0  2000  2008  2014  2018  2024  2026  2030  2036  2038  2044  2050  2054  2056  2060  2066  2068  2074  2078  2080  2084  2086  2090  2092  2094  2095  2096  2098  2099  2100  2102  2104  2108  2110  2114  2116  2120  2126  2128  2134  2138  2140  2144  2150  2156  2158  2164  2168  2170  2176  2180  2186  2194  3002 







卷(选择题  65分)


第一卷(两部分.共7 5分)



1.A.Uncle Sam Wears glasses when he reads something.   

   B.Uncle Sam needs no glasses when he reads something.

   C.Uncle Sam wears glasses every day.

2.A.I’m not free the whole week.

   B.I’m very busy from Monday to Saturday.

   C.I’m very busy on Sunday.

3.A.The coat is not pretty,so I can’t wear it.

   B.The coat isn’t big enough for me to wear.

   C.The coat is too hig for me to wear.

4.A.The film started at 7:00.

   B.The film started at 7:30.

   C.The film was over at 7:30.

5.A.My mother doesn’t like coffee or tea.

   B.My mother 1ikes neither coffee nor tea.

   C.My mother likes tea.




6.A.They are talking on the phone.

   B.They are meeting new friends.

   C.They are speaking to Jean.

7.A.At home.           B.In a shop.       C.At school.

8.A.A sports meeting.    B.TV programs.    C.A new TV.

9.A.By train.           B.By bus.         C.By plane.

10.A.Both Lisa and John.  B.Lisa.             C.John.

Ⅲ.听下面一段对话。回答11~1 5小题。对话读两遍。现在你有15秒钟的时间阅读这5个小题。(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)

11.What is Mr Cage?

  A.A visitor.          B.A ZOO keeper.         C.A reporter.

12.What are the popular animals in the ZOO?

  A.Monkeys and lions.  B.Monkeys and tigers.    C.Lions and bears.

13.how many monkeys are there in the ZOO?

  A.13.    B.23.    C.30.

14.Where are the parrots from?

  A.From Brazil_    B.From England.    C.From China.

15.Why does Mr Cage like birds?

  A.Bccausc They arc active and smart.

  B.Because they aye funny and clever.

C.Because they are colorful and smart.


16.Sandwich was――――.

  A.America:    B.an American    C.English

17.He didn’t stop to have his meals because he   

  A.1iked to go on playing cards    B.1iked some meat andbread

  C.didn’t like his meals.

1 8.“Sandwich”was made of.

  A.bread and chicken    B.fish and bread C.two pieces of bread with meat in between  

1 9.People began to eat sandwiches because

  A.they liked Sandwich

  B.they liked Sandwich’s idea

  C.sandwiches were cheap

20.We have the word“sandwich”         today. 

A.from the name of meat and bread

B. from the name of the men

C. from the name of the card


第二部分:笔  试(满分55分)

V.单项选择(共20小题.每小题1分.共2 0分)


21.  - May I borrow your eraser?

Certainly.    __           .

A. Please take it           B. You are welcome

C. Here you are           D. Here is it

22.  --I don't know how to search the Internet.

________.  I'll help you.

A. I hope so              B. Don't worry

C. I'm afraid.   too        D. Nor do I

23.  They were all very tired,  but _______ of them would stop to take a rest.

A. both          B. all          C. none          D. neither

24.________ the help of man-made satellites,  we can know what the weather will be like in the next few days.

A. Under          B. With         C. Using           D. By

25.     -Can you go swimming with us this afternoon?

- I'd like to,   but I________take care of my little sister at home because my mother is ill.

A. need          B. must         C. should          D. have to

26.  I like buying food in the supermarket  because it offers the ________ at the __   Price.

A. less,    least           B. most,    best

C. best,    most           D. most,    most

27. The guide has________.   She will show them to us.

A. some old paper      B. some special food

C. a new jacket         D. some beautiful pictures

28.  -Listen!   They are talking about scuba diving on the radio now.

- Hmm...It________interesting.

A. hears               B. listens

C. sounds              D. sounds like

29.  What shall I________my grandpa________his birthday?

A. get,    of             B. buy,    for

C. find,    for           D. give,    of

30.  -Where is Mr Allen?

- He________America on business.   He________back in a month.

A. has gone to,    comes              B. has been to,   will be

C. has gone to,    will be             D. has been to,    will come

31.  Spring Festival is coming.  I'll________up my room.  I don't want to live in a dirty room.

A. look           B. clean         C. set             D. turn

32.  The teacher told Lucy________too much time________computer games.

A. not to spend,    in                B. to not spend,    on

C. didn't spend,    playing            D. not to spend,    playing

33.  Students ________ slippers when they are at school.

A. don't allow to wear              B. are not allowed to wear

C. are not allowed to put on         D. are not allowed wearing

34.  I want  to know  if there ________ a sports meeting next month.  If  they ________ it.   I must get ready for it.

A. is,    will hold               B. will be,    hold

C. will be,    will hold           D. will have,    hold

35.  -________have your parents been abroad?

-Only once.

A. How long               B. How far

C. How many times         D. How often

36.  People think________more and more________to protect the environment.

A. that,    impossible          B. it,    important

C. this,    necessary           D.  不填,    interesting

37.  I hope to go to France some day________there are many famous are museums there.

A. though         B. unless              C. because         D. where

38.  -This physics problem is too difficult.   Can you show me________,    George?

-  Sure.

A. what to work out          B. to work it out

C. how to work it out         D. how to work out it

39.  Two days________enough for me to finish the work.  I need a third day.

A. isn't          B. is           C. aren't         D. are

40.  I'm sorry you________the last bus.   It left ten minutes ago.

A. have lost            B. lost

C. missed              D. have missed

Ⅵ.完形填空(共1 5小题,每小题1分,共1 5分)


If you leave something important on a bus or underground train while traveling around London,  you should 41 the London Transport Lost Property (财物Office in central London.

"We've got 42 here,  but it's difficult to imagine 43 people lose some things, " says manager Maureen Beaumont,  44 a box of false teeth. "How can anyone  45    their teeth on a bus?" 46    there's a name and address somewhere on the item (物品), we try to contact (与......取得联系) the     47 and return it. Visitors to London are always 48 to get their property back. If we 49  find the owner anywhere. We   50   the item here for three months and hope that  51  will come into the office to claim  (认领) it. If 52 comes to get the item in that time, we 53 it."

"It's 54 job. People lose some unusual things and they're 55 pleased when they come into the office and find them. "

41.  A. look at           B. visit           C. see          D. watch

42.  A. everything       B. nothing         C. anything      D. good things

43.  A. what           B. where          C. how         D. whether

44.  A. holding          B. giving          C. asking       D. losing

45.  A. forget           B. have           C. keep         D. leave

46.  A. If              B. Where          C. Because      D. Whether

47.  A. owner          B. bus driver       C. manager      D. train driver

48.  A. afraid         B. impossible       C. interesting    D. surprised

49.  A. may not        B. can't            C. can          D. may

50.  A. get           B. return           C. keep         D. find

51.  A. no one         B. anyone          C. someone      D. everyone

52.  A. no one         B. anyone          C. someone      D. everyone

53.  A,  sell         B. keep            C. buy          D. return

54.  A. a boring       B, an interesting      C. a dangerous   D. an interested

55.  A. hardly         B. ever             C. always       D. never





There was a robbery at City Central Bank late yesterday afternoon. Two men entered the bank at about 4 p. m. and told the bank teller on duty to give them S 1 000 000. The robbers were carrying guns (枪) and wearing black masks (面具) to cover their faces. The robbers told all the customers (顾客) in the bank to lie down on the floor. Witnesses (证人) said that everyone in the bank was very frightened and did what the robbers told them.

The teller agreed to give them the money but told them they'd have to wait a few minutes. She said the bank manager would have to get to money out of the safe. As the robbers were waiting for the money,  the teller managed to press an alarm button that was hidden under the counter.   It was a silent alarm,    so the robbers didn't realize it had been set off.

Just as the manager arrived with the money,  ten police officers entered the bank. The robbers were very • surprised that officers caught them easily. The robbers are now in custody (拘留),   and will appear in court next week.

Police congratulated Miss Alston,  the bank teller,  on her brave act. The bank manager said that he would give Miss Alston a week's vacation to thank her.

56.  The robbers were carrying________.

A. masks         B. money          C. guns           D. witnesses

57.  Everyone in the bank did what the robbers told them because________.

A. they were frightened           B. the robbers were very polite

C. the bank manager told them to   D. they knew the police were coming

58.  The bank teller said the money was         .

A. under the counter        B. on the floor

C. in custody              D. in the safe

59.  What did the bank teller do? ________.

A. She telephoned the police

B. She didn't want to give the money to the robbers

C. She got the money out of the safe

D. She pressed an alarm button

60.  The police caught the robbers so easily because the robbers didn't________.

A.  know who the police officers were

B. get the money

C.  expect the police arrived at the bank so quickly

D.  expect the money to be in the safe



Many young people want to be pop stars. They think it would be a wonderful life. In fact most pop stars have very hard lives. They spend much of their time on tour,  and although this can be fun,  it can also be boring. The following is a day in the life of a pop star on tour.

May 26, 2005

5:00 a. m.

Woke up in hotel room.  Packed bags.  Met manager of the hotel. Took taxi to airport.


Breakfast at airport.  Discussed day's timetable with manager. Plane's departure delayed (晚点) an hour by fog.


Plane took off.


Arrived and waited half an hour for luggage (行李) Then gave interview (采访) to reporter.


Gave first radio interview of the day.


Went from radio station to radio station giving interviews.

12:00 p. m.

Interview and lunch.


Had photo taken for newspaper.


Went to theater to check lighting. Met local producer and band  very poor.


Rehearsed show (排练).  Band a little better.


Back to hotel.  Tried to rest but too Worried about band.


Back at theater. Got ready for show.


Gave performance.  Band very bad but audience loved me.


Party after show.


Fell into bed.

