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卷一  (选择题  70分)




    Hello,everyone!时间过得真快,本学期的英语学习已经过了一半了,你的英语一定有很大进步。老师希望大家能以认真的态度、饱满的精神投入到这次测试中,把精彩展示在大家面前。Good luck!









    Hello,everyone!时间过得真快,本学期的英语学习已经过了一半了,你的英语一定有很大进步。老师希望大家能以认真的态度、饱满的精神投入到这次测试中,把精彩展示在大家面前。Good luck!






一 听力部分(每小题1分。共20分)

(一) 听句子,选出与句子内容相符的图片。读一遍。(每小题1分,共5分)

(二) 请听对话及问题。选出正确答案,对话读一遍。(每小题1分。共5分)

(     ) 6. A. It’s next to the post office.

         B. It’s a across from the bank.

         C. It’s across from the post office.

(     ) 7. A. He is frown Japan.

         B. She is from China.

         C. She is from Japan.

(     ) 8. A. He wants to see the tigers.

         B. He wants to see the lions.

         C. He wants to see the cute pandas.

(     ) 9. A. He is a bank clerk.

         B. He is a doctor.

         C. He is a teacher.

(     ) 10. A. It's sunny.       B. It's rainy.       C. It's cloudy.


(     ) 11. What does Bob do?

          A. He's a worker.       B. He's a student.       C. He's a teacher.

(     ) 12. What does Bob want to be?

          A. A doctor.             B. A policeman.          C. A singer.

(     ) 13. Can Bob sing well?

          A. Yes, he can.          B. No, he can’t.          C. I don’t know.

(     ) 14. What do Lucy’s parents do?

          A. They are teachers.     B. They are doctors.      C. They are bank clerks. (     ) 15. Why does Lucy want to be, a policewoman?

          A. Because she thinks it’s an exciting and interesting job.

          B. Because she thinks it’s a dangerous job.

          C. Because she is very strong.


(     ) 16. What day is it today?

          A. Friday.               B. Saturday.              C. Sunday

(     ) 17. What’s the weather like today?

          A. Rainy.                 B. Cloudy.                C. Sunny.

(     ) 18. What’s David doing?

          A. He is flying a kite.   

B. He is playing soccer.  

C. He is reading a book,

(     ) 19. Who is behind the tree?

          A. Jane.                 B. Mike.                 C. Jim.

(     ) 20. What are Maria and Linda doing?

          A. They are playing soccer.

          B. They are reading books.

          C. They are lying on the beach.




(时间:120分钟  满分:120分)



(    )1.

(    )2.

(    )3.

(    )4.

(    )  5.


(    )6.We work       days a week.

(    )7.Tom       to the park       his parents every Sunday morning.

(    )8.All the shops are       on Sunday.

(    )9.John and his sister often       their mother a       at home.

(    )10.There is something wrong with my new computer.        yours?


(    )11.Lucy and the boy don′t go to school on Sunday.

(    )12.She′s going to school today.

(    )13.The boy doesn′t like his classmates.

(    )14.The teacher gives students homework.

(    )15.They are students.


(    )16.How many rooms are there in the house?

A.Three.    B.Seven.    C. Five.

(    )17.How do they often go out?

    A.By car.    B.By bus.    C.By bike.

(    )18.How many people are there in the family?

    A.Four.    B.Five.    C.Seven

(    )19.What are Mr.and Mrs.Black?

    A.Teachers.    B.Students.    C. Drivers.

(    )20.Do Mr.and Mrs.Black often help their children?

    A.Yes,they do.  B.No,they don′t.  C. We don′t know.




    Wants to be

1.Anna′s mother

 Bank clerk


2.Tony′s father



3.Susan′s brother






  (    )1.A.country    B.south    C.out    D.cloudy

  (    )2.A.world    B.waiter    C. center    D.weather

  (    )3.A.pal   B.Japan    C.panda    D.1ate

  (    )4.A.describe    B.skill    C.children D.office

  (    )5.A.next    B.behind    C.welcome  D.elephant


    1.dolphin    2.supermarket    3.Humid   4.mall    5.reporter    6.koala

    7.windy     8.waiter    9.restaurant    10.bank clerk



    扩  充















(    )1.Thank you for        me sweep the floor.

