摘要: 在楼下
【小题1】天街小雨润如酥, 。(韩愈《早春呈水部张十八员外》)
【小题2】居高声自远, 。(虞世南《蝉》)
【小题3】 ?烟波江上使人愁。(崔颢《黄鹤楼》)
【小题4】 ,带月荷锄归。(陶渊明《归园田居》)
【小题5】曲径通幽处, 。(常建《题破山寺后禅院》)
【小题6】吴楚东南坼, 。(杜甫《登岳阳楼》)
【小题7】李白《闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄》中借月抒情的句子是“ ,
【小题8】在你交往的同学中,许多人都是优缺点共存的,怎样对待别人的优缺点?《<论语>八则》中的“ , ”给了我们正确的回答。
【小题9】《爱莲说》一文中,表现莲花不与世俗同流合污,不孤高自许的句子是: , 。 查看习题详情和答案>>
【小题1】天街小雨润如酥, 。(韩愈《早春呈水部张十八员外》)
【小题2】居高声自远, 。(虞世南《蝉》)
【小题3】 ?烟波江上使人愁。(崔颢《黄鹤楼》)
【小题4】 ,带月荷锄归。(陶渊明《归园田居》)
【小题5】曲径通幽处, 。(常建《题破山寺后禅院》)
【小题6】吴楚东南坼, 。(杜甫《登岳阳楼》)
【小题7】李白《闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄》中借月抒情的句子是“ ,
【小题8】在你交往的同学中,许多人都是优缺点共存的,怎样对待别人的优缺点?《<论语>八则》中的“ , ”给了我们正确的回答。
【小题9】《爱莲说》一文中,表现莲花不与世俗同流合污,不孤高自许的句子是: , 。 查看习题详情和答案>>
A.《红楼梦》又名《石头记》、《金玉缘》,是中国古典现实主义小说发展的顶峰。全书共置20回,前80回为曹雪芹所作,后40回一般认为是高鹗续写。 |
B.《少年维特之烦恼》、《唐璜》、《钦差大臣》、《神秘岛》的作者分别是德国的歌德、英国的拜伦、俄国的果戈理和法国的凡尔纳。 |
C.在我国文学史上,两人以同一题目作文且成名篇,古代有苏洵、苏辙的《六国论》,现代有朱自清、俞平伯的《桨声灯影里的秦淮河》。 |
D.奥斯特洛夫斯基《钢铁是怎样炼成的》、伏尼契《牛虻》、易卜生《玩偶之家》的主人公分别是保尔·柯察金、亚瑟、安娜。 |
Kate played with her Aunt Jane at the beach. It was a beautiful day. Kate built a big sand castle(沙城堡) in the morning. Aunt Jane 36 many pictures of the castle to send to Kate’s parents.
Kate wanted to 37 again on the beach that afternoon. She wanted to build 38 sand castle. Aunt Jane told her it was too 39 . Aunt Jane said Kate could only go if she had a 40 . But Kate didn’t have one. Aunt Jane agreed that Kate could take one of hers.
Kate tried 41 three hats.
The pink one was really 42 with long ribbons(丝带) but that would not be good for building a sand castle.
The red hat with flowers on it was nice. But Kate was 43 the flowers would get dirty.
Then, Kate 44 a big straw hat(草帽) with a short red ribbon on it and it would be easy to clean. 45 Kate put it on and went to the beach.
Kate played with her Aunt Jane at the beach. It was a beautiful day. Kate built a big sand castle(沙城堡) in the morning. Aunt Jane 36 many pictures of the castle to send to Kate’s parents.
Kate wanted to 37 again on the beach that afternoon. She wanted to build 38 sand castle. Aunt Jane told her it was too 39 . Aunt Jane said Kate could only go if she had a 40 . But Kate didn’t have one. Aunt Jane agreed that Kate could take one of hers.
Kate tried 41 three hats.
The pink one was really 42 with long ribbons(丝带) but that would not be good for building a sand castle.
The red hat with flowers on it was nice. But Kate was 43 the flowers would get dirty.
Then, Kate 44 a big straw hat(草帽) with a short red ribbon on it and it would be easy to clean. 45 Kate put it on and went to the beach.
【小题1】 |
【小题2】 |
【小题3】 |
【小题4】 |
【小题5】 |
【小题6】 |
【小题7】 |
【小题8】 |
【小题9】 |
【小题10】 |