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第Ⅰ卷 (选择题  共65分)





第Ⅰ卷  选择题(75分)







第Ⅰ卷 选择题(75分)





Ⅰ  听力部分:(每小题1分,共20分)


1. A. our               B. hour                  C. flower             D. down

2. A. looks            B. books               C. cooks              D. dark

3. A. know            B. no                 C. home                    D. on

4. A. father            B. mother              C. sister             D. brother

5. A. right           B. write                C. White               D. white


6. A. Oh, this is my cat, Mimi.                 B. Can you spell it?          

C. Please have a seat.

7. A. Please come in. This way, please.     B. What's that in English?   

C. It's a Japanese car.

8. A. Its name is Kitty.                       B. I think he is very old.   

C. I don't know his name.

9. A. Is everyone here today?                   B. Is she at school today?  

C. Is Bill at home?

10. A. Is that a computer?                      B. Are you in Class3?

   C. Is she a Chinese girl?







1. A. How do you like Hunan?

  B. What do you like about Hunan?         

C. What do you think of Hunan?     

2. A. What do you usually do on Sundays?

  B. What did you do last Sunday?         

C. What are you doing now?

3. A. I think the shop is closed, now.         

B. I think the shop is open now.         

C. I think the shop is on business now.

4. A. Can you give me a hand?     

B. Could you help me, please?         

C. Could you come and mend it for me?

5. A. I have an English -Chinese dictionary.         

B. I have a Chinese - English dictionary.         

C. I have an English- English dictionary.


6. A. It's cloudy.    B. It's July 12th.    C. It's not bad.              D.It's well

7. A. He is next to the window.                B. He is playing games.

C. He is tall and thin.                     D. He is very interesting.

8. A. That's OK.                         B. Have a good time.

  C. Never mind.                        D. I'm going there, too.

9. A. No, I don't.                         B. Yes, I want.

C. My pleasure.                         D. Yes, I'd love to.

10. A. I like Beijing very much.

   B. The people and the building.   

C. I like Beijing a little.

   D. I don't like the weather in Beijing.


11. Ann is from        .

   A. the USA                B. England        C. France

12.          want to learn Chinese.

   A. Ann .            B. Harley             C. Their teacher


13. The man wants to buy         .

   A. a shirt         B. a bag                C. a jacket

14. The white shirt is a little     

   A. big             B. long            C. small

15. The man bought the         at last.

   A. white shirt            B. blue shirt            C. yellow jacket


16. What does Mr smith do ?    

A. He is a teacher.

    B. He is a worker.    

C. He is a doctor.

17. Where does he come from?

    A. He comes from Boston.

    B. He comes from New York:    

C. He comes from China.

18. What did he want to do in China?

    A. He wanted to live in China.    

B. He wanted to work in China.    

C. Both A and B.

19. Where is he living now?

    A. He is living in New York.

B. He is living in Gum Tree.    

C. He is living in Beijing.

20. Where is he working now?

    A. He is working in New York.

    B. He is working in a school in China.

    C. He is working in a school in America.


21. Our school is           bigger than yours.

    A. very         B. more       C. much        D. little

22. -What's your favourite subject?

   A. Toys       B. Math          C. T- shirts          D. E -mail

23. -        is the weather like today?

  -It's windy.

   A. What       B. How     C. Where     D. Which

24. The tall boy often          jeans on a school day.

    A. puts on   B. have on          C. dress       D. wears

25. Don't be late          the meeting.

   A. to          B. for              C. with         D.of

26. We          hold the 2008 Olympic Games in one year.

   A. will        B. are         C. have       D. do

27. Please       the TV. Let's watch the news.

   A. turn on    B. turn off   C. turn down D. turn up

28. The boy          Jack is new here.

   A. called B. calling       C. to call       D. calls

29. It fit Mary very well,       it ?

    A. isn't      B. doesn't           C. didn't      D. wasn't

30. This coat is too          for him.

    A. small            B. smaller   C. smallest    D. much small

31.          an interesting picture it is !            

A. What       B. How        C. Which    D. Who

32.Some young people like to          movies at theatre.

   A. look              B. look at           C. read       D. watch

33. Kate's mother is a teacher and          father is a driver.

   A. hers              B. her             C. she              D. she's

34. Before you          the road, you should look around.

   A. across     B. crossing         C. cross       D. crossed

35. The baby is sleeping. Please keep    

   A. quiet             B. quite        C. quietly     D. quitely

36. Rose's          is next to the movie theatre.

   A. home            B. family          C. house      D. room

37.          the help of the police ,he found his lost bike.

   A. With        B. Under    C. For        D. Of

38. A family tree can          everyone in your family.

   A. have      B.show        C. like      D. make

39. He was so tired that he had to stop     

   A..working      B. to work   C. worked          D. works

40. I hope you'll show us the pictures    

   A. sometime  B. some time        C. sometimes        D. some times


     Dick was born in a farmer's family. He liked   41   and was not good at his lessons. So he couldn't do   42   when he grew up. He didn't like to be a farmer or a worker, so he left the poor village and   43   to the city. On the train he got to know a young man   44   Jim. They became good friends soon. They could not find any work in the city. They had to beg(乞讨) from door   45   door in the daytime and sleep on the chairs in the park   46   night. The weather was warm and they always thought they had   47   time.

