

1.Mike’s family used to live in a __________(欧洲的) country.                      1.____________
2. Take the __________ (伞) with you, Tom. It’s raining outside.                     2.____________
3. She was __________(满意的) with her birthday presents from her friends.             3.____________
4. They met with a traffic accident during the ride. ________(幸运地) nobody was injured.  4.____________
5. It was too noisy. He had to _________(抬高)his voice when speaking.                 5.____________
6. The nurse took the boys temperature  to see if he had a __________(高烧).             6.____________
7. In the school l__________, I found lots of books I was interested in.                   7.____________
8. To his d____________, his daughter won the first prize in the competition.             8.____________
9. Talking of his father’s death, she kept on w___________ her eyes with a handkerchief.     9.____________
10.While watching the game, the football fans often make a sign with fingers which means

v__________. 10.  ____________                                  


keys:  1.European      2.umbrella     3.satisfied       4.Fortunately    5.raise
       6.fever          7.library       8.delight        9.wiping       10. victory


1. I like English best, what is your f__________ subject?               1.____________
2. If you knock into somebody, you should a__________ to him.         2.____________
3. Please speak as loud as you can to make yourself u__________.        3.____________
4. ---This problem is not difficult.  --- But that one is even e__________.  4.____________
5. I think you can sit on this newly bought chair very c__________.       5.____________
6. A great celebration was held on his _________(50岁)birthday.         6. ____________
7. The assistant is very friendly to all the __________(顾客).           7.____________
8. When I came to the riverside, I found a boy __________(挣扎) in the water.         8.____________
9. The students in our school study very hard, ___________(尤其) those in our class.    9.____________
10.He dived into the water, leaving only his face _________(裸露)                  10.____________


Keys: 1. favorite      2.apologize      3. understood      4. easier    5. comfortable
6. fiftieth       7. customers     8 struggling       9. .especially 10.exposed
1. Don’t be frightened by the television camera, Just speak _________.(自然地)     1.____________
2. All countries, big or small, should be __________(平等).                      2.____________
3. He didn’t __________(认出)me at first when we met in the street of London.     3.____________
4. The boy spoke in a very low voice, ________(承认) he had broken the glass.     4.____________
5. They quarreled once, but they were quite ___________(友好) now.             5.____________
6. We were e__________ to know where she had gone.                         6.____________
7. The colleges and universities were only for men, and women were not p________ to attend.  7.____________
8. Train services are now back to n___________ after last week’s strike.            8.____________
9. The fish smells; I don’t think it is quite f__________.                         9.____________
10.Tom is preparing for an exam. Don’t d __________him.                      10.____________


Keys: 1.naturally      2.equal      3.recognize      4.admitting     5. friendly
6.eager         7.permitted   8.normal        9.fresh       10..disturb


1. What Tom did during the sports meet made all of us ________(失望).                   1.____________
2. Wang Ying’s father is a famous ______(音乐家), and he teaches music in Central Music College. 2____________
3. I am good at English ___________(作文).                      3.____________
4. More than 100,000 people were killed in the 2004 Asian tsunami, ___________(包括) thousands of foreigners.                                      
5. I was born on the first of __________(十月).                      5.____________
6. --- Merry __________(圣诞节) to you!     --- The same to you.      6.____________
7. His mother is a __________(中年) woman who is very strict with her children.  7._____________
8. Some people work together under _________(压力).              8.____________
9. He will come here next ________(星期三).                     9.____________
10.I expected that she would __________(接受) our invitation.       10.____________


Keys: 1.disappointed  2. musician     3.compositions   4. including    5.October
6.Christmas    7.middle-aged  8..pressure     9.Wednesday   10.accept


1. Will it be ________(方便) for you to start work tomorrow?         1____________
2. They walked because they couldn’t ________(付得起) a taxi.       2____________
3. They are used to being ________(分成) into groups in their English class.   3____________
4. Because his family was very rich, he _______(受到) college education abroad.  4____________
5. Their floor is on the ________(第五) floor.                      5____________
6. It is said that this show is going out _________(实况转播).         6____________
7. Nowadays children can choose to go to different _______(幼儿园).   7___________
8. They advised _________(提高) people’s living standard.           8____________
9. I’ll go and see you next ________(星期四).                      9____________
10.After these days’ climbing, they reached the top  of the mountain __________(成功地).


Keys: 1.convenient   2. afford        3.divided       4.received    5.fifth
      6.live        7.kindergartens   8.improving   9.Thursday   10.successfully


1. We aim at ________(质量) rather than quantity.                              1____________
2. We gave our classroom a  ________(彻底) cleaning before the Spring Festival.    2.____________
3. We tried to ________(劝说) him to give up smoking.                         3____________
4. She looks ________(面熟) to me, but I don’t remember her name.              4____________
5. He ________(未能) to pass the driving test last summer.                      5____________
6. The house was sold at such a low price that he had ___________(预料)          6____________
7. It’s wrong to _________(作弊) in the exam.                                7____________
8. It’s _________(危险) to swim in the river.                                  8____________
9. He wants to come but he’s ________(不能) to.                             9____________
10.Do you know about the __________(非洲) history?                        10.____________


Keys: 1.quality      2.thorough      3.persuade        4.familiar     5.failed
     6.expected     7.cheat         8.dangerous       9.unable    10.African


1. Tom was ________(泄气) when he failed a game.                                  1._____________
2. Mr. Zhang is among the ________(有经验的) managers.                            2._____________
3. This novel is ________(翻译) from French.                                      3._____________
4. It is our duty to __________(保卫) our motherland.                                4._____________
5. The teacher often _________(鼓励) the children to practise more.                     5.____________
6. G_________ speaking , girls are more careful than boys.                            6.____________
7.Walking across the Luobupo Desert alone is obviously a / an________(冒险的)action.     7.____________
8. Mr. Green told his students to r__________ their lesson before class.                   8.____________
9.Though South Korea also celebrates the Spring Festival, its form________(不同) from ours.  9.____________
10.At  the sound of the gun, all the birds in the tree flew away in all d___________.     10.____________


Keys: 1.discouraged   2.experienced    3.translated     4.defend      5.encourages
     6.Generally     7.adventurous      8.review       9.differs   10.directions


1. They ________(控制) the fire and put it out in the end.                 1____________
2. I’m making ________(准备) for the coming exam.                     2____________
3. I saw her going in the ________(相反) direction.                       3____________
4. They can’t _________ (表达) themselves in English.                    4____________
5. Asia is much larger than any of the other____________(大陆)in the world.  5____________
6. The second month of a year is F___________.                         6____________
7. After leaving u_____________, he became a doctor.                    7____________
8. The p___________ of China is larger than that of any other countries.      8____________
9. Each office will be e__________ with a computer soon                  9____________
10.Madame Curie spent a great deal of her time on scientific e__________.     10____________


Keys: 1.controlled     2.preparations     3.opposite      4.express    5.continents
6.February      7.university     8.population    5.equipped   10.experiments


1. We couldn’t stand the ________(残酷) done to him.                 1____________
2. How long may I __________(借) this book?                       2____________
3. I haven’t a thing in __________(共同的) with her.                  3____________
4. We have a great __________(钦佩) for the people’s heroes.           4____________
5. I want to be an __________(工程师), when I grow up.               5____________
6. May I i ___________ my friend to you?                          6____________
7. A dozen means t__________.                                   7____________
8. In my opinion, nothing is more v__________ than health.             8____________
9. The old woman was kind. She o_________ us a room for the night.   9____________
10.This problem needs _____ ( 解决) at once.                      10____________


Keys: 1.cruelty     2.keep      3.common       4.admiration   5.engineer
6.introduce   7.twelve     8.valuable       9.offered     10.solving


1. There will be an _________(展览) next week in our city.                        1____________
2. She had her arms and feet hurt in a car __________ (事故).                      2____________
3. Madame Curie made an __________(重要的) discovery.                        3____________
4. Mr. Li studied law at college and became a ___________(律师) after graduation.      4____________
5. Have you ever seen the famous ___________(喜剧) Twelfth Night by Shakespeare?  5____________
6. A doctor should answer for his p___________ just as a teacher for his students.       6____________
7. Sports can keep us h_________.                                            7____________
8. The coldest continent on the earth is A____________.                           8____________
9. You look too fat. I advise you to lose your w____________.                      9____________
10.The doctor told me to have more v____________ and fruit.                     10___________

Keys: 1.exhibition    2.accident     3.important     4.lawyer       5.comedy
6.patients      7.healthy     8.Antarctic      9.weight       10.vegetables


1. The building ________(环绕) with green trees is the our library.       1____________
2. This kind of car can be driven at a speed of 120 ________(千米) an hour.  2____________
3. Poets often use their _________ (想象力) to write poems             3____________
4. When did the ________(宇航员) first land on the moon.              4____________
5. The word “see” has the same __________(发音) as the word “sea”.     5____________
6. _______(现代)agriculture has many advantages than traditional agriculture. 6____________
7. There are many kinds of a_________ in the zoo.                    7____________
8. Mary is o__________ about her chances of winning a gold medal.      8____________
9. We often go swimming in summer v_________.                        9____________
10.Marx’s mother t___________ is German.                         10____________

Keys: 1.surrounded    2.kilometers    3.imagination   4.astronaut    5.pronunciation
6.Modern        7.animals      8.optimistic    9 vacation    10.tongue


1. He has ________(总共) collected 1020 stamps.                     1____________
2. The whole city was ________(美丽) lit up on the mid-autumn night.    2____________
3. It’s time you make your own ________(选择).                     3.____________
4. He offered his ________(祝贺) on our victory.                     4____________
5.The four poles, __________(支撑) the ceiling were well built.         5____________
6. Cotton and wooden ________(工业) are developing very fast in this country.  6____________
7. It’s no use ________(争吵) with such a man.                       7____________
8. At ________(高度) of four miles, the air becomes too thin to breathe.  8____________
9. I had to be _________(打断) while walking.                       9____________
10.I can’t sleep with those __________(吵闹) children in the house.     10____________

Keys: 1.altogether   2.beautifully    3.choice       4.congratulations   5.supporting
6.industries    7.quarrelling   8.height       9.interrupted      10.noisy


1. I like t________. I have been to many places in the world and I am going to New Zealand this year.1.________
2. Dolphins are wild c________.                                  2____________
3. Can you give one of the best m________ to learn a foreign language?   3____________
4. The Spring Festival is our t_________ festival.                     4____________
5. When there is not enough rainfall, i__________ is needed, because the crops won’t grow without water. 5.________
6. The P________ Ocean is the largest ocean in the world.              6____________
7. Benjamin Franklin’s experiments showed that lightning and e _______are the same. 7____________
8. We can c_________ in both Chinese and English.                            8.____________
9. There are many rivers and m__________ in our country.                      9.____________
10.The meeting lasted for a whole day but no ________(协定)was reached.        10.____________


Keys: 1.traveling     2.creatures     3.methods       4.traditional    5.irrigation
6.Pacific       7.electricity    8.communicate   9.mountains    10.agreement


1.“Mind you________ (行为) , ”the mother said to her young boy.    1.____________
2. Our party has now a correct ________ (政治)line.                  2.____________
3. Living in the country is less _________ (昂贵)than in the city.        3.____________
4. I have a ________(负面的) opinion about this matter.              4.____________
5. She was really quite ________(孤独) in the world.                5.____________
6. Can you understand this passage without e__________?              6.____________
7. Light travels much faster than sound w__________.                 7.____________
8. They have some s________ dishes not found anywhere else,             8.____________
9. Without hard work, it is i_________ for anyone to learn a foreign language.   9.____________
10.Our school has founded the Students’ U__________.             10.____________


Keys: 1.behavior     2.political      3.exensive      4.negative      5.lonely
     6.explanation  7.waves        8.special       9.impossible     10.Union


1. He dreamed of buying a little ________(别墅)in the country.        1____________
2. He spent three weeks by the ________ (海滨) in the summer.          2____________
3. This area has very low ________(降雨量) .                        3____________
4. It’s wrong to read other’s________(私人的) letters without permission.  4____________
5. They were _______(秘密地)married last week.                     5____________
6. His remarks were ________(简洁的) and to the point.                6____________
7. I’m d__________ to go and nothing will stop me.                    7.___________
8. The police asked me if I p_________ a gun.                        8____________
9. The school picnic is on Sunday, so we are p_________ for a fine day.    9____________
10. He d________ his mother   and went to the party.                10____________


Keys: 1.cottage      2.seaside      3.rainfall      4.private        5.secretly
     6.brief        7.determined   4.possessed    5.praying      10.disobeyed


1. On our _________(毕业) from college, he entered the government office.  1____________
2. The islands were ________(发现) by an English Army Captain          2____________
3. Please write and let me have your ________(想法)on the matter.         3.____________
4. No medicine can ________ (治愈) a man of discontent.                4____________
5. I was ________ (震惊) at his conduct.                              5____________
6. This area suffered a________ (灾难)from the earthquake.              6____________
7. On Oct 1st, we warmly c________ our National Day every year.         7____________
8. The Chinese mainland is separated from Taiwan by the Taiwan s________.8____________
9. The old houses have been t________ down.                           9.____________
10. Please remember the ______(历史) moment, when Lianzhan came back to mainland after 60 years. 10.________


Keys: 1. graduation   2.discovered     3.thoughts       4.cure        5.shocked
6.disaster      7.celebrate      8.strait        9.torn        10. historic


1. In summer, a sudden change in t_____(温度) could bring rain.                  1____________
2. The________(形势) both at home and abroad is excellent.                      2____________
3. They had the building________(重建) after the fire.                           3.____________
4. As everyone knows, he is a________(世界著名)expert on DNA.                  4____________
5. I want to put you on a very________(严肃)subject.                            5____________
6. Please t ________the music down when I answer the phone.                      6____________
7. How many passengers does this airline f ________every week.                   7____________
8. Nobody can go in without the teacher’s p_________.                           8____________
9. At p________, about 20% of the smokers have given up smoking.                  9____________
10.We can read both home news and i ________news in the newspaper.             10____________


Keys: 1. temperature  2.situation    3.rebuilt       4.world-famous     5.serious
6.turn           7.fly         8.permission    9.present         10.international


1. From his ________(口音). We can know that he’s from Beijing.        1.____________
2. My son carried my ________(行李)to the bus station.                2.___________
3. I am working at my ________(演讲), changing them and bettering them. 3.___________
4. There are few fish in the________(污染)rivers.                     4.____________
5. She got up and drew the ______(窗帘) aside.                       5._____________
6. He s_______ to his feet and walked slowly towards the door.           6.___________
7. This ruler is 50 c_________ long.                                7.____________
8. Don’t p________ your gun at others.                             8.____________
9. He bought a p_________ raincoat yesterday.                       9.____________
10.The policemen q__________ him about the stolen car.              10.___________


Keys: 1.accent     2.luggage      3.speech        4.polluted       5. curtain
6.struggled   7.centimeters   8.point         9.plastic       10.questioned


1. His job is to do ________(科学)research.                         1____________
2. All the teachers are ________(尊敬)by the students in our school.      2____________
3. He has made several ________(发现)in science.                    3____________
4. Einstein fought for human ________(权利).                    4____________
5. Do you know by whom this country once was ________(统治)?      5____________
6. A c________ is a machine that makes photos.                      6____________
7. Man-made satellites are carried into space by r__________.          7____________
8. ‘You are so kind”, said Jim, “Don’t m__________ it.”                8.____________
9. “Paul gave me 12 apples” means“Paul gave me a d __________apples”.  9____________
10.The p_______ appeared in the newspaper was very exciting.          10____________


Keys: 1.scientific      2.respected       3.discoveries     4.rights      5.ruled
6.camera        7.rockets         8.mention      9.dozen    10 passage


1. This afternoon he suddenly fell ill and an ________(救护车) was called to carry him to hospital.  1.____________ 
2. They ________(尖叫) for help from the window of the burning hotel.              2.____________
3. The _________(系统) under lying modern physics is not fully worked out.          3.____________
4. There has recently been ________(趋势) towards simple style in women’s dresses.   4.____________
5. It was a ________(荒芜的)land and nobody was living on it.                  5.____________
6. This new product is sold ________(世界各地).                               6____________
7. When I went in, he ________(假装) to be sleeping.                   7____________
8. I will never ________(宽恕)you for what you have done to your parents.  8____________
9. Both our material and ________(精神) life has been greatly improved in recent years.  9____________
10.He has formed the habit of getting up and going to bed early and does everything ________(有规律地)

