摘要:What’s wrong with your mother? What’s with your mother? you tell me how I can get to East Park? Can you tell me the East Park?


Whatever I do, I always think about whether other people will be happy. How can I stop worrying about what they think?    
-- Eva, 14, Illinois
Dr. Molly's Answer 1
You should tell him about your dream and that if you work really hard, it might come true even though you start late.
What should I do if I had a test? I'm afraid to tell my mom because she might get angry with me and I can't play soccer, And soccer is like the world to me.
-- Ashley, 12, Wisconsin
Dr. Molly's Answer 2
You'd better tell you mom the truth than for her to find out another way. When you tell her, explain why you failed the test. Ask her if she can help with your study in the future, you'll do better in your tests and may also have time to play soccer you love.
My dream is to be a famous basketball player like Yao Ming. My dad thinks I started too late and I'll never be able to make it. He puts me down, but I want his support(支持). What should I do?  
-- Tim, 9, Texas
Dr. Molly's Answer 3
Just be yourself and try not to care about what others think. The more you think about it, the worse you will feel. Always be strong and confident(自信).
小题1:Tim's dad doesn't support him because he thinks he ______.
A.is a litte shy and can't do it wellB.didn't start at a very early age
C.is too young to do it wellD.doesn't work hard
小题2:According to Dr. Molly, Eva should ______.
A.hold on to her dreamB.always to tell the truth
C.be brave to say hello to othersD.be confident of herself
小题3:What is wrong with Ashley?
A.She failed her test.B.She is afraid of her mother.
C.She can't play soccer.D.Her mother was angry with her.
小题4:Which is the correct order of Dr. Molly's answers to the three problems?
小题5:Which of the following is NOT true?
A.Dr Molly thinks Eve should believe in herself.
B.Ashley likes playing football very much.
C.Tim's dad wants him to be a famous basketball player.
D.Ashley's mother might be angry with her because of her test.

Have you ever felt life is bad? Do you find that life seems to make things difficult for you and everything seems to go wrong? I sometimes felt that way,but a friend changed me.

He told me that although he didn't have enough money,he was happy.I asked why he was happy.Then he told me what he saw in India.

A few years ago,he was really feeling sad and went to India.He saw an Indian mother cut off her child's right hand with a knife.After that he could never forget the sad eyes of the helpless mother and the child.The reason why the mother did that was to beg.The mother did this so that the child could go out on the streets to beg and get some food to eat.

Then he began to think about how happy he was.He had food to eat,a complete body,a job,a family,the chance to say that some food wasn't delicious,and many things that the mother and the child in front of him never dreamed of having.

After hearing his story,I began to think about it,too.Was my life real1y that bad? Perhaps it wasn't.It wasn't bad at all.

What about you? Next time you think that your life is bad,think about the child who lost one hand so that he could beg on the streets.

1.The writer begins the article with two questions in order to _________.

A.show the readers he knows a lot                  B.stress his opinion

C.attract the readers' interest

2.The Indian mother was _________ when she was cutting off her child's hand.

A.angry                         B.sad                      C.crazy

3.The underlined part “to beg” means _________.

A.to ask others for food                                 B.to tell others he’s sorry

C.to say he's unable to do anything

4.The writer's friend _________ after he saw what the Indian's life was like.

A.felt very sad and angry                                B.came to believe he was lucky

C.started to feel he was helpless

5.The underlined sentence in the end of the passage tells us _________.

A.how to feel good when upset                       B.how to help the poor when possible

C.how to keep a balance between rich and poor



A very old lady won a million dollars in a lottery(彩票).Her son and her husband heard the news on the radio.“How are we going to tell your mother?” the man asked, “The news might kill her!” “That’s true,” the son said, “Perhaps we’d better speak to her doctor about it.He’ll know how to bring the news to her gently(温和地).” They told the old lady’s doctor about this.“I’m glad you told me,” he said.“A shock(震惊),even a happy one, could give her a heart attack.Leave it to me.I’ll find a way of bringing the news to her.” The doctor thought about the problem for several days, then decided what he would say.He called on the old lady and sat by her.He took her hand in his.“Let’s play a game, my dear, ” he said.“A ‘Let’s Pretend(假装)’ game.” “Oh, yes,” the old lady said.“I love ‘Let’s Pretend’ game.” “Good.I’ll ask you a question first,” the doctor said.“Then you can ask me one.” He pretended to think for a few moments.Then he said, “Tell me, what would you do if you won a million dollars in the lottery?” “Oh, that’s an easy one,” the old lady said.“I’d give most of it to you, doctor, because you have been so good to me all these years.Doctor!” But the doctor was now lying on the floor.He had died of shock.


Why didn’t the son and his father tell the lady the good news immediately?Because they ________.

[  ]


weren’t sure it was right


didn’t want her to die of shock


wanted to inherit(继承)her money


wanted to kill her first


The doctor was also worried that the news would ________.

[  ]


make her worried


kill him


cause a heart attack


make her rich


The doctor went to the old lady’s house ________.

[  ]


to give her a heart attack


to play games with her


to tell her the news


to help her get better


Why was the doctor lying on the floor?Because ________.

[  ]


he hoped the old lady would do the same


it was part of the “Let’s Pretend” game


he was looking for the old lady’s money


he had died of shock


Which of the following is wrong?

[  ]


The son took bad care of the old lady’s health.


They wanted to tell her the happy news but they didn’t want to shock her.


