


1.I usually sleep with the window open ______ it’s very cold.


A. until*                   B.unless                   C. as                      D. if


2.A hear the weather will ______cold for another week.

A. turn                    B.last                       C. get                     D.stay


3.The photo often reminds me ______my childhood.

A. of                      B.at                         C.from                    D.in


4.Smoking is bad for your health, You'd better______.

A.to give it up          B.give it up              C.give up it                      D.gave it up


5.______your teacher strict ______ you?  Yes.

A. Does ,with         B. Does, in            C.Is ,with                D. Is, in


6.Please hurry up.Don't keep me ______ too long.

A. waiting                B.to wait                   C.waiting for            D. wait for


7.I'm going to have my bike__________.

A. repair                 B. to repair              C.repairing               D. repaired


8.I don't have a pen_________.

A. to write               B. to write with       C. to write by           D. write with


9.If everyone_____ the environment around us, it will be much better.

A. thinks about         B. thinks of             C. cares about          D. takes care


10.If I _____wings like a bird ,I ____  be able to fly in the sky.


A. have ,should*       B.had, would            C.would have, will    D. had, will


11.They don't allow _______________ here.

A.to park                 B. parking               C. parked                 D. have parked


12.He caught a cold. He must be at home, ________he?

A. mustn't               B. can't                   C. isn't                    D. won't


13.I like the movies that ________ funny.

A.make me            B. makes me          C. is                      D.are


14.The house ______ we live in is large and nice

A. where                 B. that                     C. in which             D. whose


15.Jim _______ be in the class .I saw him in the office just now.

A. can't                    B.mustn't                 C. needn't                D. couldn't

A:Excuse me.Could you please tell me where the doctor’s office is?

B:Sure.It's on the fifth floor。Just take the elevator(电梯)

A:Mill,First need to buy a book.    16    

B:Yes,You can find Xinhua Bookstore on the third floor.

A)     17    

B)  There is a bank on the first floor.It's over there.

A:Good.  18     

B:Yes, there is a drugstore(杂货店)on the fourth floor,    19   

A:Thank you.    20  

B: You’re welcome.

A:Take the elevator

B:Do you know where I can buy some shampoo (洗发剂)?

C:Is there a bookstore there?

D:It's very kind of you.

E:I also need to exchange some money.

F:That's all right。

G:That's right


A:Hello, Liu Ming, Did you   21   this Sunday?

B:Oh, no, What a mess!

A:   22    ? Didn’t you play basketball with Wang Ping?

B:That’s right. We did go to play together, but Wang Ping was hurt.

A:  23    . Did he hurt badly?

B:Luckily it wasn’t very serious. We sent him to the hospital.

A:  24    ?

B:The doctor said he must stay in bed for a week. So he can’t come to school this week.

A:  25    . We can help him with his lessons.

B:Yes, that’s a good idea.



26.我喜欢能随着跳的音乐。I like the music ________________________ .


27.如果我是你,我就穿衬衫打领带。If I ______ you, I’ll wear _________________.


28.他可能在跑步锻炼。  He ________________ exercise.


29.与咖啡相比,我更喜欢牛奶。I ______ milk _____ coffee.


30.你认识那个正和Mr. Li说话的那个人吗?

Do you know the man _______ Mr. Li?



________the person who doesn't and the dog that doesn't________.



______________________,don't__________ this exhibition。


33.Compared with the past, our life is getting better and better.


34.The people in Wenchuan have got over a lot of difficulties with the help of the PLA.


35. You must show your ID card when you book an air ticket.


       Children   36  the USA like K day. K is   37  kites. March 7th is the day.   38  that day, many children go out in the open   39   .They take their kites  40  them. Some kites are very big, others are   41  . They are in different colors. Every kite has a long string. The children begin to  42   to get the kites up. They let out the string from the ball  43  their hands. Now the kites   44   flying in the sky. How   45  they look!



36.A.at                          B.in                          C.on                         D.for


37.A.for                        B.of                          C.to                          D.about


38.A.On                        B.In                          C.At                         D.Of


39.A.water                     B.sea                        C.land                       D.air


40.A.and                       B.with                             C.to                          D.by


41.A.tall                       B.short                      C.small                     D.light


42.A.plat                       B.sing                       C.run                        D.jump


43.A.of                         B.from                      C.about                     D.in


44.A.is                          B.are                        C.be                         D.are to


It took almost 180 years to finish the tower .Today, the leaning Tower has eight floors.It is 54.5 meters (179 feet)tall , and it leans about almost 4 meters(14 feet) to one side .The tower is also sinking into the ground on which it was build.Every year, the tower leans about 1.5 centimeters (1/16 of an inch)

    Like all old buildings, it is also falling apart.If someone cannot figure out (想出)a way to save the tower, it will all far apart(破裂)in 175 more years.


56. Why did the people of Pisa want to build the tower?

A.They needed a new church. 

B.They needed a bell tower

C.They wanted to spend a lot of money.

D.They wanted to build a leaning tower.


57.When did the tower begin to lean?

A.From the first day it was build                   B. After the first floor was built.

C.After the last floor was built.                    D.180 years after if was built.


58.When was the tower finished?