Keys: 1.ambulance   2.screamed      3.system      4.trend          5.deserted
6.worldwide   7.pretended      8.forgive      9.spiritual      10.regularly


1. He has 30 _______(绵羊) on the farm.                                     1.____________
2. ________(贫困) prevented the girl from continuing her education.               2.____________
3. She is wearing a ________(破旧的) coat .                                  3.____________
4. We have decided to________(牺牲) a trip for a new car .                       4.____________
5. Mary is so ________(累) that she can’t go with us.                            5.____________
6. A fence at the back of the garden ________(分开) us from the neighbors           6.____________
7. Millions of people from all over the world have ________(参观) the Great Wall.    7.____________
8. The teacher asked the students to practise ________(说) English  every day.      8.____________
9. It’s very ________(稀罕的) for him to be late for school.                      9.____________
10.Our rice is very ________(合情合理), you can depend on us.                  10.____________

Keys: 1.sheep      2.Poverty       3.shabby      4.sacrifice       5.tired
6.separated   7.visited        8.speaking       9.rare  10.reasonable


1. We should take some measures to prevent the river from being further p________.   1____________
2. After saying “ Good-bye ”, they all went off s__________.                      2____________
3. I know you are very busy. Would you mind s__________ me a few minutes?        3____________
4.He is a teacher by ________(职业) .                     4____________
5. There is a beautiful carved f__________ on the stone.                          5____________
6. You’d better speak h__________, not tell lies.                                 6____________
7. As everybody knows, Thursday is the f__________ day of a week.                7____________
8. Textbooks were  ________(分配) free of charge .                             8____________
9. “ Heavy ” is the o__________ word of “ light ”.                               9____________
10. I should ________(确保) myself to reporting the facts.                       10____________

Keys: 1.polluted      2.separately     3.sparing     4.profession   5.figure
6.honestly      7.fifth          8. .distributed     9.opposite      10.restrict


1. I could hear them ________(私语)under the tree over there .               1.____________
2. The question is which model of telephone is ________ (灵巧),this one or that one? 2. ____________
3. This hotel can ________ (供给住宿)300 guests.                           3.____________
4. He has no________(资格) for this job.                                  4.____________
5. We’ve got to be ________(实际) and buy only what we need.                5.____________
6. The teacher nodded with a _________(满意的) smile.                       6.____________
7. China is sure to turn all her wishes into________(现实) as we all know.         7.____________
8. Stick stamps on the ________(信封) and post the letters.                    8.____________
9. The professor will fly ________(直接) to Tokyo tomorrow morning.           9.____________
10.It’s not ________(自然) for a child of his age to be so quiet.                 10.____________

keys: 1.whispering    2.smarter       3.accommodate    4.qualification  5.practical
6.satisfied      7.realities      8.envolopes     9.directly        10.natural


1.The government is taking measures to improve the living c________ of the people in that area. 1.____________
2. Tom always d________ of becoming a pilot when he was a boy.         2____________
3. Our library is a big one. There are all kinds of m________, books,
  and even newspapers for us to read.                                3____________
4. There is no more money needed for f________ research into this matter.   4____________
5. The prisoners a_______ to escape but failed at last.                    5____________
6. He went to ________(德国)twice on business last year.              6____________
7. The mother bear ________(生)two baby bears in the zoo last year.        7____________
8. All the teachers went ________(楼下)to have a meeting.                8____________
9. My father was once the great physicist’s ________(助手).               9 ____________
10.The dustbin near the building hasn’t been _________(倒空) for almost  three weeks.


Keys: 1.conditions    2.dreamed/dreamt 3.magazines   4.further        5.attempted
6.German      7.bore          8.downstairs   9.assistant      10.emptied


1. ________(旅游业)has brought much money to the mountain village.    1____________
2. The meat in the bowl ________(变)bad because of the hot weather.     2____________
3. The students need to be able to read ________(积极地)and thoughtfully.  3____________
4. He was ________(守时的) for breakfast.                           4____________
5. The ________(女)doctors in this hospital are very kind o to the patients.  5____________
6. Her cheeks burned; she was fearfully ________(口渴).                6____________
7. I have no idea how long the walk ________(实际上)took.             7____________
8. Students visited the war________(纪念碑).                         8____________.
9. Miss Green lives on the _______(十二)floor. We’d better take the lift.    9____________
10.________(相比)with other women, she was really lucky to get such a good job.   10____________


Keys: 1.Tourism     2.went      3.actively        4.punctual     5.women
6.thirsty       7.actually   8.memorial       9.twelfth       10.Compared


1. The computer is one of the most important_________(发明) in this century.  1____________
2.How much liquid do you think this bottle_________(容纳).          2-___________
3. He works in the government. We say he is an o_________.           3____________
4. Smoking is f_________ at the gas station.                         4____________
5. Parents shouldn’t always tell children what to do and how to do it.
  They should be encouraged to be i_________ thinkers.               5____________
6. The teacher criticized him because he didn’t come to school for no p_________ reason.  6____________
7. Since Eric listened to the talk about space, he has d________ and interest in science.  7.____________
8. The City Government of Wuhan has just begun a new p_________
  to build a tunnel(隧道)through the Yangtze River                    8___________
9. The old gentleman put on his glasses, u_________ the letters and began to read it.   9___________
10.She must be_________(坚韧的) to have survived such difficult life.                10.____________


Keys: 1.inventions    2.contains  3.official       4.forbidden    5.independnt
6.proper       7.developed     8.project       9.unfolded    10.tough


1.He ________ (预言)that the Chinese football team would lose the game.           1____________
2. Tomorrow is my daughter’s b________ and I decided to buy a bike as a present.   2____________
3. I don’t often go to the c________ dislike films.                      3____________
4. The whole village was d_________ in the terrible earthquake in 1980.    4____________
5. We couldn’t hear him c________ so we asked him to speak louder.      5____________
6. The note he left _________(暗示)that he would be away from home for a long time.     6____________
7. Her ________(手指)were cut when she was cutting meat last week.      7____________
8. Would you please help me ________(悬挂)the picture on the wall.       8____________
9. Ms. Su once studied in an ________(印度的)university.              9____________
10.Children are taught to ________(尊敬)their teachers in the kindergarten. 10____________


Keys: 1. predicted    2.birthday      3.cinema       4.destroyed      5.clearly
6.indicated     7.fingers       8.hang         9.Indian        10.respect


1.When the queen is at home, the flag would be raised on the top of her____(宫殿).     1.____________
2.________(秋天)comes after summer                                         2.____________
3.She joined the Young _______(先锋) at the age of eight.                        3.____________
4. The food in that r________ is so poor that we’ll never eat there again.              4.____________
5. Please feel free to ask for our help when you are in t_________.                   5.____________
6. Our class will go camping next ________(星期一).                             6.____________
7. The workers in the car factory are ________(付报酬)by the hour.                  7.____________
8.____________(无论如何) I must finish the work today.                          8.____________
9. Would you please ________(重复) your order, sir?                              9.____________
10.I ________(钦佩) him very much for he is a learned and kind man.                10.____________


Keys: 1. palace      2Autumn/ fall    3.Pioneer     4.restaurant     5.trouble
6.Monday     7.paid           8.Anyhow   9.repeat         10.admire


1. A l________ is a person who helps you when you want to borrow books from a library.  1____________
2. When I was on h_______, I visited my uncle.                                 2____________
3. The accident o________ at five o’clock in the morning.                         3____________
4. This is a s________ day for her because on this day ten years ago she married David.  4____________
5. The storm did a lot of d__________ to the crops.                               5____________
6. Her health is __________ (逐渐)improving.                                   6____________
7. Go to see a doctor, you are                    (显然)ill.                    7____________
8. She is too poor to satisfy family’s _________(物质)need.                         8____________
9. According to the weather report, the weather will ________(继续) fine till this weekend.   9____________
10.I’ll have several travels on business in ________(八月份).                          10____________


Keys: 1.librarian     2.holiday      3.occurred      4.special        5.damage
6.gradually    7. obviously    8.material     9. continue      10.August


1. The toy is the boy’s ________(喜爱).                            1____________
2. She is a woman of high ________(地位).                         2____________
3. This kind of machine was invented in the ________(十九) century.    3____________
4. He is not _________(漂亮) but is very pleasant-looking.             4____________
5. Please put some ________(柴火)on the fire, or it will go out.        5____________
6. He is to b__________ for he has done a great fault.                 6____________
7. The g________ boy ate so many cakes that he fell ill.                7____________
8. The c_________ of the factory are smoking heavily, polluting the air.  8____________
9. He couldn’t swim, and he was nearly d__________ in the water.          9____________
10.The film r________ him of his bitter childhood.                  10____________


Keys: 1.favorite (favourite) 2.position  3.ninteenth     4.handsome    5. firewood
6.blame          7.greedy   8.chimneys     9.drowned     10.reminded


1. The electric wires are ______ ( 保护 ) by a rubber covering.                  1.____________
2. What a poor m_________ I’ve got! I always forget everything.                 2.____________
3. In the accident 15 passengers were s_________ injured, including three children.   3.___________
4. Though the doctor doesn’t a__________ my father to smoke, he
  can always find some excuse for his smoking.                                4.____________
5. China is doing her best to catch up with d_________ countries Such as America and Japan.  5.____________
6. Hard work leads to success and f________ lies in laziness.            6.____________
7. I don’t want to attend his birthday party, because I haven’t got his i_________.   7.____________
8. It’s n_________ for us to master a foreign language.                        8.____________
9. To her d_________ she found he didn’t pass the exam.                       9.____________
10.As soon as his head touched the pillow, he fell a_________.                  10____________


Keys: 1.protected  2.memory    3.seriously      4.allow       5.de.veloped
6.failure      7.invitation   8.necessary    9.disappointment  10.asleep


1. September is the n________ month of a year.                       1.____________
2. Where we will go swimming d_________ on the weather..            2.____________
3. The boat is sailing a________ the wind, so it is moving very slowly.     3.____________
4. He tried to e ________the reason why he was late.                  4.____________
5. Going a_______ means going to work or live in a foreign country      5.____________
6.Recently our factory succeeded in________(采用) a new method to deal with industrial wastes.  6.____________
7. The underground trains carry more p_________ than the buses do.      7.____________
8. Bob and John are in the same school but in d_________ grades.          8.____________
9. It’s a s________ for a young man like you not to study hard.             9.____________
10.He said he p_________ drawing to painting.                        10.____________


Keys: 1.ninth      2.depends      3.against       4.explain      5.abroad
6.adopting    7.passengers    8.different      9.shame     10.preferred


1. The ________(特征) I like best in him is his honesty.                   1.____________
2. He ________(答应) that the roof should be repaired within two days.      2.____________
3. ________(彩排) the play before you perform it on the stage              3.____________
4. You can’t ________(可能地)run a mile in two minutes.                 4.____________
5. The gold ring is kept in a _________(秘密的)hiding place.              5.____________
6. I think I must make an a________ to her for not going to her party.        6.____________
7 This road is about 1,000 meters in l_________..                                7.____________
8.People who live with_________(残疾) should have equal access to public facilities.    8.____________
9.The teachers were busy _________(分析) how to improve the students’ spoken English. 9.____________
10.We were married on 20 May 1986 , so every year we have a party on our_________(周年纪念). 10. __________

Keys: 1. characteristic     2.promised       3.Rehearse      4.possibly           5.secret  
6.apology    7. length   8.disability/ disabilities    9.analysing/ analyzing   10.anniversary


1.It’s bad ________ (礼貌) to talk with your mouthful.                  1.____________
2. He became ________(有经验)at learning English.                     2.____________
3. Don’t be __________(泄气), try again.                              3.____________
4. The water in the wet clothes is being turned into v______(水蒸气)and they get drier and drier.  4.____________
5. As the storm became nearer, black clouds were ________(聚集)over the sky. 5.____________
6. Something is wrong with my bike. I’ll have it r_________.              6.____________
7. He wrote one of his great______( 著作) , “The Civil War in France”.     7.____________
8. The boy is interested in ______(生物), isn’t he?                     8.____________
9. Don’t draw a c________ before you think it over.                     9.____________
10.The police ______( 控告) him of stealing.                    10.____________


Keys: 1.nanners     2.experienced    3.discouraged     4. vapour      5.gathering
6.repaired     7 works.        8. biology        9.conclusion  10.accused


1. He made a few mistakes in g_______(语法) in his composition.     1____________
2. The _____(灿烂的) jewels are glowing in the shop window.         2____________
3. Usually children are ______(好奇的)about everything they see and meet.  3____________
4. Jane was lucky that she was just _______(轻微)hurt in the accident.    4____________
5. She was a ______(模范)worker in the factory.                      5_____________
6. Wood is becoming ______(紧缺)in the country and a new material must be found to replace it.
7. She was well known as an ______(出色) dancer                     7____________
8. ______(成百万) of other stars are even bigger and brighter than the sun.            8____________
9. Go ahead with your______(音乐会).                          9.____________
10 However, his ______(知识) of French remained very weak.       10.____________


Keys: 1. grammar    2. splendid   3. curious       4. slightly     5. model
6. scarce    7. excellent      8.millions     9. concert  10. knowledge


1. The doctor’s treatment gave the patient some ________(减轻痛苦) .        1.____________
2..When you’re busy ,it’s important to give yourself time to________(放松)    2.____________
3. Every time you go to the ______(超市),you go away with your purchases packed in plastic bags.                     .                                      3.____________
4. Water was found at a ________(深度) of 25 feet.                       4.____________
5. “Am I to carry it _________(楼上).”  “Please don’t , just leave it here.”    5.____________
6. The boy is always late for school, so he is f________ punished.           6.____________
7. The m________ team was made up of four doctors and five nurses.        7.____________
8. She was not aware, however, of the _______(环境).                    8.____________
9. This story will be t__________ from English into Chinese.               9.____________
10.The hospital receives and treats _________(精神病的)patients.         10.____________


Keys: 1.relief     2.relax       3.supermarket       4.depth        5.upstairs
     6.frequently    7.medical      8.circumstances/environment      9.translated    10.mental


1. ______(礼貌)and consideration for others is like investing pennies and getting dollars back.   1.____________
2. _______(远古的)Chinese was a place where states were often at war with each other before Q in Dynasty. 2.____________
2. The sun provides a lot of_____(能量).                    3____________
4. More than 29 passengers were ______ (受伤) in the accident.  4____________
5. ______(自由) from worry is one of the secrets of long time.   5____________
6. “What has happened?” she asked _______(焦急地).         6____________
7. The World Service _____(播放) program in English and 35 other languages all over the world.  7.____________
8. Football is a _____(受欢迎的)game in European countries.                              8.____________
9. I’ll leave for Shanghai tomorrow. Please take care of my house during my _____(不在).    9.____________
10.The police got control of the situation and many _____ (罪犯) caught finally.              10.____________


Keys: 1.Politeness   2.Ancient     3. energy      4.injured        5.Freedom
      6.anxiously   7.broadcasts    8.popular/welcome   9.absence  10. criminals


1. He hurried away in the_____(相反).                                              1.____________
2. It is well known that a cow has four_____ (胃).                                     2.____________
3. At a height of four miles the air becomes so thin that  it almost impossible to _____(呼吸).  3.____________
4. How often is our school newspaper ______ ( 出版)?                                 4.____________
5. We want to have the _____ ( 筹集) money sent to the flooded areas as soon as possible.     5.____________
6. The old ______ ( 寺庙)were well protected which dated from the Qing Dynasty.          6.__________
7. In my ______ (看法), one must study hard so that one can succeed in mastering a foreign language. 7.__________
8.Seconds count in_____ (紧急情况) and knowing what to do can mean the difference between life and death.                  8.____________
9. Will you help me _____ (选择)a new hat?                                            9.____________
10.The _____ ( 正常 ) body temperature of man is around 36.5℃.                           10.____________


Keys: 1.opposite     2 stomachs      3.breathe      4.published     5.collected
      6 temples      7.opinion       8.emergency      9.choose    10.normal 


1.One of the main themes of the summit was “ ______ (可持续性) development”.   1____________
2. Do you know when the first computers was _______ (发明).          2____________
3. She has made great ______ ( 进步 ) in her studies this term.          3____________
4. We’ll have a big celebration this coming ______ (十月).              4____________
5.The three biggest killers in the world are contaminated drinking water, poor _____ (卫生设施) and air pollution.
6.Your suggestion is of great _______(实用) value.                           6____________
7. The date of his arrival is still _____ (未定).                               7____________
8. We should judge a person not only by _____ (外貌).                        8____________
9. China Daily has plenty of ____(广告) , which help to cut the costs of making the newspaper.  9____________
10.The hills in the _____( 远处 )are green.                                          10____________


Keys: 1. sustainable  2.invented     3.progress      4.October      5.sanitation 
     6.practical     7.uncertain/undecided  8.appearance  9.advertisements 10.distance 


1. He got ____(结婚)to his secretary 3 years ago.                       1____________
2. If you hear the fire ____ (火警) ,don’t go to your room to collect things.   2____________
3.They needed five more ____ (工程师) to complete the design.            3____________
4. “We must fight!” they shouted ____ (激动).                          4____________
5. The man _____ (称)the apples before I could ask the price.              5____________
6. China is a country _____ (属于)to a developing country.                6____________
7. This kind of tree can only grow in the _____ (北方) parts of  China.      7____________
8. There are some ____ (差异)between America English and British English. 8.____________
9. The Bank of China has a lot of _____ (支行) in the world.                9.____________
10. We  have  set  up an                  (协会)for the blind.   10.____________

Keys:  1.married    2.alarm      3.engineers    4.excitedly       5. weighed 
       6.belonging  7.northern    8.differences   9.branches      10. association


1. The Young Pioneers considered ______(赞助) the Hope Projects  by collecting money.   1.____________
2. I like all sorts of vegetables, ______(尤其) cabbages.                               2.____________
3. Mr. Li will come back from Japan on ____ (星期六).                               3.____________
4. Tomorrow will be my mother’s ____ (五十) birthday.                              4.____________
5.“All the waste things in the house must be ____ (清除) right now .” Tom said to his men.  5.____________
6. She _____ (分担) in my troubles as well as in my joys.                             6.___________
7. He works as a  __________(秘书) in the company.                                7.___________
8. This minister will be in charge of the foreign ____ (事务) of that small country.          8.___________
9. Excuse me, could you lend me one of your d_________? I want to look up a new expression in it. 9____________
10.Mrs. Black is getting fatter and fatter. So she has got to take some exercise to loose some w__________.

