摘要: A.上文已有这个词组.表示一直被关在电梯中达两小时之久.


  When a big ship is in very rough(不平坦的) sea, it has to be able to bend(弯) a little, otherwise it may break in two. If one end of the ship is on the top of one huge wave, and the other end is on the top of another, with the middle of the ship hanging in between; or if one huge wave comes up under the middle of the ship, leaving the two ends hanging, the ship's own weight will break its back if it is quite stiff(硬的).

  To make a big ship elastic(有弹性的) enough to avoid (避开) this danger, it has joints where the sections of the ship come together above the water-line, and these joints (连接处) open and shut slightly as the waves lift one section(部分) of the ship or another. This is enough to save the ship from breaking into pieces.

  One day a sailor was walking along a passage-way in a big ship during a storm when he was surprised to see a boy sitting comfortably in a chair at the end of the passage-way, which was opposite one of the ship's joints. The boy had a bag of nuts beside him, and every time the ship was lifted by a wave and the joint opened, he put a nut in it. As the ship came down again, the joint closed and cracked(压碎) the nut, gently but firmly. The boy then took it out and put the next one in as the joint opened again.

1.What does a big ship have to do when it is in very rough sea?

2.If one end of the ship is on the top of one huge wave, and the other end is on the top of another, with the middle of the ship hanging in between, what will happen to the ship if it is quite stiff?

3.Why does a big ship have joints?

4.What do these joints do?

5.Where was a sailor walking during the storm in this story?

6.What was he surprised to see?

7.What did the boy have beside him?

8.What did he do?

9.How was the nut cracked?

10.What did the boy do then?

【注】 ①毕侍郎:毕沅,乾隆时进士,官至湖广总督。②衖,同“巷”。 ③阿妳:母亲。④繐帷:灵账。 ⑤相如病肺:据《史记》载,司马相如“常有消渴疾。”消渴疾,如糖尿病,古人误以为肺病。⑥昌谷:唐朝诗人李贺 ⑦论髓:即沦肌浃髓,比喻感受之深。⑧旐:画龙蛇的旗,此指出丧时的灵旌。⑨风兹来祀:即劝勉后人。风“同讽”,劝。⑩率启:草率地禀告。不宣:不尽,即书不尽意的意思,旧书信的结尾词。
【小题1】对下列句子中加点的词的解释,不正确的一项是(3分)(  )
【小题2】下列句子中,全部表现毕侍郎“高风厚谊”的一组是(3分)( )
①遗弃一世之务,留连身后之名者也  ②生则为营薄宦
③省其遗言,为之堕泪              ④死则为恤衰亲
⑤复发德音,欲梓遗集              ⑥梓后尚望付其遗孤,以为手泽耳
【小题3】下列对原文有关内容的分析和概括,不正确的一项是(3分)( )

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