摘要:2.enough to do / too-to do句型转换及与so-that引导的结果状语从句之间的转换. e.g. 1) Kitty给我们每个人两件礼物.她真大方. Kitty is each of us two presents. Kitty is she gives each of us two presents. It is generous Kitty each of us two presents. 2) 对于中学生来说.学好英语是很重要的吗? Is it Middle School Students English well? 3)Jim年龄不够大.照顾不了自己. Jim is look after himself. Jim is look after himself. Jim is he look after himself.


Life in the 22nd century will be different from life in the 20th century, because many changes will take place in the new century, but what will the changes be?

The population is       fast. There will be more and more people in the world and most of them will live     than before.      will be much smaller and more useful, and there will be at least one in every home. And computer studies will be one of the important subjects at     .

People will work fewer hours than they did in the 20th century, and they will have more free time for sports,      TV and traveling. Traveling will be     . And many more people will go to other countries for holidays.

More land will be used for building new towns and houses. Then there will be less room for cows and sheep, so     will be more expensive. Maybe no one will eat it every day,     , they eat more vegetables and fruit. Maybe people will be healthier.

Work in the future will be      , too. Dangerous and hard work will be done by robots(机器人). Because of this, many people will not have enough        to do. This will be a problem.

1.A. making               B. growing      C. running               D. doing

2.A. 1onger         B. shorter           C. faster                 D. taller

3.A. Trains          B. Cars               C. Computers                     D. Houses

4.A. factory         B. hospital            C. farm                  D. school

5.A. watching       B. seeing              C. 1ooking               D. buying

6.A. 1ess interesting  B. much easier     C. more expensive              D. more difficult

7.A. fruit           B. milk               C. meat                  D. bread

8.A. instead          B. sometimes      C. still                   D. however

9.A. dangerous      B. difficult           C. heavy                D. different

10.A. job          B. work           C. homework         D. exercise



Sally has a lot of friends. She has five best friends, and the six of them are like sisters to each other, but they are all very different.

Gemma is a very easy-going person. She does not get angry easily and is happy to do whatever the group wants.

Sarah is very clever and hard-working. She always does the best in exams at school, but she never shows off. It is really kind of Sarah to help Annie with her homework when she is having trouble.

Emily is a quiet friend. She is not energetic and active like Katie, or outgoing like Annie, but she is very patient and fair. Whenever there is an argument, Emily is always there to listen to everyone and make sure that everybody stays friends.

Sally thinks about her own characteristics. She thinks she is kind and confident. One of her best qualities is to listen to others carefully. She is a good listener. All of her friends like to talk with her about their problems. She is happy that none of her friends are selfish people.

1.What does Sally think of Emily?

A. She is just like Annie.                B. She likes to argue. 

C. She is energetic and active.            D .She is quiet, fair and patient.

2.What is Annie like?

A .Energetic.        B. Outgoing.        C. Quiet.        D. Patient and fair.

3.What is Sarah kind enough to do?

A. To help Sally with her homework.       B. To do well in exams.

C.To help Annie with her homework.       D.To be hard-working and clever.

4.What is Gemma like?

A. She doesn't get angry easily.    

B. She is willing to do whatever the group wants.

C. She is easy-going.            

D. All of the above.

5.What is Sally’s best quality?