Keys: 1.supporting   2.especially   3.Saturday   4.fiftieth      5.cleared
     6.shares       7. secretary   8.affairs      9.dictionaries   10.weight


1. The reporter decided to writer a report about the people____ (沉溺于) to drugs.    1.____________
2. Without international____ (合作) , developing countries cannot prosper..        2.____________
3. My feelings at the moment are beyond ____ (描述).                        3.____________
4. As we all know , Latin is a____ (古典) language.                           4.____________
5. _____ (固定) English programs are broadcast on CCTV ,Channel  4 every day.  5.____________
6.I read one of the early _____ (版本) of the book in 1999.                     6.____________
7.It is said that Kelly Chan;s concert tickets have not been ____ (可得到的)at the box office. 7.____________
8. He has a gift for arts and ____ (欣赏) oil paintings most.                     8.____________
9. The customs of the U.S.A are ____(相似) to those of Britain in some way.       9.____________
10.Many ____ (志愿者)were sent to the earthquake-stricken area to join in the rescue work .   10.____________ 

Keys: 1.addicted   2.cooperation    3.description   4.classical   5.Regular 
     6.editions         7.available  8.appreciates   9.similar    10.volunteers 


1. We should show no ______(怜悯)to the enemies of the people.                             1.____________
2. Do come please. I will wait for you at the              (入口处).                            2.____________
3. Without any                (犹豫), she took up the red flag and rushed out.                    3.__________
4. There are two ____ (国家) languages in Canada.                                        4.____________
5. The problems of the laid-off workers and re-employment has caught great social ____ (关注).    5.____________
6. He ____ (舍弃) his wife and children and went abroad.                                   6.____________
7. Is the difference between manual (体力) and ______ (脑力) labor great in our country?         7.____________
8. Mike , a foreign ______ (商人),came to our factory last week.                             8.____________
9. _____ (生物学) is the science of life and living things.                                   9.____________
10.Letters ____ (邮递) by air is much faster than those by train, but they cost more.              10.____________

Keys:   1.mercy   2. entrance      3. hesitation    4.national     5. attention
        6.deserted   7.mental         8.merchant     9.Biology    10.delivered


1.Race____ (隔离) lasted about two centuries in America until the last half of 20th century.  1.____________
2.When I greeted her on the way to work, she____(回应) with a smile.                 2.____________
3. From her ____ ( 迷惑) expression on the face, I know she hasn’t got my idea.         3.____________
4. He got ____ (临时的) work while he was waiting to go to the university .              4.____________
5. His father serves in a ______ (政府) office.                                      5.____________
6. They drew different _____ (结论) from the same fact.                              6.____________
7. You are ____ (弄错了) I’m not Alice.                                     7.____________
8. He gave me an apple in _____ (交换) for a piece of cake.                           8.____________
9. ____ (严格) speaking ,he should be punished for this                              9.____________
10.Mr Li observed his students making experiments in the ____ (化学) lab.              10.____________


Keys:  1.separation     2.responded    3. puzzled    4.temporary     5.government
       6.conclusions   7.mistaken     8.exchange      9.Strictly     10. Chemistry


1. Judging from his appearance, he exactly_____ (像) his mother.              1.____________
2. This year one thousand new students were____ (录取) to our school.          2.____________
3. The dictionary I bought yesterday is of great v_____ to me.                 3.____________
4. Now people all over our country are f_____ against pollution.              4.____________
5. Those who break the law must be p_____.                              5.____________
6. The ground is all wet because it has rained h_____ all morning.             6.____________
7. Is he losing weight? He looks much t_____ than before.                  7.____________
8. He can’t see anything because he lost his s____ in an accident.             8.____________
9. He does morning exercises every day to keep himself h____.               9.____________
10.They got____ (订婚)  one year ago and they’ll hold a wedding tomorrow.   10.____________


Keys:   1. resembles    2. admitted    3. value      4. fighting     5. punished 
        6. heavily / hard 7. thinner     8. sight      9. healthy    10.engaged


1. When do you think the patient can be o______ on?                                 1.____________
2. The class was s_____ as the teacher explained the exam rules.                        2.____________
3.Because some great masters of tennis didn’t take part in the game, there were many _____(未占用的) seats in the stadium.                                                                  3.____________
4. For _____ (各种各样)reasons, he had to leave his homeland.                         4.____________
5. It was noisy. He had to r____ his voice when speaking .                             5.____________
6.It is not polite that you dressed in _________(随便的) clothes for the party.             6.____________
7.As a matter of fact, the house is well _________(布置).                             7.____________
8. Talking of his father’s death, the girl kept on w____ eyes with her back hand.          8.____________
9. The illness _____(传播) quickly and soon masses of people in the surrounding areas were in hospital. 
10.The earth is getting dirty. We must take measures against p______.                10.__________


Keys:  1. operated    2. silent    3.vacant     4. various    5. raise
       6.casual     7.furnished   8. wiping       9. spread       10. pollution


1. Peter was born on D________ 12, 1988.                                 1.____________
2.These poor children have to go out for food in ________(冰冻的) weather.      2.____________
3. She went to the party with a n________ around her neck.                   3.____________
4. He went to the hospital last Sunday and had his eyes e__________.           4.____________
5. We must p________ the factories from sending out bad gases.                5.____________
6. The _________(宇航员) landed on the moon.                             6.____________
7. There are some notes and _________(解释) after the text.                   7.____________
8.You managed the project well, _________(考虑到) your inexperience..       8.____________
9.To be honest, it will take about three hours if everything goes________(顺利) .   9.____________
10.When I arrived I saw the place was already __________ (传播)by two strangers in uniforms. 10.___________


Keys: 1. December   2.freezing     3. necklace    4. examined    5. prevent
6. astronaut   7. explanation  8.considering     9.smoothly   10.occupied


1.The snow-capped mountain and beautiful flowers are really a________ (享受,盛宴) for eyes. 1.____________
2. Don’t take a taxi; the bus can take you there more ________ (便宜).                     2.____________
3. Our government announced every citizen enjoy the freedom of ________ (宗教).           3.____________
4. There are no _______ (钢琴) in the school for the poor children to play.                  4____________
5. Don’t be frightened by the television camera. Just speak _____(自然的).                 5____________
6.The________(重大突破) in fighting cancer gives hope to cancer patients all over the world.  6____________
7. No one knows the ________ (原因) of his sudden death.                             7____________
8. He is ________ (可能的) to come here tomorrow.                                   8____________
9. The ________ (发现) of radium has helped many people.                             9____________
10. Factory 798 was________ (装饰) with small round windows, bent roofs and twenty-foot high of buildings.


Keys: 1.feast     2. cheaply      3.religion       4. pianos       5. naturally
     6.breakthrough    7. cause    8. likely    9. discovery    10.decorated


1. A________ earnings in the state are about $ 1,5000 a month.                       1.____________
2. We have received i________ that Grant May have left the country.                  2.____________
3. Her teacher _________ (影响) her decision, for what he said was very persuasive.      3.____________
4. A baby c_________ its needs by crying.                                        4.____________
5. I won’t waste any more of your p________ time.                                5.____________
6. We are not allowed to________ (靠近) the forbidden area.                         6.____________
7.The government is ________ (呼吁) to everyone to save water.                     7.____________
8.By practicing good thinking ________ (策略) , we become more creative.             8.____________
9. Most of the world’s ________ (人口) don’t get enough to eat.                      9.____________
10.He has got a ________ (独特) opportunity to study abroad.                            10.____________
Keys:  1.Average   2.information 3.influenced   4.communicates  5.precious
6.approach 7.appealing   8.strategies      9.population     10.unique


1. I rang your flat yesterday. A man answered but I didn’t  r________the voice.  
2. Bob is so d_________. He must have failed again.
3. The pupil asked the teacher how much time he spent p_______playing the violin every day. 
4. My younger sister s______ my visiting the Summer Palace first.
5. It is a fact that English is being accepted as an i_________language.
6. May I know your phone number or your a_________?
7. The teacher gave an a_______ test to our class. When the papers were marked she discovered that 12 boys had made exactly the same mistakes throughout the test.
8. The 20 gold medal winners are all p______and middle school students under the age of 14.
9. The students had a t________reasons to be proud of themselves.
10. This news story most probably a_________in a newspaper in 2002.
11. In 1939, Butts happened to meet a man called Jim Brunot who showed an i_______in the new game.
12. The 21st Century English Training Center is d_______ from the other three schools.
13. A person’s age no longer tells you anything abut his/her social position, m________ or health.
14. One day Merlin r________ an invitation to attend a fancy dress ball.
15. The Youth Summit was aimed at i__________understanding and friendship between the students of the two countries.
16. Seventy-five American students were s________ to visit China.
17. We have our differences, but we have a lot in c_________.
18. While most people use little white lies to make life easier, the m_______of Americans care about honesty in both public and personal life.
19. “We need f________for our living room,” says John Ross.
20. They took a 2-week c_______ for $280 at a night school.
21. The world’s p__________continues to grow.
22. That could r________6 billion by the end of the century and 11billion in a further 75 years.
23. The Germans caught her and she was s_________ to be shot.
24. She said her only r______ was that she could not have done more than she did.
25. The passage contains all of the following ideas e_______ A.
26. George Eliot was born in Warwichshire. She received an e________education.
27. In 1849, she traveled in E_______and then settled in London.
28. In which state were t__________over one hundred degrees? 
29. Many things had to be i_______ and built before electric lamps could really be used by all.
30. Edison did not notice all the money and h_______which he received, and soon he became interested in other idea.
31. It gives me much p_______ to hear of your progress.
32. After experiments he drew the c________ that light runs faster than sound.
33. After a short rest, they c________ doing their work.
34. I will meet you at the e________ to the park.
35. When we heard the sad news, we were in deep s_______.
36. Smoking is now f_______ in public places in more and more cities.
37. The manager usually leaves some business for his s_________ the deal with.
38. I think it is a suggestion with little p________ value.
39. Our newly-built library is six-storeyed , twice the h______of the old one.
40. Since he isn’t here, would you mind giving him a m__________?
41. Ways must be found to prevent the rivers from being p_______.
42. We gathered for the c_________of her birthday last Sunday.
43. We s______ go to a restaurant to have dinner. We usually have dinner at home.
44. The last month of the year is D__________.
45. This song is becoming widely p_________ in schools.
46. It’s kind of you to do me the f_______ to carry my bag. 
47. ---Do you say you like the shirt over there?
…Not e__________. I said it’s not bad.
48. The art school holds an art e_________every year, where students’ paintings and drawings are shown.
49. He’s broken his leg and needs an o__________immediately.
50. We’d better r______ the big stone on the road, for it’s in the way.
51. e do quite a lot of e______ in the science lab to help us better understand our textbooks of physics, chemistry and biology.
52. I am worried by all the v_______ in the novels. I wonder why everything has to be dealt with by fighting and killing.
53. The contributions of African Americans to US musical history began with the a______ of the first Africans on its mainland in 1619.
54. African slaves were often treated no better than a______.
55. Students must attend classes e______ those required courses like math, physics, English or they will be noted as absent.
56. Governments, media and people became obsessed with something called Sudan I last month. This c______ dye, found in many food products, was said to cause cancer.
57. Everyone knows that diamonds are s_____.
58. Nowadays, almost all popular music c______ elements of African music.
59. He sliced off a thick piece from the loaf and began to prepare his b______.
60. As the t_______ drops, the desire for snacks to keep away the cold winter blues rises.
61. I got a most unusual present from my aunt. It was really a p_____ surprise.
62. Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because t______ is changing so rapidly.
63. For hundreds of years humans have dreamt of finding life on other p_____.
64. Your search on the Internet brings up loads of i______ but can you trust it?
65. Chinese people now have a new weapon ? the Anti-Secession Law (反分裂法) to oppose those who want to s_____ Taiwan from the mainland.
66. Californian high school students made a long-distance phone call to the International Space Station. About 500 students chatted with the two a_____ there.
67. I had to sign v_____ documents before they would let me into the country.
68. I can’t remember how the tune goes but I’ll r_____ it when I hear it.
69. Clean water has become a very p______ commodity in many parts of the world.
70. Tuesday's deadly chlorine leak (氯气泄漏) in East China's Jiangsu Province has done great damage to the surrounding farmland, killing many crops, including wheat and v_____.
71. I find it c_____ to be able to do shopping on line.
72. With only one child, the parents can give, and the child can receive, more q_____ time and attention.
73. I had just been for a run and I was rather short of b_____.
74. For the Chinese tourism sector (部门), b_____ in 2005 seems to be a war for a theme, or any significant message that tourism officials or managers anywhere can find to lure tourists to their cities' attractions.
75. The tomato soup was hot and smelt absolutely d_____.
76. No vehicles are allowed on Bai Causeway and Su Causeway, two of the ten scenes of the West Lake, because driving has been f______ there.
77. The West Lake is also named after Xi Shi,  one of the famous ancient b_____, because of the comparison made between the two by the poet Su Dongpo.
78. The Twelve Days of Christmas is the period from December 25 to J_____ 6 and is a time of celebrations.
79. I heard your sister passed her driving test yesterday. Do give her my c________.
80. The Prime Minister is the head of the g________.
81. Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America  are the seven c______ in the world.
82. Can you tell me whether “spread” is a r______ verb?
83. The thief was caught when stealing a bicycle and was badly beaten by p_____ before being taken away by the police.
84. The court will have to decide what o______ on the night the victim died.
85. How many trunks does an e______ have?
86. This professor is famous t______ the world.
87. A s______ consists of two thin round cakes with fillings such as egg, cheese or tomato between them.
88. What was the most important scientific d______ in the 20th century?
89. Most announcers on the BBC speak s______ English.
90. She is a wonderfully creative dancer but she doesn’t have the t______ of a truly great performer.
91. Is Spanish George’s mother t_____?
92. Maria asked the l_____ to reserve the book for her.
93. In Hangzhou, some children go to k______ when they are three years old.
94. Be p_____ with her ? she’s very old and can’t do anything quickly.
95. The United Nations S_____-General will be traveling, early next week, to Switzerland and Norway.
96. They often eat out in a r______ near their home.
97. For a goalkeeper, it’s a great a________ to have big hands.
98. Weather s______ are used to collect information about weather.
99. Is it n________ for all of us to be present at the meeting this afternoon?
100. I felt a few spots of rain so I put my u______ up.
101. He was a young sailor on his first sea v______.
102. A witness has given the police a very detailed d______ of the man who robbed the bank.
103. Oxford is one of the most famous u______ in the world.
104. She leaned over and w______ something in his ear.
105. Many people come from the surrounding v______ to work in the town.
106. We got lost in London ? it was quite an a______.
107. In this part of our city, you can see ancient and m_____ buildings next to each other.
108. The soldiers had carry their e______ on their backs for miles.
109. An electric fan was hanging from the middle of the c______.
110. Do you always c______ your birthday by having a party?


