
英 语 试 题














第一节 听力(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


例:How much is the shirt?

       A.£19.15.             B.£9.15.               C.£9.18


1.Where are these two speakers?

       A.In an office.     B.In a classroom.  C.In a hotel.

2.What does the man suggest doing first?

       A.Going downtown.

       B.Having dinner.

       C.Seeing a movie.


3.What is the woman doing?

       A.Asking the way.

       B.Talking about the traffic.

       C.Visiting a college.

4.What do the speakers decide to do?

       A.Cook dinner at home.

       B.Have dinner with a friend.

     C.Eat out together.

5.What can be learned about Peter?

       A.He has lost his ticket.

       B.He has booked a ticket.

       C.He has found a ticket.

第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)

       听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。 听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。 每段对话或独白读两遍。


6.What is the relationship between the two speakers?

       A.Colleagues.       B.A couple.          C.College classmates.

7.What do we know about the car?

       A.It needs washing.

       B.It has been stolen.

       C.It needs repairing.

8.What do they plan to do?

       A.Learn something useful.

     B.Teach at a college.

       C.Buy a new car.


9.What time did the accident take place exactly?

       A.At 2:43.           B.At 2:45.            C.At 2:47.

10.Where was the woman at the time of the accident?

       A.Outside the store.

       B.In the taxi.

       C.In the car.

11.What did the woman see?

       A.The taxi hit a man.

       B.The taxi hit the lights.

       C.The taxi hit the car.


12.What are the speakers talking about?

       A.A one-day tour of London.

       B.A guidebook about London.

       C.An experience in London.

13.What does the man want to see most?

       A.The British Museum.

       B.The St.Paul's.                                                                                               C.Hyde Park.

14.What seems to be the man's native language?

       A.English.      B.French.            C.Chinese.


15.Where does the conversation take place?

A.In the man's office.

B.In the man's house.

C.In a furniture shop.

16.What is the condition of the refrigerator?

       A.It's working properly.

       B.It doesn't work any more.

       C.Something is wrong with the door.

17.What will the woman probably do?

       A.Fix up the house.

       B.Rent the house.

       C.Look for another place.


18.When was their house in Wimbledon built?

       A.Last year.         B.In 1932.          C.Five years ago.

19.Which room is now used as a storeroom?

       A.The living room downstairs.

       B.One of the bedrooms.

       C.The dining room.

20.What makes the speaker satisfied with their cottage?

       A.Its large beautiful garden.

       B.The comfortable bedrooms.

       C.Its wonderful surroundings.




第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 单项填空 ( 共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分 )

       从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

例:It is generally considered unwise to give a child        he or she wants.

       A.however              B.whatever             C.whichever           D.whenever


21.― Sorry, Debbie! I have to finish this article before going with you.

       ― _____ .We still have an hour before the concert starts.

       A.Don't bother    B.You're right        C.Take your time    D.Hurry up

22.You must have Emma to the party, and then _____ Emily ― don't forget her.

       A.here's           B.that's          C.where's            D.there's

23.Mr.Baker would like to buy your house if you are willing to _____ a more reasonable price.

       A.sell             B.pay             C.offer              D.deal

24.________ the film Slumdog Millionaire has won 8 Oscars, most Indians are not pleased with it.

       A.As                 B.While                 C.When            D.Since

25.― Beijing or Shanghai? What do you mean?

       ― We were talking about _____ to go to college.


26.The Palace Museum has a _____ of 9,600,000 pieces of ancient Chinese artwork.

       A.collection         B.mixture            C.combination        D.series

27.I know the teacher _____ to Amy when she spoke of a bright girl.

       A.refers               B.referred             C.was referring      D.had referred

28.Having weekly meals together _____ to be helpful in bringing the family closer.

       A.found out           B.turned out           C.figured out          D.worked out

29.― How sad your brother looks! What's up?

       ― I've no idea.That's _____ is upsetting me.