61.  This passage is about________.

A.  a day in the life of many young people

B.  a day in the life of a pop star

C.  a day in the life of a reporter

D.  a day in the life of a manager

62.  The pop star gave interviews________.

A.  from 5:00 a. m.  to 1:00 p. m.

B.  from 7 :45 a. m.   to 10:15 a. m.

C.  from 8:30 a. m.  to 10:15 a. m.

D.  from 9:00 a. m.   to 12:00 p.m.

63.  The pop star went to the theater after lunch to________.

A.  have her photo taken for a newspaper

B.  have lunch and check the lighting

C.  check the lighting and rehearse

D.  to see the band and get ready for show

64.  What was wrong with the performance? ________.

A. The band performed badly            B. The pop singer performed badly

C. The audience didn't like the pop star    D. The show didn't start on time

65.   How many hours do you think could the pop star sleep in the day? _______.

A. 12 hours        B. 8 hours         C. 7 hours              D. 6 hours



There are many things we need to know that we do not learn at school. For example,  if we want to use our money wisely,  we need to shop carefully. We need to know how to compare (比较) the prices of things in different. shops. We need to be able to compare the quality of different brands (品

牌). We need to know how to make a choice  (选择)   when we shop.

Knowing how to make such choices is a "life skill",  and we need these skills if we are to live useful and happy lives.

Some of these choices are small. For example,  will I take an apple for lunch or a pear? Will I go to school by bus or on foot? Will I wear the red T-shirt or the blue one to the movies? Other choices are more important. For example,  will I eat healthy food for lunch or will eat junk food because it is tastier? Will I work hard in all my classes or will I only work hard in the classes I enjoy? We make choices like this every day.

We have to realize that the choices we make can affect (影响) the rest of our lives. Just as importantly,  our choices can also affect other people. The next time you decide to waste time in class,    play a joke on someone or talk loudly at themovies, think about this: Who else does your choice affect?

66.  The main idea of this passage is________.

A.   it's important to make the right choices

B.   it's important to know how to compare prices

C.   it's important to know how to shop carefully

D.   we learn everything we need to know at school

67.  We need "life skills" ________.

A.   to know how to shop carefully           B.   to compare brands and prices

C.   to live useful and happy lives            D.   to learn things at school

68.  According to this passage,   we make choices________.

A.   most days             B.   some days

C.   once a day             D.   every day

69.  Which of the following choice is more important than the others? ________.

A.   Which fruit to take for lunch

B.   Which subjects to work hard at

C.   Which T-shirt to wear to the movies

D.    How to get to school

70.  From the passage we know that your choices affect______.

A.   you and your parents         B.   you and other people

C.   lots of other people           D.   everybody except you




A lot of people in Britain like watching television in their spare time. Look at the two charts and tell which is right and which is wrong.


71.  The older the people are the more hours they watch TV.

72.  British people between 35 and 65 watch television for 26 hours a week.

73.  British people between 16 and 34 watch television for more than 3 hours a day.

74.  People between 4 and 15 like cartoons.

75.  People between 35 - 65 like watching "news"  more than "chat shows".


第二卷  (三个大题,共3 O分)


Passage 1



(Enough for two big glasses of milkshake)

●Two bananas

●Two spoons  (150g)  of ice cream

●125 ml of fresh milk

●Chocolate,    cream and fruit

Don't ask your mother for help with this one!

It's very easy and it takes two minutes to make.

Put the bananas in the blender (搅拌机)   with the

ice-cream and the milk. Blend for about ten seconds. Pour it into a glass. Put some cream,    chocolate and fruit on top. It's nice and cold with that ice-cream in it... so drink it quickly.   Enjoy it!

Passage 2

Smokers-please read this carefully. Next Monday is No Smoking Day. Every year in Britain 100 000 smokers stop smoking on No Smoking Day.


●feel good?


●look good?        

●smell nice?

●save money?

You know that smoking is bad for you.

It is bad for your heart and your lungs.

It can give you cancer.

It also costs a lot of money.


How many top football players smoke?

(Answer none. )

So write it in your day planner.


Monday is a big day for you

-It's the day you stop!

Passage 3

It's difficult to talk to your friends or family about health problem. And it's very difficult to find information in books or magazines. So why not try the Internet? There are thousands of websites about health. You get articles ( 文章) by doctor and information about  support groups.    In a  support   (援助) group you can talk to other people with the same problem. But be careful- there are also a lot of advertisements. For something serious,  of course,  you MUST go to your doctor. But information is always a good thing. Check the Internet first,    then talk to your doctor.


1.  How much ice cream does the milkshake have?

2.  How many steps do we need to make the banana milkshake?

3.  What harm will smoking do to your health if you smoke?

4.  Where can we get information about health according to passage 3 ?

5.  When must you go to your doctor according to passage 3 ?



6.  Match the titles to the three passages.   (请将所选答案的字母写在下面横线上)

A.   Time to Stop           B.   Your Health Questions

C.   It's Delicious           D.   Advertisement

Passage 1________           Passage 2________     Passage 3________

7.从Passage J中找出与下旬意思相同的句子,并写在横线上。

It is nice to drink the banana milkshake cold. "

8.从Passage 2中找出描写戒烟的好处的词组(至少三个).并写在横线上。


But be careful-there are also a lot of advertisements.

10.根据Passage 2的上下文,将此句译成汉语。

 Monday is a big day for you-it's the day you stop!

Ⅱ.单词拼写(共1 0小题,每小题1分,共10分)


1.  You can see a lot of              (风景)   along the seaside in Qingdao.

2.  We are greatly              (鼓励)   by what he said.

3.  At the age of fifty his wish came___________  (实现).

4.  Do you know which language is the most              (广泛地)   spoken in the world?

5.  There are            _____  (百万)  of books in the city library.

6.  The increasing population may be one of the greatest___________  (挑战)  in the world.

7.  As time goes on,    there are more people              (想要)  to buy cars.

8.           (输入)  in the websitewww. qdedu. net at the top of the page and press* the enter button.

9.  Thanks to the Internet,    the world___________   (本身)   is becoming a much smaller place.

10.  She decided to buy a digital camera              (在网上).



    假如你是Li Ming,你收到你的外国朋友的一封咨询信:

Dear Li Ming,

For the coming winter vacation (寒假)my family and I want to spend our vacation in a place for seven days. We would like to go somewhere in China not only warm but also interesting. We don't mind how far we have to go. It has to be a place where we can swim every day,  and it would be nice if our hotel is not expensive but clean and comfortable. We like to pay no more than ¥6 000 for the trip. Could you please give us your suggestions (建议) for vacation spots  (景点)?

Thanks a lot.

Yours,  Robert






第1卷(选择题  共80分)




21.  We can see a________/bg/on the desk.

A. bed            B. bag            C. big            D. bad

22.  Let's________/mi:t/at 7:00 at the gate of the park.

A. meet          B. met            C. make         D. meat

23.  Can you speak________/sm/ French?

A. swim         B. same          C. save          D. some

24.  Look at the pretty________/haus/ in the garden.

A. horse         B. hours         C. house           D. how

25.  My sister went to be________/'sinim/ an hour ago.

A. cinema          B. center           C. second          D. science


Ⅲ.选择填空(2 5分)


26.  There is________ big table in the dining room.

A,  an            B. /            C. the            D. a

27.   Mary is thirsty.   Give________some orange,    please.

A. his           B. her         C. hers          D. yours

28.  They have much coloured________.   Let's go and ask for some.

A. rulers          B. paper        C. erasers         D. sharpeners

29.  Which is a famous building in England?

30.  It's raining heavily________the farmers keep on working in the field.

A. but          B. though             C. till            D. because

31.  James is looking________his cat everywhere.   Have you seen it?

A. like          B. at           C. for            D. after

32.  I'm fourteen.   My friend is sixteen.   So I'm________ him.

A. as old as         B. not younger than

C. not so young as         D. two years younger than

33.  When autumn comes , some tree leaves________red.

A. sound         B. turn          C. smell         D. taste

34.  Carl________his bike and hurt his leg yesterday.

A. set off         B. took off            C. fell off         D. turned off

35.  -Shall we have a drink when you finish your talk?

A. No,    you can't           B. All right

C. You're welcome         D. You needn't do that

36.  -Tony,   what's ten and six? -It's________.

A,  twenty        B. fifty          C. ten            D. sixteen

37.  -Would you like to watch TV or listen to the music? -________.   I'm busy with my work.   Thank you.

A. Both           B. None         C. Either          D. Neither

38.  Don't worry.   We have________ time to do the job.

A. enough        B. few           C. many           D. little

39.  -________I have to show the school report to my parents,    Miss King?

- Yes,    you do.

A. Must          B. Do         C. Can           D. May

40.________day it is!

A. What a fine         B. What fine         C. How fine      D. How a fine

41.  -How long is the new bridge? Do you know?

- Yes.   It's about________,

A.  one thousand one hundred and eighty meters

B. one thousand and one hundred fifty meters

C.  two thousands one hundred forty meters

D. two thousands seventy and three meters

42.  -Sorry,    I'm late.

-________ doesn't matter this time.

A. This           B. That         C. It              D. One

43.  My aunt played the light music to make the baby________ crying.

A. stopped             B. stops         C. to stop         D. stop

44.  -________will the foreign students be back from Qufu?

-In two days,   I think.

A. How soon         B. How often        C. How far              D. How fast

45.  The doctor asked my father to________ smoking to keep healthy.

A. open up             B. give up             C. put up          D. make up

46.  Please don't leave until your teacher________back.

A. will come           B. came         C. comes           D. is coming

47.  The sick woman is________weak________ look after herself.

A. too;    to       B. so;    that       C. very;    to       D. so;    to

48.  -How long have you________?

-Since 1990.

A. bought the MP3           B. joined the Party

C. become a midfield player         D. lived in the town

49.  Do you know________?

A. if it will be fine tomorrow             B. where did they see her

C. when shall we have a picnic           D. which would you like

50.  Many of the stars________ because they are far away from us.

A. may not see        B. can not be seen

C. mustn't be seen         D. needn't see




It's early evening and Paul Jones,  39,  is sitting in the living room of his house near London. He is reading to 51 daughter,  and his son is playing 52 his dog. Maybe you think Paul has come home from work 53 he is enjoying his time with his children.