    A.helping    B.help    C.helps

(    )2.The park is next        the zoo.

    A.to    B.in    C.on

(    )3.I can speak only        English.

    A.few    B.1ittle    C.a little

(    )4.This book is        interesting.

    A.a kind of    B.kind of    C.kinds of

(    )5.――Where        Jack come from?


    A.do    B.does    C. is

(    )6.Go down this street,you′II see the park        your left.

    A.with    B.from    C.on

(    )7.――Where is Toronto?

         ――It′s in       

    A.Canada    B.Japan.    C .Australia

(    )8.Look! My classmates        football on the playground now.

    A.plays    B.are playing    C. is playing

(    )9.Li Ping likes        with children.He wants        as a teacher.

    A.to work,working    B.working,being    C. working,to work

(    )10.――What are you doing?

          ――I        my homework.

    A.do     B.am doing    C.does



    Jim Green is a student at No.14 Middle Schoo1.He  1   classes from Monday to Friday.He has many things to do after class.On Monday and Wednesday,he  2  his friends  3   their English.On Tuesday and Thursday,he makes model planes.On Friday afternoon,Jim plays  4  .He goes to the park with his parents and his sister  5  Saturday.On Sunday,he has a good rest at home and does  6  homework.Now it is 8:30  7  the morning.Jim is  8  in the classroom and having a math class.He is listening  9  the teacher carefully.His friends are looking9  10  the blackboard.They are working hard.

(    )1.A.have            B.has         C.is having

(    )2.A.helps           B.help        C.is helping

(    )3.A.to              B.on          C.with

(    )4.A.the basketball    B.basketball    C.a basketball

(    )5.A.in             B.at           C.on

(    )6.A.he            B.him          C.his

(    )7.A.in             B.to           C.for

(    )8.A.sit            B.sitting        C sits

(    )9.A.with           B.in           C.to

(    )10.A.at           B.for          C.after




Thank you for        CCTV′s Around The World show.Today we are in Australia.It′s a beautiful sunny day! There are many people here        .Some are        .Others are      .Look at this group of people playing beach volleyball.They look cool! I'm surprised they can play      .This is a very interesting place.The people are really very relaxed.









  There is a nice girl in our class.She is thirteen years old.She is not tall and not short.She is a little fat.She has a round face like an apple.She has two big black eyes and a small nose.Her mouth is big,but her ears are small.Her hair is short and black.She likes red.She is often in red clothes.But today she is wearing a yellow sweater,blue trousers and brown shoes.She likes little animals.She has a little black dog in her home.She and the dog are good friends.


(    )1.The girl is      years old.

A.12    B.13    C.30

(    )2.The girl is     

    A.short      B.tall.    C. fat

(    )3.Her face is     

    A.round    B.1ong    C. black

(    )4.The color of her eyes is     

    A.blue    B.black    C.red

(    )5.Her good friend at home is     

    A.a person    B.a dog    C.a cat



Go down Sun Avenue and there is a hotel on your left.Turn left and you are on Center Street.Go straight,then you pass a library on your right.Then turn right and go straight and you can see a big park in front of you.Go through the park and turn left.You can see Fifth Street.Go straight and you can see a movie house on your right.The book store is next to the movie house.

6.       7.       8.       9.       10.     




1.Li Ping lives in Zhucheng.(对划线部分提问)

      Li Ping      ?

2.I like bananas because they are sweet.(对划线部分提问)

­­ _____you      bananas?

3.What is your father?(变为同义句)

What      your father      ?

4.My brother wants to be a policeman.(对划线部分提问)

      your brother want to      ?

5.It′s warm today.(对划线部分提问)




1.Let me      (help)you clean the classroom.

2.The zoo is a good place      (have)fun.

3.What      Jack      (do)in the classroom now?

