2009年高考桂林市、百色市贵港市、防城港市 联合模拟考试

英  语








    第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7 5分)   


1.What is probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Friends          B.Neighbors            C.Wife and husband

2.What kind of news dose the woman like to hears?

A.Terribel          B.Frightening news      C.Good news

3.How will the woman go to New York?

A.By car.          B.By air               C.By train

4.What kind of music does the man like best?

A.Pop music       B.Classical music        C.Jazz

5.What does the man think of the womann’s worry?

A.It’s reasonalbe    B.It’s unnecessary       C.It’s incredible




6.What will the woman do at the travel service?

A.Pick up her passport.                      B.Buy her plane ticket. 

C.Ask about the flight.   

7.Why is the woman unwilling to give up her house?  

A.She has difficulty finding another              B.She has paid her rent in advance.

C.She has no time to move to another


8.What season is it now?   

A.Summer           B.Autumn             C.Winter

9.What is the most probable relationship between the two speakers?    

A.Guide and traveler.B.Driver and passenger. C.Assistant and customer.  

10.What is the weather like in summer in San Franciso?

    A. It iswarm.         B.It is cool.          C.It is hot.   


11.Where was the man brought up?

    A.In Munich.       B.In Chicago.        C.In Los Angeles,

12.What did the man do in Europe?

     A.He went to college.B He found a job.      C.He traveled and lived in Munich.

 13.When did the man leave Munioh?

     A.  In 1997.         B.In 1984           C.In 1995.


 14.When will the woman get staried,

      A.Within a couple of years.    B.This autumn.    C.Right now.

 15.How will the woman afrord her study?

     A.By getting money from her parents.    B.By borrowing money from her friends.

 C.By doing a part-time iob in her spare time.

 16.What do we know about the man’s attitude?

     A.He is interested in the woman’s plan.

     B.He is optimistic about the woman’s plan.

     C.He doubts if the woman can carry out her plan


 17.Who is the speaker talking to ?

     A.Travelers.       B.Patients.            C.Traders.

 18.What do we know about Amedean doctors?

     A.They seldom stay in their offices.            B.They always have much to do.

     C.They take better care of foreigners.

 19. What should people do when they are seriously hurt and alone’

     A.Check with the hotel manager.              B.Ask the police for help.

     C.Dial 911.

 20.Why are people often sent to the hospital in the United States?

     A.To pay medical bills.                      B.To get medical service.

     C.T0 receive health insurance.




 21.Nokia,        world largest mobile phone producer,is going to found       new research

    centre in China.

     A.a;a         B.the;a             C.a;the         D.the; the

 22.一I enjoyed a very good holiday in Hong Kong.


     A.Oh,I am glad to hear that             B.It’s a pleasuire

     C.Congratulations                      D.Oh,that’s very nice of you

 23.一How long have you been here?

      一Only about five minutes.Henry and Simon           here with me.

     A.have walked    B.had walked       C.walked          D.were walking

  24.Last year the Greens moved to Australia,           they thought it would be warmer.

  A.where         B.which           C.that             D.what

   25.一Hurry up!It’s nearly 23 o’clock! I am afraid it’s          the service hour.

       一It’s too early not to go to KFC,whose business time is 24 hours

      A.w-thin         B.beyond          C.during           D.against

  26.一Can I help you?

      一I’d like a room with a bath.How much do you          ?

      A.pay           B.charge           C.ask              D.offer

  27.Everything       in the man’s grave was probably given to him for his use in the next life-

      A.finding        B.found            C.having found      D.to have found

  28.The picture of the advertisement was well taken while its        was badly written.

    A.article           B.report            C.text              D.composition

  29.Mr.White          at 8:30 for the meeting,but he didn’t show up.

      A.should have arrired                   B.should arrive

  C.should have had arrived               D.should be arriving

  30.Our government has done a lot to solve the shortage of oil,but it may take some time    

      we have enough.

      A.after          B.since             C.unless             D.before

  31.Most of the teaching equipment,as well as the books,        made good use of in the village school.

      A.has           B.have             C.has been            D.have been

  32.No agreement was reached in the discussion as neither side would give way to          •

      A.the other       B.another          C.any other            D.other

  33.We visited the school that lies in         was a big factory twenty years ago.

      A.that           B.which            C.what               D.where

  34.The meal was delicious,but its cost was very high.I spent          oil it and had to live on

      bread and water for the next two weeks.

      A.my half of month salary               B.my half salary month

      C.half monthly my salary                D.half of my monthly salary

  35.He wanted to ioin the medical team to help the victims in the earthquake,but he         for

      his poor health.