But you are 54 Paul is a househusband. He looks after the children full-time,  and he 55 the same things any housewife does. He wakes the children 56 ,  gives them their breakfast and takes them to school. Then he 57 the house,  does the shopping,  and picks the children up from school. He makes dinner for his 58 Linda. Then he puts the children to bed-all while his wife at work.

Linda is the manager of an IT company in London. She works 59 hours,  so she hardly ever sees her children during the week. But at the weekend the family 60 time together happily. "Many people don't understand me,  but I'm enjoying life.   I'm doing what I want to do, "  says Paul.

51.  A. his            B. her         C. its             D. my

52.  A. at             B. with        C. to             D. of

53.  A. so             B. and        C. but            D. as

54.  A. right           B. sure        C. wrong         D. great

55.  A. takes           B. makes      C. cooks          D. does

56.  A. down          B. up          C. away          D. out

57.  A. washes         B. builds      C. pushes         D. cleans

58.  A. wife          B. family       C. children        D. Jones

59.  A. short          B. a lot        C. few           D. long

60.  A. have no       B. spend        C. cost          D. save


V.阅读理解(2 O分)



Once there lived an old man in a mountain village. He was a famous hunter (猎人). He often went hunting alone in the mountains. He was not afraid of any wild animals,    even a tiger.

One night , someone saw a tiger come into the village, and stole two sheep away. The next night the tiger came again. The villagers were frightened. They asked the old hunter to catch it so that they could have a safe life.

When the old man heard about the tiger, he thought hard. He wondered why the tiger came at night twice but only stole the sheep. The next night he walked about outside the village. Suddenly he saw the tiger coming. He quickly threw himself on the ground. To his surprise,  the tiger did not come at him,  but went away. He followed it quietly and found it was running on two of its feet just like a man.   Then everything was clear.

On the fourth day,  when it got dark,  the hunter took some animal skins (皮) with him and hid himself behind a big tree near the village. He was waiting for the "tiger". As soon as the "tiger" came near the tree,  the old hunter jumped out,  caught the "tiger" by the "leg" and said,  "Don't be afraid I do not mean to hurt you.   You know who I am,   don't you?"

The "tiger" said "Yes" and took off the tiger's skin.

"You're poor. But you mustn't steal anything from others. Here are some animal skins for you. You may sell them at the market. With the money you can buy food and clothes for your family. Work harder and try to make a living. " With tears in his eyes,  the poor man thanked the kind-hearted old hunter and walked home.

61.  Where did the old hunter live?

A. Outside a village.          B. On a farm.

C. In a village.               D. Near a village.

62.   How many times did the tiger come into the village?

A. Only once.      B. Twice.        C. Three times.    D,  Four times.

63.  What did the old hunter do when he first saw the tiger?

A. He was frightened.         B. He threw himself on the ground.

C. He ran away,              D. He hid himself behind a tree.

64.   How did the old hunter know the tiger was a man?

A. The tiger came to the village only at night.

B.  He saw the tiger run on its two feet.

C. The tiger only stole sheep.

D. The tiger could speak.

65.  Why did the old hunter take some animal skins with him when he was waiting for the "tiger"?

A. To help the poor man.

B. To make himself well hidden.

C. To sell them at the market the next morning.

D. To buy food and clothes on his way home.


Talking on a mobile phone is expensive,  so a lot of people send text messages. Text messages are much cheaper than talking on a mobile phone,  and you can make it cheaper by making the works shorter. You can do this by taking out "unimportant" letters in the words and using numbers instead of words (2 = to,   3= free,  4= for,  8 - ate,  so,  8= hate,  etc.). You can also keep away from using punctuation (标点). Here is an example: Do u wnt 2 g 2 th cnma tnite (Do you want to go to the cinema tonight?)

What do you think these text messages mean?

Whr hv U bn  Iv bn wing hrs fr a cll

Im hm nw,    why nt gv me a cll

I gt a txt mssge frm my frnd.   Shes hvng a prty on Strdy.

Mobile phone users have developed a group of symbols (符号) to show how they feel. They are called emotions,  and there are some examples below. To read an emoticon,  you have to look at it sideways. For example,  if you say something in a text message that is a joke,    you can follow it with a smiling face.   Like this:

Why didt u call me? I'm so sad.     ∶ • )

Here are some others. Can you think of text messages where you could use them?

∶ •) laughing          ∶ • ( sad         ∶ •< really sad

∶ • V  shouting          |  • | asleep         ∶ •0 shocked

8 • | surprised          \ • 0 bored

66.  Why are text messages popular?

A. Because they are expensive.

B. Because they are cheap.

C.  Because they are hard to write.

D.  Because they are not important.

67. The first paragraph (段) tells us that we can make the text messages shorter in________ ways.

A. one            B. two       C. three        D. four

68.  What does this text message " Do  U wnt 2  cm?"  mean? It  means“          ”?

A. Do you want to come              B. Do you wear two caps

C. Do you want two cakes             D. Do you go home early

69.  Why do people use emotions?

A. Because they can show how users feel.

B. Because the symbols are beautiful.

C.  Because text messages are short.

D.  Because the users can't make the words shorter.

70. If you want to say someone is asleep,  you could use the symbol "________" in the text message.

a. ∶ •)         b. ∶ • (        C,  ∶ V         D.| • |



Parents are the closest people to you in the world. They love you just because you are you.   And they would do anything for you.

Like a lot of middle school students,  Zhuang Shuxia has a problem. She and her parents don't get on well.

"I really want to be my Daddy's little girl. But it feels like he just doesn't understand.   He talks at me and doesn't listen, "  said Zhuang,    a Junior 3 student

in Shijiazhuang,    Hebei.

Do you and your parents also have problems?

Well,  why don't you all take a walk and have a talk on Saturday?. It's the International (国际的) Day of Families. On May 15,  people around the world give thanks for good things about their families and work on family problems.

A study last year showed that 1 500 Beijing families had the same the same problem as Zhuang's family-. The children, 12 to 15 years old,  didn't like talking with their parents much.   They weren't happy at home.

Of course,  lots of kids feel that way. But you and your parents will be much happier if you can be friends.   Here are some ways to have a good talk with them:

♦ Find a good time to talk,    like when you're eating dinner,  going out for a walk or watching TV.

♦ Tell them something you're interested in,    or ask them about their lives when they were young.   They love to talk about it.

♦ Listen to them carefully,    and look them in the eye.

♦ Be honest (诚实的).    Your parents will trust (信任) you more.   And a trusting family is a happy family.

71. Who are the closest people to us according to the writer of this passage?

A. The people who love us.

B. The people who understand us.

C. Our father and mother.

D. All the family members.

72. What is Zhuang Shuxia's problem?

A. Her father thinks she is old enough.

B. Her father doesn't like to talk with her.

C. She really wants to be a little girl again.

D. She and her father don't understand each other well.

73. What does the writer suggest (建议) the students do on the International Day of Families?

A. They,  should remember the special day for the families in the world.

B. They should take a walk and have a talk with their parents.

C. They should do something to celebrate the International Day of Families.

D. They should help others to solve their family problems,

74. How does the writer know 1 500 families had the same problem as Zhuang's family? 

A. From a study made in Beijing.

B. From reports about family problems.

C. From discussions with parents and their children,

D. From a report on the International Day of Families.

75. In this passage the writer tells the children.   12 to 15 years old,   ________.

A. how to show their thanks to their parents

B. how to make friends with their parents

C. how to feel happier at home in different ways

D. how to win their parents’ t rust by listening to their parents




In 1995,   Oseola MeCarty gave a present of $150 000 to the University of Southern Mississippi. She wanted to help poor students. It was a very generous thing to do. But her friends and neighbors were surprised. MeCarty was a good woman. She went to church. She was always friendly and helpful. But everyone in her town knew that MeCarty was not rich. In fact, she was poor.

How did a poor 86-year-old woman have so much money? Oseola MeCarty was born in 1908 in Hattiesburg,  Mississippi,  She had to leave school when she was eight years old to help her family.   Shetook a job washing clothes. She earned only a few dollars a day. Oseola washed the clothes by hand. Then she hung the clothes to dry. She did this for nearly 80 years,  in the 1960s,  she bought an automatic washer and dryer. But she gave them away. She did not think they got the clothes clean enough! At that time,  many people started to buy their own washers and dryers. MeCarty did not have much work,   so she started to iron (熨) clothes instead.

MeCarty never married or had children. Her life was very simple. She went to work and to church. She read her Bible (圣经). She had a black-and-white television.   But she did not watch it very much. It had only one channel.

MeCarty saved money all her life and eventually had about $ 250 000. When she was 86,  a lawyer ( 律师) helped her make a will. She left money to the church,  her relatives,  and the university. MeCarty just wanted to help others. She did not think she was a special person. But then people found out about her present to the university. She received many honors (荣誉). She even flew in an airplane for the first time! Oseola MeCarty died in 1999. She was a shy and ordinary woman who became famous.

76. Oseola MeCarty gave $ 150 000  to the University of Southern  Mississippi    

A. to help the poor students

B. to surprise her friends and neighbors . C. to show her generosity

D. to be a good and rich woman

77.  From the story we know    

A. MeCarty was  born  in a  poor family near the University of Southern -Mississippi

B. everyone was surprised because they thought MeCarty had no education

C washers arid dryers brought a change in MeCarty s work in the 1960s

D. MeCarty gave half of her money to the church and her relatives

78. Which of the following is true?

A. MeCarty had to work to help her family after school every day.

B. MeCarty learned to read the Bible by herself in the school.

C. MeCarty made one third of her money by washing and ironing clothes.

D. MeCarty did not have her own family because she had no husband or children.

79. From which of the following can we tell MeCarty lived a simple life?

A. She worked hard all her life.

B. She didn't think she was special.

C. She didn't have many interests.

D. She had a TV set with many channels. 80. Which of the following is true?

A. MeCarty died at the age of eighty-six.

B. MeCary did the job of washing for more than eighty years.

C. MeCarty gave her presents to both universities and churches.

D.MeCarty was given many honors because of her good deeds.