4.I often go      (shop)with my parents.

5.I'm very      (surprise)to hear the news.


6. ――What I       do you speak?

    ―― Chinese.

7.I'm very h      .Give me some bread,please.

8.January is the b      of a year.

9.A policeman′s work is kind of d     

10.The weather is getting p        warm.



    1.“得利斯”品牌荣获“中国驰名商标”,作为家乡人,我们应该知道“得利斯”是英语单词      的音译。




5.在日常生活中人们常常说“酷”,其实“酷”就是英语单词“      ”的音译。






(时间:120分钟  满分:120分)
























第I卷(选择题  共65分)







第Ⅰ卷 选择题(总分60分)

Ⅰ.单项选择。 (共30小题,每小题l分,共30分)


    1.My parents went to Qingdao last month.They will come back        two weeks.

       A.for    B.after    C.in  D.at

2. -- What was wrong with your class, Miss Li?

      -- Oh, sorry. The children could not       their voices down while they      the new school rules.

       A. keep; were discussing             B. turn; were discussing

       C. have; discuss                    D. take; discussed

3. The man behind me _  _ me all the time. Would you mind       me, sir?

       A. following; helping               B. has followed; to help

       C. follows; help                   D. has been following; helping

4. -- Linda has never been to the Summer Palace,       she?

      --         . She once told me that she had ever been there several times.

       A. hasn’t; Yes, she has               B. has; Yes, she has

       C. has; No, she has                  D. hasn’t; No, she hasn’t

5. -- You _    _ to the restaurant with your family, haven't you?

      -- Yes, I have. But it isn't special at all.

       A. have gone      B. have been     C. went        D. have eaten

6. I bought a new dictionary, and it _      _ me 50 yuan.

       A. cost           B. costs         C. took         D. spends

7. I can't watch TV now. I need          to finish my homework.

       A. sometime      B. sometimes      C. some time      D. some times

8. -- Shall I sit at this end of the boat or the other end?

      -- If you keep quiet, you can sit at _     _ end.

       A. each          B. any            C. either         D. neither

9.          you work,           you'll learn English.

       A. The harder; the well              B. The hardest; the best

       C. Harder; better                   D. The harder; the better

10. What         if I          jeans to the school party?

       A. happen; put on                  B. will happen; wear

       C. happens; will wear               D. will happen; put on

11. Alison        his pet parrot everywhere in the room, but he couldn't       it.

       A. found; find                       B. looked for; look for

       C. looked for; find                    D. found; look for

12. My friend has the same haircut          .

       A. as I         B. as I do           C. as me           D. like my brother's

13. I _    _ this book from the library yesterday. I can        it for a week.

       A. borrowed; borrow     B. kept; keep     C. borrowed; keep   D. kept; borrow

14. She wanted to know          a good idea for her to fight with others.

       A. why didn't I think it was           B. why did I think it wasn't

       C. why I thought it wasn't            D. why I didn't think it was

15. He invited all his friends            .

       A. except you and me               B. except I and you

       C. besides you and I                D. besides I and you

16. Can we do it better with           money and __        people?

       A. less; less                       B. fewer; fewer

       C. less; fewer                      D. fewer; less

17. -- It looks like rainy, please _      _ my umbrella.

      -- Thank you.1'll _      _ it back tomorrow.

       A. take; take                        B. bring; bring

       C. bring; take                       D. take; bring

18. A boy with two dogs _      _ when the earthquake rocked the city.

       A. is asleep                   B. are asleep

       C. was sleeping                D. were sleeping

   19. There is going to __     __ tomorrow.

      A. rain         B. be rain      C. be rainy       D. have rain

   20. There is __       food in the fridge, we have to go to buy some.

      A. little         B. a little      C. few          D. a few

21. Jim received a letter           the morning of May 20th.

      A. at           B. in          C. for           D. on

22. The shoes are _      _ big for him _     _

      A. too; to wear them             B. so; to wear

      C. too; to wear                  D. so; to wear them

23. The price of the fruits         really        . Let's buy some.

      A. is; cheap                    B. are; cheap

      C. is; low                      D. are; low

24. I think goldfish is hard       __

      A. for taking care of            B. to take care

      C. with taking care of           D. to take care of

25. Don't you remember          a talk with Mr. Green the day before yesterday?

      A. has          B. having      C. had          D. to have

26. You'd better keep the windows _       to keep the air fresh.

      A. open         B. opens       C. to open      D. opening

27. -- Would you mind if I put my bike here?