The doctor waited for a few days before he told the old lady the news.


The doctor tried to tell her the news gently.

                                                           Died of shock (震惊)
    A very old lady won a million dollars in a lottery(彩票). Her son and her husband heard the news on the
    "How are we going to tell your mother?" the man asked. "The news might kill her." 
    "That's true." said the son. "Perhaps we'd better speak to her doctor about it. He will know how to bring the
news to her gently."
    They told the old lady's doctor about this . 
    "I'm glad you told me," he said, "A shock even a happy one could give her heart attack (打击). Leave it to
me. I'll find a way of bringing the news to her." 
    The doctor thought about the problem for several days. Then decided what he would say.
    He called on the old lady and sat by her. He took her hand in his. "let's play a game ,my dear," "A Let's
Pretend Game (一个假装游戏)." 
    "Oh, yes," said the old lady. "I love playing it." "Good , I'll ask you a question first" the doctor said. "Then
you can ask me one." 
    He pretended to think for a few moments. Then he said, "Tell me , what would you do if you won a million
dollars in the lottery?" 
    "Oh. That's an easy one," the old lady said. "I'd give most of it to you, Doctor. Because you have been so
good to me all these years. Doctor!" 
    But the doctor was lying on the floor. He had died of sock.
1. Why didn't the son and his father tell the lady the good news at once? Because they _______.
[     ]
A. weren't sure it was right
B. didn't want her to die of sock
C. want to kill her first
2. The doctor was also worried that the news would ________.
[     ]
A. make her worried
B. kill him
C. cause a heart attack
3. The doctor went to the old lady's house ________.
[     ]
A. to give her a heart attack
B. to play games with her
C. to tell her the news
4. Why was the doctor lying on the floor? Because ________.
[     ]
A. he hoped the old lady would do the same.
B. It was part of the "Let's Pretend" game.
C. he had died of shock
5. Which of the following is wrong?
[     ]
A. The son took bad care of the old lady's health
B. They wanted to tell her the happy news, but they didn't want to shock her.
C. The doctor tried to tell the news gently.

Eric was standing in front of a large, gray house in the countryside. He had just been dropped off by his mum, who left after telling him that he was going to ?? the next twelve days there with no TV, no mobile phone and worst of allno ???? .

Just then, a man appeared* at the gate of the house. When he saw Eric, he went up to him immediately*. "I'm ????? you are Eric. Welcome to Camp Reboot," said the man proudly. "I'm Tony, the camp leader*, but you will ????? me 'Sir'. Now you tell me ????? you're here."

Eric quickly replied, "My mum made me ?????? here!" When Tony looked angrily ????? him and did not say ???? , Eric realized his mistake and added, "Sir!"

?? "And do you know why your mother sent ??? here? Asked Tony.

?? "She thinks I spend too much time onlinethat I can't live without the Internet... Sir," answered Eric. "It's not just her opinion. It's the ????? ! Look at youtired, unhealthy and certainly not getting ????? sleep. You're here because you think your world on the Internet is much ????? than the real world. But you're wrong! The real world has much more to offer. At Camp Reboot, you're going to go hiking, boating, rock-climbing and stay outdoors most of the? ????? ," said Tony.

?? Eric's heart broke.

?? "But it's not going be all fun and games." Tony continued. " We have rules here. ????? you break them, you'll never be sent home ????? ! Instead, you'll have to sweep the floor, wash the dishes or do an extra hour of exercise!"

? "Oh, my God!" cried Eric. "What have you got me into, Mum?"

1.A. save????????????? ????????????? ????????????? B. keep????????????? ????????????? ????????????? C. show????????????? ????????????? ????????????? D. spend???

2.A. radio????????????? ????????????? ????????????? B. camera????????????? ????????????? C. book????????????? ????????????? ????????????? D. computer

3.A. sad????????????? ????????????? ?? B. sure????????????? ????????????? ????????????? C. anxious????????????? ????????????? D. surprised?

4.A. call????????????? ????????????? ????????????? B. make????????????? ????????????? ????????????? C. wish????????????? ????????????? ????????????? D. name?

5.A. what????????????? ????????????? ????????????? B. how ????????????? ??? ????????????? C. why????????????? ????????????? ????????????? D. when?

6.A. attempt????????????? ????????????? ?? B. pretend????????????? ????????????? ??? C. escape????????????? ????????????? ????????????? D. come

7.A. at????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? B. on????????????? ????????????? ????????????? C. in????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? D. to?

8.A. something ????????????? ????????????? B. anything????????????? ????????????? C. everything????????????? ????????????? D. nothing

9.A. it?? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? B. you? ????????????? ????????????? ??? C. him? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? D. her

10.A. answer ????????????? ????????????? B. story????????????? ????????????? ????????????? C. truth????????????? ??? ????????????? D. excuse

11.A. short? ????????????? ?? B. quick ????????????? ????????????? ??? C. enough?? ????????????? ????????????? D. terrible

12.A. older ????????????? ?? B. darker????????????? ????????????? ?? C. poorer?? ????????????? ????????????? D. better

13.A. time????????????? ????????????? ????????????? B. life? ????????????? ????????????? ?? C. year????????????? ????????????? ??? D. month

14.A. If ????????????? ????????????? ?? B. Until?? ????????????? ????????????? C. Before??? ????????????? ????????????? D. While

15.A. extremely ????????????? ?? B. possibly?? ????????????? ?? C. early??? ????????????? ????????????? D. slowly



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