摘要: 那座旧桥上个星期被拆除了. The old bridge was last week .
1. 如果你们有什么问题,请随时举手。
If you have any questions, feel free to _____ _____ your hands.
2. 无论他是怎么完成的,这都是一个巨大的成功。
No matter how he did it, it was a _____ _____.
3. 几年前,因为某种无人知晓的原因,这种稀有的鸟绝迹了。
Several years ago a rare ,species of bird _____ _____ for some unknown reason.
4. 据说这个岛盛产铁矿石。
It is said that this island is _____ _____ iron ore.
5. 那座旧桥上个星期被拆除了。
The old bridge was _____ _____ last week:
If you have any questions, feel free to _____ _____ your hands.
2. 无论他是怎么完成的,这都是一个巨大的成功。
No matter how he did it, it was a _____ _____.
3. 几年前,因为某种无人知晓的原因,这种稀有的鸟绝迹了。
Several years ago a rare ,species of bird _____ _____ for some unknown reason.
4. 据说这个岛盛产铁矿石。
It is said that this island is _____ _____ iron ore.
5. 那座旧桥上个星期被拆除了。
The old bridge was _____ _____ last week:
1. 如果你们有什么问题,请随时举手。
If you have any questions, feel free to your hands .
2. 无论他是怎么完成的,这都是一个巨大的成功。
No matter how he did it, it was a .
3. 几年前,因为某种无人知晓的原因,这种稀有的鸟绝迹了。
Several years ago a rare species of bird for some unknown reason.
4. 据说这个岛盛产铁矿石。
It is said that this island is iron ore .
5. 那座旧桥上个星期被拆除了。
The old bridge was last week .