      A.was turned up  B.was turned on    C.was turned over    D.was turned down



      To some people who didn’t know Harry,he was just a senior citizen  36  me he was an adviser,a good listener,and most of all,my friend.Harry always  37  time for me when I would  38  him’up on the phone with some plumbing(管道)problems.He would always say,“How are you,kid?”

      He  39  on a lot of his plumbing knowledge to me in our  40  talks and would inspire me to be confident in the things I had learned from him and on the job.I still remember  41  a customer came into the   42  looking for help.I started to shy away,feeling  43_of myself.Harry said,“Go ahead.kid.you   44  do it.You have to leave the nest sometime and now is the time.”He was right-

      Hatry was a humble(谦逊的)man.One day I complained when asked to  45  the floor in the store and Hatry told me,  “Kid,it’s part of the job and, 46  ,you’re being paid.”He would grab the broom and start singing 1 was always   47  by how this gentle man could  48   an unpleasant task into a learning  49  for me.

      I alwavs wanted to be like him.He never  50   to let little things annoy him.He said,“Life was too  5l   for that.”

      1 will mlss his concem and gentle caring ways,and I will always cherish(珍惜)the moments we had together.I am   52   for the good pans that Harry  53  on me and at times I try to pass these  54  on to others.Gad must have known that I needed an Angel(天使)to guide me and he

  55  Harry.

  36.A.Beyond          B.Within           C.For          D.To

   37.A.saved            B.had             C.spent         D.wasted

   38.A.call             B.tell              C.show         D.gave

   39.A.took            B.passed            C.looked        D.careied

   40.A.honest          B.formal            C.frequent       D.patient

   41.A.when           B.that              C.why          D.whether

   42.A.company        B.station            C.market        D.store

   43.A.unconscious     B.unclear           C.unsure         D.unhappy

   44.A.can            B.miight            C.must          D.should

   45.A.wash           B.sweep            C.repair         D.dry

   46.A except           B.however           C.besides       D.therefore

   47.A.attracted        B.amazed           C.excited        D.encouraged

   48.A.translate        B.throw             C.persuade      D.turn

   49.A.skill            B.lesson           C.practice        D.opportunity

   50.A.meant          B.seemed           C.wished        D.happened

   51.A.interesting       B.short            C.long           D.annoying

   52.A.grateful         B.anxious          C.responsible     D.sorry

   53.A.fixed           B.put              C.impressed      D.expressed

   54.A.characters       B.gifts             C.words         D.benefits

   55.A.asked          B.decided           C.chose          D.provided




      Raised jn France bv her country physician grandfather,Petaluman Laura Reiehek will be recognized for her work helping the homeless,immigrants and elders and she received the Rev.James E Coffee Human Rights Awardsfor 2006.

      Her grandfather devoted his whole life to making life better for others and was killed by Nazi

  soldiers in 1944. She was there when the soldiers took her grandfather’s life:“I hid under a pile of leaves.But.you know.I heard it.”

      She struggled to work through her anger and hate.but it was necessary for her own survival and self-respect.After the war,she married Jesse Reichek,an American soldier in France,and they eventually settled in the Bay Area,where he grew to become art artist.They came to Petaluma from Berkeley when he needed more room to paint They built their own home and treasured their time together.

      Reichek’s years of volunteer work began with caring for an old lady in Sonoma County which made her sensitive to the fact that many older people were living in bad places.So Reichek created Petaluma’s first senior center.Then she noticed homeless people.With Mary Isaac,she co-founded COTS 15 years ago.

      These days,she is busier than ever,helping Latino immigrant families and visiting seniors in nursing homes.“Our goal is to promote and educate people in understanding and tolerance(忍受).

  We mllst leam to understand and celebrate our differences”,said event chairman Harry Troutt,who serves on the commission.

  56.The Rev.James E.Coffee Human Riights Awards may be given to             .

      A.the voluntcers who do a lot to others    B. the workers who work very hard

      C.the students who stlldv well           D. tbe scientists who do scientific research

  57.The underlined word“it',(in Paragraph 2)refers to           .

      A.Reichek received an award in 2006     B. Reichek’s grandfather had a hard life

      C.Reichek’s grandfather was killed     D. Reichek survived at last

  58.According to the passge, COST should be an organization that           .

      A.offers help to the senior people       B. teaches people painti“g

      C.helps the hopeless people            D.arranges volunteers’work

  59.Jesse Reichek moved to Petalum from Berkeley because he         .

      A.lost his iob in Berkeley              B.wanted to be an anist

    C.wanted t0 help the homelese peopJe   D.needed more places to paint



    Now,it’s time for some brief news items.

Teens Go Online

    Some 13 million European children under 18 use the Internet for school work.games and music according to the research done by Nielsen’s“Net―ratings”.The study covered Britain.

