摘要:唤醒 20.把东西撞翻


阅读Fishing Can Be Dangerous

  Old Peter liked fishing.Whenever he had any free time he drove into the countryside, found a good place to fish, and spent a few hours fishing.The problem was that most of the best places to fish were on private land, and Peter often had to pull his rod out of the water quickly and run off with it when the owner of the land came along.

  One day he was sitting by a river that ran through a rich man's property when he fell asleep.

  He was awakened by a voice saying, “You'll never catch anything using that bait.”

  Peter looked up and saw a man standing behind him.

  “What do you mean?”Peter said.“There's nothing wrong with this bait.I always use it.I've caught thirty fish with it today already.”

  “How interesting!” the man said.“Do you know who I am?”

  Peter shook his head.

  “I'm the owner of this land.”

  Peter thought very quickly.

  “Do you know who I am?” he asked.

  The man shook his head.

  “I'm the biggest liar in the country,” Peter told him.

  And with these words he pulled his line out of the water and ran off as fast as he could.







  awakened n.(awaken的过去分词…was awakened by…:……被……唤醒





A.Choose the best answer to each question about the story.(根据故事内容,选择最佳答案)

1.Whenever Peter had some spare time he ________.

a)went for a drive in his car

b)visited his friends

c)went fishing

d)looked for some private land

2.Most of the best places to fish were ________.

a)owned by someone

b)a long way from Peter's home

c)difficult to find

d)near a river

3.Peter told the man ________.

a)not to use his bait

b)that his bait was very good

c)that he never used bait

d)that the bait wasn't any good

4.Why did Peter tell the man he was “the biggest liar in the country”?

a)He had lied to him about the fish.

b)He didn't know who he was.

c)He was using the wrong bait.

d)He wanted the man to believe he had lied(撒谎).

B.Complete sentences将句子a)、b)、c)、d)分别与短语e)、f)、g)、h)连线,使其成为完整的句子。)

a)Peter often spent a few hours

e)the most of the best places to fish were on private land.

b)He usually fished on private land because

f)the same kind of bait.

c)He always used

g)the owner of the land arrived.

d)He often had to run away when

h)fishing in the countryside.

C.What do you like doing in your free time?

1.列举业余时间你通常做的事:fishing, going for a drive, playing basketball, listening to the music________, ________, ________, ________, ________

2.What should we do in our spare time?Give comments评价所写的活动

如:We should go fishing in our spare time.It’s very relaxing.

3.写信给你的朋友告诉她/他,你业余时间喜欢做什么及原因(可以用I,…, you’ll…)。



  “Katy, get your books. It's time to go to school,”said Mum.

  “But I don't like to,”Katy said.

  “Well, go and have fun,”Mum told her.

  When Katy got to school, some children asked her to play with them. She really wanted to, but she was too shy to say yes.

  That night when Katy got home she wasn't happy, so she went straight to her room to play with her friend Jimmy the Tiger. She told Jimmy about her shyness and Jimmy told her,“Tomorrow at school, I will help you, and you will feel good about talking to other children.”

  The next morning, after breakfast, she left home to catch a bus as usual, but this time with Jimmy. On the bus, Jimmy started telling Katy how he was going to help her to talk to other children. When the bus arrived at school, Katy jumped off and ran to her classroom to put her books away. Then she ran outside. But suddenly she stopped.

  “I can't go over and ask to play with them!!!”

  “Go !”said Jimmy.

  As she was walking over to the children, a girl said to her,“Hey, Katy, do you want to play with us?”Katy said,“Yes, I would love to.”She was so happy. From that day on she loved going to school. And now she is happy to go to school alone, without Jimmy the Tiger.

(1) Katy usually went to school _______.

[  ]

A. by bus
B. in her car
C. on foot
D. by bike

(2) Katy did not like school at first because she was a ________ girl.

[  ]

A. tall
B. short
C. nice
D. shy

(3) Katy's classmates asked her to ________ with them.

[  ]

A. play
B. live
C. drive
D. agree

(4) Who said“I can't go over and ask to play with them!”?

[  ]

A. Jimmy.
B. Katy.
C. Katy's mother.
D. Katy's teacher.

(5) The story tells us ________

[  ]

A. Jimmy was a school boy

B. Katy went to school once a week

C. Jimmy helped Katy become confident

D. Katy's mum took her to school every day


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