第Ⅱ卷(非选择题  共40分)




A:   May I (81) ________ (speak) to Susan,  please?

B:   Speaking.   Is that you,  Tom?

A:   Yes,  it is.   I'm going to New York tomorrow.

B:   Oh, how lucky you are!   How  long  (82)         you         (stay) there?

A: Two days. Well,  Susan, you (83) ________ (be) there several times. Can you tell me something about the evening.

B:   Why (84) _______ (not come)  over to dinner at my house at five o clock?

My mother (85) ________ (cook) for us now.

A;    OK.   See you at five o'clock.

B:   See you.


In England nobody under the age of eighteen (86)          (allow) to drink in a bar  (酒吧).   Everyone (87)________(know) it well.

It was Jack's eighteenth birthday yesterday.  Mr Smith (88) ________ (take) him to his usual bar for the first lime.    They drank for half an hour,    and then Mr Smith said to his son.    “Now,    Jack,     (89) ________ (listen) to me.   You must always be careful (90)________(not drink) too much. "   "But how can I know I

have had enough?" "Well,  I will tell you. Do you see those two lights at the corner of the bar? When you see four there,  you've had enough and should go home. ”

"But,    Dad, "  said Jack.    "I can only see one light there. "




91. Allan goes to the library every Monday. 改为一般疑问句)

 ________Allan ____ to the library every Monday?

92. The little boys played football on the playground yesterday. (就画线部分提问)

______________ the little boys _    _ football yesterday?

93. Let's go to the English corner, shall we?   (改写句子,句意不变)

________________going to the English corner?

94.  Read more books,    and you will get more knowledge. (改写句子,句意不变)

The________________you read, the________________you will get.

95.  "When do you have your art lessons?"   Mum asked me. (改写句子,句意不变)

Mum asked me_________________________art lessons.

96. After planting the trees you should water them often.   (改为被动语态)

The trees_________________________often after they________________.


Ⅷ.完成句子(1 0分)



 Many of your favourite stars________________Taiwan.


 There's_________________________my CD player. Can you put it right for me?


 We_________________________to get on well with our-friends.

1 00.在第二次世界大战期间五千多万人失去了生命。

 _________ 50 million people_________________________ during World War


 The changes of the mainland are so great that  Mr Lin________________

_________________to his hometown.

1 02.人们期待着科学家们能早日将“神舟”六号成功地发射到太空。

 The scientists________________to ________ "Shenzhou VI"_______ _into space successfully as soon as possihle.




生词:gum  n.  口香糖;step(stepped)on踩在……上;stick(stuck)to粘……。






第一部分  听力理解(共20小题,满分20分)






6. A.  Quite well.           B.  They are good.     C.  They're busy.

7. A.  Sorry to hear that.     B.  Never mind.         C.  I think so.

8. A.  Yes, and it's going to be hotter tomorrow.

B.   How do you know?

C.   Do you think so?

9. A. What can I do for you?         B. No problem.          C.  What's your trouble?

10. A.  You're Welcome.           B.  Yes,  let's have a talk. C.  Nice talking to you, too.




11.   A.  Table tennis.            B.  Football.          C.  Basketball.

12.   A.  Expensive.             B.  Nice.             C. Cheap.

13.   A.  For Mother's Day.      B.  For her father's birthday. C.  For Father's Day.

14.   A.  To the airport.         B.  To see a doctor.        C.  To a cinema.

15.   A.  Tuesday.             B.  Wednesday.           C.  Thursday.




16.  This story happened on the________.

17.  The man ran quickly as the doctor________.

18.  The man ran more________than the policeman.

19.  The policeman ran after the man to________him.

20.  The policeman ran after the man again because he also wanted to________.


第二部分  语言知识运用(共35小题  满分40分) V.单项选择。(共1 5小题,满分1 5分)从每小题所给的三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

21. -Is this your schoolbag?

-No,  it's not________. My schoolbag is over there.

A.  yours             B.  mine         C. hers

22.  -Shall we go shopping now?

-Sorry,  I can't.  I________my shirts.

A.  wash             B.  washed          C. am washing

23. -What delicious cakes!

-They will taste________with butter.

A. good              B.  better            C. well

24. -How many lessons do you usually have a day?

-Six lessons a day,  and each of them________ 45 minutes.

A. last               B.  lasts             C. have

25. -Do you know Tom very well?

-Yes,  he and I________friends since we met in Wuhu last year.

A.  have been        B.  became          C. have made

26.-________all your things,  Tom! I hate them here and there.

-OK,  Mum.

A. Put up           B.  Put down            C. Put away

27. -How far is Jiuzi Square from your home?

-About 3 kilometres________.

A.  away              B.  long          C.  far

28. -________do you write to your pen friend?

-Once a month.

A.  How long           B.  How often           C.  How soon

29. She often finishes her homework on time, but________she leaves it for tomor­row.

A. never                B.  usually          C.  sometimes

30. -Your coat looks nice.  What is it          ? -Cotton.

A. made of              B.  made in         C.  made from

31. -May I put my car here?

-No,  you________. You should put it over there.

A.   mustn't            B.   needn't          C.   couldn't

32.-Can I help you,  sir?

-Yes,  I bought this MP3 here just yesterday,  but it________work.

A.  didn't              B.  couldn't           C.  doesn't

33.   If you work harder          ,  I think you can do better in the coming exam.

A. just now             B.  from now on         C.  now and then

34. -Please write to me when you are free.

-Sure.  But________is your e-mail address?

A.  what              B. where            C.  which

35. -Do you think it will snow next week?

-________.  It has snowed for two weeks. I don't like it.

A.  I'm afraid of it         B.  I hope so             C.  I hope not


Ⅵ.完形填空。(共1 5小题。满分1 5分)   


In the past,  I got up very early in the morning. I turned on the light and took out a physics book.  Then I started     36    quietly.

I worked so hard because I had a great 37 -one day,  I would be the first Chinese person to win the Nobel Prize(诺贝尔奖) in physics.

When I was eight,  I   38    physics.

I first had physics 39 in Junior 2. In class,  I 40 that there had never been a Nobel Prize winner from China. That made me sad,  41 I decided to change it.  I began to work very hard.

Later on,  I found physics lessons at school too easy for me. I wanted to learn more,  so I 42 a reading plan and started to find answers to more 43 problems.

Now I am a 44 student in physics. And I am 45 to be closer to my dream after a few years hard 46 . Of course,  sometimes being so interested in physics gives me   47    .

My classmates always laugh at me when they are 48 about fashion(时尚) or stars,  because I know     49    about them.

"Well,  that doesn't matter too much, " I tell myself.  "They don't   50 much about physics or the universe(宇宙),  but I won't laugh at them. "

36.   A.  writing         B.  reading       C.  thinking

37.   A.  dream          B.  spirit         C.  plan

38.   A.  was good at     B, had difficulties in C. became interested in

39.   A. lessons          B. class           C.  subjects

40.   A.  realized        B.  learned       C.  studied

41.   A. so              B.  but          C. and

42.   A.  took           B.  got          C.  made

43.  A. hard             B. difficult        C.  easy

44.   A. top             B. lucky          C. clever

45.   A.  happy        B.  hard-working   C.  surprised

46.   A.  life          B. job             C.  work

47.   A.  matter       B.  wrong         C.  trouble

48.  A. telling         B. saying            C. talking

49.   A. anything      B.  nothing          C.  everything

50.   A.  know       B.  tell            C.  think




Li Ming: Hello,  Wang Hai! Where are you going?

Wang Hai;      51

Li Ming:To the flower shop?      52

Wang Hai:Don't you know tomorrow is the second Sunday of May?

Li Ming:Oh,  I see. Tomorrow is Mother's Day!

Wang Hai: Yes, you're right.  53

Li Ming:Of course.   Let's go to the shop together.   But I think I should buy a

good present such as a dress for my mother.

Wang Hai:      54    I think that to send my mother some beautiful flowers is the best.

Li Ming;  Perhaps you are right.  I'll follow you.

Wang Hai:   55

Li Ming: I think carnations (康乃馨) are the best.   How do you like them?

Wang Hai: That's great! Let's go!


第三部分  阅读理解(共20小题-满分40.分)



Parents are the closest people to you in the world. They love you just because you are their child.  And they would do anything for you. Like many middle school students,  Zhuang Shuxia has a problem.   She and her parents don't get well.  She said, "I really want to be my Daddy's little girl. But it seems that he just doesn't understand me. He talks at me and doesn't listen to me. "

Do you and your parents also have the problem like this? May 15 is the International Day of Families.   People around the world give thanks for good things about their families and work

on family problems. Why don't you all take a walk and have a talk on that day?

A report last year showed that among 2 000 Beijing families,  about 1 500 students had the same problem as Zhuang. The children,  12 to 15 years old,  didn't like talking with their parents much.  They weren't happy at home.

Of course,  lots of children feel that way. But you and your parents will be much happier if you can be friends. Here are some ways to have a good talk with them :

Find a good time to talk,  for example,  when you're eating dinner,  going out for a walk or watching TV.

Tell them something you're interested in,  or ask them about their lives when they were young.  They love to talk about that! -

Listen to them carefully,  and look them in the eye.

Be honest. Your parents will trust you more. And a trusting family is a hap­py family.

56.   When you have problems with your parents,  you should________.

A.   have a good talk with them

B.   stay at home

C.  do what you are interested in

57.   In the text the writer gives________ways to talk with parents.

A.  two         B.  three         C.  four or more

58.  Many students don't feel happy at home because

A.   they don't like talking

B.   their parents don't understand them

C.   they like watching TV

59. Does Zhuang Shuxia's father understand her? ________.

A.  Yes,  he does             B.  No,  he doesn't    C.  I don't know

60.  Which of the following is true according to the text?

A.   On May 15 people talk and work on family problems.

B.   Some children have problems while their parents don't.

C.   Most students,  12 to 15 years old,  like talking with their parents.




 Flight No.



