




1.The disabled(残疾的)people shouldn’t_________.

A.be laughed at*       B.be laugh at           C.make fun of            D.be laughing at

2.This is a different girl _________ the one he used to go out with?

A.like                       B.to                           C.from                   D.in

3.This English newspaper is very easy for the students because there are ______ new words in it.

A.1ittle                     B.a little.              C.few                       D.a few

4.一I don’t know _________ to do with this maths problem.It’s too hard.

   ―You can ask your classmates or teachers for help.

A.which                  B.how                    C.what                      D.when

5.Cathy has _________ difficulty _________ math,so she often asks me for help.

A.much, understanding                                   B.no, with

C.many, in understanding                             D.not, to understand

6.What do you mean _________ “all right”?

A.by                          B.from                      C.for                         D.with

7.一Would you please pass me the sugar? 一_________.Here you are.

A.Sorry                            B.Sure                       C.Thanks a lot            D.Nothing much

8.Did you know whom the book._________?

A.was lbelonged to    B.was belonging to     C.belonged to            D.belongs to

9.Some of my classmates _________ cartoons _________ documentaries.

A.prefer,to                  B.would tather,than  C.1ike,etter            D.1ike, less

10.The guide is last words _________ us that we should bring raincoats.

A.recommended *     B.remembered            C.answered                D.reminded

11.Listen! There must be someone _________ at the door.

A.to knock              B.knocking             C.knock                  D.knocked

12.一You look stressed out.―Yeah,_________work makes me tired.

A.too many             B.many too              C.too much                D.much too

13.Henry ________be at home because he phoned me from there just now.

A.mustn’t               B.isn’t able to          C.may not                 D.can’t

14.一Must I finish the book today?

    一Yes.you ______, but you _____ finish it now.Have a rest first.

A.do,don’t have to                                     B.do,mustn’t

C.must,don’t have to                                  D.must,mustn’t

15.They like playing football on Saturday.  一______.

    A.So we are               B.So are we            C.So do we                      D.So we do

16.I love singers who ______ their own music.

A.write                   B.writes                  C.is writing                      D.writed

17.He used to ______ in the sun, but now he is used to _____ at night.

A.read, read               B.reading, read          

C.read, reading           D.reading, reading

18.Did you find ______ very interesting to play Yo―Yo?

A.this                        B.it’s                       C.that                        D.it

19.―Don’t ______ too late, or you will feel tired in class. ―I won’t, Mum.

A.stand up                 B.stay up                   C.wake up                  D.get up

20.―What a hard problem! ―Ask Mary. Maybe she has _______ with a good idea about it.

A.come up                 B.ended up                 C.met up                    D.kept up


21.A.dies                        B.death                   C.died                    D.dying


22.A.to stop                    B.stop                      C.stopped                  D.stopping


23.A.find                    B.founded                       C.found                     D.have foundt


24.A.smoke                   B.smoking                 C.smoked                  D.smokes


25.A.too                      B.also                     C.either                     D.as well


26.A.the two big            B.second biggest         C.thelsecond biggest   D.the second big


27.A.outside                  B.inside                    C.out of                     D.into


28.A.However             B.Wherever             C.Whenever              D.Whoever


29.A.the other              B.other                   C.others                     D.another


30.A.myself                 B.herself                 C.themselves              D.ourselves


31.A.because               B.because of            C.as                          D.since


32.A.give up                B.give away              C.give in                  D.give out


33.A.helped                 B.help                       C.helping                  D.to help


34.A.for                      B.to                           C.with                             D.at


35.A.fixed                      B.fixes                    C.fix                         D.fixing



    An artist went to a beautiful part of the country for a holiday and stayed with a farmer. Every day he went out with his paints and brushes(颜料和画笔) and painted till evening,.When it got dark he went back to the farm and had a good dinner before he went to bed.

    At the end of his holiday he wanted to pay the farmer.but the famer said, “No, I don’t want money.But give me one of your pictures.What’s money? In a week it will all be finished.but your picture will still be here.”

The artist was very pleased and thanked the farmer for saying such kind things about his pictures.The farmer smiled and answered,“It’s not that. I have a son in London. He wants to become an artist. When he comes home next month, I’ll show him your picture, and he will not want to be an artist any more, I think.”


