摘要:Yesterday mother bought me a computer. Yesterday mother a computer .


Dear Mom,      
       I don't  think  you understand my life. You think I should be studying all the time. I know you want
me to find a good job when I grow up, but I would like to have a wonderful  time,  too.  You never think
about fun things for me to do like music, sports. Two days ago, when I was watching a football game on
TV, you asked me to stop and do my homework. After finishing my homework, still I couldn't read my
football magazines. You said I had to go to bed early. That was bad enough, but yesterday was the worst day. I bought some computer games, and put them in my bag so that you wouldn't see them. I told you I
had to do my homework first. I  knew it was wrong to lie to you, but Mom, I didn't quite like what you
did to me! I really love you, Mom, but I wish you could try not to be so hard on me.
                                                                                                                                                     Love ,
                                                                                                                                              Zhang Ning

1. Zhang Ning's mother wants him to_______ when he grows up.
A. be a good teacher      
B. find a good job
C. work in a big city      
D. have a good time
2. Zhang Ning' s mother asks him to              
A. study all the time    
B. do sports
C. watch TV                
D. tell a lie
3. Why did Zhang Ning put the computer games in the bag? Because _________.
A. he didn't like them
B. he played them many times
C. he wouldn't let his mother find them
D. he would play them at school
4. What do you think Zhang Ning should do?
A. He  should argue with his mom.
B. He  should have a fight with his mom.
C. He  shouldn't talk to his mom.
D. His letter could help his mother understand him  better.
5. What's the meaning of the underlined word "lie"?
A. 躺      
B. 离开
C. 撒谎    
D. 告诉
Dear Mum,
     I don't think you understand my life. You think I should be studying all the time. I know you want me to
find a good job when I grow up, but I would like to have a wonderful time, too.
     You never think about fun things for me to do like music and sports. Two days ago, when I was
watching a football game on TV, you asked me to stop and do my homework. After finishing my homework,
I still wasn't allowed to read my football magazines. You said I had to go to bed early. That was bad enough,
but yesterday was the worst day. I bought some computer games, and put them in my bag so that you
wouldn't see them. I told you I had to do my homework first. I know it was wrong to lie (撒谎) to you, but
you told me that Dad would talk to me later. Mum, I didn't quite like what you did to me! I really love you,
Mum, but I wish you could try not to be so hard on me.   
                                                                                                                                      Zhang Ning   
1. Zhang Ning's mother wants him _____ when he grows up.
[     ]
A. to be a teacher 
B. to find a good job
C. to work in a big city
D. to become a football star
2. _____ is Zhang Ning's favorite sport.
[     ]
A. Football   
B. Volleyball  
C. Basketball  
D. Baseball
3. Zhang Ning is asked (被要求)          .
[     ]
A. to watch TV
B. to do sports
C. to play computer games
D. to study all the time
4. Why did Zhang Ning put the computer games in the bag? Because _____.
[     ]
A. he didn't like them
B. he played them many times
C. he wouldn't like his mother to find them
D. there was something wrong with them
5. We know from the letter that _____.
[     ]
A. Zhang Ning lives a very happy life
B. Zhang Ning hates his mother
C. Zhang Ning wishes to study all the time
D. Zhang Ning's parents are very hard on him
        Here are some short messages. Amy got all of them on her mobile phone yesterday. Please read them carefully and find the best answers to the questions.
       Amy, I’m going to have a picnic this Sunday ?
       Would you like to come and join us?                      
                                                               Yours, Emma  13256786543
      Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is now on show at Jinhua Cinema. Want to go and see the
                                                               Tony, 13806775269
      Call me, please.                                 James, 13967495251
      Buy some vegetables and meat on your way home. Thanks .                        
                                                               Mother, 13453456579
      Mr Lee said your computer is OK now. You can go and get it from 1pm to 7pm.                      
                                                               Yours  Linda 18645321548
1. What did Amy get yesterday?
A. Some letters.
B. Some books.
C. Some messages
D. Some e-mails.
2. What did Mr Lee do for Amy?
A. He mended her computer.
B. He bought her a film ticket.
C. He helped her buy some meat and vegetables.
D. He helped her answer the phone call.
3. What’s Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?
A. A book.
B. A game.
C. A song.
D. A film.



(  )1.A.match



(  )2.A.the first floor

B.the second floor

C.the third floor

(  )3.A.85074603



(  )4.A.My brother gets up early.

B.My brother likes taking exercise.

C.My brother likes sleeping.

(  )5.A.Jack doesn't like his teachers.

B.Jack is living in another country.

C.Jack came to see his teachers yesterday.


(  )6.A.You're wrong.It woks well.

B.Oh, let me see what's wrong,

C.But you've bought.

(  )7.A.Who was it?

B.The door opened suddenly.

C.You were afraid to go out.

(  )8.A.Yes, with pleasure.

B.No, of cause not.

C.Yes, I mind very much.

(  )9.A.It's purple.

B.Not at all.

C.You look good in it.

(  )10.A.Why not turn on the radio?

B.You'd better put on more clothes.

C.Shall we open the window?


(  )11.Who are the speakers?

A.Two teachers.

B.Two students.

C.A teacher and a student.

(  )12.What does the woman think of the party?


B.Very good.

C.Not bad.

(  )13.How much will the woman pay?

A.90 yuan

B.80 yuan

C.100 yuan

(  )14.What colour is the woman's dress?




(  )15.Q:How does the man spend his free time?

A.Play cards.

B.Watch TV.

C.Play on the computer


(  )16.What did Sam do yesterday?

A.He went to swim.

B.He went to match motor-racing.

C.He went to fish.

(  )17.What will Gordon do next week?

A.She wants to have a rest.

B.She wants to learn fishing.

C.She wants to go to English.

(  )18.When do the shops usually close?

A.At 4∶30 pm.

B.At 5∶00 pm.

C.At 5∶30 pm.

(  )19.Where do they want to go for dinner?

A.The hotel.

B.The man's home.

C.The restaurant near the hotel.

(  )20.When does the boy get up every morning?

A.Very early.

B.At 6 pm

C.at 6 am.

(  )21.Why does he get up so early?

A.Because he wants to remember something at that time.

B.Because he wants to do morning exercises.

C.Because he wants to go to school earlier.

(  )22.What's the relationship between the speakers?

A.Teacher and student.

B.Student and reporter.

C.Mother and child.

(  )23.How did we go to the park?

A.By bike.

B.On foot.

C.By car.

(  )24.How long did it take us to get there?

A.Twenty minutes

B.Fifty minutes.

C.One hour.

(  )25.Why did I feel sad?

A.I couldn't take photos.

B.The food was not delicious.

C.I threw away the food bag.



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