摘要: Could you tell me to do next ? A. what B. when C. why D. how


A woodcutter(伐木工) was working in the forest one day when he found a box full of gold coins. Unfortunately, his wife was the kind of woman who could not keep a secret. Somehow, he knew, he had to prevent(阻止) her from talking about the gold.
He thought about this for a long time, then had an idea.
“ I found something in the forest”, he told his wife, “come with me and I’ll show you.”.His wife followed him into the forest and soon they came to a tree.“ Look at that!” the woodcutter said to his wife, and pointed to the tree. “There’s a fish growing on that branch!” His wife was surprised ,especially when he climbed up the tree and brought down the fish for her to see.They walked on and soon came to the river. “I’ll just pull in my net and see what I’ve caught”, the woodcutter said.
He pulled in his net and inside there were several hares(野兔). “How interesting!” he said “there are now hares in the river.” After that, they came to where the woodcutter had found the box of gold. “Look, wife”, he said “this is what I have found. A box of gold coins.”
The next day, his wife could not stop herself from telling her friends about all the wonderful things she had seen.Of course, nobody believe her!
【小题1】Where did the woodcutter find the box of gold?______

A.When he was working
B.In his garden
C.In the forest where he was working
D.On his farm fields, where he was farming
【小题2】Where do you usually see hares?______
A.In the street.B.In the forest.C.In the river.D.In the sea.
【小题3】Why did his wife tell her friends what happened? Because ______
A.she was very surprised.
B.she wondered why the hares were in the river and fish was in the tree
C.she could not stop herself from talking about anything
D.she was very happy


A woodcutter(伐木工) was working in the forest one day when he found a box full of gold coins. Unfortunately, his wife was the kind of woman who could not keep a secret. Somehow, he knew, he had to prevent(阻止) her from talking about the gold.

He thought about this for a long time, then had an idea.

“ I found something in the forest”, he told his wife, “come with me and I’ll show you.”.His wife followed him into the forest and soon they came to a tree.“ Look at that!” the woodcutter said to his wife, and pointed to the tree. “There’s a fish growing on that branch!” His wife was surprised ,especially when he climbed up the tree and brought down the fish for her to see.They walked on and soon came to the river. “I’ll just pull in my net and see what I’ve caught”, the woodcutter said.

He pulled in his net and inside there were several hares(野兔). “How interesting!” he said “there are now hares in the river.” After that, they came to where the woodcutter had found the box of gold. “Look, wife”, he said “this is what I have found. A box of gold coins.”

The next day, his wife could not stop herself from telling her friends about all the wonderful things she had seen.Of course, nobody believe her!

1.Where did the woodcutter find the box of gold?______

A.When he was working

B.In his garden

C.In the forest where he was working

D.On his farm fields, where he was farming

2.Where do you usually see hares?______

A.In the street.       B.In the forest.       C.In the river.        D.In the sea.

3.Why did his wife tell her friends what happened? Because ______

A.she was very surprised.

B.she wondered why the hares were in the river and fish was in the tree

C.she could not stop herself from talking about anything

D.she was very happy


A woodcutter(伐木工) was working in the forest one day when he found a box full of gold coins. Unfortunately, his wife was the kind of woman who could not keep a secret. Somehow, he knew, he had to prevent(阻止) her from talking about the gold.
He thought about this for a long time, then had an idea.
“ I found something in the forest”, he told his wife, “come with me and I’ll show you.”.His wife followed him into the forest and soon they came to a tree.“ Look at that!” the woodcutter said to his wife, and pointed to the tree. “There’s a fish growing on that branch!” His wife was surprised ,especially when he climbed up the tree and brought down the fish for her to see.They walked on and soon came to the river. “I’ll just pull in my net and see what I’ve caught”, the woodcutter said.
He pulled in his net and inside there were several hares(野兔). “How interesting!” he said “there are now hares in the river.” After that, they came to where the woodcutter had found the box of gold. “Look, wife”, he said “this is what I have found. A box of gold coins.”
The next day, his wife could not stop herself from telling her friends about all the wonderful things she had seen.Of course, nobody believe her!
小题1:Where did the woodcutter find the box of gold?______
A.When he was working
B.In his garden
C.In the forest where he was working
D.On his farm fields, where he was farming
小题2:Where do you usually see hares?______
A.In the street.B.In the forest.C.In the river.D.In the sea.
小题3:Why did his wife tell her friends what happened? Because ______
A.she was very surprised.
B.she wondered why the hares were in the river and fish was in the tree
C.she could not stop herself from talking about anything
D.she was very happy

When I was about twelve years old,I had an enemy,a girl who liked to tell me about my shortcomings(缺点).Week by week her list became 1   I was very short,and I wasn't a good student,I talked too much,and so on. I tried to stand all of these as long as I could.Finally,I became very 2 ndline.I ran to my father with tears(眼泪)in my eyes.