       --           .

      A. Of course                   B. Quite right

      C. You're welcome              D. Not at all

28. -- Do you want to eat anything?

       --     __, thanks. I'm feeling sick now, I don't feel like          .

      A. Yes; eating something         B. No; to eat anything

      C. Yes; to eat anything           D. No; eating anything

29. There are           students in our school.

      A. three thousand               B. three thousands

      C. three thousand of             D. three thousands of

30.--What do you think life will        in l00 years.

--I think every home will have a robot.

A.1ike    B.look    C.be like   D.is like



I first saw the baby panda when she was only l0 days old.She looked like a white mouse.We   31    her Xi Wang.It means “hope”.

When Xi Wang was born,she weighed  32  100 grams(克).Xi Wang drank her mother’s milk for as much as l4 hours a day.When she was six months old,she started to eat bamboo shoots(竹子嫩芽)and   33   .Eight months later she was not a small baby any more.She   34   into a healthy young panda and weighed 35 kilos.When Xi Wang was 20 months old,she had to look after herself because her mother had   35   baby.

  36    ,it is very difficult for pandas to live in the wilds(野外).Here are some of the   37    that pandas like Xi Wang may have in the future.

    If hunters(猎人)catch a panda,they will kill it for its fur(毛皮).If   38   cut down trees and forests,pandas will have no place to    39  

When mothers leave baby pandas alone,people will often take them away.People think that the baby pandas need help.

    If pandas are in danger, we should try our best to protect them.If we do nothing,soon there will be   40   pandas in the world.

  31.A.made       B.called       C.told       D.kept

  32.A.quite       B.mostly       C.just       D.hardly

  33.A.1eaves      B.vegetables    C.trees      D.chips

  34.A.eaten       B.made        C.took      D.grew

  35.A.other       B.others       C.another    D.the others

  36.A.Luckily     B.Suddenly     C.Sadly     D.Especially

  37.A.examples    B.questions    C.matters    D.problems

  38.A.farmers     B.farm        C.farmer     D.a farmer

  39.A.1ive        B.1ive in      C.1iving.   D.1ived

  40.A.no more     B.no any      C. no some    D.too many





  A man who was going to start a business selling hats wanted a good sign(牌子)to put over his shop.He chose:


Makes and Sells

Hats for Ready Money

  The first friend came to see the sign and said the word “hatter” was not needed.So John crossed out the word “hatter”.The next friend said that it was not necessary to say “for ready money”.The sign now said:


Makes and Sells Hats

  A friend who saw the sign said that when a man bough a hat he didn’t ask who made it.So John crossed out “make”.But another friend saw “John Brown sells hats”,he said,“Of course you sell hats.No one thinks you give them away.”



41.In the story the words “cross out” means          in Chinese.

A.更改    B.划掉    C.跨过     D.重写

42.How many friends had given him advice before the man got the third sign?

A.Two.    B.Three.    C.Four.D.Five.

43.The writer obviously(显然的)thinks that            

A.the second sign was the best one

B.the first sign was the best one

C.the last sign was better than the other two

D.the first sign had too many words

44.Before the shop owner put up the sign,             

A.he asked his friends to make it

B.all his friends came to give him good advice of themselves.

C.he asked his friends for some advice

D.he didn’t care what to write on it

45.From the story we know

A.you should take your friends’ advice    B.everyone needs help

C.writing a sign is difficult             D.you can’t please everyone


Everyone needs friends.We all like to feel close to someone.It is nice to have a friend to talk,laugh,and do things with.Surely, there are times when we need to be alone.We don’t always want people around.But we would feel lonely if we never had a friend.