Germany,France,Italy and Spain.Experts advised parents to limit the time their kids spend online and keep them away from chat rooms.

Chat to the Magic Mum

    British author J.K.Rowling,mother of magic boy Harry Potter,will do an Internet interview about her new book“Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince”on June 26 Before the event.children are invited to give their questions about Harry to tim website.The book will hit stores in the U.S.and U K.on June 21 and will arrive in China in August

School Soldiers

    Russian schoel students will have to do basic military training(军训)in their final year of school,the government has decided.The lesson will include learning to fire guns,marching drills and how to deal with a chemical.nuclear or biological attack.The activity is seen as part of a drive toward the education of their love for their country.

0nline School

    Is it hard for you to get up early and get ready for classes?Some students at Winter Park High

School just roll out of bed in their pajamas(睡衣)and go to class in their own bedrooms.Of course,their teachers and classmates do not see them because all their class work is on the computer.The Florida High School,the state’s only online school,has 250 students who are taking classes at home by computer.Students in this first online program take classes in algebra(代数),American government,chemistry,computer,economics,and web-page design.They also have to go to regular school to attend other classes.

60.What does the first news item imply?

    A.The internet is a good way to improve students’study.

    B.The research done by Nielsen’s“Net-ratings”is a successful one

    C.Many European children spend too much time online.


  D.Parents should go to chat rooms to have a look.

6l.Why will Russian school students have basic military training?

    A.To get ready for a military parade(阅兵).  B.To learn to protect themselves.

    C.To gain some military knowledge.       D.To develop their love for the country.

62.What is the second news itern mainly about?

    A.J.K Rowling will have an Intemet interview.

    B.Children will meet Harry Potter’s mother.

    C.The Harty Potter book will be available on the Internet.

    D.The Harry Potter book will arrive in China in early June.

63.Some students at Winter Park High School don’t have to wear their sch001 uniforms because


    A.they like wearing their pajamas      B.they have their lessons in their bedrooms

    C.their sehool unifotins don’t fit them  D.their teachers are not strict with them



    Dogs are social animals and without proper training,they will behave like wild animals.They will spoil your house,destroy your belongings,bark crazily,fight other dogs and even bite you.

Nearly all behavior problems are perfectly normal dog activities that occur at the wrong time or place or are directed at the wrong thing.The key to preventing or treating behavior problems is learning to teach the dog to redirect its normal behavior to outlets that are acceptable in the home setting.

    One of the best things you can do for your dog and yourself is to train it.Obedience training(驯服)doesn"t solve all behavior problems,but it is the foundation for solving just about any problem.Training opens up a door of communication between you and your dog.Effective communication is necessary to instruct your dog about what you want it to do.

    Training is also all easy way to establish the social rank order.When your dog obeys a simple request of“come here,sit,”it is showing obedience and respect for you.It is not necessary to establish yourself as top dog or leader of the dog pack(群)by using extreme measures.You can teach your dog its subordinate(从属的)role by teaching it to show submission to you.Most dogs love performing tricks for you to pleasantly accept that you are in charge.

    Training should be fun and rewarding for you and your dog。It can enrich your relationship and make living together more enjoyable.A well-trained dog is more confident and can more safely be allowed a greater anlount of freedom than an untrained animal.

64.The author wrote the passage in order to          

    A.teach people how to train the dog.

    B.remind people to give their dogs some proper training

    C.wain people to avoid the wild dogs.

    D.tell the differences between well-trained dogs and untrained ones.

65.What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

    A.Obedience training can make your dog obey your orders.

    B.You should use effective methods to train your dogs.

    C.Obedience training is essential to the dogs though it can’t solve all behavior problems.

    D.Effective communication is a must for your dogs.

66.A well-trained dog           

    A.can understand whatever you want it to do

    B.accept that you are in charge and show obedience and respect for you

    C.can make you more confident

    D.will affect your social relationship

 67.The author explains his idea mainly by        

    A.giving examples    B.listing data     C.stating facts    D answering questions



    “Placebo”is a Latin word. It means“I shall please.”And,sometimes。it iust might.

When scientists want to test a new drug.they usually divide a large number of people into two gmups.One group takes the medicine;the other takes a substance(物质)known as a placebo. It may contain nothing more than sugar.The people do not know which Pill  they are taking―the active              


one or the inactive one.In this kind of experiment,the medicine must perform better than the placebo to proe it is effective.

    Yet people who take a placebo sometimes experience improvements in their health.This is known as the“placebo effect”,the effect of something that is not supposed to have any effect.Some doctors even use the placebo effect in their treatments.They might tell patients that a new drug will srop their. The patient does not know that the pills are inactive. The patient takes the pills and later tells the doctor that the pain is gone.