       A.who                    B.which                 C.what                 D.that

30.― Hello, Dr.Smith's Clinic!

       ― Hello! I'm calling to cancel the appointment I _____ with the doctor.

       A.am making         B.have made          C.will make        D.had made

31.You should ask _____ about what you can do for your country than what your country can do for you.

       A.much              B.most                 C.more                D.many

32.― What would you like to drink?

       ―_____ will do so long as it is cold.

       A.Anything            B.Nothing           C.Everything          D.Something

33.Obama received huge support from African Americans, _____ more than 95% voted for him.

       A.of which             B.of whom             C.from which         D.from whom

34.Leaders of most countries attended the UN conference _____ in South Africa earlier this year.

       A.held                    B.to be held            C.to hold                D.holding

35.―Is the book Lock And Key in the library?

       ― _____.The school has just bought many new books.

       A.Shall be             B.Would be            C.Might be             D.Should be

第二节 完型填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)


       At 13 years of age, I visited a doctor with my parents.As I sat in the examining chair, the doctor looked into my  36   "She did inherit (继承) it." he said with coldness."You need to be prepared.There is no   37   for this disease."


       My world   42   as the darkness fell,  43   the dreams my husband and I had for us and for our three little boys.But  44    I tried to find some hope and   45  , my eyes were opened to a new realization.

       My father had  46   me not just failing eyesight, but an example of   47   in the face of hardships as well.We were all living in Bolivia in 1964 when he decided to   48   the family to America.He worked tirelessly to   49   the right of living in the US.

       Alone in the States, he   50  his helplessness and lack of fluency in English.He managed to rent a small apartment, and nine months later, sent airline tickets for my mom, my brother and me.

       Decades later,  51   an American citizen, I look back at what he'd shown me.He set an example proving that determination is important to success.His   52   taught me valuable lessons for my own path in the darkness.

       I did the same as I stepped into a   53   world.I fulfilled (完成) my own   54   as a wife, mom, Sunday school teacher and Spanish interpreter.What I inherited from my father helped me to  55   my life in a whole new light.

36.A.mouth           B.eyes           C.ears           D.throat

37.A.solution                                        B.reason         C.excuse         D.cure

38.A.carried                                         B.spread         C.infected      D.raised

39.A.damaged            B.lost                    C.recovered           D.gained

40.A.rapidly               B.nearly                C.completely          D.terribly

41.A.though              B.but                     C.so                      D.since

42.A.broke down        B.broke off            C.broke away         D.broke out

43.A.realizing            B.sharing               C.disturbing           D.destroying

44.A.when                 B.before                C.unless                 D.until

45.A.honour              B.beauty                C.strength              D.failure

46.A.handed               B.rewarded            C.given                 D.taught

47.A.contribution        B.determination      C.challenge            D.honesty

48.A.move                 B.settle                  C.arrange               D.send

49.A.enjoy                 B.declare               C.apply                 D.win

50.A.accepted             B.admitted             C.overcame            D.met

51.A.as                      B.like                    C.for                     D .to

52.A.knowledge          B.journey              C.situation             D.event

53.A.cruel                  B.inner                  C.modern              D.dark

54.A.promises            B.hopes                 C.roles                  D.changes

55.A.touch                 B.end                    C.save                   D.see



       You want to know where the safest place for young children is in the car? For a child of any age, the back seat is the safest place and the safest part of the back seat is the middle.In the back seat, the child is farthest away from the force or effect of head-on collision(撞击), which can cause the most injuries.

       All fifty states of the USA have laws requiring the use of safety seats for young children.If you have children under 8 years of age weighing no more than 80 pounds, it is necessary to fit your car with a special child safety seat.

       The child safety seat comes in three types or sizes: the first type is designed for babies from birth to one year of age, until the baby weighs about 20 pounds; the second size is for children between one and four years of age, who weigh between 20 and 40 pounds; the third kind is used by older children big enough to use the car's belt system.Moreover, all these safety seats must be fitted and held in place on the car's back seat.If your child does need your attention while you are driving, don't look back.Just pull over (停靠路边).

