摘要:Tim put two baskets of apples 1 his donkey(驴)and went to sell them. At noon it was very hot, he stopped 2 a big tree. There were some other men 3 , and all of them had donkeys and baskets of apples, 4 . After their lunch 5 went to sleep. After some time, Tim began 6 apples out of the other men's baskets and put them in his. Just at that time one of them woke up and 7 him. "What are you doing?" he said angrily. "Oh," said Tim, "don't worry about me. I am half mad(疯), and I do a lot of strangethings sometimes." "Oh, really?" said the other man. "Then why don't you sometimes take apples out of 8 baskets and put them in someone else's baskets?" "You 9 understand me,"said Tim,"I said I was in 10 mad, not quite mad." 1. A. in B. on C. of D. before 2. A. under B. on C. in D. over 3. A. where B. there C. here D. near 4. A. at all B. and C. also D. too 5. A. we B. he C. she D. they 6. A. take B. takes C. to take D. took 7. A. seeing B. to see C. sees D. saw 8. A. my B. his C. our D. your 9. A. don't B. doesn't C. do D. not 10. A. very B. quite C. a little D. half


     Tim put two baskets of apples  1  his donkey (驴) and went to sell them. At noon it was very hot, he
stopped  2  a big tree. There were some other men  3 , and all of them had donkeys and baskets of apples,  4 .
After their lunch  5  went to sleep. After some time, Tim began  6  apples out of the other men's baskets and
put them in his.
     Just at that time one of them woke up and  7  him."What are you doing?" he said angrily (生气地).
     "Oh," said Tim, "don't worry about me. I am half mad (疯), and I do a lot of strange (奇怪的) things
     "Oh, really?" said the other man."Then why don't you sometimes take apples out of  8  baskets and put
them in someone else's baskets?"
     "You  9  understand (理解) me," said Tim, "I said I was in  10  mad, not quite mad."
(     )1. A. in    
(     )2. A. under 
(     )3. A. where 
(     )4. A. at all
(     )5. A. we    
(     )6. A. take  
(     )7. A. seeing
(     )8. A. my    
(     )9. A. don't 
(     )10. A. very 
B. on    
B. on    
B. there 
B. and   
B. he    
B. takes 
B. to see
B. his   
B. doesn't
B. quite 
C. of     
C. in     
C. here   
C. also   
C. she    
C. to take
C. sees   
C. our    
C. do     
C. a little
D. before
D. over  
D. near  
D. too   
D. they  
D. took                            
D. saw   
D. your  
D. not   
D. half  

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