    Now,research in Sweden suggests that placebo treatrnents can also reduce the emotional(情感的)effects of unpleasant experiences.The effects in the brain were similar to those seen when placebos have been used to ease(消除)pain.The researchers say that in both cases,expectations of improvement are a maior influence on the effectiveness of placebos.

    Predrag Petrovic of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm led the study.The findings appeared in the publication Neuron

    An influential study on placebos appeared in nineteen fifty-five. It said treatment with a placebo made patients feel better thirty-five percent of the time. But in two thousand-one, Danish researchers reported that they had examimed more than one hundred studies. They found little evidence of healing(治愈)as a result of placebos.

68.Why is“a placebo”used in the experiment?

    A.To test which medicine is active and which is inactive.

    B.To compare a new drug to an existing drug.

    C.To prove how active the“placebo eflfect”is.

    D.To decide the effectiveness of a rnedicinal drug.

69.According to research in Sweden,the placebo can reduce the patient’s pain mainly because

    A.the pill is very effective                B.the pill can pleasethem

    C.they expect the improvement greatly     D.they believe in the doctors

70.The figure“nineteen fifty-five”(in Paragraph 6)is probably          

 A.the page of a magazine in Stockholm

 B.the number of patients involved in the experiment

 C.the year when the findings were published

 D.the time when Predrag Petrovic and his team tried their experiment

71.What would be the best title for this passage?

    A .The P1acebo Efiect                B.A New Research in Sweden

    C.A New Medicine Was Found         D.Active or Inactive?



People in Britain often talk about their homes:their mortgages(按揭),the interest rates,and rising prices.Here’s a guide to some of the words and phrases you might come across.

It’s a good idea in the UK to arrange a mortgage with a bank before you start looking .This is when the bank tells you how much money they will lend you so you have a good ides of how much you can afford

The next step is to go to an estate agent (房地产代理)and see what sort of properties they have available in your budget range and in your area. If you see something you like, the estate agent


will arrange for you to view the property, so that you can see the house or flat for yourself.

If you see something that takes your eye, you put in an offer. The vendor(卖家)can accept or decline this offer, and if the vendor accepts it , you can move forward with the sale. However, as you don’t pay any money at this point, the offer isn’t legally binding(具有约束力),and in theory , you can pull out of the offer at any time that you like.

Your next step will probably be to get a structrual survey done. A qualified surveyor will inspect the house and write a report that illustrates(阐明) any structrual problems, like damp or drainage problems.

If you still want to go ahead with the sale, you need to appoint a lawyer ot do the legal paperwork, If you already own a house, you might also be busy trying ot sell it . Many house owners prefer to sell to first-time buyers (those people who don’t already own a home),as they are not in a chain(waiting for other people to buy a house before they can buy their next house).

Finally, once the contracts are signed and exchanged, you complete on your house. Your get the keys and you can move in whenever you want. Then you might want to throw a house-warming party . Congratulations!

72. Which of the following shows the right order of what happens before the people in the UK

    move into a new house?

    a.Ask for a company which represents others of propertles.

    b.Decide how much to borrow from the bank.

    c.Examine the structure of the house

    d.Hire a lawyer and make a contract.

    e.Offer the seller the right money.

    f.Visit the house and discuss a price with the seller.

    A.b,a,f,c,d,e    B.b,a,f,e,d,c

    C.b,a,f,d,c,e    D.b,f,d,e,c,a

73.According to the passage,these statements are correct EXCEPT        

    A.After getting the keys,the owners sometimes have a party

    B.People can borrow the whole money for a new house from a bank

    C.The sellers are more interested in the first-time buyem

    D.People care for mortgages,interest rates and the prices&houses

74.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

    A.Lawyers.       B.Owners.       C Collectors      D.Surveyors.

75.The passage is maybe one that              

    A.gives some advice on the house      B.introduces a guide to visitors

    C.introduces a book on travelers        D.gives some tips to house buyers















  Li Hua won the first place in our city in this year College Entrance            76.          

  Exam.And she has admitted by Peking University As a good               77.          

  friend of hers.I’d like to talk about her study if I the senior school.        78.          

  First of all,she was very confident and studies very hard. She was           79.           

  determined to go to Peking University but she was sure she could             80.          

  manage.What’s more,she had a carefully plan about what to do           81.          

  every day She had formed a good habit of studying.For an example,        82.          

  she never put off all what she should do today till tomorrow and              83.          

  seldom did she stay up late at night. She also pleased to help others,          84.          

  as a resuIt of that,all the teachers and students liked her.                  85.          






生词:消防队员 firefighter


One day Li Hua saw a big fire break out on his way home from school.