1.      I rang your flat yesterday. A man answered but I didn’t    recognize _ the voice.  


2.      Bob is so disappointed. He must have failed again.


3.      The pupil asked the teacher how much time he spent practising  playing the violin every day. 


4.      My younger sister suggest   my visiting the Summer Palace first.


5.      It is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.


6.      May I know your phone number or your address ?


7.      The teacher gave an arithmatic  test to our class. When the papers were marked she discovered that 12 boys had made exactly the same mistakes throughout the test.


8.      The 20 gold medal winners are all primary and middle school students under the age of 14.


9.      The students had a thousand reasons to be proud of themselves.


10.  This news story most probably appeared in a newspaper in 2002.


11.  In 1939, Butts happened to meet a man called Jim Brunot who showed an interest  in the new game.


12.  The 21st Century English Training Center is different  from the other three schools.


13.  A person’s age no longer tells you anything abut his/her social position, marriage  or health.


14.  One day Merlin received  an invitation to attend a fancy dress ball.


15.  The Youth Summit was aimed at increasing  understanding and friendship between the students of the two countries.


16.  Seventy-five American students were selected to visit China.


17.  We have our differences, but we have a lot in common .


18.  While most people use little white lies to make life easier, the majority  of Americans care about honesty in both public and personal life.


19.  “We need furniture for our living room,” says John Ross.


20.  They took a 2-week course  for $280 at a night school.


21.  The world’s population  continues to grow.


22.  That could reach  6 billion by the end of the century and 11billion in a further 75 years.


23.  The Germans caught her and she was sentenced  to be shot.


24.  She said her only regret  was that she could not have done more than she did.


25.  The passage contains all of the following ideas except  A.


26.  George Eliot was born in Warwichshire. She received an excellent  education.


27.  In 1849, she traveled in Europe  and then settled in London.


28.  In which state were temperature  over one hundred degrees? 


29.  Many things had to be invented   and built before electric lamps could really be used by all.


30.  Edison did not notice all the money and honor  which he received, and soon he became interested in other idea.


31.  It gives me much pleasure  to hear of your progress.


32.  After experiments he drew the conclusion  that light runs faster than sound.


33.  After a short rest, they continued  doing their work.


34.  I will meet you at the entrance  to the park.


35.  When we heard the sad news, we were in deep sorrow .


36.  Smoking is now forbidden  in public places in more and more cities.


37.  The manager usually leaves some business for his secretary the deal with.


38.  I think it is a suggestion with little practical value.


39.  Our newly-built library is six-storeyed , twice the height of the old one.


40.  Since he isn’t here, would you mind giving him a message ?


41.  Ways must be found to prevent the rivers from being polluted .


42.  We gathered for the celebration of her birthday last Sunday.


43.  We seldom go to a restaurant to have dinner. We usually have dinner at home.


44.  The last month of the year is December


45.  This song is becoming widely popular in schools.


46.  It’s kind of you to do me the favour to carry my bag. 


47.  ---Do you say you like the shirt over there?

…Not exactly . I said it’s not bad.


48.  The art school holds an art exhibiton every year, where students’ paintings and drawings are shown.


49.  He’s broken his leg and needs an operation  immediately.


50.  We’d better remove the big stone on the road, for it’s in the way.


51.  e do quite a lot of experiments in the science lab to help us better understand our textbooks of physics, chemistry and biology.


52.  I am worried by all the violence in the novels. I wonder why everything has to be dealt with by fighting and killing.


53.  The contributions of African Americans to US musical history began with the arrival of the first Africans on its mainland in 1619.


54.  African slaves were often treated no better than animals.


55.  Students must attend classes especially those required courses like math, physics, English or they will be noted as absent.


56.  Governments, media and people became obsessed with something called Sudan I last month. This chemical dye, found in many food products, was said to cause cancer.


57.  Everyone knows that diamonds are special.


58.  Nowadays, almost all popular music contains elements of African music.


59.  He sliced off a thick piece from the loaf and began to prepare his breakfast.


60.  As the temperature drops, the desire for snacks to keep away the cold winter blues rises.


61.  I got a most unusual present from my aunt. It was really a pleasant surprise.


62.  Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology is changing so rapidly.


63.  For hundreds of years humans have dreamt of finding life on other planets.


64.  Your search on the Internet brings up loads of information but can you trust it?


65.  Chinese people now have a new weapon ? the Anti-Secession Law to oppose those who want to separate Taiwan from the mainland.


66.  Californian high school students made a long-distance phone call to the International Space Station. About 500 students chatted with the two astronauts there.


67.  I had to sign various documents before they would let me into the country.


68.  I can’t remember how the tune goes but I’ll recognize it when I hear it.


69.  Clean water has become a very precious commodity in many parts of the world.


70.  Tuesday's deadly chlorine leak (氯气泄漏) in East China's Jiangsu Province has done great damage to the surrounding farmland, killing many crops, including wheat and vegetables.


71.  I find it convenient to be able to do shopping on line.


72.  With only one child, the parents can give, and the child can receive, more quality time and attention.


73.  I had just been for a run and I was rather short of breath.


74.  For the Chinese tourism sector (部门), business in 2005 seems to be a war for a theme, or any significant message that tourism officials or managers anywhere can find to lure tourists to their cities' attractions.


75.  The tomato soup was hot and smelt absolutely delicious.


76.  No vehicles are allowed on Bai Causeway and Su Causeway, two of the ten scenes of the West Lake, because driving has been forbidden there.


77.  The West Lake is also named after Xi Shi,  one of the famous ancient beauties, because of the comparison made between the two by the poet Su Dongpo.


78.  The Twelve Days of Christmas is the period from December 25 to January 6 and is a time of celebrations.


79.  I heard your sister passed her driving test yesterday. Do give her my congratulations.


80.  The Prime Minister is the head of the government.


81.  Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America  are the seven continents in the world.


82.  Can you tell me whether “spread” is a regular verb?


83.  The thief was caught when stealing a bicycle and was badly beaten by passers-by before being taken away by the police.


84.  The court will have to decide what occurred on the night the victim died.


85.  How many trunks does an elephant have?


86.  This professor is famous throughout the world.


87.  A sandwich consists of two thin round cakes with fillings such as egg, cheese or tomato between them.


88.  What was the most important scientific discovery in the 20th century?


89.  Most announcers on the BBC speak standard English.


90.  She is a wonderfully creative dancer but she doesn’t have the technique of a truly great performer.


91.  Is Spanish George’s mother tongue?


92.  Maria asked the librarian to reserve the book for her.


93.  In Hangzhou, some children go to kindergartens when they are three years old.


94.  Be patient with her ? she’s very old and can’t do anything quickly.


95.  The United Nations Secretary-General will be traveling, early next week, to Switzerland and Norway.


96.  They often eat out in a restaurant near their home.


97.  For a goalkeeper, it’s a great advantage to have big hands.


98.  Weather satellites are used to collect information about weather.


99.  Is it necessary for all of us to be present at the meeting this afternoon?


100.              I felt a few spots of rain so I put my umbrella up.


101.              He was a young sailor on his first sea voyage.


102.              A witness has given the police a very detailed description of the man who robbed the bank.


103.              Oxford is one of the most famous universities in the world.


104.              She leaned over and whispered something in his ear.


105.              Many people come from the surrounding villages to work in the town.


106.              We got lost in London ? it was quite an adventure.


107.              In this part of our city, you can see ancient and modern buildings next to each other.


108.              The soldiers had carry their equipment on their backs for miles.


109.              An electric fan was hanging from the middle of the ceiling.


110.              Do you always celebrate your birthday by having a party?


高三英语单词拼写 [二]
111. The teacher told the boys to c______ up all the waste paper lying about after the picnic and burn it.
112. This course of study is d     to help those wishing to teach abroad.
113. She is r______  her strength after her fever.
114. The newly- built telephone s______played an important role in the first aid.
115. A lot of things used in the New World, were i______ from China, in early times, such as tea and paper, which are the contributions of the Chinese people.
116. It seems that not all the wealthy people spend their holidays in f______ hotels.
117. The troops have m______  near 50 miles today. They must be worn out.
118. You’ll g______ more experience with the help of the teachers than you do it only by yourself.
119. Who can i______such a little girl driving so fast?
120. Those who haven’t e______ such sufferings are difficult to understand them.
121. In winter some animals would c______  a warm place to sleep in.
122. Sofa is more c______  to sit in than chair.
123. She is sitting on a big stone, her arms r______   under his head.
124. I’ve been i______  to give a talk at the conference.
125. The spring sports meet is to be h______ next Monday.
126. I’m not c______  of what she wants, for I don’t know what is her favorite.
127. The p______  of city life forced him to move to the country.
128. It’s impossible to know in a______   what will happen.
129. Why is the window open? Today the students are not s______    to attend school.
130. Japan gets its s______   of raw materials of industry, such as iron and coal and oil form its neighbors.
131. Thanks to those who contributed to the Hope P______ , the children who are in the poor countryside can get schooling.
132. Hope for the best and p______  for the worst.
133. London used to be s______    by fog, which gave it name “Foggy City”.
134. It is very difficult to imagine how far space stretches and how m______  it contains.
135. You’ll make the street d______ if your lorry isn’t packed well.
136. He has been writing since 2 o’clock without a b______ .
137. People’s Daily is the l______  newspaper in China.
138. A new superhighway j______  the two big cities into one.
139. Attack is c______   to be the best form of defense.
140. Teachers should e______ their students not to repeat more, but to think more.
141. Picking up the receiver, I r______   her voice at once.
142. We are r______  in trouble; the situation is hard to deal with.
143. U______   , man realized too late that the world he lives in had been polluted.
144. Don’t a______   with me, my decision is final.
145. His d______   to retire surprising all of us.
146. I take this o______   to thank you.
147. The WTO cannot live up to its name if it does not i______   a country that is home to one fifth of mankind.
148. He warned them not to go skating on such t______ ice.
149. English is taught as a major s______  all over the world.
150. Do all the squirrels s______ food for the winter?
151. They visited the m______  , where a number of stone-age tools were displayed.
152. Don’t s______  your appetite by eating sweets just before dinner.
153. At dusk, the sea c______  down.
154. The doctor was c______  away to an accident.
155. Three men were l______  by helicopter from the burning ship.
156. How far can you t______the stone?
157. I knocked the bucket and the water p______  out all over the floor.
158. The boy scouts h______colorful banners marched in front of the parade.
159. My shoes are too small, p______ against my feet.
160. It is one of the most h______  concentrated energy foods.
161. This kind of lorries can be used for various p______ .
162. C______  your attention on your work, an you’ll solve the problem.
163. The thief passed the day in f______ of discovery.
164. Does anybody h______  to know his address?
165. Nobody would not be o______   by the force of her emotion.
166. We s______   that the boy be sent to school at 7.
167. He ate so much that he had to loosen his b     two holes.
168. If you do your homework c______ again, I’ll tell your mother.
169. My s______ of duty lies in love of our country.
170. The state must c______ for the families of soldiers killed in the war.


171. Please listen for the a________________ at the airport and don’t miss your plane. 
172. He thought it better to begin work i_____________ as time was running out. 
173. He was a poor man with few p______________.______
174. He was a m______________ by the time he was thirty as he inherited a large sum of money from his family.    
175. She loves to wear necklaces, earrings, rings and so on , so her j________ has been insured one million dollars.   
176. Many boys and girls are taught to do g_____________ when they are very little, so some of them can become world champions at the very early age such as Li Ning and Li Xiaoshuang.
177. Tom forgot to bring his raincoat when he had to ride home from school. F___________ his home was only a mile away.   
178.  She could not bear the thought of s___________ from her children for one year.
179. You need to do some r__________ for the coming examinations.   
180.  Patience is a r______________ in teaching.______
181 She was late and only had time for a hurried p_____________ of dinner.  
182.  He is engaged in the o___________ of a new club.  
183.She pretended to be a man by wearing a m_____________.   
184. You must give the cards to the l____________ before you check out these books.  
185. You can tell from the kids’ l___________ that they really enjoy the joke.  
186. Children aged from 3 to 6 can receive regular education in k_____________. 
187. After two hours’ __________, we seemed no nearer a decision than before.   
188. When I’ve talked it over with my wife, I’ll come to a final d_________.   
189. Fold the letter and put it in the e__________.   
190. She hurried over to the e___________ to No. 17 platform.    
191. She is working with e_________ energy.______
192. F_______ is the second month of the year.______
193. A f_______ battle broke out in which both sides suffered heavy loss.    
194. Tigers are f______-eating animals.______
195. Mother put up a big picnic lunch, because she f________ how hungry we would be.  
196. He received a large f________ when his uncle died.   
197. A f________ of water shot up from the burst pipe.   
198. F_________ visits to the museum has made him an experts in plants.  
199. This monument serves as a reminder of the great trip for the future g_______. 
200. He is the spokesman from the g___________.
201. And g________ their talk ceased; long silence followed.    
202. What are you going to do after your g__________ from college?    
203. The teacher put a h_______ of sweets into the boy’s hand.    
204. The children looked wonderfully h_________ with their bright eyes and glowing cheeks. 
205. The i_________ development of the city is amazing.______
206. Before you get a tin of drinks from the machine, you need to i_____ two yuan into it. 
207. A hospital is an i________ to cure the sick.    
208. There are many stars that are i_________ to the naked eyes.   
209. Only say to me, “Stay”, and I will give up this j__________.  
210. I know them both well enough to form my own j__________.   
211. L_________ is an instrument for communication.______
212. There was no person l_________ enough in this country understand it.    
213. He smokes a m_________ of 10 cigarettes a day.______
214. Many shrewd and successful m____________ come from Wenzhou. 
215. A miner works underground, digging out m____________ such as coal, copper, diamonds, etc. 
216. A m__________ country is one in which there are many mountains.______
217.Many young people choose to get married in O________ because the weather is the best. 
218. There was a quarrel about the o_________ of the treasure they had found.    
219. When you do the fast reading, be sure to read each p_________ carefully.   
220.Each p________ is supposed to show his ticket before they can get on the train. 


高三英语单词拼写练习 [二]
111.              The teacher told the boys to clear up all the waste paper lying about after the picnic and burn it.


112.              This course of study is designed to help those wishing to teach abroad.


113.              She is recovering her strength after her fever.


114.              The newly- built telephone service played an important role in the first aid.


115.              A lot of things used in the New World, were imported from China, in early times, such as tea and paper, which are the contributions of the Chinese people.


116.              It seems that not all the wealthy people spend their holidays in fashionable hotels.


117.              The troops have marched near 50 miles today. They must be worn out.


118.              You’ll gain more experience with the help of the teachers than you do it only by yourself.


119.              Who can imagine such a little girl driving so fast?


120.              Those who haven’t experienced such sufferings are difficult to understand them.


121.              In winter some animals would choose a warm place to sleep in.


122.              Sofa is more comfortable to sit in than chair.


123.              She is sitting on a big stone, her arms resting under his head.


124.              I’ve been invited to give a talk at the conference.


125.              The spring sports meet is to be held next Monday.


126.              I’m not certain of what she wants, for I don’t know what is her favorite.


127.              The pressure of city life forced him to move to the country.


128.              It’s impossible to know in advance what will happen.


129.              Why is the window open? Today the students are not supposed to attend school.


130.              Japan gets its supply of raw materials of industry, such as iron and coal and oil form its neighbors.


131.              Thanks to those who contributed to the Hope Project, the children who are in the poor countryside can get schooling.


132.              Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.


133.              London used to be surrounded by fog, which gave it name “Foggy City”.


134.              It is very difficult to imagine how far space stretches and how much it contains.


135.              You’ll make the street dirty if your lorry isn’t packed well.


136.              He has been writing since 2 o’clock without a break.


137.              People’s Daily is the leading newspaper in China.


138.              A new superhighway joins the two big cities into one.


139.              Attack is considered to be the best form of defense.


140.              Teachers should encourage their students not to repeat more, but to think more.


141.              Picking up the receiver, I recognized her voice at once.


142.        &nbs, p;     We are really in trouble; the situation is hard to deal with.


143.              Unfortunately , man realized too late that the world he lives in had been polluted.


144.              Don’t argue with me, my decision is final.


145.              His decision to retire surprising all of us.


146.              I take this opportunity to thank you.


147.              The WTO cannot live up to its name if it does not include a country that is home to one fifth of mankind.