 Arrival Time

  Shanghai   New York

    F01 2     F01 8     F01 9

  Monday   Tuesday   Thursday

    06:45     07:10     O 8:1 5

    23:45     23:30     01:40

    Shanghai     London


  Except  Sunday and  Thursday



    Shanghai     Paris

    F001     F025     F005     F002

  Monday     Tuesdav  Wednesday     Friday

    O 5:2 5     06:50     1 5:OO     1 7:20

    1 6:2 5     1 7:50     02:OO     04:20

  Shallghai  Pusari(釜山)

    F01 7     F028     F01 1     F01 6     F026

  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday Saturday     Sunday

    1 7:OO     08:20     06:30     05:20     14:50

    1 9;30     10:50     09:OO     07:50     1 7:20

    Pusan   Shanghai

    F02 7     F098     FO35

 Wednesday   Thursday   Saturday

    10:20     06:40     17:10

    1 2:50     09:00     1 9:40

61. There is a clothes show in France(法国). If you want to go there and watch it,  you can take only________when you reach Shanghai Airport at 15 : 10.

A. F002              B. F025             C. F005

62.   If you take the________plane,  it'll take you the shortest time to get to New-York.

A.  6 : 45            B. 7 : 10             C. 8 : 15

63.   You can't fly to Paris from Shanghai on________,

A.  Monday          B.  Wednesday       C.  Saturday

64. There are________flights from Shanghai to London every week.

A.  five                 B.  six                 C.  seven

65. If you want to go to Pusan for a short visit and return on the same day,  you can go there only on________.

A.  Wednesday          B.  Thursday             C.  Saturday



Taiwan appears in newspaper headlines more often these days. On April 26 Kuomintang leader. Lien Chan,  visited the mainland and three days later,  Presi­dent Hu Jintao held talks with him. This is the first such meeting in 56 years and may help to bring peace across theTaiwan Straits (海峡).

How much do you know about this beautiful island? The island faces Fujian. The shortest distance(距离) from,  Taiwan to Fujian is 130 kilometres across the Taiwan Straits.  A ship can cover it in four hours.

As the biggest island,  Taiwan is still only about one-sixth the size of Hunan. Around it,  there are also lots of smaller ones,  like Penghu Islands and Diaoyu Islands.

Taiwan is rich in natural resources(自然资源). Half of the main island is covered with forests,  and it has many kinds of agricultural products(农产品), like rice and tea.

Taiwanese people are mostly descendants (后代 ) of people from Fujian and Guangdong. They still use the language from their old hometowns. They also cel­ebrate the Dragon Boat Festival and the Mid-Autumn Festival. At the Spring Fes­tival,  they even eat dumplings!

Once,  communications(交流) across the Straits were not so good. In 1979,  Beijing put forward an idea that Taiwanese people should use better ways of com­municating and build better business and transportation (交通). There is now more business and tourism (旅游业) across the Straits. In January,  the first direct flights between Taiwan and five mainland cities such as Beijing and Shanghai star­ted up.

As we all know,  Taiwan is always an important part of our country. We are one big family. But some top leaders in Taiwan like Lee Tenghui have been trying to make Taiwan an independent(独立的) country. This made people on both sides angry,  because it goes against the history and the wishes of the Chinese.

66.   Hu Jintao's talks with Lien Chan may bring            across the Taiwan Straits.

A.  peace                  B.  a happy life          C.  tourism

67.   How long does it take you to go to Taiwan from Fujian by ship?

A.  Three hours.            B.  Four hours.           C.  Five hours.

68.   Hunan is about          larger than Taiwan.

A.  five times           B.  six times              C.  seven times

69.   What made people on both sides angry?

A.   There were no important meetings between the leaders on both sides.

B.   There was no business and tourism across the Straits for many years.

C.   Some top leaders in Taiwan have been trying to make Taiwan an independ­ent country.

70. Which of the following is the best title(标题) of the text?.

A.The Beautiful Island            B. We Are One    C.  The Rich Island



There are many things we need to know,  But we do not learn them at school. For example,  if we want to use our money wisely.,  we need to shop carefully. We need to know how to compare (比较) the prices of the things in different shops.

We also need to compare the quality (质量) of different brands(品牌).

We need to know how to make the best choice when we shop.

Knowing how to make such choices is a life skill (技能) ,  and we need these skills if we want to live useful and happy lives.

Some of these choices are small. For example,  will I take an apple or a pear for lunch? Will I take the bus to school today or will I walk there? Will I wear the red T-shirt or the blue one to the movies? Other choices are more important. For example , will I eat healthy food for lunch or will I eat unhealthy food because it is more delicious? Will I work hard in all my classes or will I only work hard in the classes I enjoy? We make choices like this every day.

Making the wrong choices can make us unhappy. We have to realize that the choices we make can affect(影响) the rest of our lives,  and they can also affect other people. Next time you choose to waste time in class,  play a joke on someone or talk loudly at the cinema,  think this over: Who else does your choice affect?

71. What helps us use money wisely?

A. Comparing prices and quality.

B. Buying things in big shops.

C. Choosing the best brand.

72. Why do we need life skills?

A. To compare the quality of different brands.

B. To live useful and happy lives.

C. To learn how to shop well.

73. Making the right choices can bring

A. delicious food            B. luck         C. happiness

74. There're some small choices except        :   

A. working hard at all the lessons or some interesting lessons

B. taking a bus or walking to school

C. going to the movies in a red T-shirt or a blue one .

75. What's the main idea of this text?

A. We learn everything we need out of school.

B. It's important to know how to compare prices.

C. It's important to make the right choices.


第四部分  写作(满分20分)










关心、帮助李平;和他谈心;帮他复习功课,解决难题;使李平进步 明显


Li Ping is a student...



第Ⅰ卷  (两部分,共75分)





1.A.The baby didn’t cry any more. B. The baby began to cry.

   C.The baby kept crying.

2.A.Tom's bag was not full.        B. Tom put school things in the bag.

   C.Tom's bag was full of school things.

3.A. Could you buy me an English book?

   B.Pass the English book to me,please.

   C.Do you mind my using your English book?

4.A.Mary can finish reading the book in five hours.

   B.Mary can’t finish reading the book in five hours.

   C.Mary wants to finish reading the book in five hours.

5.A.Peter had his summer holiday in Beijing.

   B.Peter hoped to have his summer holiday in Beijing.

   C.Peter is going to have his summer holiday in Beijing.




6.A.In a street.    B.In a shop.   C. At home.

7.A.The rain has stopped.    B.The rain hasn’t stopped.

   C.Either the rain or the wind has stopped.

8.A.The fifth floor.    B.The seventh floor.    C.The third floor.

9.A.Mary.    B.Mary's mother.    C.Mary's sister.

10.A.There is a singing performance in the restaurant.

   B.They don’t 1ike the wine in the restaurant.

   C.They don’t like the food in the restaurant.



11.What are they talking about in this dialogue?

    A.Their study.    B.Their exams.    C.Their weekend plans.

12.Which is true according to(按照)the dialogue?

    A.There will be a new film of Jackie Chan in Beijing.

    B.Lin Tao,s birthday party will be at this weekend.

    C.Lucy will go to see Jackie Chan with Bob.

13.Who will go to see Jackie Chan?

    A.Lucy.    B.Lin Tao.    C.B0b.

14.What is Bob going to do if he sees Jackie Chan?

  A.Take photos with him.    B.Ask him for his photo.

  C.Both A and B.

15.What will Lucy do next week?

    A.Have an exam.      B. Tell her experience to her class.

  C.Have a good time.



16.The story is about the writer's __________ .

   A.grandmother    B.sister      C.great aunt

17.Helen was unusual when she was a young woman because she________ in those days.

   A.was married    B.had a job   C.never traveled

18. Helen died in _________.

   A.1999             B. 2001       C.2000

19. In 1947, Helen traveled on the first passenger________.

   A. airplane        B. ship       C. train

20. Helen didn’t stop_______ until she was 75.

   A. talking         B. teaching   C. thinking


V.单项选择(共20小题。每小题1分,共20分)    --


21.一I’m afraid I must leave now.


    一No.I'm afraid I really must.I have to meet my manager

  A.Don’t be afraid            B.Yes,it’s a little lat,

  C.Don’t worry                D.Must you? It’s still early.

22.一Father’s Day is coming.Please give my best wishes to your father.


 A.That’s a good idea         B.I don,t care

 C.That's OK                   D.I will,thanks

23.一__________is your mother,Tina?

    一She’s cooking in the kitchen.

  A.When    B.What    C.Where D.How

24.一Let’s go to ask the teacher about the maths problems.

  一Why not work them out all by ____________?

 A.ourselves    B.himself     C.themselves   D.myself

25.The little boy made__________.He wanted to show them to us.

  A.some special juice               B.some delicious food

  C.several model planes with paper  D.a nice postcard

26.The shoes don’t fit me.They're ______big ________ small.

  A.either...or  B.neither...nor  C.both...and  D. not only...but also

27.________the rain,the farmers had a good harvest.

 A.Thanks for  B.Thanks to    C.Because D. Without

28.一How long have you _______the book?

    一For several weeks.

  A.bought    B.borrowed    C.1ent   D. had

29.Mike could_____ hear what the teacher said because he kept on thinking of his

  sick dog.

 A.easily   B.hardly    C.really   D. mostly

30.-- Could you go to buy some salt for me ?

    一Sorry, mum.I ________ my homework.

  A.am doing    B.will finish    C.was doing  D.have finished

31.Betty goes to learn how to play the violin every afternoon ______ Saturday and

    Sunday.She does the housework on these days.

  A.on    B.during    C.except   D.from

32.I don't understand the text_______ there are few new words in it.

 A.so    B.because    C.if      D.though

33.If you want to keep your room clean and tidy,it _____ every day.

  A.will clean    B.will be clean

  C.is cleaned    D.must be cleaned

34.Linda has read many novels by English writers.Now she would like to read

   __________ novels by writers from ______countries.

  A.some;other  B.other,some  C.some,any D.some , another

35.一I can't afford the white dress.Can you show me something cheaper?

