 reading and try to find every new word in a dictionary. Sometimes you can 34 a new word because you know some of the parts of the new word. For example, if a word ends 35 the letters “-er , that word 36 be the name of a 37 or a thing that does a certain action. A writer is a person who writes. 38 it is not 39 to know the parts of a new word to understand it, 40 it will help you many times.



  Winter break! Two whole weeks without homework-two whole weeks of heaven.Two weeks to relax.I imagined myself getting plenty of sleep.I planned on reading“The Giver”, which I hadn't had time to read.

  But soon I noticed something:I couldn't sleep.It would be 12∶30 a. m.and I would be trying to fall asleep.I would begin thinking that I haven't done anything today!

  This happened the next night, and the night after.During the day, when I had free time, I would be pacing(踱步)around the room moaning(抱怨)that I had nothing to do! I was eating when I wasn't hungry.I was playing a computer game even though it was boring.

  The truth, I concluded, is that relaxation doesn't mean doing nothing.Relaxation means doing something enjoyable.I planned to swim at the local high school.I set up a practice schedule of an hour and a half per day.I decided to read two books that my friend had recommended(推荐)to me.I planned to do a little community service work, volunteering to help at the nearby old people's home for two hours every day.After doing those things, writing e-mails to my friends, watching DVDs and sleeping 12 hours a day, my days are full.And I'm truly having fun relaxing.

  Of course, some of my earlier wishes have come true.Being free from school work has taken a load off my mind, helped me to get in perspective(洞察力)and brought me back in touch with my family and myself.Getting so much sleep has done wonders for my state of mind.

  After each past winter break, I haven't been able to say what I did, how I used my time.This winter break will be different.I am relaxing by working.

1.How did the author feel about the vacation at first?


2.What was the author's problem after a few days?


3.What does relaxation mean to the author finally?


4.What does the underlined sentence mean?


5.Do you agree with the writer's ideas about relaxation?



Traveling to work by car gets more expensive today. People can do nothing about the world’s price of petrol(汽油). They have to work, so that they can pay. However, some people are trying to stop driving to work..

  People have found out that it is a good idea to ride a bike to work. More and more people return to bikes.

  Children often go tot school by bike. But now businessmen are going to work by bike, too. “The bike is easy to use,” says Molly, “and it is also very cheap. It is a good way for those who do business like me. You can buy thirty bikes at the price of a small car. A bike doesn’t use expensive petrol. A 10-year-old child can learn to use a bike. And most bikes can be used for a long time.”

  Mr Brown goes to his hospital by bike every day. He says, “A bike doesn’t cost a lot of money, and most families can have two or more ones. Bike-riding is good for our health. Today most people get fat because they don’t get enough exercise. So I tell my patients(病人) to buy bikes. In addition, in big cities it’s usually quicker to travel by bike than by bus or by car. Drivers can’t do anything but get angry when there is a traffic jam.(交通堵塞).”

11. Some people don’t want to drive to work because _______________.

  A. the cares are getting expensive     B. the petrol is getting expensive

  C. the care are difficult to take care of   D. petrol is hard to buy

12. In the second paragraph(段落), “return to bikes” means ____________.

  A. begin to ride bikes again      B. give bikes back to others

  C. go back by bike         D. borrow bike from others

13. After reading, we know that Molly is a _____________.

  A. doctor     B. student     C. patient      D. businesswoman

14. Mr Brow thinks that bike-riding has _________ good points.

  A. two   B. three    C. four     D. five

15. This passage tells us about _________________.

  A. cars and petrol  B. expensive petrol 

C. back to bike time  D. bike-riding for a long life




  Dear Amy,

  We haven’t seen each other for nearly a month.I have learnt a lot during the summer vacation.I’m at my uncle’s farm.My aunt feeds(饲养)a lot of chickens.They are lovely.I feed them every day.At first I didn’t want to go into the chicken house.You know, it smells bad.But every time I see the chickens, I like them.Little by little, I like to feed them.As I enter the house, the chickens look at me, like saying, “welcome!”I say“Hello”to them, too.Then I put the food in front of them and they begin to eat.I like watching them eating.Sometimes I help my aunt collect eggs.It’s very interesting!Several times I dream them in my dream.My uncle and aunt get up early and go to bed late.They take good care of the chickens.We needn’t go to the doctor’s because my uncle knows a little about illnesses.

  Until now,I don’t want to go back, I’ll return just before school begins.I want to know what you are doing now.Please write me back as soon as possible.