       In addition, always be sure your child is properly fastened throughout the entire trip.Children who can unfasten their own car seats are subject to fatal injuries in an accident.Start early in your child's life teaching them that car safety is serious business and make sure you give a good example and always wear your own seat belt.

56.This passage mainly discusses _____.

       A.how a child can be kept safe while riding in a car

       B.why the back seat is the safest place in a car

       C.how a child safety seat can protect a child

       D.what causes young passengers the most injuries

57.This passage is probably written for _____.

       A.school teachers                                B.very young readers                      

       C.parents of small children                   D.taxi drivers

58.The third type of safety seat is for children ______.

       A.above eight years of age

       B.between four and eight

       C.weighing between 20 and 40 pounds

       D.weighing more than 80 pounds

59.What safety tip is given in this passage?

       A.Always keep your children beside you.

       B.Fasten your own safety belt to set an example.

       C.Make your child remain seated during the trip.



       I didn't always feel this way.Father's Day and I actually got off to a good start.Even though my parents divorced when I was four, I could spend Father's Day with my dad.I'd make my dad a card and then go to the mall to buy him a book or a CD.

       The first change started when I got a new father, Jim.He was a short guy with a big belly.Something about him suggested ease (自在) a marked contrast to my dad, who'd go crazy at the drop of a Coke.I began to look forward to Jim's visits.When my mom said they were getting married, I didn't care.

       Some men are meant to be fathers, but not necessarily fathers to children of any age.When I was still young enough to be bribed (收买) with a gift, Dad was great.My dad was the kind of guy who is easily annoyed and prefers volume (音量) to reason.Gradually, I found Jim was more comfortable to be around.He soon became the dad I would go to for help with homework, to fix toys and to talk to teachers.He offered great comfort.

       It took a few years for me to call Jim "Dad".I'd never used the cold word "stepfather" with Jim.I just called him Jim.I guess I believe a father is a man who performs the duties a father should.Jim has done everything I imagine a "real" dad is supposed to do.So come next Father's Day, he'll also be the one I'll hug, and say "I love you" to.

60.What kind of person was the author's birth father?

       A.He was hot-tempered.                     B.He was generous.

       C.He was easy-going.                      D.He was reasonable.




61.What can be said about the author when he was still young?

       A.He was very close to his father.          B.He thought his father was great.

       C.He couldn't tolerate his father.         D.He didn't like his father.

62.The author liked Jim because ______.

       A.Jim married his mother                      B.Jim was helpful and responsible

       C.Jim lived with his family                   D.Jim often bought him gifts

63.It can be inferred from the last paragraph that ______.

       A.the author never called Jim Dad

       B.the author doesn't respect his father

       C.the author regards Jim as his father as well

       D.the author will ignore next Father's Day

       The National Gallery now has a fine still life by the 18th century Dutch painter Jan van Os.This large picture (89.1 cm x 71cm) of flowers and fruit is painted in light bright colours on wood.It is one of the first pictures of this type in the Gallery.The picture is signed and dated 1777 and 1778.It is not unusual for a picture to be dated two years: the artist waited for particular flowers to come out in their different seasons in order to paint them.This picture was given to the Gallery by Miss Violet Churchman in memory of her sister Ida Nancy. It is now on show in Room 25.

       The exhibition "Painting in Spain During the Late 18th Century" opened in the Sunley Room on 15 March.Recently the Gallery has bought works by three Spanish painters of this period―Paret, Melendez and Francisco Bayeu, who are the focus of the exhibition.These three artists are also joined by Francisco's brother Ramon, by Antonio Gonzalez and two Italians who worked in Spain during these years―Corrado Giaquinto and Giovanni Battista Tiepolo.The exhibition runs until 31 May.