  ―What about the orange one? The price is a little______.

 A.cheaper    B.lower    C.higher D.more expensive

36.I saw him ________ the key ______ the lock, turn it and open the door.

  A.pointing,in  B.put,in  C.putting,to   D.point ,to

37.I __________my English book was in my school bag,but in fact I______ it at


  A.remember,forgot    B.think,left

  C.thought,left       D.remembered,forgot

38.He has tried on two more blue sweaters,but he still thinks the green one fits him_______.

  A.best     B. better   C. well    D.  good

39.―I wonder__________.

  --I’m afraid we'11 be late.

 A.how can we be on time

 B.when they’ll reach the cinema

 C. why they got to school late

 D. whether we will arriver at the meeting on time

40.―Haven’t I told you to do homework as carefully as you can?

   --Yes, but I ______ fewer mistakes than I usually do.

 A. was making    B. have made    C. will make      D. had made



    I once thought 1 would be a perfect(完美的)mother.It   41  me 16 years to

1earn that I could not be.I know that I made some mistakes.  42  I could raise(抚

养)my children again,I   43  repeat(重复)those mistakes.Maybe I would make new  44  .But I think 1 would do a   45  job.

    1 would try to understand my children.I often did what my  46  would have

done.I  47  their ways of raising children.For example,I had my 1 3-year-old son,

David,come home early,but he  48  this rule.He saw no reason(理由)for it.49

a girl.I had to be home early.1 wanted my son to do the   50  thing.Now I would

think more about why 1 wanted things done in a certain way.

    MY father was sick when 1 was young.So my sister,my brother and I were

  51  all the time.We did not cry in anger and we didn’t laugh for  52  .I just

wanted my children to be quiet,too.I never stopped  53  “why”.

    It was hard for me to let my children show anger.I  54  them when they started to get angry.Now I would tell my children。“It is all right to show love and it is

right to show anger.Your feelings are good.I love you  55  you feel.”

41.A.cost      B.spent         C.took       D.used

42.A.If        B.When          C.Because    D.Whether

43.A.would     B.wouldn't      C.could      D.no 10nger

44.A.ways      B.friends       C.rules      D.ones

45.A.worse     B.better        C.busier     D.easier

46.A.parents   B.children      C.teachers   D.friends

47.A.went      B.found         C.followed   D.improved

48.A.enjoyed   B.hated         C.agreed     D.believed

49.A.For       B.To            C.With       D.As

50.A.same      B.different     C.difficult  D.excited

51.A.strange   B.noisy         C.1ively     D.quiet

52.A.danger    B.happiness     C.illness    D.pain

53.A.to ask    B.asking        C.to answer  D.answering

54.A.1iked    B.understood     C.stopped    D.encouraged

55.A.no matter how              B.no matter where

C.no matter who                  D.no matter when





    “Be proud of what you do,”my father always told me,“whether you are a boss or a cleaner”When 1 was 1 5,I got a summer iob in a hospital.1 was told that my duties would include(包括)sweeping floors.I smiled and remembered Dad’s words.

    Even though my iob was the lowest,it made me feel excited.I saw it as a challenge because it was my first job.I learned to be on time and tried to do everything

well.In return,1 was treated with respect(尊敬)by doctors,nurses and patients.Each

morning I imagined that the dirty dishes would make patients more sick if 1 were not

there to wash them clean.After breakfast was done,I started sweeping the floors of all patient rooms and cleaning toilets.Though 1 was tired,1 wanted the job to be done well.People would say,“That young boy really does a good job.”That gave me a pride.

    Working in the hospital taught me that being proud of one’s job is important.It

does not matter whether the job is sweeping floors or managing a large business.

Through every job I have ever had my father,s words have always stayed with me.I

have swept floors,and I have been a manager.I think Dad would be proud of me.

56.The writer's first job was a_________.

    A.boss    B.cleaner    C.manager      D.doctor

57.Which of the following didn’t the writer do in the hospital according to the passage?

    A.Looking after patients.    B.washing dishes.

    C.Cleaning toilets.          D.Sweeping the floor.

58.When the writer was in the hospital,he______.

    A.made the patients sick    B.wasn’t tired

    C.worked hard               D.did everything

59.From the passage we know that_________.

    A.the writers father always stayed with him

    B.the father didn’t like the write,s first job

    C.the writer wasn’t proud 0f his first job

    D.the fathers words encouraged the writer to do everything well

60.Which is the best title(题目)of the passage?

   A.Smiling With Yourself

   B.My Father

   C.My First job

   D.Working In Tile Hospital


    I have a thick,white coat with black eyes,ears and legs.My coat is a bit oily,

which stops water getting to my body.I can be between 75~160 kg and grow to 1.5 m.

    We are found only in southwestern China,in parts of small forests in Sichuan,

Shanxi and Gansu provinces.We lore bamboo forests,and we live high up in the

mountains,as high as 1,200~3,500 m.

    Except for the breeding(繁殖)season,we like to 1ive alone.Because our eyesight

is so poor,our strong colors help us to stay away from each other.But our good

smelling makes us keep in touch(保持联系).We eat both plants and animals,and

bamboo makes up 99%of our food.We only use 20%of what we eat,so we are careful to choose food full of things that are good for our bodies.We eat for 12 hours every day.

  We have no natural enemies(敌人),except man,but quite soon none of us may

be left because of the loss (损失)of our natural home.However,natural harm and

disease also make us become fewer.

    We have friends in Zoos trying to increase our numbers through breeding programs.This has been successful and greater  understanding of us through research(研究)has made scientists improve these programs.We hope that through your

interest in us ,you can help to increase our numbers.

 61.What animal is talked about in the passage?

    A.Bears.    B.Tigers.    C.Elephants. D. Pandas.

 62.This kind of animal keeps in touch with each other ______ according to the passage.

    A.by smelling

    B.with their eyes

    C.by eating bamboos

    D.through the strong colors of their bodies

63.“The animals’family life’’is mainly talked about in  paragragh ________.

    A.2    B.3    C.4    D.5

64.This kind of animal chooses food carefully because_________.

   A.they eat 12 hours every day

   B.99%of their food is bamboo

   C.only 20%of what they eat is useful to their body

   D.food that is good for their bodies is becoming 1ess and less

65.Which of the following is NOT true?

  A.The heaviest animal of this kind can be 160 kg.

  B.Man is the natural enemy of this kind of animal.

  C.Through the research,the number of this kind of animal is increasing.

  D.This kind of animal has to move to the zoos because d the loss of the natural home.


    Steve Ballmer is always exciting,as he was this time in front of over 2,000

students from Qinghua University and Beijing University.

    Ballmer,president(总裁)of Microsoft Corp.,received fl warm welcome at Qinghua University when he gave a talk on the next generation(一代)of the Internet on

September 1 9th.He came to China last week for fl two―day visit.during the time he slept only four hours and had many meetings with government officials(政府官员)

and businessmen.After all those business matters。he came to Qinghua and was asked

thousands of questions from the excited students.

    Ballmer,who joined Microsoft in 1980,was the first business manager hired(聘

用)by Bill Gates,a schoolmate of Ballmer at Harvard.Gates first dropped out of

school to start Microsoft and Ballmer was still studying。but he also gave up his studying, but he also gave up his studies and joined Bill Gates' five-year―old Microsoft in 1980.

    In his talk to the students。Ballmer described what the Internet will bring to their life.He said there are several hundred Qinghua graduates now working or being

trained at Microsoft both in China and in the US.He also warned the students not to drop out of school and follow the examples of Bill Gates and himself

66.Ballmer gave a talk on _____________ at Qinghua.

  A.the future of the Internet

 B.how to use the software made in his company

 C.what computers will bring to universities

 D.his own experience from Harvard to Microsoft

67.It seemed that Ballmer came to China mainly________.

  A.to meet some government officials

  B.to give a talk at Qinghua University

  C.for business matters

 D.to visit places of interest

68.He encouraged Chinese students_________.

  A.to work on software

 B.to study hard and finish their college education

 C.to work for Microsoft in China or in America

 D.to follow the examples of Bill Gates and himself

69.From the passage we know Steve Ballmer_________.

  A.graduated from Harvard University  B.asked the students a lot of questions

  C.was Gates’schoolmate              D.started Microsoft Corp. in 1980

70.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Bill Gates started Microsoft Corp.in 1 980.

B.Ballmer stayed in China for only four hours.

C.Ballmer dropped out of school earlier than Gates.

D.Ballmer gave a talk to the students from Beijing University.



 People in the United States often shop from catalogs(目录).

There are special catalogs for almost every need…一including clothing, health and beauty products(产品),and things for the kitchen.People also order about 40%of their music from music club catalogs.Customers(顾客)say that music stores are too noisy.

  Television shopping began in 1986.About 15%to 18%of the American public now shop by television.Some popular shopping channels are the Home Shopping Assistant and QVC.Customers say that TV shopping is easier than shopping in a store.How do they buy things? They make a call and charge(付款)the products to their credit card.And TV shopping channels are on late at night,SO people can “go shopping”anytime.

    Is computer shopping the way of the future? About 87%of American families now have personal computers.And shopping by computer is interesting to more people every day.Already,shoppers can use their computers to order many different products,such as computer products,flowers,food and T―shirts.And new on―line shopping services appear every day.People may be able to shop for anything,anytime,anywhere in the world.

71.About 40%of music in the United States is sold from catalogs.

72.The Home Shopping Assistant is the name of a computer shopping service.

73.People can use their credit cards to pay for the products in TV shopping

74.About 87%of American families do their shopping through the computer.

75.People in America like TV shopping because they think the stores are too noisy.

                          第Ⅱ卷  (三个大题。共30分)


Text 1

   The City Council(市政府)has spoken highly of Dr.Miles Larson. Larson is a

doctor but his patients are a lot of 4-legged animals like cats,dogs, sheep and cows.

Larson gives away thousands of dollars worth of vet service to keep city animals

healthy.He also tries to place homeless animals in good homes.