No two people are just the same.Sometimes friends don’t get along well.That doesn’t mean that they no longer like each other.Most often time they will make up and go on being friends.

Sometimes friends move away.Then we feel very sad.We miss them very much.But we can call them and write to them.It could be that we would even see them again.And we can make new friends.It is surprising to find out how much we like new people when we get to know them.

Families sometimes name their children after a close friend.Many places are named after men and women who have been friendly to people in a town.Some libraries are named this way.So are some schools.We think of these people when we go to these places.

There’s more good news for people who have friends.They live longer than people who don’t.Why? It could be that they are happier.Being happy helps you stay well.Or it could just know that someone cares.If someone cares about you,you take better care of yourself.


46.The first paragraph(段)tells us           

A.none need friends                      

B.we always need friends around us

C.making friends is the need in people’s life     

D.we need to be alone

47.Which of the following is what the writer doesn’t say in the passage(文章)?

A.People are not happy when their friends leave them.

B.People will never see their friends after their friends move away.

C.People can know their friends in different ways

D.People like their friends very much if they get to know them.

48.Which of the following is most probably the place people name after friendly people?

A.A city.    B.A room.    C.A town.     D.A library.

49.People who have friends live longer than people don’t because           

A.they feel happier

B.they get a lot of help from their friends

C.they take better care of themselves

D.both A and C

50.The main(主要的)idea of this passage is            

A.that people are all friends   

B.that people need friends

C.how to get to know friends   

D.how to name a place


 Dear Mr.Price,

    I have eaten in your restaurant many times and have always been happy with the food and service.This makes what happened last Saturday even more disappointing(令人失望的).

    It was my son’s birthday so we booked(预订)a non-smoking table at your restaurant for 7:30 pm.We arrived on time but were told that our table was not yet ready.At 8:00 pm,we were given a table in the smoking section.I asked to move but I was told that there were no other tables.A lot of people were smoking so it was uncomfortable and unhealthy.

    Our first waitress,Janet,Was very polite and helpful.She gave us free drinks for waiting so long.Our food also came quickly and looked fresh and tasty(好吃的).When my wife had eaten most of her meal,she found a dead cockroach(蟑螂)in the vegetables.She was greatly surprised and wanted to leave.At first,the waitress told us it was a piece of onion.When we told her that onion does not have legs,she said sorry and took the food away.

    We asked for the bill(帐单),hoping not to pay for my wife’s meal.Nobody came.After l5 minutes,I asked to see the manager(经理).The head waiter told us that you were on holiday.I complained again about the terrible cockroach.He told me Janet had finished work.He didn’t believe my story and gave me a bill for three meals.

    The waitress,Janet,was always friendly, but I would like your impolite head waiter to say sorry and a full refund(退款)for our meal.It cost$68.Until then,I will not be eating at your restaurant.

    Your can contact(联系)me at 742-32540 or through e-mail if you want more information:raymondyyuen@canada.net

    Thank you for your attention.

    Yours sincerely

Raymond Yuen


51.From the letter we know Mr.Price is            

A.a waitress    B.the manager    C.the head waiter        D.a cook

52.Mr.Yuen’s family                 .

A.were late so they had to sit in the smoking section

B.came to the restaurant at 8:00 pm

C.had to wait for 30 minutes before they sat down

D.were happy with their table

53.The head waiter didn’t believe Mr.Yuen because           .

A.the waitress didn’t told him about what happened

B.he heard that the cockroach was onion

C.he didn’t want to give Mr.Yuen a refund

D.the manager was on holiday

54.What did Mr.Yuen pay for at last?

A.Nothing.    B.Two meals.    C.Three meals.    D.Only the drinks

55.What should Mr.Price do if he wants Mr.Yuen to come to his restaurant?

A.He should say sorry.

B.He should give him his money and tell the head waiter to stop working in the restaurant.