A. She is confident .                     B. She is kind..

C. She has good friends.                  D. She is a good listener.




【小题1】 I am a professional gardener. I work in a big company in Pagewood. I would like to do some gardening in our neighborhood for old people on weekends.
【小题2】 I haven’t found a job since my parents passed away months ago. I miss them so much. I would like to help old people in Ryde in their homes to make them happy. But I don’t have a driver license.
【小题3】 I am a book lover from New York. I am healthy and strong enough to do some volunteer work about books on weekends. I have a clean driver license and a car.
【小题4】 I have a red car and I am generally free on Sundays. I would like to help elderly or disabled people because I am a patient and humorous person and I can understand them well.
【小题5】 I’m a student, aged 22 in Rozelle College. I am quite outgoing and I like talking with all kinds of people. I have time to do some volunteer jobs on weekdays.
A.Book Collector in New York on Weekends
We need someone who can collect donated books and give away them to our sorting area. You must have a car and driver license and be able to lift small boxes of books.
B.Bus Driver in South Ryde on Thursdays or Fridays
You will drive a bus for elderly people. You will pick them up, drive them to the parks, beaches, etc. and back to the center by lunch time. You must have a bus license. You need good communication skills and know the area well.
C.Shopping Volunteer on Sundays, 10:00am~3:30 pm
You will help senior or disabled customers with their shopping in Spring Shopping Center. You should have your own car. You should be a patient, humorous and caring person.
D.Visitor in Ryde Areas on Weekdays
You will visit housebound(不能离家的) people in their own homes and chat with them. You should have patience and know senior people well. You will meet new people and enjoy cheering them up.
E. Bookkeeper in Sutherland at 10:00am~2:00pm, on Weekdays
You will help keep records on Quickbooks and answer telephones. You should speak English well.
F. Gardener in Pagewood on Weekends
You will tidy and weed(除草) a back yard, mow(割草) a small lawn(草坪). You should be good at gardening. You will work in a beautiful environment, meet new people and help others.
G. Neighborhood Aid in Rozelle on Weekdays
You will provide help to senior or disabled people by visiting their homes, shopping, paying bills, making telephone calls, gardening. You must be more than 18 years old and can communicate with other people well.


“Life’s a long, long journey(旅程)” so we are told, and most of us would not set off on a journey, even a short one, without some idea of where we wanted to go. Yet many people travel on life’s journey with no sense of direction at all.
Setting personal goals can give your life a sense of direction. Goal setting is used by top sports players, successful business people and achievers in all fields. Before you set personal goals, think about what you want to achieve with your life.
Try to set goals in some of the following categories.

Education—Will you achieve the educational goals after finishing high-school? Are you still growing and learning?
Family—What kind of relationship(关系)do you want with your parents and other family members?
Creative—Do you want to achieve any artistic goals?
Career—What job do you want to take when you grow up? What do you need to make your dream come true?
Public Service—Do you want to make the world a better place?
Physical—Are you fit enough to do the things you want to do?
Pleasure—How do you want to enjoy yourself?
Write down the goals and think about them carefully. Are they realistic? When will you be able to achieve them?
To help make the process (过程) more manageable, divide your goals into smaller tasks. For example, if you want to reach a main goal in five years, set a three-year goal, a one-year goal, a three-month goal and a one-month goal. Then create a daily To-Do List of things that you should do today. When a goal is achieved, take the time to enjoy your success. This helps you build the self-confidence.
Remember, your goals can change as time goes on. But be sure your goals are things you hope to achieve, not what your parents, family or teachers want.
【小题1】Is life a long journey according to the passage?
【小题2】 Why do you need to set your life goal?
【小题3】What should you consider when you set a family goal?
【小题4】How can we achieve the main goal easily?
【小题5】What does the writer want to tell us?


“Life’s a long, long journey(旅程)” so we are told, and most of us would not set off on a journey, even a short one, without some idea of where we wanted to go. Yet many people travel on life’s journey with no sense of direction at all.

Setting personal goals can give your life a sense of direction. Goal setting is used by top sports players, successful business people and achievers in all fields. Before you set personal goals, think about what you want to achieve with your life.

Try to set goals in some of the following categories.

· Education—Will you achieve the educational goals after finishing high-school? Are you still growing and learning?

· Family—What kind of relationship(关系)do you want with your parents and other family members?

·          Creative—Do you want to achieve any artistic goals?

· Career—What job do you want to take when you grow up? What do you need to make your dream come true?

· Public Service—Do you want to make the world a better place?

· Physical—Are you fit enough to do the things you want to do?

· Pleasure—How do you want to enjoy yourself?

Write down the goals and think about them carefully. Are they realistic? When will you be able to achieve them?

To help make the process (过程) more manageable, divide your goals into smaller tasks. For example, if you want to reach a main goal in five years, set a three-year goal, a one-year goal, a three-month goal and a one-month goal. Then create a daily To-Do List of things that you should do today. When a goal is achieved, take the time to enjoy your success. This helps you build the self-confidence.

Remember, your goals can change as time goes on. But be sure your goals are things you hope to achieve, not what your parents, family or teachers want.

1.Is life a long journey according to the passage?

2. Why do you need to set your life goal?

3.What should you consider when you set a family goal?

4.How can we achieve the main goal easily?

5.What does the writer want to tell us?



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