  He listened to me 3 ndline,and then asked,"Are the things that she said true or not? Jane,have you ever 4   what you're really like? Now you have that girl's 5 ndline.Go and make a list of everything she said and mark the points that are 6 ndline.Pay no attention to the other things that she said."

  I did 7   he told me.To my great surprise,I found that about half of the things were true.Some of them I couldn't 8 ndline,like being very short,but a good number of them I could.I wanted to change the bad things in me,and for the9   time I knew something about myself in a very clear way.

  I brought the list back to my father.He 10   to take it."That's just for you,"he said,"You know better than 11else the truths about yourself,but sometimes others' opinions are also important,so you have to learn how to 12 ndline,and not just close your ears in anger and feel hurt.When something 13   is said about you is true,you'll find that it will be of help to you.Our world is full of people who think that they know you.Don't shut your ears.Listen to all of them,14   hear the truth and do what you think is the right thing to do."I have remembered my father's 15   at many important moments.I have never had a better piece of advice in my whole life.


A.longer  B.shorter  C.politer D.fairer

[  ]


A.dull  B.brave  C.angry D.happy

[  ]


A.quietly  B.carelessly  C.casually  D.differently

[  ]


A.came out  B.dealt with  C.got over D.thought about

[  ]


A.strategies  B ideas  C.photos  D.books

[  ]


A.crazy  B.true  C.strict  D.simple

[  ]


A.as  B.against  C.since  D.for

[  ]


A.produce  B.check  C.borrow  D.change

[  ]


A.first  B.second  C.last  D.next

[  ]


A described  B.needed  C.warned  D.refused

[  ]


A.everything  B.anyone  C.nothing  D.anything

[  ]


A.shout  B.teach  C.listen  D.read

[  ]


A.that  B.why  C.where D.who

[  ]


A.so  B.or  C.for  D.but

[  ]


A.advice  B.excuse  C.features  D.promises

[  ]

If I ask you to shut your eyes and gave you a piece of apple to eat, would you be able to tell me what it is just by tasting it? Of course, you could. Your tongue is covered with tiny “taste buds” which help you know what different foods taste like. Do you know that foods would taste different if you did not have a nose? This experiment shows how important your nose is when you taste things.

What You Need:

• a friend to help

• small pieces of any food like carrot, orange, banana

• small pieces of apple, raw(生的) potato, and onion

What You Do:

There are actually three different experiments. You and your friend should take turns trying them on each other.

Experiment 1:

Have your friend close her eyes and open her mouth.

Give her a piece of the food and ask her to taste it.

Then, ask her what she thinks it is. She will probably guess correctly.

Experiment 2:

While your friend has her eyes closed, give her a piece of the raw potato. At the same time, hold a piece of apple right under her nose. Ask her to eat the potato (but don’t call it by name) and tell you what she thinks it is. She will say it is a piece of apple!

Experiment 3: (for the brave)

Take a piece of raw onion. You don’t have to close your eyes this time. Squeeze your nose closed with your other hand so that no smells can get into your nose. Now take a nibble of the onion. Surprise! As long as you hold your nose, you will not be able to taste the onion.

The Science Secret

You already know the science secret. Your nose and your tongue work together to make food taste the way it does. Your tongue, however, can taste only certain flavors like salty, bitter, sour, and sweet. All of the other “tastes” are actually “smells,” and you need your nose to “taste” them. Oh, and you might use this science secret the next time you are told to eat something you don’t like the taste of. If you hold your nose while you eat it, you won’t “taste” it at all.

1What is this article mostly about?

A. Why different foods can smell the same.

B. How smell changes the way people see.

C. How smell affects the way food tastes.

D. Why some things smell better than others.

2 What is the most likely reason Experiment 3 is called “for the brave”?

A. You keep your eyes open.          B. You have to eat a raw onion.

C. You have to squeeze your nose.      D. You do the experiment alone.

3 According to this article, what could a reader conclude about food?

A. People hold their noses to eat onions.

B. If you can smell potatoes, you will taste apples.

C. People need a sense of smell to taste some food.

D. If you close your eyes, food will taste better.

4 What’s the best title of the passage?

A. Your Eyes Knows        B. Your Nose Knows

C. Your Mouth Knows       D. Your Tongue Knows


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