A.In 1174 A.D.                               B.In 1280A.D.

C.In 1354 A.D.                                       D.In 1420A.D.


59.What problem does the tower have today?

A.It is falling apart                                       B.It is sinking into the ground

    C.It is leaning more each year                       D. All of the above


60.If no one can save the tower, when will it fall apart?

A.175 years ago.                                           B.In the 1800s

C.Before 2000                                              D.In the 2100s.


Passage 2.(5分)

If an American is satisfied with you, he will put his thumb and forefinger (食指)into a circle. That means OK. But in Brazil, the sign is considered to be rude. In Poland, a guest usually presents flowers to his hostess, the number must be an odd(奇数)one. Besides, the hostess isn't expected to remove the cover of the bunch of flowers.And usually, the red rose is a sign of love.Usually,we nod to express our agreement arid shake our heads to show disproval(不赞成).To our surprise,these body movements mean the opposite in Bulgaria(保加利亚).

The differences in customs and cultures ill the world are really noticeable.We should learn more about them to avoid embarrassment.Then would you please remember. When in Rome,do as the Romans do?


61.In Poland, if a man gives some odd red roses to a woman as a present ,it means that he_________

A.will invite her to dinner party                    B.has not been in love with her.

C.will invite her to a part?                           D.has fallen in love with her.


62.If a Brazilian puts his thumb and fordfinger into a circle, it shows that he ________you.

A.will be friends with                               B.is not polite to

C.is willing to help                                  D.is satisfied with


63.In Poland, it is _________ for the hostess to remove the cover of , the bunch of flowers somebody had presented to her.

A.impolite                B.polite                    C.strange                  D. popular


64.1n Bulgaria, if a man nods, it means that he__________ with you.

A.will have a talk           B.disagree                C.will shake hands     D.agrees.


65.The sentence "When in Rome, do as the Romans do" means that ___________

A. we should learn from the Romans    

B.We should work as the Romans do.

C. we should obey its customs when we are in a foreign country.

D. we should go to Rome.


Passage 3.(5分)

A bank's job is to keep people’s money safe. But when you put your money in the bank, it doesn't just sit there waiting for you to come back and get it.

Banks use your money to make some money. In a way, when you save your money, you're really loaning (借)it to the bank.The bank then gives you a bit extra money, called  interest  ,for letting them use your money.

One of the ways that banks use your money is to loan it to other people who need it.When people need to pay for something special, like a new house or college, but don't have enough money to pay for it yet, they go to the bank to borrow some.

    When people pay back what they bare borrowed from the bank , they also pay the bank interest for letting them borrow the money.


66.Keeping money in the bank is_____________

A.poor                     B.dangerous            C.safe                       D.bad


67.If you save your money in the ban ____________.

A.you can't get it back                                 B.you can make more money

    C.you can't help other people                          D.you don't have any money


68.The underlined word “interest” means __________ .

A.  兴趣                 B.  趣味                C.利益                   D.利息


69.The bank will rise your money to ___________.

A.help other people                                     B.keep the money safe

    C.give it to others                                         D.ask for people's help


70.When you don't have enough money to go to college the  bank __________.

A.will not give any                                       B.will borrow some from you

    C.will loan you some                                     D.will tell everybody

  Passage 4(回答问题)(10分)

Let you have great fun

    Feel bored? what are you looking for?. Come and join us at 2009 English party! (1) Hosted by the only local English newspaper-Guangzhou

    Morning Post(2) Hundreds of English lovers together with the foreigners will surely bring great fun.

(3)Funny games ,karaoke singing, hip-hop dancing. Whatever you can think of. We welcome all foreigners to come for free.

You are sure to meet and make a let of friends.

Masks(面具),together with the drink and biscuits , arc offered fee.

Place: The  Labor Union Hall of Guangzhou Daily Press Group, No.l0 Tongle lu, Renmin Zhong lu.

Time: 7 :30 p.m.--9:30 p.m.,Aug.14th,2009(Friday)


    For more information, please call 020-81914927.


71.Must the foreigners pay for the party?


72.Can we sing karaok in the party? 


73.What is offered free during the party?


74.How many local English newspapers does Guangzhou have?


75. What's the address of the Labor Union Half 0f~uangzhou Daily Press Group?


Passage 5.(根据短文,填空)Let's go hiking!(10分)

Most people enjoy hiking.Hiking is not only a healthy but also a relaxing activity.The reason why people go hiking is different from person to person.Here are some of the most popular reason for people to hike:

First of all,hiking is very good exercise which will improve(改善) people's body.It's good exercise that doesn’t hurt your body.

Secondly,hiking is simple and cheap.All you need to do is to wear a pair of boots and your smile to start.

Finally,hiking is the best way to get away from your everyday life.You can hike alone or go with your friends.after hiking,you will have a clear mind and then return to work with confidence, so why not plan your hiking route(路线)right away?


76.The reason why hiking is  ____________.


77.General reason:It's____________ and ______________.


78.Reason l:It's  good  exercise that  can ______________ without ___________ it.


79.Reason 2:It's simple and cheap because buying _____________ and ______________ are enough.


80.Reason 3:it's the best way to get away from everyday life and return with_______ and _________




Dear Larry:
