摘要:最后 24.太多的麻烦


Sam is only seven. One day his friend Mike says to him, “This Sunday is my birthday(生日). Could you come to my birthday party? ”Sam says, “Yes, I'd love to. ”

On Sunday Sam asks his mother. His mother says, “Yes, you can go. But don't ask for food. I think Mike's mother will give you some. ”

“All right, Mum. ”Sam answers and he goes to Mike's house on his bike.

There are many children at the party. They play for some time and then Mike's mother gives them some food, but she forgets Sam. Sam is very worried because he's hungry. So he takes up his plate(盘子)and says“Do you want a nice clean plate? ”


1. Sunday is__________birthday.

A. Sam's                               B. Mike's

C. Sam's mother's                       D. Mike's mother's

2. Sam goes to Mike's house__________

A. by bike                              B. by car

C. by bus                                 D. on foot

3. Mike's mother__________.

A. gives everyone some food

B. gives Sam some food

C. doesn't give Sam any food

D. plays with the children

4. Sam doesn't have any food, so he__________.

A. asks Mike's mother to give him some

B. is very angry(生气)

C. is very glad

D. is very hungry

5. At last(最后)I think__________.

A. Mike's mother gives him some food

B. Mike gives him some food

C. Sam isn't glad to leave Mike's house

D. Other children give him some food




  Tom was a thirteen-year-old boy.He was tall and strong.He ran faster than any other boy in his class.So he was often proud of it.

One day,a new student came.His name was Dick.He was thin and short.But his classmates found he ran very fast when they were playing football.

Henry,one of Tom's friends,told him about it.Of course,he didn't believe it.

  “Why not have a race with him?”said Henry.

  “It's a good idea!”said Tom.“Go to tell the boy.I'll have a race with him tomorrow.”

  The next afternoon,when the classes were over,Tom got ready for the race.He was sure he could win the first place.Henry didn't finish his homework and couldn't go with him.That evening Henry went to see his friend.They began to talk about the race.Tom's grandma heard them in the next room.She came in and asked,“Which place did you get,Tom?”

  “The second place,Grandma.”

  “Congratulations to you!”the old woman said happily.“And which place did Dick win?”

  “The last but one.”


Dick was __________.

  A.strong and tall

  B.short and thin

  C.13 years old

  D.the same age as Tom

[  ]


Before Dick came,__________.

  A.Tom ran the fastest in his class  

B.Tom ran the fastest of the boys

  C.all his classmates ran slower than Tom  

D.no girl could run faster than Tom

[  ]


Dick's classmates found __________.

  A.he could play football very well  

B.he ran faster than Tom and Henry

  C.he ran very fast when playing football

D.he couldn't run fast when he played football

[  ]


Henry asked Tom __________.

  A.to have a race with Dick  

B.not to believe Dick

C.not to be too sure about himself

D.to run faster than Dick

[  ]


“The last but one”means __________ in Chinese.

  A.最后一名  B.倒数第二名  C.第一名  D.第二名

[  ]

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