       Lectures will be given along with the special exhibition every Wednesday.On 8 April, Lizzie Barker will discuss the work of Melendez, while on 15 April, Sarah Symmons will lecture on Luis Patter.On 22 and 29 April, Juliet Wilson will talk about Francisco Bayeu.On 25 April, a Saturday, Erika Langmuir will explain how artists often "tell a story" through their pictures.

64.What does "still life" in Paragraph 1 probably mean?

       A.A painting of unmoving objects.      B.A picture of a country scene.

       C.A drawing done in pencil.             D.A portrait shown in a public place.

65.How many artists' paintings are on show at the special exhibition?

       A.Three.              B.Five.                C.Seven.            D.Eight.


66.Which speaker will lecture on a general topic rather than on particular artists?

       A.Juliet Wilson.                                  B.Lizzie Barker.

       C.Sarah Symmons.                        D.Erika Langmuir.

67.Where will this passage most probably be found?

       A.In the booklet of a gallery.              B.In a textbook.

       C.In an academic journal.               D.In a picture album.

       Many visitors find the fast pace at which American people move very troubling.One's first impression is likely to be that everyone is in a rush.City people always appear to be hurrying to get where they are going and are very impatient if they are delayed even for a brief moment.

       At first, this may seem unfriendly to you.But drivers will rush you; storekeepers will be in a hurry as they serve you; people will push past you as they walk along the street.You will miss smiles and conversations with people as you shop or dine away from home.Do not think that because Americans are in such a hurry they are unfriendly.Often, life is much slower outside the big cities, as is true in other countries as well.

       Americans who live in cities such as New York, Chicago, or Los Angeles, often think that everyone is equally in a hurry to get things done; they expect others to "push back", just as city people do in Tokyo, Singapore or Paris, for example.But when they discover that you are a stranger, most Americans become quite kindly and will take great care to help you.Many of them once came to the city as strangers and they remember how frightening a new city can be.If you need help or want to ask a question, choose a friendly-looking person and say, "I am a stranger here.Can you help me?"

       Most Americans enjoy helping a stranger.Most people will stop, smile at you, and help you find your way or answer your questions.But you must let them know that you need help.Otherwise they are likely to pass you by, not noticing that you are new to the city and in need of help.

68.Many people who first visit the United States will find that ______.

       A.the country is developing very fast

       B.American people always seem to be in a rush

       C.the fast pace in American life often causes trouble

       D.Americans are impatient and unreasonable people

69."You will miss smiles" in Paragraph 2 probably means ______.

       A.you will notice that Americans are pleasant people

       B.you will think that Americans don't live a happy life

       C.you will feel that Americans do not seem very friendly

       D.you will find that Americans have little sense of humor



70.The last two paragraphs seem to suggest that ______.

       A.life in New York is faster than that in any other city

       B.people living outside big cities are lazy and slow

       C.most American people enjoy living in big cities

       D.the busy city people are not as unfriendly as they appear

71.The author mentions Tokyo, Singapore and Paris because ______.

       A.they are different from American cities 

       B.they are among the world's biggest cities

       C.city people worldwide have much in common

       D.they are as well-known as New York City



       I was discussing this problem recently with a colleague who had been beating his head against the wall for months trying to get a story about a mysterious "dark force" in cosmology (宇宙学) past editors at The New Yorker."They kept saying they didn't understand it!" he complained.Well, of course they didn't understand it.Nobody understands it.That's what makes it so interesting.

       In science, feeling confused is essential to progress.An unwillingness to feel lost, in fact, can stop creativity dead in its tracks.However, editors seem to absorb difficulty differently.If they don't understand something, they often think it can't be right ― or that it's not worth writing about.They are used to being the smartest guys in the room.They forget the fact that relativity (相对论) and quantum mechanics (量子力学) have been around for nearly a century, yet they remain confusing in some sense.They just don't make sense.On the other hand, why should they? The universe doesn't care what we can or cannot believe.It doesn't speak our language, so there's no reason it should "make sense".