148.              He warned them not to go skating on such thin ice.


149.              English is taught as a major subject all over the world.


150.              Do all the squirrels store food for the winter?


151.              They visited the museum, where a number of stone-age tools were displayed.


152.              Don’t spoil your appetite by eating sweets just before dinner.


153.              At dusk, the sea calms down.


154.              The doctor was called away to an accident.


155.              Three men were lifted by helicopter from the burning ship.


156.              How far can you throw the stone?


157.              I knocked the bucket and the water poured out all over the floor.


158.              The boy scouts holding colorful banners marched in front of the parade.


159.              My shoes are too small, pressing against my feet.


160.              It is one of the most highly concentrated energy foods.


161.              This kind of lorries can be used for various purposes.


162.              Concentrate your attention on your work, an you’ll solve the problem.


163.              The thief passed the day in fear of discovery.


164.              Does anybody happen to know his address?


165.              Nobody would not be overcome by the force of her emotion.


166.              We suggested that the boy be sent to school at 7.


167.              He ate so much that he had to loosen his belt two holes.


168.              If you do your homework carelessly again, I’ll tell your mother.


169.              My sense of duty lies in love of our country.


170.              The state must care for the families of soldiers killed in the war.


171.              Please listen for the announcement  at the airport and don’t miss your plane. 


172.              He thought it better to begin work immediately as time was running out.  


173.              He was a poor man with few possession .     


174.              He was a millionaire by the time he was thirty as he inherited a large sum of money from his family.    


175.              She loves to wear necklaces, earrings, rings and so on , so her jewelry  has been insured one million dollars.  


176. Many boys and girls are taught to do gymnastics when they are very little, so some of them can become world champions at the very early age such as Li Ning and Li Xiaoshuang.


177. Tom forgot to bring his raincoat when he had to ride home from school. Fortunately  his home was only a mile away.   


178. She could not bear the thought of separation from her children for one year. 


179. You need to do some revision  for the coming examinations.  


180. Patience is a requirement in teaching.    


181. She was late and only had time for a hurried preparation  of dinner.  


182. He is engaged in the organization of a new club. 


183.She pretended to be a man by wearing a moustache .  


184. You must give the cards to the librarian before you check out these books.  


185. You can tell from the kids’ laughter that they really enjoy the joke.  


186. Children aged from 3 to 6 can receive regular education in kindergartens .  


187. After two hours’ discussion , we seemed no nearer a decision than before.    


188. When I’ve talked it over with my wife, I’ll come to a final decision .   


189. Fold the letter and put it in the envelope .  


190. She hurried over to the entrance  to No. 17 platform.    


191. She is working with  extraordinary  energy.    


192. February  is the second month of the year.  


193. A fierce battle broke out in which both sides suffered heavy loss.  


194. Tigers are   flesh -eating animals.  


195. Mother put up a big picnic lunch, because she foresaw  how hungry we would be. 


196. He received a large fortune   when his uncle died. 


197. A fountain  of water shot up from the burst pipe.  


198. Frequent  visits to the museum has made him an experts in plants. 


199. This monument serves as a reminder of the great trip for the future generation  .  


200. He is the spokesman from the government .


201. And gradually  their talk ceased; long silence followed.   


202. What are you going to do after your graduation  from college?    


203. The teacher put a handful  of sweets into the boy’s hand.    
204. The children looked wonderfully healthy  with their bright eyes and glowing cheeks.  


205. The industrial development of the city is amazing.    


206. Before you get a tin of drinks from the machine, you need to insert two yuan into it. 


207. A hospital is an  institution to cure the sick.  


208. There are many stars that are  invisible to the naked eyes. 


209. Only say to me, “Stay”, and I will give up this  journey .


210. I know them both well enough to form my own judgement .  


211. Language  is an instrument for communication.     


212. There was no person learned  enough in this country understand it.    


213. He smokes a maximum of 10 cigarettes a day.    


214. Many shrewd and successful merchants  come from Wenzhou. 


215. A miner works underground, digging out minerals such as coal, copper, diamonds, etc. 


216. A mountainous country is one in which there are many mountains.     


217.Many young people choose to get married in October  because the weather is the best. 


218. There was a quarrel about the ownership  of the treasure they had found.    


219. When you do the fast reading, be sure to read each paragraph  carefully.   


220.Each passenger  is supposed to show his ticket before they can get on the train.



1. He is an a________ man. The boss speaks highly of his excellent work.
2. He was already a________(上船) the ship.
3. She was a________ to prepare dinner when the baby cried.
4. Most people agree that the present role of women has already affected U.S. society. A________all, it has affected the traditional role of them.
5. She offered him a lift and he a________ .
6. There is no a________  to the main building from this side.
7. An a________   happened yesterday. A man was knocked down by a car.
8. If a person does not receive the gene for right-handedness he may become right-or left-handedness a________    to chance and the person’s surrounding.
9. Will you pay cash or shall I charge it to you’re a________ ?
10. What's the greatest scientific a________________ (成就) of the decade?
11. Yesterday I came a________ two foreign girls, neither of whom was able to speak a word of English.
12. These teenagers are likely to a________  out their unhappiness by running away.
13. We all know that a________  speak louder than words.
14. More and more people are taking an a________ part in learning English for 2008 Olympic Games.
15. Woman who plays in a film is called a________ .
16. His a________    is 28 Fuxing Road, 100036 Beijing.
17. I a________  him for his success in business.
18. In China it is necessary that a senior high school graduate take an entrance examination to be a________  to a university.
19. Kids talk frequently about what they can do, while many a________do the opposite, tending to talk about what can’t do and why.
20. Has civilization a________  (前进) during this century?
21. Would you like to listen to my exciting a________ in the Himalayas?
22. If you want to sell your old sofa, why not put an a________    in the local paper?
23. If you take my a________you'll see a doctor.
24. The Prime Minister can’t see you now. He is busy with state a________.
25. They can't a________to buy tickets to the concert because they are poor.
26. Fighting a________    terrorism is an important thing in the world today.
27. I can’t go that far. Long plane trips don’t a________ with me.
28. At first, they couldn’t agree with each other; after some minutes’ discussion, they finally came to an a________   .
29. No photo is a________   in the museum, to protect the relics.
30. He lives a________ , but he doesn't feel lonely.
31. He was filled with a________  at the way he had been tricked so rudely.
32. Most children enjoy going to a zoo to see a________ .
33. Everyone was silent as the president a________  the winner of the competition.
34. We've been here for a week and we're going to stay here for a________   three days.
35. I called you last night, but there was no a________  .
36. Peter was so a________ while giving his speech in front of the class that his stomach began to ache.
37. He may not like my visit, but I shall go and see him a________  .
38. She doesn't believe in others and keeps herself a________  from other people.
39. The boy was told to a________ for being rude to the old lady.
40. Don’t judge a person by his a________  . We should see what he has done and what he has said.
41. Jackson has been put of work for a long time. So he wants to a________  for a new job.
42. In my opinion, it’s no use a________   with her about the matter.
43. They a________  for the late arrival of the train.
44. When was it that they a________   in New Zealand?
45. The teacher is reading an interesting a________  on education.
46. Vincent van Goh is a great a________.
47. He was just falling a________  when there was a loud knock at the door.
48. The robber threatened the shop a________   with a gun.
49. He was a________    (使惊讶) to hear he had got the job, because too many people applied for the job.
50. The thief was a________   by the dog of the house when trying to steal money.
51. The thieves a________    to escape, but failed.
52. As far as I know, the number of the students a________    Professor Li’s lecture is gradually growing.
53. She kept telling her father to pay a________  to his own health, which, in fact, didn’t help at all.
54. His speech at the meeting yesterday a________   the expert's interest.
55. Bali, an island of Indonesia, is recently a tourist a________  . However there was a powerful car bomb that killed at least 187 people.
56. The a________   (平均) temperature in Oxford last month was 18 degree.
57. She is terribly upset because her father passed a________ last week.
58. The bus crashed near the station and the driver hurt himself b________  .
59. If we keep a b________   diet, we do not have to buy any supplements.
60. We made a b________   that I would do the work and you would supply the material.
61. The film is b________   on a novel written by Luxun.
62. NBA is short for National B________   Association.
63. People in Hainan enjoy themselves on the b________   in summer.
64. All night long I could hear the sea waves b________   on the ship.
65. Listen! How b________________he is singing. Many people are enjoying listening to him.
66. She brought with her three friends, none of whom I had ever met b________ .
67. At the b________   of last century, they invented the machine.
68. As we all know, the People’s Republic of China came into b________  in 1949.
69. When taken in many times at the railway station, he didn’t b________   in anyone.
70. ?Would you like to go to the concert with me, Mary?    ?I have got no interest in it; b________, I have lots of homework to do.
71. ?Would you mind passing me the book??Of course not. But it is b________  my reach.
72. Can you tell me how you would like to have your coffee―b________  or white?
73. In my opinion, you shouldn’t b________  him for the accident.
74. Doctors believe that HIT could be used to reduce the body's temperature and heartbeats to reduce b________  (流血).
75. The Great Wall can stop the wind from b________  away the earth.
76. No other city in the world is like Venice of Italy. Its streets are canals. Its cars are b________.
77. Why don’t you b________a room for the weekend holiday?
78. I b________   some interesting books from the library yesterday.
79. The clerks in our company should work from morning till night except one hour’s b________  during lunch time.
80. We had difficulty in b________    at the peak, for the air was very thin there.


81. How b________  the lights are shining on that big Christmas tree.
82. The sport channel of CCTV 5 gives a live b________  of Italian football match every Sunday evening
83. The bike is b________. Can you mend it for me?
84. A lot of new technology has been b________  in from abroad so that we can improve the qualities of our products.
85. Well-mannered children have usually been properly b________  up by their parents.
86. The hardworking students are sitting with their heads b________ in books.
87. When the firemen arrived, they found the whole building b________ . So they tried to put the fire out as soon as possible.
88. Believe it or not, Levy’s sister suddenly b________into tears when we were eating.
89. My uncle is a businessman. He often goes abroad on b________  .
90. Mr. Liu has taken many wonderful pictures with the digital c________.
91. You must do your homework c________   every day
92. Many serious diseases such as SARS are c________  by animals.
93. It is important to give the baby-sitter an emergency phone number in c    the children get hurt or sick.
94. He went out without an umbrella, risking being c________ in the rain
95. According to the recent research, hamburger eating and weight gaining is not necessarily
c________ and effect
96. Our country c________    Deng Xiaoping's 100th birthday by making films and wrote books in 2004.
97. The houses in the c________  area of the city are expensive.
98. The fish will c________    die if you put it into hot oil
99. After a c________ of misfortunes, he called up his courage and went on with his work
100. The teacher gives each of us c________  to practice English in class.
101. When was it that Mr. Smith c________  his mind to take part in the party.
102. We hadn’t thought the owner of the hotel c________ us 100 dollars for a night without breakfast.
103. He tried to run away from the police and was c________  with resisting arrest.
104. I had thought the meal is c    , but it turned out to be very expensive.
105. After she c________  her shopping list, she found she had forgotten to buy some sugar
106. The athlete was c________  by the spectators when he passed the finishing line
107. The man who is sitting beside my husband is the c________ editor.
108. No one in our office, I dare say, will agree to the c________  you made at the conference.
109. The risk you cancer increases with the number of c________________you smoke.
110. He is not very popular in political c________ here
111. When the performance finished, the audience c________  for a while.
112. There's something wrong with my eyes. I can't see them c________.
113. A wolf in sheep’s c________   is used to describe a person who seems friendly but is hiding evil intention.
114. The ship sank three miles off the French c________.
115. It’s very c________________ sitting under the tree in the open air
116. In c________  with many mothers, she feels torn between her family and her work
117. A pet will be a good c________    when you get old
118. The boss asked Tanet to go to Boston with me, but I don’t enjoy the c________  of the opposite sex.
119. Advertisements can help you to c________  two different products so that you can buy the one you really need.
120. Though the lab conditions were far from satisfactory, the experiment was a c________   success.
121. My computer is in good c________    and you can enjoy yourself on it.
122. As we know, copper c________   electricity, but plastic does not.
123. We should have c________________in ourselves and we will make it if we have a try.
124. ?I passed my driving test yesterday?
?Did you? C________________    .
125. This railway c________   Beijing with Taiyuan.
126. I don’t c________   Mrs. Ronda my friend
127. A pound c________   16 ounces.
128. Whoever is never c________   with the progress he has made will be a success.
129. Mike made a great c________________  to his country.
130. The situation on the field are changeable, which is out of the young players’ c________ .
131. He likes to c________his brother in the way he dresses.
132. -Ben, the winter holiday is just around the c________ . Do you have any plan?
-I haven’t considered it. How about you?
133. These countless trip with his girlfriend c________him considerable time and money.
134. What impressed me most is the girl's bravery and c________ .
135. The prisoner was brought to the c________    for murder.
136. The travelers c________  400 miles a day by car the day before yesterday.
137. The fans went c________ when the film star appeared.
138. The author’s vivid description c________ the most beautiful images in our readers’ minds.
139. I sometimes think that eating neat is a king of c________   to animals.
140. Thousands of c________   relics were destroyed in Baghdad during the War on Iraq.
141. Before leaving the lab, you should put the instruments back to the c________  .
142. The doctor used new medicine to c    the sick child of cold.
143. You shouldn’t be too c________  about things you are not supposed to know.
144. You'd better pull the c________   when sleeping during the daytime.
145. It’s a traditional c________ for Chinese to get together to have a rich meal during the Spring Festival.


1. able  2. aboard  3. about  4. Above  5. accepted  6. access  7. accident 
8. according  9. account  10. achievement  11. across  12. act  13. actions 
14. active  15. actress  16. address  17. admire  18. admitted  19. adults 
20. advanced  21. adventure  22. advertisement  23. advice  24. affairs 
25. afford  26. against  27. agree  28. agreement  29. allowed  30. alone 
31. anger  32. animals  33. announced  34. another  35. answer  36. anxious 
37. anyhow  38. apart  39. apologize  40. appearance  41. apply  42. arguing
43. arrival  44. arrived  45. article  46. artist  47. asleep  48. assistant 
49. astonished  50. attacked  51. attempted  52. attending  53. attention 
54. attracted  55. attraction  56. average  57. away  58. badly  59. balanced 
60. bargain  61. based  62. Basketball  63. beach  64. beating  65. beautifully  66. before  67. beginning  68. being  69. believe
70. besides  71. beyond  72. black  73. blame  74. bleeding  75. blowing 
76. boats  77. book  78. borrowed  79. break  80. breathing  81. brightly 
82. broadcast  83. broken  84. brought  85. brought  86. buried  87. burning 
88. burst  89. business  90. camera  91. carefully  92. carried  93. case 
94. caught  95. cause  96. celebrated  97. central  98. certainly  99. chain 
100. chances  101. changed  102. charged  103. charged  104. cheap 
105. checked  106. cheered  107. chief  108. choice  109. cigarettes  110. circle  111. clapped  112. clearly  113. clothing  114. coast  115. comfortable 
116. common  117. companion  118. company  119. compare  120. complete  121. condition  122. conducts  123. confidence  124. Congratulation 
125. connects  126. consider  127. contains  128. content  129. contribution 
130. control  131. copy  132. corner  133. cost  134. courage  135. courtyard  136. covered  137. crazy  138. created  139. cruelty  140. cultural 
141. cupboard  142. cure  143. curious  144. curtains  145. custom



1. “Thank you” and “Sorry” are often used in our d____ life.
2. It is hoped that the terrible tsunami on the way can be broadcast by the advanced g_____ warning systems in future.
3. Speed skater Li Jiajun d_______ the Chinese crowd with a stunning upset( 意外的结果),winning a bronze medal.
4. Photography is strictly f______ in the museum.
5. Her tears f______ fast at the news that both her parents had died in the flood.
6. He d___ the number 8580000 and waited.
7. Ronaldinho won the G_____ Ball on Monday as European player of the year, another honor for the Brazilian following his FIFA player of the year award last year.
8. The g______ has taken measures to curb( control ) further outbreaks of the bird flu.
9. After many f_____ and successes, he at last achieved his goal.
10. G____ must check out before noon, or they will be charged for the day.
11. Health officials are concerned about the possibility that the virus will mutate(变异) into a form that can spread e_____ from person to person.
12. E_____ pollution should be paid enough attention to by the local government and citizens.
13. The children g_____ in the garden to set off fireworks.
14. The students set up a small laboratory and d_____ every moment to the learning project.
15. The words of his head teacher, which were said at the g_____ party, left a lasting impression in his mind. He’s still affected by them.
16. Taiwan people are warmly welcoming and e_____ the arrival of panda couple.
17. As is well known, Britain and France are E_____ countries.
18. I was so f_____ by the sight that I would not take my eyes off it.
19. There is not much f_____ in the house he rented.
20. If you are e_____ by a company, you are an employee.
21. Class Two are holding a class meeting, e_____ the experience of learning English.
22. Jack and his classmates are doing a chemistry e______ in the second lab.
23. According to the constitution, everybody in that country enjoys f_____.
24. China is made up of many peoples, so we can enjoy the cultural d_____.
25. There is no clear e______ to show that he is doing something wrong. You’d better get something to prove if you think so.
26. Most of the story Robin Hood happened on a d_____ island.
27. News that China was to h_____ the 2008 Olympic Games excited every Chinese.
28. Our school has been given some new e_____ , such as computers and TVs.
29. Please remember to finish your composition and hand them in before the d______.
30. Everybody wants to go for an outing. There is almost no d_____ about the plan.
31. His health is g____ improving because of the doctor’s successful treatment.
32. The American cyclist Lance Armstrong was d____ with cancer and many thought it meant the end of his career.
33. She was less e_____ than others about going to Huangshan because she had been there twice.
34. He can’t afford to travel abroad once a year at his own e_______.
35. Little Tom is more d_____ than intelligent.


