



1.When is the boy going home this afternoon?

A. At 5:00                    B. At 3:00                                  C. At 2:00

2.What will the man probably do?

A. Take an exam.          B. Have a good rest.                  C. Visit friends.

3.How much does one ticket cost?

A.$ 7.4                        B.$2.6                                        C.$3.7

4.Why was the girl late?

A. The bus was late.      B. She got up later than usual.     C. She forgot she had class.

5.How did the man feel when he was called on?

A. Very relaxed.         B. Worried and nervous.           C. Angry.

6.What’s the man’s job?

7.How will the woman go to the Beijing Hotel?

8.What does the woman mean?

A. She is pleased to lend him the car.

B. She refuses to lend the man the car.

C. She wants to borrow a car from the man.

9.What does the man suggest the woman do?

A. Put her report on his desk.

B. Improve some parts of her paper.

C. Read some papers he recommended.

10.What do we learn from the conversation?

A. The man likes to visit another place.

B. The man has been to Hangzhou before.

C. The man likes Hangzhou very much.


Conversation 1

11.What will the two speakers do this afternoon?

A. Plant trees.                      B. Have a meeting                C. Have a party.

12.When will they leave for the park?

A. At 2:00p.m.                            B.At2:30p.m                        C.At3:00p.m

13.How will they go to the park?

A. On foot.                          B. By bus.                           C. By bike.

Conversation 2

14.What’s the weather like these days?

A. Very hot.                         B. Very cool.                       C. Warm.

15.How does the man feel at home?

A. Satisfied.                        B. Disappointed.                  C. Bored.

16.What’s the woman’s idea?

A. Watching TV at home.      B. Going to Green Park.              C. Reading books.


17.How many brothers and sisters did Ford have?

A.6                                     B.5                                     C.7

18.How much could Ford earn every week when he was young?

A.$2.5                                B.$5                                          C.$3.5

19.What did Ford do in 1893?

A. He invented the first car.   B. He made a wood horse.     C. He bought a strong horse.

20.What do you think of Ford?

A. Lucky                             B. Able.                              C. Poor.




21 Robots

Help people milk cows.

Factory Robots

Put car body parts 22 and paint the car bodies.

23 Robots

Repair spacecrafts and 24 some planets.


25 heavy objects and help people out of danger.



26.which pocket shall we take, Bob?       one you like. It's all the same to me.

A. Any                         B. Other                       C. Another                    D. The other


27.-What do you think of my composition?

-Nice enough, but the last sentence of it needs        .

A. to improve.                  B .improve                C. improved              D. improving


28.-Someone is knocking at the door. It              be Jim.

-It           be him. He's gone to Shanghai.

A. must, mustn't.        B. may, may not.        C. must, may not.       D. must, can't.


29.You can take anything from the bookshelf to read, but please       __  the books when you have finished.

A. Put away.              B. Put down.             C. Put back.               D. Put up.


30.-Your telephone number again? I didn't quite         it.



A. notice                     B. catch                        C. know                       D. write


31.-I wonder why Lily didn't come to the party.

-Maybe she            .

A. didn't invite          B. hasn't invited                 C. wasn't invited    D. won't be invited


32.To plant trees well, we must dig      .

A. a three feet deep hole.             B. three-foot-deep a hole.

C. a hole three feet deep.                     D. a three-feet-deep hole


33.-Where's Jack?

-He's away. He's gone to Beijing or to Shanghai, I'm not sure            .

A. that                         B. which                      C. where                      D. there


34.-why did you buy the book?

-             English.

A. Improve                   B. Improving                C. To improve               D. Be improving


35.-Do you prefer grapes             bananas?

-I prefer grapes             bananas.

A. to, or.                      B. or, to.                      C. than, to.                   D. or, than


36.-Shall we go hiking tomorrow?

-         ,The radio says it will rain.

A. Sure                        B. That's a good  idea.        C. I'm afraid we can't  D. All right.


37.-Please turn off the TV when you leave, Susan.

-OK.I             ,Dad.

A. do                           B. don't                        C. will                         D. won't


38.Many people went to the concert  last night,         young people.

A. hardly                     B. probably                  C. mostly                     D. won't


39.-Excuse me, may I take a seat here?

-             .The man on the seat has left.

A. you'd better not.        B. No, thanks.             C. Yes, Please.                  D. I'm afraid not.


40.Tom,you           on the phone.

A. is wanted                 B. are wanting                  C. want                    D. are wanted


All over the world people swim for fun. Swimming is enjoyed by people of  41  ages, from the very young to the very old. There are many places for people to swim in swimming pools. Many schools, hotels and clubs have swimming pools. Some people have pools of 42  in their yards.

Swimming is one of  43  forms of exercise. It can  44  hearts and bodies strong. It can also help blood circulate(循环).Handicapped people can keep their bodies in better condition by swimming  45  they can't enjoy sports.

        46  is a good idea for parents to see to it(务必做到)that their children learn to swim 47  an early age. So their children will  48   it for the rest of their lives.

There are many rules for water safety. These rules can help save not only life  49  the life of a friend. First of all, know  50  .Many schools  51 swimming lessons to children. Adults(成人)can learn to swim at public pools.  52 rule to remember is never to swim  53  .Always swim with a friend and know  54  in the water at all times. It is best to swim  55  in safe places if you are beginners. If every one learned to swim and obeyed the rules for water safety, most drawing(溺水)could be avoided.



41.A.all                               B. any                          C. some                        D. both


42.A.themselves                   B. their own                 C. theirs own                D. their own's


43.A.good                           B. better                       C. best                         D. the best


44.help                                B. let                           C. make                       D. show


45.though                            B .as                            C. so                            D. until


46.That                               B. There                       C. This                         D. It


47.A.over                                   B. during                      C. at                                   D. on


48.A.learn                           B. enjoy                       C. stop                         D. know


49.A.and aim                       B. still                          C. and yet                     D. but also


50.how to swim                   B. why swimming        C. how swimming               D. why to swim


51.A.have                            B. take                         C. give                         D. make


52.A.The other one             B. Other                       C. An other                   D. Another


53.A.alone                           B. yourself                   C. lonely                      D. together


54.A.who what person is                                                 B. where that person is  

B. who is that person                                                 D. where is that person


55.A.nearly                         B. hardly                      C. almost                      D. only


A. ourselves    B. left      C. rich.     D. whenever   E. enough    F. remembered  

G. surprise        H. car        I. nothing      J. poor        K. took          L. baby

On a snowy evening, a rich lady was standing by the road. She was very worried. Her 56  had broken down. Just then a poor man named Robert came. He was on his way back home from work as usual.

The lady wondered, "Is the man going to help me? He looks very cold and hungry." But to her  57 ,he stopped and said with a smile, "What's wrong, madam?" The lady told him what was happening.

After forty minutes, the car was at last fixed by Robert. The lady wanted to pay him.

"No, that's  58  ,madam," he said, "I was just helping someone in need. If you really want to pay me back, I hope  59  you see someone in trouble, please give him a hand." A few minutes later, the lady saw a shabby (破旧的)house by the road. She  60  Robert's words, so she stopped. The hostess(女主人)warmly asked her in. The lady could see that was a  61  family and they needed help. When the hostess was making tea in the kitchen, the lady  62  500 dollars on the table and went away quietly. Robert came home later than before, thinking how hard their life was. Their  63  was to be born the next month but there wasn't  64  money. His wife went up to him, gave him a kiss and said softly,” Don’t worry, dear! Everything’s going to be all right. A stranger has helped us out."

Let's always be ready to help others because helping others is helping  65  .


Here's the content(目录)of a book.