       So it's necessary to know not only what scientists know, but also what they know they don't know.This is an unfamiliar concept to editors who are used to dealing with politics or sports.For all these reasons and more, the best editors should understand all this.Sometimes you just need to dare to be stupid.

72.What idea does the author convey in this passage?

       A.Editors need to have more knowledge of science.

       B.Only scientists understand what science is all about.

       C.Editors should admit that they don't understand science.

       D.Science has been developing very rapidly.



73.What did the author's colleague complain about?

       A.The readers didn't understand his theory.

       B.The editors wouldn't publish his article.

       C.Nobody is able to understand "dark force".

       D.Cosmology is too mysterious a branch of science.

74.What does the author think of the theories of quantum mechanics?

       A.It doesn't have to make sense.

       B.It can't be right.

       C.It's only understood by the smartest.

       D.It's not worth writing about.

75.Which of the following is the best title for this passage?

       A.Editors Must Dare to Be Stupid

       B.Science Is Just Beyond Us

       C.The Smartest Guys Are Among Us

       D.Science Is Different from Politics




第四部分:写作 (共两节,满分35分)







My mother was used to work in a toy factory.                              76._________________

She really enjoys her job.But two years ago,                                    77._________________

with others laid-off workers, she had to leave the                                78._________________

factory, there she had worked for over twenty years.                           79._________________

In order to supporting the family, she had to look for                          80._________________

a new job and finally got one like a bus driver.                                   81._________________

Every morning, my mother goes to work early and                             82._________________

returns home lately in the evening.She is very tired                           83._________________

after day's work.However, she doesn't care about it.                          84._________________

       How I wish I could do something for him!                                  85._________________

第二节 书面表达(共1题,满分25分)

       假定你叫李华,你的澳大利亚笔友 Peter 对暑假你市将举行的汉语夏令营活动很感兴趣,来信向你询问有关情况。请你根据以下提示给他写一封回信:

       1.时间: 7月20日――8月10日


       3.活动内容: 上汉语课,学习中国文化 (武术 martial arts、绘画、烹调等),参观游


       4.报名方式: 登陆你市网站报名 (sign up)。





Dear Peter,

       It's great to hear from you.                                                    















Li Hua













1―5  CBACB                 6―10 BCACA          11―15 CAACB        16―20 CCBBC

21―25 CDCBB                26―30 ACBCB         31―35 CABAD        36―40 BDABC

41―45 BADAC               46―50 CBADC        51―55 ABDCD        56―60 ACBBA

61―65 BBCAC                66―70 DABCD        71―75 CCBAA


第一节 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分;满分10分)

My mother was used to work in a toy factory.                              76.    was       

She really enjoys her job.But two years ago,                                    77.  enjoyed      

with others laid-off workers, she had to leave the                                78.  other        

factory, there she had worked for over twenty years.                           79.    where     

In order to supporting the family, she had to look for                          80.   support     

a new job and finally got one like a bus driver.                                   81.  as          

Every morning, my mother goes to work early and                             82.            

returns home lately in the evening.She is very tired                           83.   late        

after ^ day's work.However, she doesn't care about it.                        84.   a          

       How I wish I could do something for him!                                  85.    her       

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

A possible version:

Dear Peter,

       It's great to hear from you. I'm happy to learn that you are considering coming to our city for

the Chinese Summer Camp.

       The summer camp, which is intended for foreign students aged 15 to 18, will last about 20 days from July 20 to August 10. Various activities will be organized for the campers to study the Chinese language and experience the Chinese culture. Besides taking Chinese language courses, you will have opportunities to learn Chinese martial arts, painting and cooking. Sightseeing is also on the schedule, including tours of the most famous local attractions. For more information, please visit our city website and you can sign up online.

       Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua



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