C.He should give him his money for his bill and get the head waiter to say sorry.

D.He should give him his money for his bill and get the head waiter and Janet to say sorry.


   What is small talk? Small talk is the relaxed conversation that people make to pass the time.You can make small talk when waiting in a line at the store,or while waiting for the bus or elevator. Though the topics in small talk are not important,small talk itself is very important.It makes other people feel relaxed,it breaks the silence,it shows friendliness and good manners, and it makes time pass pleasantly.

   In small talk,it is important to remember to smile and keep the conversation breezy(轻松).It's also good to show a sense of humor.You could talk about the weather, an interesting story in the news or television,a sports event,a play or a movie,or you could ask couples about their newborn babies.

   What should not you talk about? Well, you should always avoid(避免)talking about politics(政治)and religion(宗教).Also,you should not talk too long on a subject or ask questions that are too personal.Give the other person a chance to speak and listen to what they want to say.Finally if a disagreement arises(出现不同意见),change the subject.


  56.We need small talk when we are working in the office according to(根据)the passage.

  57.We can talk about anything in small talk.

  58.It's impolite to talk about one subject all the time.

  59.We can ask how many children the person has in small talk.

  60.It’s good to listen to the person carefully in small talk.

第Ⅱ卷  综合分析题(共4小题 总分40分)


    Long,long ago there was a boy in Paris.His name was Jack.He began painting(绘画)when he was three and a half years old.When he was six he was already very good at it.He painted so nice and interesting that a lot of people bought his pictures.They said,“This boy is going to be famous when he’s a little older, and then we’re going to sell these pictures for much money.”

    Jack’s pictures were different from others,because he never painted on all of the paper.He painted on half of it,but the other half was always empty.

    “That’s very great,”everyone said,“No other painters have ever done that!”

    One day somebody asked him,“Please tell me this,Jack.Why do you paint on the bosom(底部)half of your pictures,but not on the top half?”

   “Because I’m small,”Jack said,“and my brushes can’t reach very high.”


61.Which country did the boy live in?

He                          in                           

62.Was Jack good at painting when he was six?

                  ,he                    well in painting then.

63.What was the difference between Jack’s pictures and the others?

He             his pictures on the               half.

64.What did somebody ask Jacky one day?

He              him               he painted on half of his pictures.

65.Why did Jacky never paint on all of the paper?

                   he wasn’t tall                   .


66.He has been             (收集)old books for ten years.

67.England is also a               (欧洲)country besides France.

68.Do you know who                .(发现)America?

69.Her father           (鼓励)her to work hard and try for the exam yesterday.

70.My teacher’s               (影响)made me study science at the university.

71.In Singapore,more than three quarters of the           (人口)are Chinese.

72.He is the           (健康)in his class because he keeps doing sports.

73.On my          (十二)birthday, I received a nice gift.

74.They are not from this country, they are             (外国人).

75.She got             (受伤)badly in an accident at work.


among,believe,seem,back,study, visit,

story, perhaps,many, make,take,land

Many people today like reading    76  about UFOs.Many people in different countries are  77  the UFOs.But what are UFOs?

   There are some different sayings for UFOs.  78   these things,the  79   popular one for UFOs is that they carry visitors coming from other stars.They    80  to fly much faster than planes on the earth.

    UFO scientists and many people   81   this saying.Some people said that they saw a few UFOs  82  on the earth.Some people said they saw some strange visitors come out of the UFOs.Some even said they were carried away in the UFOs,and then were sent    83   by the strange visitors.

    Some people make mistakes when they say they have seen UFOs.  84   they see a weather balloon or an uncommon plane.Sometimes they see the light from the moon.

    But there are a lot of things we can’t understand.Now, people still can’t understand UFOs clearly.It may    85   many years to find a clear answer, and then people will give UFOs another name.


以“My favorite birthday present”为题,写一篇短文,文中要包括下面的4个问题。

  (1)What’s the best gift you have ever received?

  (2)Who gave it to you?

  (3)When did you get it?

  (4)Why do you like it?