Text 2

    The traveler returns to the Art Museum this week with paintings and photos

from all over the world.If going to some new and interesting places is your idea of fun,come and join us in guessing where these art objects are from. Who know ,maybe you'll take a holiday in one of these places.Come along and explore without leaving your home town!

Text 3

   It’s Charity(慈善)week soon.And it’s time to start think about how you can

help people who are not as lucky as you are.Perhaps you can give money, maybe you

can donate(捐赠)clothes or household things you don’t need. Or perhaps you can  give your time and your services.If you are happy and successful in your life, it’s

time to think 0f other people who need help.

Text 4

   Come to Teen scene,the special program for teenagers to talk out about their

ideas and concerns(关注).so if you’re worried about exams at school, need help in

being more confident,want to know about cool clothes and where to buy them, come

to Teen Scene,every Monday night at 7 pm.


1.Text 1_______ Text 2_______ Text 3 _________Text 4__________

   A.Holiday For Your Mind      B.Come to Us For Help

   C.What Can You Give?         D.A Friend t0 Animals

任务(二)根据信息内容回答问题。(4分)    、    .

 2.What does Mr.Larson do?


3. What is on display in the Art Museum this week?


4. In how many ways can you help the other people in Text3?


5. What does “ teenagers ”in Text4 mean in Chinese?



6.将Text 1和Text 3中的画线部分译成汉语。

Text 1 __________________________________________________________________

Text 3 ___________________________________________________________________


   Teen Scene will give you some help when you have problems with_________.

confidence and _____________ .


    Come to the Art Museum,and you’11 know more about the new and interesting

places in the world without traveling.





1.She was the first girl to swim________________(穿越)the channel.

2.It’s midnight already, but he is still_____________(醒).

3.He prefers to help others rather than_______________(打扰)them.

is so bad that it makes the students la一

4._____________(抄袭)others' homework is so bad that it makes the students lazy.

5.The boy has been very sad since his MP3 was________(偷) several days ago.

6.The beef on the dishes________ (尝起来) very delicious.

7.You can search the Internet for the two ________(工程师的)information.

8.The boys played _______________(粗心),and they deserved to lose.

9.The __________(决定) they’ve made were known to most of the people.

10.Sally often catches cold. She is the_________(弱) girl of the twins.






park,noise,pollution,save energy(能源),the burning of gasoline(汽油),reduce(减







第1卷(选择题  共80分)



1.A.Please look after the twins for me,Lisa!

   B.Lucy and Lily look the same.don’t they?

   C.Do we have two new students this morning?

2.A.Tina goes to work by car every day.

   B.Jim works in a bicycle factory.

   C.Will you please help me with my English?

3.A.Bruce,what can you see in the picture?

   B.Excuse me.Could you show me the way to the railway station?

   C. Our English teacher is going to New York next month.

4.A.I have some money in the white pot.

   B.There js a small playhouse in the big tree.

   C.Why didn’t Susan come to the evening party?

5.A.Peter doesn’t live here.Is that right?

   B.When would you like to go shopping with me?

   C  Come to my office at 2:00 this afternoon.



6.A.Tuesday.    B.Spring.    C.MaY 1.

7.A.Yes.He’s sixteen.B.Yes.He’s from America.

   C.Yes.He’s tall.

8.A.She’s fine.    B.She’s a nurse   C.She’s forty-two

9.A.Good news!    B.Let’s go.  C. Thanks a lot

10.A.Yes,he does.  B.On foot.  C. On Saturday.



11.A.It was boring     B. It was bad       C. It was OK

12.A.Yes.she was      B.No,she wasn’t    C.She didn’t tell us

13.A.On Sunday morning.

    B.On Sunday afternoon.

    C.On Sunday evening.

14.A.His friends.    B.His familv.    C. His teacher

15.A.They went to play tennis.

    B.They went to see a film.

    C.They went hiking.


16.A. Reading a book    B. Going fishing    C. Taking a walk

17.A. Into the water    B. On the floor     C. On the bridge

18.A. He got some money

B. The old man wanted to teach him something

C. The old man said nothing to him

19. A. Many books   B. Some clothes        C. A pair of shoes

20. A. Once         B. Three times         C. Eight times

II.拼读选词    根据句意和音标从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个适当的单词

21.―What are these in the picture?

   ―___/ are apples and bananas.

   A. Three        B. Their        C. They           D.There

22.Look! The ___//is running after the mouse.

   A. cake         B.cage          C.cup             D.cat

23.Peter  and Jim ___// next to me. We often play together.

   A. leave        B. life        C. lift           D. live

24.Please___// for me. We often play together.

   A. wake     B. weak   C. water       D. wait

25.Eat more ____// and less meat. It will be good for your health.

   A. vegetables     B. village       C.villagers       D. visitors

III.选择填空    从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。

26. John has ___book. The book is very interesting.

   A. the          B. an           C. a               D. /

27. ―Please pass ____the eraser. I want to use it.

    ―OK. Here you are.

   A. we           B. orange       C. he              D. she

28.―How many_____are there in your basket,Jeff?

    ―Only three.

   A.rice         B.orange       C.eggs             D.fruit

29.Ted tried his best,______he caught up with the others at least.

   A. but          B. or           C.and              D. because

30.The Browns often come over to my family_____ the evening.

   A.with          B.in           C.for             D. of

31.一Which sport do you like_____,swimming or volleyball?

    ―Neither.I like basketball.

A.good          B.well         C.better           D.best

32.My teacher’s voice_____sweet. We all like her songs.

   A.feels         B.smells       C.looks            D.sounds

33.―Thanks for helping us.


   A.Never mind                    B.Hold on,please

   C.It’s my pleasure             D.Let me see

34.Which sign tells you to go upstairs?

 35.―Would you like to go to the cinema with me?

A.Yes,I must      B.Yes,I can    C. Yes,I may      D. Yes,I’d like to

36.______sunny day! Let’s go surfing, Frank!

A.What a           B.What          C. How             D. How an

37._____plus seven is thirteen.

   A. Five             B. Six           C. Eight           D. Nine

38一Help_____ to some cookies, children.


   A.himself          B.yourselves      C. herself         D. themselves

39.―_____ in your handbag,madam?

    ―Some money and an ID card.

   A.Where is         B.When is        C. What is         D. How is

40.Bob can’t solve this problem.He_____to ask his teacher for help.

   A.1ends            B.wants          C. believes        D. brings

41.一Where is my father.Mom?

    ―He is ___ to his office.

   A.by the way       B.on the way      C. in this way     D. to the way

42.It’s cold outside.

   A.put on           B.put away       C.put up          D. put off

43.―How long does it____you to go to the post office, Jack?

   A.take             B.spend          C.cost             D.pay

44.―What did that man ask you.Mary?

   ―He asked me______.

   A.when am I to schoo1               B. when do I go to school

   C.when I went to school             D. when did I go to school

45.James is my friend.He_____ Jim for short.

   A.calls            B.is called       C. called          D. is calling

46.Liu Xiang is a super star,______?

   A.is he            B.isn’t he       C. does he         D. doesn’t he

47.My radio doesn’t work.There is_____wrong with it.

   A.nothing          B.something       C.anything        D.everything

48.It’s great____ the sunshine on the beach. Don’t you think so?

   A.to listen        B. to make         C. to enjoy        D. to say

49.Lily was _____TV when I saw her.

   A.reading          B. watching        C. looking         D. seeing

50.―May I _____ my Mp4?


  A.get off           B.get back        C.get on          D.get to

Ⅳ.完形填空  阅读下面短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能填入文章


Calvin is very lucky.AII his grandparents are still alive.Grandparents are the

mothers and fathers of your parents.Calvin enjoys spending time___51___his father’s parents.They live in the same town as Calvin’s family so they can__52_each other often.

    Are your grandparents _53__ alive? Do you spend time with them? Do vou ever ask them__54_about what their lives were like when they were your age?

    Many people today live to be very __55__.Some people live for 100 years or

More. Maybe one of your grandparents is very old.Think about how life has _56_

over the last 100 years.How did people get around 100 years ago? There were no

cars or planes.Did they _57_ horses or bicycles? Did they take the train7 What

did people wear? What did they do for fun? Did they eat different kinds of _58_ ?

What kinds of jobs did they have? Where did they go shopping? Did they have electricity(电)in _59_ homes?

    The next time you see your grandparents,ask them some of these questions.

You might be surprised at some of their  60_.

    Grandparents can tell you what your parents were like when your age.This information will help you know and understand your parents better.

51.A.to             B.with           C. of         D.by

52.A.1ook at        B.know           C. see        D.speak

53.A.still          B.too            C.hardly     D.from

54.A.some           B.why            C.many       D.questions

55.A.old            B.young          C.short      D.fat

56.A.thought        B.taken          C.changed    D.put

57.A.feed           B.make           C.drive      D.ride

58.A.water          B.food           C.1eaf       D.tea

59.A.their          B.his            C.her        D.our

60.A.times          B.reports        C.answers    D.business

Ⅴ.阅读理解  阅读下列短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中。选出一个能回答所提



    Evening came.It was time for Mr Bell to close his shop.He was checking his

money.His son,Tom,who was 15,had just gone out to buy a newspaper.Just then,a big man walked into the shop.He had a gun(枪)in his hand.When Tom came back,he could hear the man asking his father for money.Tom cou1d see the gun in the man’s hand,but the man didn’t see Tom.

    Tom hurried to the street.He looked for the policemen,but he didn’t see any.

Then Tom saw an old baseball bat(球棒)lying on the ground.“Maybe this wi11 help,”he thought.He ran back with it.

    The man was watching Tom’s father,and Tom’s father was just giving some of

the money to the man.Tom knew he could not wait long.“Now it’s the time.I must

do something.”Tom rushed at the man and knocked him down with the bat.

    Tom and his father then ran out.This time they got the police and told them

what had happened.The police quickly went to the shop and caught the man.

61.Who was checking the money just hefore the shop closed?

  A.Tom.    B.Mr Bell.    C.A big man.D.A policeman.