36. Just as IOC President Rogge said, the Five Friendlies are a little f____, chosen carefully by Beijing 2008 to represent all of China and to carry a message of friendship to the children of the world.
37. The camera which he bought in Hong Kong last year has been d____ by his little son.
38. It’s d_____ to ride a motorcycle without a helmet.
39. The Smiths have two d_____ and one son, all of whom are working abroad.
40. Her d_____ to marry an 80-year-old man surprised everybody.
41. Who cooked this? It’s d_______.
42. They want to know what the d_____ of the well is.
43. The police asked her to give a detailed d_____ of what had happened.
44. He d______ a lecture on genetic engineering as planned.
45. Modern industrial development has almost d_____ the natural environment in some way, which the humans must rely on.
46. Nothing could be done to save the patient and he was d_____ fast.
47. Read the d______  on the bottle carefully before taking the medicine.
48. In recent years he has made two important scientific d______.
49. The problem which came up at yesterday’s meeting is under d_______.
50. The world is d_____ into seven continents.
51. The accident was due to careless d_____.
52. The machine is run by e______ not by man power.
53. All the e_____ except the manager are encouraged to work online at home.
54. Young people usually have more e_____ than old people.
55. He e_____ me my trip to Beijing.
56. I like the film very much--- e______ the last part.
57. The suit fitted me very well e_____ that the colour was a little brighter.
58. The scenery was beautiful beyond e____.
59. F_____ is the mother of success.
60. She looks f______ to me, but I don’t remember her name.
61. Will you do me the f_____ to translate this sentence into English?
62. “ What is your f______ sport ?” Jack asked me.
63. Smoking in a gas station will be f_____.
64. I looked for my watch everywhere and f_____ found it on the desk.
65. The Five Friendlies will be e_____ popular and will help to spread Olympic messages throughout the world.
66. F_____ , people are beginning to realize how serious the situation is.
67. He is a f_____ visitor to our house.
68. The radio doesn’t f_____ properly and I will have it fixed.
69. The only piece of f_____ in their living room is a sofa.
70. My friends and I have always been regarded as f_____ by the local folk.
71. March comes after F_____.
72. He has had three accidents in the past f_______.
73. The f______ to Beijing is now boarding at Gate 8.
74. These G______ are sure to read the novels written in English.
75. Now many farmers make a living by g______ vegetables.
76. Parents should help their children to form good h_____.
77. Nowadays most people use paper h_____ instead of cloth ones.
78. Judging from the h______, the letter must be written by a child.
79. Smoking is h_____ to your health. Stop smoking.
80. The problem of unemployment is a big h_____ for the government.
81. Publishing house must publish more new books h_____ to teenagers.
82. If h_____ to a high temperature, water will change to vapour.
83. Don’t h_____ to ask me for help if you have any question.
84. Are there any h_____ or sports you particularly like?
85. How will you spend your summer h_____ after the college entrance examinations?
86. The young g______ is the hope of our motherland.
87. He is a hardworking student and feels h_____ about the future.
88. What h_____ weather! We can’t go out for a picnic again.
89. China has tried every effort to become the h_____ country of 2008 Olympic.
90. He tried his best to solve the problem, however d______ it was.
91. People enjoy reading h_______ advertisements.
92. The students all have a h______ for knowledge.
93. The couple’s quarrelling and f______ hurt each other.
94. He jumped into the river to save the d______ child without hesitation.
95. The sun was h_____ by the clouds.
96. Did he have anything to say in e______ of his bad behavior?
97. The two girls are of the same age and of the same h_____.
98. The soldier was ordered to keep g_____.
99. The doctor told him to take more e_____ and eat less junk food.
100. You’ve done an e_____ job, which your parents will be satisfied with.




1. The international outbreak of the i_______ known as SARS brought about horror to everyone in the world.
2. You didn't really see it ― it was just your i________   .
3. From the long-term view, we’ll be a loser if we bear ourselves in a dishonest way. So it’s i______ to live with honesty.
4. It’s i________ for me to come to the party tonight, for I’ve so much work to do.
5. The best way to i________ your vocabulary is to use a dictionary regularly.
6. Price $14.90, postage i_________.
7. It’s a family with two i_________, as the husband and wife both do paid work.
8. I________ in population made birth control necessary.
9. Thank you very much i________ for your great help.
10. The U.S. Federal Government should be responsible for providing health services to American I_________ and Alaska natives.
11. Students all look the same in school uniform, and can’t be i_________.
12. Many European countries, such as Britain and Germany, are developed i_______ nations.
13. Computer is a necessity in such an i_________ age.
14. Maggie had turned all of the stores i_______ out to search for a best gift.
15. They i________ that she should be invited to the concert.
16. I didn't have a pen, so I used a pencil i_______.
17. Read the i_________ on the pocket carefully before washing the suit.
18. Strangely, I am only i________ in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all.
19. A manager with two year’s experience in i________ trade will be a good addition to our company.
20. Don't i________ me when I am busy.
21. Let me i________ myself; my name is Simpson.
22. His 6,000 i_________ included the electric light bulb and the air conditioner.
23. She felt like i________ friends to dinner on this Saturday.
24. Newzealand is an i______ country, whose national bird is Kiwi.
25. You’ll learn interesting J________ while having fun in Tokyo Language School.
26. I didn't mean that seriously ― I was only j_______.
27. He decided to make a j_______ to New York by air.
28. He was full of j_____ when his child was born.
29. J_______ from what he said, he should have known the truth.
30. The girls j_______ up and down together, cheering when the team played well.
31. I found some mistakes in the k_____ to the grammar exercises.
32. Suddenly, one of the children k______ a ball very hard and it went towards a passing boat.
33. Cookery crazy is really a good k_______ help.
34. Sometimes I think this old house will be k________ down by a passing plane.
35. We go to school to get k________ about many different things.
36. John can speak many foreign l________ including Russian.
37.  “Flower boy” Lee Joon-ki, famed for his boy-girl l______________, has won hearts of both men and women in Asia.
38. According to the Ministry of Water Resources, about 320 million rural residents in China are suffering from a l______________ of clean drinking water.
39. L_________, there is heated discussion on same-sex marriages in the media in China.
40. Depending on digital learning aid, like watching videos on internet at home, more and more American undergraduates tends not to go to l___________________ in a big classroom.
41. Miss Young, a young girl who promotes weight loss products, kept l___________________ the advantages of having a good shape.
42. I’ve never seen so many fallen l________________ in the street in spring, which appears like an autumn scene.
43. To help hopeless migrant workers (民工)to get their wages back from their bosses, some l______________ offered help without nothing.
44. In a harmonious society, people in all l_________________ should respect each other, no matter how much money they own and how much knowledge they get.
45. Many teenagers don’t feel like l_______________ to their parents because they are eager to prove their independence.
46. It is said he volunteered to teach in one of the l _____________________ villages in the west.
47. Compared to the high cost of the tickets, the l________________ of the concert was out of everyone’s expectation
48. My friend said she was not able to afford a much too expensive tour, at m___________ 3,000 yuan.
49. The repair work was very difficult but Mr Johnson m_______________ it. No wonder he is the best engineer in the factory.
50. Luo Dayou m____________ in medicine when he was in the university, however, he turned out to be a pop star later.
51. Where the “super girl” goes, where the young fans go m_________________.
52. The m________________ between the poor and the rich is a permanent topic in love stories.
53. The exciting m________________ of the launch of Shenzhou Ⅳ and Ⅴ will always remain with all Chinese across the world.
54. Though nobody m____________________ the accident, Granny read something unusual from our face.
55. He has been forbidden any access to football m_________________ since he suffered a heart attack last year.
56. Shanghai has begun to take m__________________ to claim that in fashion world, there still exit language rules.
57. Russian President Putin and Chinese President Hu Jintao m ____________ in Beijing on March 21, 2006 to kick off the “Year of Russia in China”.
58. It is believed the first appearance m_______________ a lot in making friends.
59. You had better discuss the matter with the other m________________  of the committee.
60. The building was named Ford Hall in m________________  of a man named James Ford.

61. People always say that he is strong physically, but weak m________________.
62. Because Sanmen crab was m________________  in a newspaper, the number of visitors to Taizhou has now increased.
63. I’ve got a m________________ for you from Mr William. He’s just been on the telephone.
64. They didn’t go to bed before m________________    until the party broke up.
65. Delia was lucky enough to have made a m________________ in the stock market.
66. If you thought he intended to be rude, you were m________________    .
67. In this part of the city Reo, you can see ancient and m________________ buildings next to each other.
68. Because of the m________________   nature of the country, the army couldn’t advance quickly.
69. The sick child’s suffering m________________my father to tears.
70. After the foreign visitors arrived the Capital airport, they were told to visit the Palace M________
a) the next morning.
71. Don’t depend too much him. He is only a poorly educated man with a n________________outlook on life.
72. Every evening from CCTV, you can hear the n________________   news comes after the international news.
73. N________________________   , he denied that he had committed the crime. It’s his common practice.
74. There happened a serious accident. Fortunately there was a hospital n________________and they took the injured driver there.
75. Surely it isn’t n________________    for them to walk the whole way. A taxi may help.
76. It wasn’t right that such near n________________    should not know each other. You just live door by door.
77. He showed an incapacity to control his speech whenever he became n________    .
78. You can hear the n________________ motor-cycle when it is in the next street.
79. The n________________   part of Britain is called Scotland.
80. They n________________ a crowd of people in front of the Palace shouting and cheering.
81. N________________   else in the world can you see such a beautiful place as like Hangzhou.
82. The climber carried some food in a ¬¬p___________ on his back.
83. I'm not p________ about my clothes; I don't mind what I wear.
84. He always tells lies, but this time I believe what he has said is p________ true.
85. The bus is rather crowed with fifty p_______ in it.
86. I know your leg hurts, just be p______ until the doctor arrives.
87. The cloth has a p________ of red and white squares.
88. It's p________ at home when the children are at school.
89. That sixty p______ of the pupils are boys means that of every hundred pupils sixty are boys.
90. We don’t know a bit about him. He is a p________ stranger to us.
91. Her p________ in the play was very good.
92. He p_______ her to go to school, even though she did not want to.
93. We should do p________ training every day so as to have a strong healthy body.
94. P________ garden hoses are usually used because they will not rot easily.
95. It gives me p________ to see you looking happy.
96. They washed the clothes with soap p________.
97. He p________ watching TV at home to going climbing outside?
98. The committee is p________ its investigation report next week.
99. Will it rain this afternoon? ---- P________ not.
100. He went abroad with the p________ of enlarging his knowledge.
101. He is p________ of his daughter's ability to speak four languages.
102. Most children go to p________ elementary and secondary schools instead of the private ones.

1. illness2. imagination3. important4. impossible5. improve
6. included7. incomes8. Increase9. indeed10. Indians
11. individuals12. industrial13. information14. inside15. insisted
16. instead17. instructions18. interested19. international20. interrupt
21. introduce22. inventions23. inviting24. island25. Japanese
26. joking27. journey28. joy29. Judging30. jumped
31. key32. kicked33. kitchen34. knocked35. knowledge
36. languages37. looks38. lack39. Lately40. lectures
41. listing42. leaves43. lawyers44. levels45. listening
46. loneliest47. length48. most49. managed50. majored
51. mad52. marriage53. memories54. mentioned55. matches
56. measures57. met58. matters59. members60. memory
61. mentally62. mentioned63. message64. midnight65. million
66. mistaken67. modern68. mountainous69. moved 70. Museum
71. narrow72. national73. Naturally74. nearby75. necessary
76. neighbours  77.  nervous78.  noisy79.  northern80.  noticed
81. Nowhere82. pack/packet, 83. articular, 84. partly, 85. passengers,
86. patient, 87. pattern, 88. peaceful, 89. percent, 90. perfect,
91. performance, 92. persuaded, 93. physical, 94. Plastic, 95. pleasure,
96. powder, 97. prefers, 98. presenting, 99. Probably, 100. purpose, proud, public


1. I don’t quite agree with you. I think just the o_______. We need more discussion.
1. So far a large number of scientific and t_______ workers have been sent abroad for further training.
2. She is in a poor s_______ of health. I think she needs to see a doctor.
3. ---Oh, it’s you! Jane. I didn’t r_________ you!
---Sorry, I’m wearing new glasses.
4. Having s_______ such heavy loss, the businessman didn’t have the courage to go on.
5. Had I realized the importance of learning English, I would have taken it more s_______.
6. This collection of poems is said to be t_______ into at least seven foreign languages in the year to come.
7. It is r_______ that great efforts made to look into the case have paid off.
8. Turn on the t_______ or open a magazine and you will often see advertisements showing happy families.
9. John asked me to r_______ the telephone number a second time so that she could write it down.
10. When I was very young, I was t_______ frightened of school, but soon I got over it.
11. ---It’s twelve o’clock. I think I must be off now.
---Oh, really! I didn’t r_______ it at all.
12. ---Did everyone get t_______ the driving test? 
---No, not all. A few failed
13. We often see Tom sitting in front of his desk, deep in t_______.
14. Your composition is well written except for some s______ mistakes.
15. He made his lab the base for his s_______ research.
16. The house is broken. It needs making r_______.
17. He was too frightened to say a s______ word.
18. The young man s______ away all the difficulties and won in the end.
19. The teacher was much s______ with his students’ progress in English.
20. Since we are good friends, we should s_______ our happiness and sorrow.
21. Did you still remember the r_______ where we had our lunch last week?
22. Jack is r_______ as the top basketball player in the school.
23. How I r_______ the time I should have worked hard but wasted playing!
24. This is something between you and me. Remember it is a s_______.
25. We know the blind men t_______ their own sense of touch very much.
26. The street is full of r_________ and smells terrible.
27. When I came back, the door r_______ locked, so I had to wait again.
28. In its hibernating state, the animal has r________ its movement greatly.
29. You hurt yourself too much so you need an o_______ at once.
30. We don’t feel that we’re getting r______ progress if we read a book that has been made simple.
31. Some South African o_______ will go to Washington for talks with the United States on development of economy.
32. My father cried out in s_______ when he won the game at last.
33. His discovery has been used widely, and many t_______ of people have been saved all over the world.
34. After six hours’ climbing, we s_______ in reaching the top of the mountain.
35. She dare not tell the boss because she doesn’t want to make t______.
36. The r_______ why he was late was that he didn’t get up early enough.
37. The People’s R________ of China was founded on October 1, 1949.
38. The murderer was soon caught and s_______ to death.
39. ---Have you heard from John r_______?
---Yes. Only yesterday.
40. She t______ the fish and found it very delicious.
41. The young man is working hard to turn his wish into r_______.
42. The book was well r________ by the critics and the public.
43. The story has widely s______ that princess would soon marry.
44. Anyone who want to apply for the position must s______ up here.
45. It is one thing to make comments on others’ performances, but it is q_____ another to perform skillfully yourself.
46. After packing all the things into his t______ bag, he sat on the sofa, waiting for the taxi.
47. It shames me to say it, but I told a lie when being q_______ at the meeting.
48. I would like to live in a q_______ neighborhood so that I won’t be disturbed.
49. Let me r_______ you about the meeting tomorrow morning. Don’t forget it.
50. She has a pain in his s________, so she doesn’t want to eat anything.
51. S_______ in my life have I met such a determined person as he.
52. The speaker r_______ his voice but still couldn’t make himself heard.
53. Can you think of a s_______ where “doing it alone” might be more important than teamwork?
54. Soldiers are expected to o_____ their officer’s orders without question.
55. SAR is an illness that can result in death unless t_______ in time.
56. I heard a cat walking on our r_____ and then I looked up.
57. That she hadn’t kept her mind oh her work r________ in the failure.
58. Few people go to watch plays nowadays, so the t_______ will have to close.
59. ---What do you think of the medicine?
---To tell you the t_______, it has side effect.
60. All of a s_______, the ship hit an iceberg and came to a stop.
61. However late he is, Mother will wait for him to have dinner t_________.
62. The army officers led a r_______ against the king.
63. When you answer questions in a job interview, please r________ the golden rule: Always give the monkey exactly what he wants.
64. Our school o_______ trips to different places of interest every summer.
65. ---When will you r_______ the novel to the library?
--- On finishing reading it.
66. They started off late and got to the airport with minutes to s______.
67. ---What does Canada export?
--- Large q________ of wheat are sent abroad.
68. This cake is very s______. You must have put a lot of sugar in it.
69. You didn’t buy the car at a r________ price; it wasn’t worth that much.
70. Did you hear the noise? It seemed that some people were q________ there.
71. In the early nineteenth century, millions of Africans were sold in America to work as s____.
72. ---How do you think about his explanation?
---I don’t think it makes s_______.
73. The president of this university t_______ agrees to this plan the group made.
74. In some countries it is illegal to advertise t_______ products.
75. Her hands are r______ because pf the hard work.
76. How kind of you it is to o______ me your help!
77. She didn’t give a r_______ to my letter.
78. In order to protect our environment, we mustn’t t______ away so much waste.
79. A s________ line is the shortest distance between two points.
80. These goods are t_________ to Japan by water not by land.
81. The t_______ day of a month is the 20th.
82. It was George Washington who led Americans to s______ for building an independent country.
83. I have returned the money I o______ to her.
84. I could hardly recognized him at the r_______ station after ten years of separation.
85. The conductor of the train asked us to show him our t_______.
86. My friend came up and patted me on the s_______.
87. You can stick to your o_______, but I will insist on my own view.
88. When I get to Linhai, don’t forget to r_______ me to telephone to them.
89. His father is a s_____, who is always at sea and seldom has time to be with him.
90. A fence at the back of the garden s_______ us from the neighbors.
91. We aim at q_______ rather than quantity.
92. Take the rotten fish out of the refrigerator! They are s_______.
93. Mr Harris ran out of the hall quickly, as soon as the clock s_______ seven.
94. If I don’t get this finished in time, I’ll be in t_______.
95. Three-quarters of the world’s s_______ is covered by water.
96. If you want to be a teacher, you need s________ training.
97. The twin brothers look very s______. I can’t tell one from the other.
98. I need something to r_______ the dirty thing from my skirt.
99. The American t_______ in Iraq were reported to have a fierce fighting with the terrorists.