  Best wishes!



Daniel writes this letter to Amy to ________.

[  ]


ask her to write back


tell her what he has done


aske her to go to his uncle’s


show how hard he works


Daniel didn’t want to go into the chicken house at first because ________.

[  ]


there wasn’t enough food for chickens


some chickens were ill


it was small


it didn’t smell good


They ________ when the chickens are ill.

[  ]


can cure(治愈)them


take them to the doctor


leave them alone


watch them


Daniel doesn’t go back home until ________.

[  ]


some sick chickens are better


Amy writes back


the vacation is over


another chicken house is built


What do you think of Daniel’s vacation?

[  ]


It’s interesting.


It’s exciting.


It’s necessary.


It’s important.


  Traveling to work by car gets more expensive today.People can do nothing about the world’s price of petrol(汽油).They have to go to work, so they have to pay.However, some people are trying to stop driving to work.

  People are looking for a cheaper means of transportation and they have found out that it is a good choice to ride bikes to work.More and more people return to bikes

  Children often go to school by bike.But now businessmen are going to work by bike, too.“The bike is easy to use,” says Molly, “and it is also very cheap.It is a good choice for those who do business like me.You can buy thirty bikes for the price of a small car.A bike doesn’t use expensive petrol.A 10-year-old child can learn to take care of a bike.And most bikes can be used for a long time.”

  Mr Brown goes to his hospital by bike every day.He says, “A bike doesn’t cost a lot of money, and most families can have two or more ones.Bike riding is good for our health.Today most of people get fat because they don’t get enough exercise.So I tell all my patients to buy bikes.Besides, in big cities it’s usually quicker to travel by bike than by bus or by car.Drivers can’t do anything but get angry when there is a traffic jam”(交通堵塞)



Some people don’t want to drive to work because ________.

[  ]


the cars are getting expensive


the petrol is getting expensive


the cars are difficult to take care of


the petrol is of bad quality


The phrase “return to bikes” in the second paragraph means “________”.

[  ]


begin to ride bikes again


give bikes back to their owners


begin to collect bikes


sell their bikes to others


From the passage, we can know Molly is a ________.

[  ]










According to Mr Brown, bike riding is good for us mainly in ________ aspects(方面).

[  ]










Which is the best title for this passage?

[  ]


Cars and petrol


Expensive petrol


Back to bike times


Bike riding for a long life

       Orlando, Florida — Is it hard for you to get up early and get ready for classes? Some students at Winter
Park High School can quickly get up just in their clothes for sleeping and go to class in their own bedrooms. Of
course, their teachers and classmates do not see them because all their class work is on the computer.
       This school, the state's only online school, has 250 students who are taking classes at home by computer. 
       "I feel a lot more comfortable at home," says Luke Levesque, a 16-year-old student who is taking a
computer class online. He thinks the school's computer lad is so noisy that he can't study well. "Home is much
better," he says. 
       When a student is ready to begin a class, he or she turns on the computer, reads the teacher's instructions
(指示), and begins working on the lessons for the day. What happens if a student has a question for the teacher?
Or the teacher wants to say something about the work a student is doing? The student and the teacher can talk
to each other every day through e-mail or by telephone. For example, when Luke opened his daily e-mail from
the teacher, it contained (包含) her instructions for the day's computer lesson. When he finished, he sent his
work back by e-mail to her for correcting. 
       Is it easy for students to cheat on tests when they're working at home? The teachers have already thought
about this. They make students take their final exams in person in the classroom. 
       If this first online program goes well, in three years Florida's high school students will be able to take all
their classes by computer. When that happens, students will be able to get their high school diplomas (文凭)
without having to set foot in a classroom.
1. Winter Park High School is _______.
[     ]
A. one of the online schools in Florida
B. an ordinary high school in Florida
C. in fact Luke Levesque's own bedroom
D. the only online school in Florida
2. Luke likes taking classes at home because _______.
[     ]
A. he feels more comfortable at home
B. his school has not enough computers
C. he can learn what he likes at home
D. he doesn't need to face his teachers
3. Students can talk to each other and to the teacher _______.
[     ]
A. face to face
B. through e-mail or by telephone
C. only by telephone
D. only through e-mail
4. What can we know from the passage?
[     ]
A. In three years, all the school students in Florida can take their lessons by computer.
B. All the Florida's high school students can get their diplomas without going to their classrooms.
C. Computers and the Internet will be used more and more widely in school.
D. No students will have to attend school.

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