
  Though great progress has  made in science these years,             76                        

 there are still many people in poor conditions. They make their lives       77                      

 by collecting and selling used thing .Their children cannot go to school     78                 

 because they have no enough money to send their children to there.      79                      

Why you think so many people still suffer from poverty now?              80                           

 The answer lies on the population explosion .A president                 81                         

 of a developing country once said:“It is us who are to blame for          82                        

 the poverty and we used to produce children without limit”              83                       

Although this few words sound simple enough.they have                84                          

 clear pointed out one of the causes of the population explosion,          85         


76. 正确 77. lives改为living 78. thing改为things 79. 去掉第二个to  80.why后加do 81. on改为in 82. us改为we  83. and改为because   84.this改为these 85. clear改为clearly


The problem of “white pollution” causes by used plastic                    66.            

is becoming increasingly serious,in that plastic shopping bags               67.            

play a important role,In China about three billion plastic                    68.            

shopping bags are consumed every day,which results a great                 69             

waste of resources and heavy environmental pollution.Lucky,              70            

the government has been put a nationwide ban on the use of                   71            

free plastic bags,demand that all stores and supermarkets not                 72            

provide customer with free plastic bags after June 1.The rule                 73            

has undoubtedly reduced the use of plastic bags.It is suggested that            74            

we should turn to cloth bags and shopping baskets since now on.              75          


66.Causes改为caused         67.that改为which 68.a改为an         69.Results

70.Lucky改为Luckily        71.去掉been        72.demand改为demanding

73.customer改为customers     74. √                    75. since改为from


Wise men don’t always act as wise as we think.At times         76.     

they maybe done something silly:Because we always think they     77.     

are well known,so the stories about their foolish acts are still        78.     

widely talked throughout the world in modern times.For example,  79.     

Beethoven,the great composer of Austria was said to have insisted   80.     

on paying a waiter in a restaurant for a dinner he has not eaten or      81.     

ever ordered;the British physicist Newton,while lives in London,  82.     

cut two holes in the two doors of his flat,one big,other small,     83.     

so as for his two cats to pass through them.He only thought the      84.     

bigger cat could not get through the smaller holes easily.           85.     


76.wise改为wisely  77.done改为do  78.去掉so   79.talked后加about  80.正确         81.has改为had   82.lived改为living     83.other前加the     84.去掉them    85.holes改为hole


Time is valuable but limit There’s a famous saying,                      76.           

“Time is life”,this shows the importance of time                        77.            

When time has gone,it will never return back.                         78.          

It is a pity when many people make poor use of time.They                 79.          

spend precious time oversleeping,drinking and hanging around             80.          

They don’t realize wasting time is equal with wasting part of                81.          

their life They always regret having made a little achievement               82.          

so far.Therefore,we should learn from the habit of value time             83.          

Do not put off what can be done today until tomorrow;Laziness             84.          

will not only bring us failure,but also lead us on the road                   85.          

of poverty and even death


76.1imited   77 which    78.去掉back   79 when改成that    80.加their   81.with改成to    82.去掉a      83.valuing   84.正确         85.on改成to