62.How old was Tom7

  A.Fifteen.    B.Thirteen.    C.Fourteen.D.Twelve.

63.What was the big man doing when Tom came back?

  A.He was looking for something.

  B.Fie was taking out his gun.

  C.He was asking Tom’s father for money.

  D.He was lying in the shop.

64.How did Tom help his father?

A. He bought a newspaper.

B. He picked up a baseball bat.

C. He knocked the man down.

D. He ran back to the shop.

65. What did Tom and his father do after the man was knocked down?

A.They ran after the big man.

B. They went to the police for help.

C.They waited for the police.

D. They had their money back.


    Xiao is a Junior 2 student at the Middle School Affiliated to Southeast Normal

University(东南师大附中).She loves geography and maps.But she also found that

most maps were boring.

One day when on―line,Xiao saw some different maps.They were drawn into

Different shapes:France was made into the shape of a lady holding a book and Scot-

land became a woman catching a fish.Italy looked like a soldier holding a flag(旗).

    “This great idea made me very excited!”said Xiao.“I decided to make my own.”

    But Xiao had to think of different shapes for the map first.She found the best

way was to mix(混合)culture(文化)and shape together.

    “Well,the shape of England is like a ship.And England is famous for sailing(航

海).So I drew its map into the shape of a ship,”said Xiao.

     Yunnan Province can be made into a bird;and Chongqing, Xiao’s hometown,could be a hotpot!

Of course not all place are so easy to match their culture to a shape.

Xiao has made the maps into greeting cards and given them to her classmates. So now almost all the students in Xiao’s class are going crazy(着迷) about maps and geography!

“Funny maps help us love geography. As long as we can think of these new ideas,boring study can become great fun!”said Xiao.


66.Xiao is_____.

  A.interested in Geography

  B.in Class Two,Grade One

  C.a university student

  D.a boy with a girl’s name

67.What kind of maps did Xiao see when on―line one day?

  A.A map with a lady in it.    B.The fishing maps for women.

  C.The maps for soldiers.      D.Maps in different shapes.

68.What did Xiao decide to do after she saw the maps on―line?

  A.To hold a book or a flag.    B.To draw her own maps.

  C.To mix the countries’names. D.To catch fish in the ship.

69.Which of the following is NOT true?

  A.In Xiao’s eyes,England looks like a ship.

  B.In Xiao’s eyes,Yunnan looks like a bird.

  C.In Xiao’s eyes,Chongqing looks 1ike a hotpot.

  D.In Xiao’s eyes,Italy looks like a soldier.

70.Which of the following is true?

  A.Maps from different countries are sold on―line.

  B.All the places are easy to match their culture to a shape.

  C.Few of the students in Xiao’s class 1ike her greeting cards.

D.Funny maps make the students’geography study less boring.



    What is the book made of? When we read books,magazines,and newspapers,we hardly stop and think about the paper used to make them.Without this invention our lives would be very different.

paper is one of the most important inventions of all time. The word“paper” comes from the word“papyrus”―a grasslike plant. The Egyptians(埃及人)first used papyrus around the year 3000 B.C.(公元前)to make a kind of paper. In A.D.105, a Chinese man named Ts’ai-Lun invented a new type of paper using pieces of old cloth. For centuries, people all over the world used this Chinese way to make paper. In 1838,Charles Fenerty, a Canadian man, invented a new way of papermaking using wood. Today, most of the paper we use is made from wood.

    Think again about your book.Did you use paper money to buy it? if so,you can

thank the Chinese.They invented paper money in the ninth century A.D.. The  government(政府)began using paper notes as money because there wasn’t enough metal

to make coins.

    Today,it's hard to imagine life without paper.We use it to communicate(交流)in

many different ways.We also use many important products that are made of paper. Take,

for example,toilet paper.Many believe that an American,Joseph Gayetty,invented it in 1857.Walter Alcock,an Englishman,later had the idea to put the paper on rolls(卷).By 1907,toilet paper was used everywhere in the United States and England.Imagine what life today would be like without this important invention !

71.Paper was first made from_____.

  A.Egyptian    B.a kind of plant

  C.grass       D.old wood

72.From the second paragraph we know______.

  A.papermaking has a history about 4000 years

  B.Ts’ai-Lun invented a new way of papermaking

  C.an American tried to make paper from wood in 1838

  D.most of the paper made from wood is in Canada

73.The Chinese_____.

A.was the first to use real papyrus

B.invented paper money and metal coins

C.made paper money to save wood

D.began to use paper money over 1000 years ago

74.What does the sentence“Today, it’s hard to imagine life without paper. ”really mean?

  A.It means people have to read books,newspapers and magazines everyday.

  B.It means the government needs and uses the paper money.

  C.It means our 1ife will be very different if there is no paper,

  D.It means people can't communicate without paper.

75.Which of the following is NOT true?

  A.The word“paper”comes from a grasslike plant.

  B.Today most of the paper is made from wood.

  C.Toilet paper was invented by an Englishman named Walter Alcock.

D.Toilet paper became popular in the U.S.A.and England by 1907.



The Graham family of Kansas did something very unusual last year. Mr and Mrs Graham did not go to work, and their children did not go to schoo1.Instead,Craig and Marlene Graham and their children,Courtney,12,and Collier,4,traveled together in a van(厢式车)and drove across America for a whole year.

    First,Craig and Marlene sold their businesses.Craig had a fruit business,and Marlene owned a small newspaper.Then they sold their 1arge house.Finally,Courtney said good-bye to her classmates,and their dream trip was ready to begin.The Graham family started their trip on July 4.They visited big cities and small towns in all 50 states.They also visited the birthplaces of all the United States’Presidents(总统).They wanted to visit many interesting places,parks,and zoos in the United States,but they also wanted to meet the

American people.The Grahams had many wonderful experiences.Many people were very friendly and helpful to them.Some people invited the Graham family to stay in their homes with them.Everyone signed their“guest book”.

    Every day,Marlene wrote reports about her family’s trip. She described the family’s daily experiences,where they went,and what they did. Courtney kept a journal of her 1ire on the road.Marlene and Courtney put their writing on the Internet.Schoolchildren from a11 over the United States followed the Graham family’s trip by using computers at home and in schoo1.Some children wrote letters to the Graham family.American newspapers carried stories about the Grahams, and people met the family on television shows.

    At the end of the year.Craig said that they all had a wonderful trip. Courtney said that she missed her friends at school,but also enjoyed the trip very much. The Grahams traveled a total(总计)of 54944 miles.They returned home on the dame date that they left:July 4.They plan to write a book about their travels to describe everything they learned about their country and the American people.

76.To make their travel possible,the Grahams____.

  A.borrowed some money from their friends

  B.made money by writing reports to newspapers

  C.sold their businesses and large house

  D.received a 1ot of money from the TV stations

77.Which of the following is NOT true?

  A.The Grahams had been to fifty states of their country.

  B.The Grahams paid visits to all the American Presidents’ birthplace.

  C.The Grahams had traveled to all the places of interest in the U.S.A.

D.The Grahams met many friendly and helpful people during their travel.

78.Many American people who were interested in the Grahams’ trip could learn something about the trip with the help of____.

  A.newspapers    B.the Internet    C.TV    D.all of the above

79.What were the Grahams going to do after their one―year trip?

  A.They planned to write a book about their experiences.

  B.They were going to have another wonderful long trip.

  C.They wanted to go back to see their hometown first.

  D.They wanted to read more books about their country and people.

80.Which of the following is NOT true?

  A.The Grahams left their home to travel across the U.S. for one year.

  B.Many American people thought the Grahams’trip should be encouraged.

  C.The Grahams had to drive about 150.6 miles each day during their long trip.

  D.The Graham family wanted to become famous by doing something new and unusual.



Ⅵ.动词填空  阅读短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。有的需要加助动词或不定式符号。(10分)


One night,a 5-year-old son(81)_____(teach)by his mother about God. “Do you know that God(82)______(know)where everybody is,and exactly what they are doing.So if you do something wrong,he(83)____(get)angry.”The little boy(84)____(1ook)at his mother and said,“Wow! He must(85)_____(have)a computer!”


    Summer(86)_____ (come)now.If it’s a bright clear day outside,you hadbetter(87)____(wear)a pair of sunglasses.They can help you stop the sunshine from(88)_____(hurt)your eyes.If you(89)_____already____(regard)sunglasses as a part of your summer life,that’s good.If not,please(90)____(1earn)to do so.

Ⅶ.改写句子  按括号中的要求完成改写后的句子,每个空格填一个单词。(10分)

91.Linda is good at playing tennis.(改为否定句)

Linda ________  _______ good at playing tennis.

92.Kate usually goes to her office by bike.(就画线部分提问)

    _____   ______Kate usually______to her office?

93.“Don’t spend too much time on computer games.”Mr Wang said to Tony.(改写句子,句意不变)

Mr Wang ______ Tony ______  _______ spend too much time on computer games.

94.Liu Dong hasn’t been abroad.Cheng Lei hasn’t,either.(改写句子,句意不变)

    ______ Liu Dong_______Cheng Lei ______ been abroad.

95.The sick horse can't live any longer if we don't treat it.(改写句子,句意不变)

    We must treat the sick horse,_____ it would die _____ _____ _____.

96.The villagers built a watchtower on the top of the hill,so they could find the fire in the forest early.(改为被动语态)

A watchtower_____ _____ on the top of the hill,so the fire in the forest ______ _____ _________ early.

Ⅷ.完成句子   根据汉语句意完成英语句子:每个空格填一个单词。(10分)


  How clean the classroom is! Are you _____ ______ today,Helen?


  I’11 look after my grandpa when my parents are not ______ ______.


We should______the people in trouble ______ _______.


I heard that a group of explorers ______ ______ in the desert during the

  May Day holiday.Are they OK now?


The_____in Ji’nan_____ _____greatly______ after the newlybuilt Beiyuan highway is completed.


Cong Fei is _____ _____ _____ the Chinese people, and we should a11 learn from him.


The man_____  the victim’s _____ and he is now ______ the policemen’s______.