1. opposite   2. technical   3. state  4. recognize 5. seriously 6. translated
7 reported    8. television  9. repeat 10. terribly  11. realize 12. through   13. thought 14.spelling    15. scientific   16. repairs  17. single   18. smoothed  19. satisfied  20. share 
21. restaurant  22. regarded   23. regretted  24. secret  25. trust  26. rubbish 27. remained  28. reduced    29. operation   30. rapid  31. officials 32. surprise  33. thousands 
34. succeeded   35. trouble    36. reason  37. Republic  38.sentenced   39. recently 
40. tasted  41. reality   42. received   43. spread   44. sign   45. quite  46. traveling   47. questioned 48. quiet    49. remind  50. stomach  51. Seldom  52.raised  53. situation 54.obey  55. treated   56. roof  57. resulted  58. theatre  59. truth   60. sudden  
61. together   62. revolution  63. remember  64. organizes  65. return 66. spare 
67. quantities 68. sweet  69. reasonable  70. quarreling  71. slaves  72. sense  73. totally
74. tobacco  75. rough  76. offer   77. reply  78. throw  79. straight 80. transported 
81. twentieth  82. struggle  83. owed  84. railway  85. tickets  86. shoulder  87. opinion  88. remind 89. sailor  90. separates  91. quality  92. smelly  93. struck  94. trouble 
95. surface  96. special  97. similar  98. remove   99. troops

高考英语专项复习―单词拼写题(S ? Y

1.       The s_______ in this shop is not good. So only a few people do shopping in this shop.

2.       The s____ are changed during the interval of play.

3.       My mother let me s_____ my own birthday present at the shop.

4.       They began a s _______ of experiments.

5.       You should s________ this opportunity. It may never come again.

6.       The government is still not s ________ with the living conditions of the farmers.

7.       Generally speaking, the s__________ of touch of a blind man is better than that of a healthy one.

8.       They phoned to tell me that they had s________ down in the countryside and that they would come back to see me if they had time.

9.       The head said that he would take me as his s________ to work for him so that he needn’t write and type himself.

10.   The doctor said, “It’s just a cold, nothing s__________.

11.  Suez Canal s         Asia from Africa.

12. They are developing s         and technology quickly.

13. She s______ out that there was a thief under the bed.

14. In Britain, s______ of cigarettes have fallen by 30% in the last ten years.

15. He passed the entrance examination not only to his own but also to his parents’ s            .

16. S ____   10th is Teachers' Day.

17. It was a s      day for Mary when her mother died.

18. You can do it now or leave it till later; it’s all the s      to me.

19. We’ve s        a lot of expense by doing the work ourselves.

20. The teacher gave Tom a s        for being late.

21. I’ve spent much time s        my memory but can’t remember that man’s name.

22. Christmas, the s        of good will.

23. Please be s      , ladies and gentlemen.

24. There are no more chairs; you’ll have to use that box for a s       .

25. He is going to Canada to s      his fortune.

26. It s     that no one knew what had happened.

27. He s      or never gives his wife a present.

28. Who has been s     to lead the delegation?

29. He is our eldest brother and he is ten s       to me.

30. Fire is a good s      but a bad master.

31. Teachers, government officials and clerks receive s          by the month.

32. The man was s          to death because of murder.

33. The book you ask for is s     out, and there are no copies left.

34. There is no more time left, so I should be ready in a few s      .

35.   He s________ in the country after his retirement. After his s__________ in the countryside, he lived a happy life. 

36.   Saturday is the s_________ day of the week. 

37.   He brought me s________ books to read. 

38.   S________ has nothing to do with this work. I mean whether a person is male or female is not important. 

39.   He took a rest in the s________ of a tree.  

40.   In the evening, your s_______ is longer than you are. 

41.   He was so happy to see me that he ran to me and s_______ hands with me.  

42.   His stealing brought s_______ on his family. 

43.   Looking at the map of China, you’ll find it is in the s_____ of a rooster.  

44.    S_______ everything is very common among lovers.

45.    The meeting started at 8:00 s______. 

46.    A man needs a s_______ to remove his beards.

47.    S_____ are kept for their wool and killed for their meet.

48.    Would give me a s_______ of paper?

49.    Books should be put on the three s______.

50.    I promised we’ll be there, rain or s______ .

51.    His sudden appearance s______ us.

52.    The hunter s_____ at the deer but it managed to escape.

53.    The ship hit a rock two miles away from the s_____ and s_____ to the bottom of the sea. 

54.    Successful men always thought they were successful because they stood on the s________ of other persons.

55.    He’s not far from here. There’s no need to s_____.

56.    Don’t look at him. He’s just s________ himself off.

57.    I got caught in a s_______ on the way home and I was all wet.

58.    Is the window open or s_____?  

59.    Even when you’re happy, you’ll s_____ sometimes.

60.    I recognized him at first s________.

61.    The arrival of the teacher s________ the class. It was very quiet now.  

62.    I prefer dresses made of s____ to those of cotton.

63.    S_______ mistakes will be made if you are too nervous.

64.    In the ancient time, s______ chopsticks were used to test whether the food was poisonous or not. 

65.    Have you noticed the s_________ between the cat and the tiger? 

66.    Rich as he is, he lives a s_______ life.  

67.    We call s_______ men bachelors. 

68.    Friends who help you when you’re in difficult s________ are your friends indeed.  

69.    Learning English requires s______ like listening, speaking, reading and writing.  

70.    I s_____ the banana and put it into his mouth because his hands were dirty.

71. The school has a s______ of 200 in all, who are excellent.

72. He is very vain and always wants to be at the center of the s______.

73. In order to keep fit, she always runs up and down the s_____.

74. He forgot to put a s______ on the envelope.

75. S_____ still while I do up your buttons.

76. This teacher, who is strict with his students, sets high s______ for his pupils.

77. When it becomes dark, the s_____ in the sky come out.

78. He sat outside the house, and s_____ into space, thinking about something deeply.

79. He s_____ from Beijing for Hong Kong.

80. They got lost in the desert and finally s_____ to death.

81. He is working hard day and night, so I’m very concerned about the s____ of her health.

82. His s______ that he had nothing to do with the affair was unreasonable.

83. Guards were s_______ round the prison to watch the mad prisoners carefully.

84. Yesterday it was too late, so I s_____ the night at a friend’s house.

85. He was sent to prison because of s______ a gold watch from his company..

86. Do you like coffee with s______ or black coffee?

87. The latest figures s______ that business in this region is improving.

88. The new dress s_____ you very well.

89. Jane is ideally s____ for the job, for she is very careful.

90. Remember to carry your s______ with you before you go to the airport.

91. Now it is July. The s_____ holiday is coming.

92. Sitting in the s_____ reading is not good to your eyes.

93. Christians go to church on S______.

94. It is a s____ day. Let’s go out for a walk along the East lake.

95. He stopped working and was going home at s_____.

96. We had fish for s______.

97. The government s______ free books to poor schools.

98. He had to s______ himself because he was an orphan..

99. Everyone here is s______ to attend the party.

100.   After the storm, the s______ was blue and clean. 

101.   A long time ago, many black people were taken to America as s_____.

102.   The bed was warm and comfortable, so I s_____ soundly.

103.   I got to know him just now, so I knew him s_____.

104.   You have to s_____ down your car at the crossing.

105.   Jack is short and thin, too s_____ for his age.

106.   The pretty girl always wears s_____ clothes.

107.   They were all hungry, so the food s_____ good.

108.   The little girl s_____ at me so sweetly. smiled

109.   It’s a public place. You’re forbidden to s______ here.

110.   Our path in life will not always be s______.

111.   His bad behavior showed him to be a s_____.

112.   Mary is an attractive girl. Gifts and letters often s_____ in on her birthday.  

113.   When we take a bath, we rub s_____ on our body.

114.   S______ study is the study of how man lives in societies.

115.   As a citizen, one must obey the rules of s_____.

116.   This drink is s______ and fruity.

117.  The s____­­­­­ has been downloaded onto millions of personal computers worldwide.

118.   The s______ is very sandy.

119.   An American s_____, having served in World War II, died yesterday.

120.I have a s_____ and a daughter.

121.Many young people like to sing popular s_____.

122.S______ or later you will have to face the facts. 

123.As s_____ as the woman saw the dress, she liked it very much.

124.I was s_____ to hear about your illness.

125.A hammer is a s_____ of tool. 

126.Your idea s_____ a good one. 

127.I had a bowl of chicken s_____.

128.Guangdong province is in the s_____ of China.

129.Australia lies in the S______ Hemisphere(半球).

130.There is no s_____ for another chair in this room.

131.Have you any s_____ time to help me?

132.She can s_____ three languages.

133.He has a s_____ car because he cannot walk.

134.Man is the only animal that has the power of s_____.

135.We were traveling at a s_____ of 30 miles an hour.

136.My name is s_____ S-M-I-T-H.

137.How much money do you s_____ each week?

138.Some people believe that the s_____ lives on after death.

139.The rich man lived in a s_____ house.

140.We often drink soup with soup s_____.

141.Swimming and running are s_____.

142.She had s_____ on her face when she was ill.

143.The bird s_____ its wings.

144.S_____ comes after winter.

145.There was a s_____ with trees and grass in it in the center of the city.

146. I think the quotation is from Volume 5, but you’d better make s____.

147.   Three-quarters of the world’s s______ is covered by water. 

148.   I was extremely s________ with a man’s footprint on the lonely shore. 

149.   Only two people s________ the fire. Others lost their lives. 

150.   The woolen s_______ goes well with her jeans.

151.   They s______ the classroom together after the exciting party.

152.   Sugar cane tastes s_______.       

153.   The boy s______ across the river to show his skills. 

154.   Our country has a very good social s______. 

155.   The guests sat at a t____ for the dinner. 

156.   That peacock spread its splendid t____.   

157.   I went to the t______ to have a dress made to my measure.  

158.   T____ your time over the job, there is 35 minutes to go.  

159.   He likes making up t____ about ghosts. 

160.   The headmaster had a long t____ with the student in the office. 

161.   Children are growing t______ with time.  

162.   She has been t_____ the typewriter for two hours.   

163.   A video-cassette recorder can be used to preserve TV programs on t____.

164.   I have many household t____ to do today.  

165.   T_____ this coffee to see if you like it.  

166.   How much income t_____ did you pay last year?  

167.   They took a t____ to the airport yesterday to save time.

168.   The man t_____ himself to play the piano.  

169.   It’s a happy job to be a t_____ teaching these excellent students.

170.   He is a member of the school basketball t____. 

171.   My mother t_____ a leaf from the calendar every day.  

172.   Hearing the sad news, the girl burst into t_____.

173.   The factory is in want of many t______ workers. 

174.   We have brought in a lot of advanced t_______ from abroad.

175.   When the t________ rang he picked up the receiver. 

176.   Today many families have at least one t_______ set. 

177.   You must do what you are t_____. 

178.   Normal body t________ is 37 C.  

179.   October is the t______ month in a year. 

180.   Plants t_____ to die if you don’t water them. 

181.   We must make sure that the rope is t_____ enough for the tightrope walker.

182.   When they go on holiday, they usually sleep in t____.

183.   It has been a terrible year in t_____ of business. 

184.   I’ve got a t_____ headache this morning.  

185.   We have an English t____ every week.  

186.   Where is your Chinese t____ book?        

187.   Cars are faster t_____ they were 50 years ago. 

188.   The old man t______ me for helping him across the street. 

189.   They make it a rule to go to the t_____ to see a play on Sunday.

190.   Everyone thinks t______ is best.         

191.   Everyone has to look after t________.     

192.   First think, t_____ act.   

193.   Those people have their umbrellas up; t_______, it must be raining. 

194.   There are lots of trees t______ with leaves around the village.

195.   People who want to steal other’s things are t________.

196.   Look out! The ice is too t_____ to bear your weight.

197.   How are t______ going at your school?

To say is one t_____, but to do is another.

198.   Great minds t_____ alike.

199.   Man is a t________ animal.

200.   She won a bronze medal as she came t_____ in the race.

201.   It’s so hot today; I feel t_______ and want to drink water.

202.   Westerners consider No. t_________ an unlucky number.

203.   He is a middle-aged man, he is in his t______.

204.   Hello! T______ is Mary speaking.

205.   T_________ who want to take part in the activity should sign here.

206.   He said he would come, he didn’t, t_______.

207.   Hundreds of t_________ of people suffered from the terrible tsunami.

208.   Will you help me put a t_______ through the needle?

209.   The robber t_________ the lady with a gun.

210.   The baby cried all t______ the night.

211.   People love peace t_________ the world.

212.   Don’t t_______ waste paper about. We should keep our classroom clean.

213.   Today is T_________, weekend is coming.

214.   He studied hard; t________ he got high marks.

215.   Could you get me some t_______ for the concert?

216.   The room is clean and t_______.

217.   The game ended in a t____, 3 to 3.

218.   T_______ is known as “ King of the Jungle”.

219.   My feet hurt because my shoes are too t______.

220.   People do not know the value of health t_____ they lose it.

He did not come t______ ten o’clock.

221.   Just as the saying goes, t____ is money.

    It rained all the t_____.

    I’ll forgive you but at the same t_____ you must never do it again.

    From time to t_____ he brings me a present.

   She was in t_____ for the bus.

   The train pulled in on t_____.

222.   Some viruses are so t______ that you have to use a microscope to see them.

223.   Only the t____ of an iceberg shows above the water.

     He gave me some good t_____ on gardening.

