

1. She looks sad. Could you please tell me ____ that prevents her from being as happy as before?

A. what it is     B. it is what       C. how it is        D. it is how

2. ―I rang you at about nine, but there was no reply.

       ―Oh, that was probably       I was seeing the doctor.

     A.why                     B.when                  C.what                   D.that

3. ―Go and ask her          come .


     A.what time would she like to                   B.at what time she’d like to

     C.when would she like to                          D.when she likes to

4. The traveler lost his way in the woods, and       made things worse was that it was getting dark.

A.that     B.what  C.which       D.as

5. We agreed to accept         they thought was the best professor in the college .

     A.Whatever             B.whomever          C.whichever           D.whoever

6. ________ people with mental-health problems want most of all is a more equal and open working culture.

A.That    B.What C.When       D.All what

7. He seems too tired today, and I wonder         he got a good sleep last night.

     A.when                    B.that                     C.if                        D.where

8.―Would you tell me         you want your tea , with sugar or milk ?

    ―Sugar , please .

     A.whether               B.when                  C.what                  D.how

9. ―Can we get everything ready by the weekend?

    ―It all depends on ______ we can get Mr. Green’s co-operation.

     A.that                      B.what                   C.whether               D.if

10.  ―Nowadays the doctors are trying their best to reduce the people’s fear        they would be affected by the present disease called “Bird Flu (禽流感)”.

     A.whether               B.which                 C.that                    D.when

11.  Is the hotel         offered you a job         _____ you stayed the first time you arrived here?

     A.which ;where        B.the one ;in which C.where ;that          D.the one that ;which

12. Determination is a kind of basic quality and is       it takes to do jobs well.

     A.what                    B.that                    C.which                 D.why

13.―I’d like to invite you to my birthday party this evening.

―Thanks, but ____ I’ll have time I’m not sure at the moment.

A. while       B. whether        C. if       D. when

14. In some countries, _____ are called  “public schools” are not owned by the public.

  A. which      B. that       C. as       D. what

15. Yesterday evening I came across the man _____ you think is pleased to _____.

  A. who, talk    B. whom, get along with    C. who, work with    D. whom, be talked with

16. These countries will join one another against terrorism,      was agreed to at the international conference.

       A.as     B.who  C.that   D.what

17. I shall never forget the day       Shen Zhou V was launched ,         has a great effect on my life .

       A.when , which      B.that , which         C.which ,that         D.when , that

18.This is the book I bought yesterday , ______I spent 8 yuan .        

       A.on which        B.for which        C.in which D.at which

19. “I’m certainly more and more to the conclusion that Iraq has, ____ they maintained(断言), destroyed almost  all of _____ they had in the summer of 1991.” Blix said.

    A. which, what     B. as, which     C. as, that        D. as, what

20. I am afraid I am not fit for the job, because it is one         requires a lot of patience.

       A.who                    B.that                     C.what                   D.where

21. Our school is no longer ______ is was 10 years ago, _______ it was not well equipped.

       A.what; which     B.that; which       C.what; when      D.that; where

22. There is not one of us          wishes to help you . We are doing our best .

       A.who                    B.that                    C.as                      D.but

23. The man showed us so heavy a stone _______ no man can lift.

       A.that                    B.as                       C.which                 D.and

24.  The small mountain village          we spent our holiday last month lies in          is now part of Hubei .

       A.which where       B.where, what        C.that , which        D.when , which

25.  The famous star got injured before her concent ,        made her fans worried .

       A.who                   B.that                    C.what                  D.which

26. Without facts , a person can’t form a correct opinion , for he needs to have actual knowledge           his thinking .

     A.which to be based on                            B.on which to base                         

     C.which to be based D.which to base

27. We finally bought several books by Shakespeare, ______ is one.

A. which of them        B. which of whose     C. of which this      D. and of them

28. You’ll have to wait for one more week, ______ the manager will be back from his trip.

   A. before      B. when         C. as         D. until

29. ____ I admire David as a poet, I do not like him as a man.

   A. Only if     B. If only      C. As much        D. Much as

30. There must be ____ with the machine.

   A. something wrong serious          B. something seriously wrong

   C. something serious wrong          D. something wrong seriously

31. He has been to America twice, _____.

   A. so have I     B. so I have    C. I have so    D. so  did I

32. Little          what you said. I wish you had repeated it!

       A.did I understand                                  B.I understood

       C.I did understand             D.have I understood

33. Then _______ we had been looking forward to.

       A.came the hour                                     B.the hour came

       C.comes the hour                                    D.the hour is coming

34. Only when        .

       A.did he arrive the meeting began            B.he arrived did the meeting begin

       C.did he arrive the meeting begin            D.he arrived the meeting began

35. No sooner _____ themselves in their seats in the theatre _______ the curtain went up.

       A.they have settled; before                       B.had they settled; than

       C.have they settled; when                        D.they had settled;than

36.       on the top of the mountain is an ancient tower dating back to hundreds of years ago .

       A.To stand             B.Having stood      C.Standing             D.Stand

37. They have no idea at all ____.

A. what he is working on            B. what is he working on

C. what did he work on             D. what he is working

38.In no country other than Britain, it has been said, ____ experience four seasons in the  course of a single day.

A. people can          B. you can      C. can it                    D. can one

39. The women carrying babies , come in first ,        ?

     A.will you               B.will they             C.do you               D.don’t you

40.  ______ he met with the difficulty did he realize the importance of our help.

   A. Even though      B. Never until       C. Only before       D. Ever since




本题含有强调句型,若把It is???that去掉,则很容易地看出what引导的宾语从句,what在从句中充当主语。故选A。

2. B


3. B

at what time=when,引导宾语从句,when在从句中充当时间状语。故选B。

4. B

主语从句____made things worse 缺少主语,应用what引导。that在名词性从句中连接词的作用,不充当任何成份。故选B。

5. D

they thought 为插入语,可以去掉,则就可以看出宾语从句中缺少主语。whoever=anyone who。故选D。

6. B

主语从句_____people with mental-health problem want缺少宾语,要用what引导,且充当want的宾语。故选B。

7. C


8. D

由with sugar or milk可知是在询问喝茶的方式,用how引导宾语从句。故选D。

9. C

介词后只用whether不用if引导宾语从句。那要取决于我们是否能得到Mr. Green的合作。故选C。

10. C


11. A

把此题变为陈述句后则容易判断答案。The hotel_____ offered you a job is______ you stayed the first time you arrived here. 第一个空为which引导的定语从句,第二个空为where引导的表语从句,表示地点。故选A。

12. A

表语从句it takes to jobs well缺少宾语,用what构成“It takes sth to do sth”的句型。故选A。

13. B


14. D

what引导主语从句,在从句中充当主语,相当于the schools that???。 故选D。

15. C


16. A


17. A


18. A

本题考查定语从句中介词的选用。spend some money on sth为一固定搭配。故选A。

19. D


20. B

关系代词that在引导的限制性定语从句中充当主语,指代one (the job)。故选B。

21. C

表语从句中应用what 引导,充当从句的主语,关系副词when在引导的非限制性定语从句中作状语,修饰先行词10 years ago。故选C。

22. A

关系副词when 引导限制性定语从句,在从句中充当状语,修饰先行词the days。

23. B

当先行词前有the same.such.so.as等修饰时,定语从句应用关系代词as来引导。故选B。

24. B

关系副词where引导限制性定语从句,修饰先行词the small mountain village, 在从句中作状语,表语从句中缺少主语,用what引导。 what=the place that   故选B。

25. D


26. B

本题可采取增元法。把句子的后半部分补全为:for he needs to have actual knowledge on which he bases his thinking .   base on:建立……基础上。如Parents owe their children a set of solid values around which to build their lives。故选B。

27. C

分析该句可以看出,this与several books by Shakespeare有所属关系,应用介词of+关系代词which 。故选C。

28. B

关系副词when引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词one more week,在从句中作状语。故选B。

29. D


30. B

当adj修饰something.anything. nothing等不定代词时,应放在不定代词之后。故选B。

31. A


32. A


33. A


34. B


35. B

no sooner…than…,hardly…when…结构中,主句应用过去完成时的倒装结构。故选B。

36. C


37. A


38. D

in no country为否定意义词组,位于句首,主句应用部分倒装。

39. A

这是祈使句。有时为了指明向谁请求或命令,祈使句中也可以说出主语。祈使句的反意疑问句用will you,表示征询对方的意见。如:

―Alice, you feed the bird today;        ?  ―But I fed it yesterday.             (B)

A.do you  B.will you  C.didn’t  you  D.don’t you

40. B