      But one evening a shop near the park was stolen. The policemen went there at once. They found the two young men in the park and   48   them to the police station.

      "Where do you   49   , young man?" asked a policeman. "I live everywhere, Sir," said Dick," The fields, the hills, the parks and so on. "

     The policeman   50   and turned to Jim. "And where do you live?"     

"We are neighbours," said the young man," I live next door to him. "   

41. A. play                B. plays           C. playing            D. played

42. A. something             B. anything         C. nothing         D. everything    

43. A. goes          B. to go             C. are going                D. went

44. A. called         B. named          C. is                 D. A and B

45. A. to            B. for              C. in                    D. at    

46. A. in             B. at                     C. on                D. for

47. A. good          B. great             C. wonderful        D. all of the above    

48. A. take                  B. took             C. to take             D. takes

49. A. live in                B. live to          C. live                D. living

50. A. stopped               B. stops            C. is stopping        D. will stop



Mabel is only six this year. Her parents are farmers. They couldn't go to school when they were young. So they can't teach their daughter. But there lives a boy next to them and he began to go to school last year and now is in Grade One. He does some reading after school. Mabel often listens to him and can read and write some words and can also count from one to one hundred. Her parents are happy and they try to save some money and send her to school.

       A school year began last month. The girl's mother dressed her in new clothes and her father took her to school. At first the teacher thought she was young and told her father to take her home. But the father asked her to ask his daughter some questions. The teacher loved her at once and she became a student. And after that Mabel often tells her parents something about her life in the school. She thinks her teacher and classmates are all friendly to her.

       Yesterday afternoon the girl came back happily. She told her parents," I taught my teacher today !"

       "Really?" her mother said in surprise.                      

      "Certainly," said the girl "A student asked Miss Ball' What is seven and four?' in class. The math teacher said nothing and asked me to answer. I taught her ' Eleven' !"

51. Mabel's parents can't teach her because     

      A. they are farmers                    B. they are poor           

C. they don't like to do that           

D. they couldn’t go to school when they were young   

52. Why can Mabel read and write some words and count 100 numbers before school?

      A. Because the boy always teaches her

B. Because her father helps her.

      C. Because Mabel often listens to the boy.           

D. Because she can learn over the radio.

53. Mabel was          the teacher loved her.

      A. young             B. polite(有礼貌的)      C. happy           D. clever

54. The best title(题目) of the passage should be     

      A. I Taught My Teacher Today            B. What A Clever Girl

      C. The Teacher Is Very Friendly         D. It’s A Difficult Question

55. Which of the following is NOT true?           

A. Mabel's parents work on a farm.    

B. Mabel can teach her teacher

      C. Mabel's parents send her to school though(尽管) they are poor.           

D. She is friendly to her classmates.


      Cars are an important part of life in the United States. Most people feel that they are poor without cars. Though he is poor, he doesn't feel really poor when he has a car.

      Henry Ford was the man who first started making cars. Maybe he didn't know how much the car was going to affect the United States. The cars made the United States a country on wheels. And they have helped to make the United States a rich and modern country.

     The car has become popular in the United States today. The country is a very large one. The Americans like to move around in it. It is the easiest and. cheapest to travel in cars. With a car  people can go to any place without Spending a lot of money.

56. In America people want to         .

   A. have a car       B. make a car      C. mend a car       D. take a bus

57. In America, people think

   A. the poor don't need to buy'a car            B. the people without cars are poor

   C. many people can't find buses       D. cars can't be very important in their life

58. Henry Ford was      

   A. the first worker                       B. very rich

   C. the person who made the first cars          D. the man having many wheels

59. Why do Americans like driving car?

   A. They can go to 'any place.               B. They don't spend much money.

   C. There aren't enough buses or trains.         D. A & B.

60. The best title should be “       

   A. Cars Are Cheaper                  B. How to Invent Cars         

C. A Country on Wheels                D.To Save Money


Charlie Chaplin

1889―Born in London.


Father―Actor.not much money.

1894―started dancing and singing for money.

1904―Joined a traveling theatre company and went to America.

1910―Someone offered him a part in a film.Went to Hollywood.

1914―Became a film director.

1914一l916―Make many funny films.

1977一Died in Switzerland.

People―very sad.