224.   Tony was too t_____ to go any further.   I shall never get t_____ of life.

225.   The t_______ of the text is “ A Winter Evening”.

226.   Japan is t____ the east of China.

227.   Can you join the broken pieces t______?

228.   Excuse me, Where is the ladies t_____? I have had some soup on my shirt.

229.   Don’t put off till t________ what should be done today.

230.   Chinese is our mother t_______.

231.   It’s getting dark. Stay here t________.

232.   The boy is t_______ young to go to school.

You cannot be t______ careful when crossing the street.

233.   Language is only a t________ for people to communicate.

234.   Eating too much sugar will do harm to your t______.

235.   He cried at the t____ of his voice.

236.   In t______, there are 56 peoples in our country.

237.   Don’t t_____ the paint, it’s wet.  That’s my number, let’s keep in t______.

238.   We should be t_______ because our path in life will not be smooth.

239.   He is fond of traveling and he made a t_______ of China last year.

240.   You should change your attitude t________ the disabled.

241.   Would you rather live in a t______ or the country?

242.   The boy got lots of t______ for Christmas.

243.   He reads the newspapers to keep t_____ of current events.

244.   China does a lot of t______ with Europe.  John t______ his knife for Dick’s pen.

245.   There’s a t____________ in our family that we have a party on New Year’s Eve. 

246.   Turn left at the t_________ lights.  

247.   All the athletes are t________ for the 2008 Olympics.       

248.   How can I t__________ money from my bank account to his?  

249.   Her books have been t____________ into 24 languages.      

250.   His bike is his only means of t___________ .         

251.   Light t_______ faster than sound.      

252.   He t_________ the watch his father gave him-----it is his only possession.      

253.   Don’t worry about the cost -------- I’ll t________ you.   

254.   The kids are always playing t_______ on their teacher.   

255.   As I passed, he stuck out a leg and tried to t________ me up.      

256.   They take a lot of t__________ to find the right person for the difficult job.  

257.   There are so much coal that we have to use a t______ to convey it.         

258.   Work hard now and your dream will come t_______.  

259.   Don’t t________ him because he is always telling lies.    

260.   She laughed and chatted but was in t________ , not having much fun..  

261.   T______ the shoes on before you buy them.     

262.   Her face t________ red when she heard his words.      

263.   The city is t______ the size of Linhai, that is to say, the city is once bigger than Linhai. 

264.   December is the t_________ month in a year.       

265.   Each coin has t______ sides.       

266.   Rh is a rare blood t_______.      

267.   This meal is t_________ of local cookery.    

268.   The back t_________ of the car is broken, so it can’t move.      

269.   He is so u_______ that few people like to make friends with him.

270.   It’s going to rain. Please take your u____________ with you.  

271.   U________ Li is my aunt’s boyfriend.   

272.   Nobody u________ 18 is allowed to smoke.   

273.   Please speak more slowly so that you can make yourself u__________. 

274.   Each student should wear his school u_________ at school.  

275.   U__________ gives strength.       

276.   The basic u______ of society is the family.   

277.   We should u________ in fighting crime.     

278.   The U_______ Nations aims to solve this political problem in a peaceful way.  

279.   When we talk about the u________, we mean the earth, the sun, the moon and   the stars, and the space between them.  

280.   The ideal career for many teenagers is to go to u__________.   

281.   He was an u____________ singer before he became a very famous singer. 

282.   You won’t get paid for time off u_______ you have a doctor’s note. 

283.   You can remember her easily because she has a very u_______ name.

284.   He jumps u____ and down, just like a monkey.  

285.   Once u_____ a time there was a beautiful princess called “Snow White”.   

286.   He raised his u______ arm to reach the apples on the tree. 

287.   She felt very u_______ because she didn’t pass the final exam.

288.   She felt very sad and ran u__________ to her own bedroom.

289.   The boat was on the beach, bottom u______, turned upside-down.

290.   An SOS is an u_______ message.

291.   We must make full ______ of our books.

292.   I u______ to live there when I was a child.

293.   The dictionary is very u______ to us. It is the best teacher of all.

294.   He came earlier than u________ this morning.

295.   Every summer, we have a long v______.  We can have a good time.

296.   There is a grand v______ in the east of Zhejiang Province. Many visitors go there every year.

297.   The work is not just v_______; it is priceless.

298.   This book is of great v______ to me in my studies.

299.   There are a v_______ of flowers in the garden; such as: roses, sunflowers, tulips ….

300.   He had mastered v_______ branches of knowledge.

301.   He made an effort to get a v______ improvement,not a little.

302.   We should have more green v_______ in order to get more vitamins.

303.   Nowadays, more and more public v________ are used to carry passengers in the city.

304.   Li lei was not v________ pleased when he got low marks in the exam.

305.   Our army won a v______ over the enemy in 1946.

306.   There is a v_______ of the river from my window.

307.   He lives at a v_______ near the river.

308.   Your remarks did v_______ to the truth. It’s unexpected.

309.   He likes music and likes playing the v_________.

310.   Uncle Tom usually v________ us for a week in the winter. We all like to stay with him.

311.   V_______ to the hospital are asked not to smoke. It needs clean surroundings.

312.   Sergeant Cuff has one v_____ clue.

313.   He is not in good v________, not speaking or singing as well as usual.

314.   We like playing v________, not basketball.

315.   Your radio has a v________ control.

316.   They make a v_______ from shanghai to Tsingtao.

317.   We can’t go outside. We are w_________ for the rain to stop.

318. This grand restaurant needs a lot of w________ and waitress.

319. The noise w_________ me up.  I couldn’t sleep well last night.

320. Let’s have a pleasant w________ across the fields.

321. Hang the picture on that w______, please!

322. The earthquake victims are suffering for w______ of food and medical supplies.

323. We have had two world w_____ in 20th century.

324. Come and get w______ by the fire.

325. We w________ them not to go skating on such thin ice.

326. Will you give the car a w_________?  It’s so dirty.

327. All his efforts were w_______, had no result.

328. If you want to learn it,w________ what I do and how I do it.

329. The smell from the kitchen made my mouth w________.

330. The colorful flags are m________ in the wind.

331. My friend lives across the w_________, on the other side of the street.

332. The old women is too w_________ to walk.

333. We all have our little w_________; not all strengths

334. The w______ of society is created by the workers, peasants and working intellectuals.

335. He was w________ a ring on his finger.

336.   He stays indoors in wet w_____.

337.  A w_____ of palm branches formed the roof of the hut.

338.  My brother will get married tomorrow. It will be a large church w_____.

339.  W_____ is the fourth day of the week.

340.  There are seven days in a w______?

341.  I don't work at the w_____.

342.  The fish weighs 12 kilos.

343.  You are too fat. You should lose w_____.

344.  ――“Thank you very much..” ――“You are w_____.”

345.  W_____ begun is half done.

346.  Hangzhou is w_____ for the West Lake.

347.  Sichuan Province lies in the w_____ of China.

348.  The USA belongs to W_____ nations.

349.  Come and walk on the dry road, instead of going through the w_____.

350.  In order not to be heard by others, she said it in a w_____.

351.  She was so surprised that she stared at him with w_____ eyes.

352.  My mother has no jobs. She is a house w_____.

353.  The room is too dirty and everything in the room is in w_____ order.

354.  She has a strong w_____, and she does what she wants no matter what people say.

355.  Are you w_____ to help me?

356.  Who w_____ the race, Tom or John?

357.  A cold w_____ blew from northwest.

358.  It is cold outside. Please shut the w_____.

359.  The good news w_____ all corners of the country.

360.  Don’t cry and w____ your tears away.

361.  One cannot have w______ without living life.

362.  It is not w_____ to refuse to accept the good suggestion.

363.  I w_____ you a very happy future.

364.  No w_____ he is not hungry; he has been eating sweets all day.

365.  This is a w_____ place for a picnic.

366.  He was lost in the w_____.

367.  Tell me in your own w_____.

368.  It takes a lot of w_____ to build a house.

369.  This car is used all over the w_____.

370.  Don't w_____! Everything will be all right.

371.  How much is this bicycle w_____? It's £50.

372.  The soldier was w_____ in the arm.

373.  Did you w_____ down the telephone number?

374.  Small children do not know right from w_____.

375.  May 4 is China’s Y_____ Day.



1.service  2.scenes  3.select  4.series  5.seize  6.satisfied  7.sense  8.settled  9.secretary  10.serious  11.separates  12.science  13.screamed  14.sales  15.satisfaction  16.September 17.sad  18.same  19.saved  20.scold  21.searching  22.season  23.seated24.seat  25.seek 26.seems  27.seldom  28.selected  29.senior  30.servant  31.salaries  32.sentenced  33.sold 34.seconds 35.settled /settlement 36.seventh 37.several/some  38.Sex  39.shade  40.shadow 41.shook 42.shame 43.shape 44.Sharing  45.sharp  46.shaver  47.sheep  48.sheet 49.shelves 50.shine 51.shocked/surprised 52.shot  53.shore, sank  54.shoulders  55.shout  56.showing  57.shower   58.shut  59.sigh  60.sight  61.silenced   62.silk  63.silly  64.silver  65.similarities 66.simple  67.single 68.situation   69.skills   70.skinned 71.staff 72.stage 73.stairs 74.stamp 75.stand 76.standards 77.stars 78.stared 79.started 80.starved 81.state 82.statement 83.stationed 84.stayed 85.stealing 86.sugar 87.suggest 88.suits 89.suitable 90.suitcase 91.summer 92.sun 93.Sundays 94.sunny 95.sunset 96.supper 97.supplies 98.support 99.supposed  100.sky  101.slaves 102.slept 103.slightly 104.slow 105.small 106.smart 107.smelt 108.smiled 109.smoke 110.smooth 111.snake 112.snow 113.soap 114.social 115.society 116.soft 117.software 118.soil 119.soldier 120.son 121.songs 122.Sooner 123.soon 124.sorry 125.sort 126.sounds 127.soup 128.south 129.Southern 130.space 131.spare 132.speak 133.special 134.speech 135.speed 136.spelt/spelled 137.spend 138.spirit 139.splendid 140.spoons 141.sport 142.spot 143.spread 144.Spring 145.square 146.sure 147.surface 148.surprised 149.survived 150.sweater 151.swept  152.sweet 153.swam 154.system  155.table  156.tail 157.tailor’s   158.take 159.tales 160.talk 161.taller 162.tapping 163.tapes 164.tasks  165.taste 166. tax 167.taxi 168.taught  169.teacher  170.team  171.tears  172.tears  173.technical 174. techniques 175.telephone 176.television 177.told 178.temperature 179.tenth  180.tend  181.tense 182.tent 183.terms 184.terrible 185.test 186.text 187.than 188.thanked 189.theater/theatre   190.theirs 191.themselves 192.then 193.therefore 194.thick 195.thieves196.thin 197.things/thing   198.think 199.thinking 200.third 201.thirsty 202.thirteen 203.thirties 204.This   205.Those206.though 207.thousands 208.thread 209.threatened 210.through 211.throughout  212.throw 213.Thursday 214.thus  215.tickets  216.tidy  217. tie 218.Tiger 219.tight    220.till  221.time 222.tiny 223.tip/tips 224.tired  225.title 226.to 227.together 228.toilet   229.tomorrow 230.tongue 231.tonight  232.too  233.tool  234.teeth  235.top 236.total  237.touch 238.tough 239.tour 240.towards 241.town  242.toys  243.track  244.trade/traded 245.tradition 246.traffic 247.training 248.transfer 249.translated 250.transport 251.travels   252.treasure 253.treat 254.tricks 255.trip 256.trouble 257.truck 258.true 259.trust 260.truth    261.try 262.turn 263.twice 264.twelfth 265.two 266.type  267.typical 268.tyre 269.ugly 270.umbrella 271.Uncle 272.under 273.understood 274.uniform 275.Union 276.unit     277.unite 278.United 279.universe 280.university 281.unknown 282.unless 283.unusual  284.up  285.upon  286.upper 287.upset 288.upstairs   289.upwards  290.urgent  291.use  192. used 293.useful   294.usual  295.vacation  296.valley  297.valuable 298.value  299.variety  300.various  301.vast  302.vegetable 303.vehicles  304.very  305.victory  306.view  307.village  308.violence  309.violin  310.visit  311.visitor  312.vital 313.voice  314.volleyball  315.volume  316.voyage  317.wait  318.waiters  319 wake  320 walk  321.wall    322.want  323.wars   324.warm  325.warn  326.wash   327.waste  328.watch  329.water  330.wave 331.way 332.weak 333.weakness  334.wealth  335.wear 336.weather 337.web 338.wedding 339.Wednesday 340.week 341.weekend 342.weighs 343.weight 344.welcome 345.well 346.well-known.347.west 348.Western 349.wet 350.whisper 351.wide 352.wife 353.wild 354.will 355.willing 356.won 357.wind 358.window 359.winged 360.wipe 361.wisdom 362.wise 363.wish 364.wonder 365.wonderful 366.wood 367.words 368.work 369.world 370.worry 371.worth 372.wounded 373.write 374.wrong 375.Youth

1. She is u_________ while her sister is pretty beautiful.
2. Students shall wear school u__________ at school.
3. He is always very punctual, but this morning he got to school twenty minutes
later than u________.
4. Take the u_________ with you in case it rains.
5. We had a heavy snow this March, which was most u_________ here.
6. Our world is but a small part of the u__________.
7. Do you know which u__________ he graduated from?
8. We were about to leave when we had an unexpected v__________.
9. Sorry to have taken up so much of your v___________ time.
10. The scientist decided to leave London for v_________ reasons.
11. Eating plenty of v____________ is good for your health.
12. After finishing school, she found work in a restaurant as a w___________.
13. Uncle used to live in a city in the w___________ part of the country.
14. A high-speed maglev train has no w________ and no engine.
15. The box is not plastic---it’s w___________.   
16. Sorry, I can't read your w________, it's too small.
17. He cared nothing for w__________, otherwise he would be very rich now.
18. Listen! The radio is w________ people against going out during the storm.
19. A lot of household w_________ can be recycled and reused.
20. She stopped crying and w________ her eyes with a tissue.
21. The boy tried to get into the classroom without being noticed, but luck went a_________ him.
22. During Mr. Gao’s a__________, a 13-year-old girl was asked to take his place and work as a teacher.
23. His father frequently goes a_________ because he has many branch stores in these countries.
24. It was said that pirates(海盗)used to b________ treasures under the ground in the cave and then failed to collect them.
25. Take care! Don’t you think the ice is too thin to b___________ your weight?
26. The only road leading to the village was b__________ by the heavy snow.
27. We should not turn a b__________ eye to our mistakes or we will be punished some day.
28. If you want to get on well with them, first of all, you should b__________ in them.
29. At the airport, all the b_________ is carefully examined by the customs officers.
30. --What’s being a__________ over the loudspeaker?
--Our train has been delayed.
31. He appeared c___________, but inside his heart was beating wildly with fear.
32. The three children are looking forward to c_________ their parents’ silver wedding.
33. I always keep c___________ in the house in case there is a power failure.
34. Albert Einstein is considered to be the leading scientist in the 20th c___________.
35. Several new railways are under c____________ in China. They are expected to come into use next year.
36. Children are c___________ about everything around them.
37. She caught a bad cold and kept c_________ all night.
38. Antarctic is the coldest of the seven c______________ in the world.
39. The bus was so c_____________ that there was only standing room.
40. With his digital c___________, he took lots of pictures when he visited the city.
41. He is brave. I’m filled with admiration for his c_____________.
42. Christmas falls on D___________ 25th, when families in western countries get together and celebrate it.
43. I have no sense of d____________, and can never tell east from west, north from south.
44. The Third World is made up of d____________ countries.
45. After twenty years’ hard work they paid off their d_________.
46. He hates it when his sleep is d_________ by loud noises in the middle of the night..
47. He’s a person to be d_______ on. You can count on him to come to your help in time of need.
48. Camels can travel long d___________ over the desert.
49. Some runners try to gain an unfair advantage by taking d______.
50. It never o___________ to John that his wife might be unhappy.
51. We quickly used the mouth-to-mouth way to give the d_________ boy the first aid, who had been in water for about 5 minutes.
52. It seems that American English is a little d__________ from British English.
53. In that mountain area lots of trees are ____________(毁坏) by the burning each year.
54. We are all ___________ (决心) to work hard and try to do well in the NCEE.
55. The whole nation was shocked at the news that Lincoln was shot _______(死) at the threatre in Washington D.C.
56. To the boy’s great __________ (失望), he didn’t win the English