61. Charlie Chaplin is    

     A. a Frenchman                    B. an Englishman

     C. a Japanese                  D. an Australian

62. Charlie began to make money at the age of       .

     A. 21        B.18            C.5            D.15

63. Charlie Chaplin's father    .

     A. wasn't very rich           B. was a dancer         

C. had a theatre company      D. was a boss

64. Charlie Chaplin went to when he was fifteen years old.

     A. England        B. America    C. Hollywood      D. Switzerland

65. Which of the following is NOT true?

     A. His death made people sad.

     B. Charlie Chaplin lived in Hollywood for more than seventy years.

C. Charlie Chaplin was good at making funny films.

     D. His mother did well in dancing.

Ⅴ. 据短文完成下列句子。(5分)

   (5分) Little Tom is a boy of nine. He began to go to school when he was six and now he is in Grade Three. He lives not far from school hut he is often late for class. He likes watching TV in the evening and goes to bed late, so he can't get up on time in the morning.

     This term, Mrs. Lee, Tom’s aunt works in Tom's school. She is strict(严格的) with Tom and often tells the boy to obey(遵守)the school rules(规定)and come to school on time. Yesterday morning, Tom got up late. When he hurried to school, it was a quarter past eight. His aunt was waiting for him at the school gate.

      "You are ten minutes late for the first class, Tom. "Mrs. Lee said angrily. "Why are you often late for class?  When I get to the street corner every day, I always see a guidepost(路标). It says, SCHOOL- GO SLOWLY !"


66. Tom has been in school for          years.

67. Tom is often late for school because       

68. Mrs. Lee is a          

69. The first class begins at     

70. The guidepost is for          


      Woman: What can I do for you, madam? "

      Mother: I want to buy a blouse for my daughter.     

Woman: What c  71   do you want, little girl?     

Betty: Yellow or pink. E  72   is OK.

      Woman: What size does your daughter w  73   ,madam?

 Mother: Size 6.

  Woman: What about this pink one?      

Mother: Well, it's a little large, and there's something wrong with it. Please show me another one.

      Woman: OK. Please t  74   this yellow one on.

      Mother: Thanks. Where’s the fitting- room (试衣间) ? 

Woman: Over there, near the stairs.

      Mother: This one f  75  her quite well. How m  76  is it? 

Woman: 88 yuan.

      Mother: Oh, that's too expensive, I'm afraid. How a  77  50 yuan?

Woman: Well,65, please.

      Mother: OK. I'll t   78   it. Here's one hundred yuan note.

      Woman: Your change is 35 yuan. Shall I wrap it up(包起来) f  79   you? 

Mother: Yes, please. Thanks. Goodbye.

      Woman :Goodbye. Welcome here a  80  .


81. When you cross the road, you must walk along the s        .

82. Liu Hui is marride, so you can call her M          Liu.

83. Exam is s          for examination.

84. On my birthday, my friends gave me many p        

85. The hot chocolate c         her about 35 yuan.

86. When autumn comes, the 1          on the tree fall off.,

87. T         is an important festival in the USA.

88. He goes p          a shop on his way to school.

89. Last Sunday Li Ming i         his friends to his party.

90. It's a q         to eight. Let's hurry.























(时间90分钟  满分120分)





1.A,It’s twelve                    B.It’s eight dollars.       C.There are six.

2.A.Yes,she does.           B.No,he doesn’t           C.Yes,I do.

3.A.How are you?               B.I’m good.                 C.I’m fine,thank you,

4.A.I’m thirteen.              B.6382095.                  C.It’s yellow.

5.A.You’re welcome            B.I’m sorry.                C.Thank you.


6.A.Li Xing runs as fast as Li Lei.

   B.Li Lei runs faster than Li Xing.

   C.Li Xing runs faster than Li Lei.

7.A.He didn’t begin to do his homework until 9 o’clock.

   B.He finished doing his homework before 9 o’clock.

   C.It took him 2 hours to finish his homework.

8.A.Dick’s brother will be a doctor in the future.

   B.Dick is a doctor now.

   C.Dick’s brother is a doctor.

9.A.It isn’t safe enough to swim in the deep river.

   B.Don’t swim in the river.

   C.The water in the fiver is polluted.

10.A.He didn’t have enough money to buy the ticket to the concert.

    B.He didn’t enjoy listening to the concert.

    C.He didn’t want to buy the ticket to the concert.


11.A.He can go out on school nights.

    B.He can play with his friends for a while after school.

    C.He can go to the movies with his friends after school.

12.A.By 10:00 am.      B.By 10:30 pm.    C.By 10:00 pm.

13.A.No,he is often late.

    B.Yes,but sometimes he is late.

    D.Yes,he is never late for class.

14.A.They are talking about school uniforms.

    B.They’re talking about their favourite hats.

    C.They’re talking about school rules.

15.A.Because they are big.

    B.Because they are small.

    C.Because they aren’t comfortable.


16.Tom is a ____________.

    A.worker    B.student    C.teacher

17.Tom was ___________ in his class.

    A.the best    B.tallest    C.the worst

18.There were ___________ students at first in Tom’s class.

    A.twenty-one    B.twenty    C.twenty-two

19.What was Tom’s place in the class after some weeks passed?

    A.One place ahead.    B.The first one.    C.The last one

20.Some weeks passed ___________ left the class.

    A.Tom    B.one of the students    C.Tom’s father










