




6. A.He is good.                B.He is fine.              C.He is fifty.

7. A.It's a nice watch.            B.It's ten past seven.        C.It doesn't work.

8. A.Yes, of course                  B.Never mind.            C.Excuse me.

9. A.Neither do I.                      B.So do I.                C.So I do.

10. A.It's very kind of you.              B.No, thank you.           C.You're welcome.


11. A.A cup of coffee without milk or sugar

B.Some milk with sugar.

C.A cup of coffee with sugar and milk.

12. A.Borrow a key.             B.Borrow a bike.          C.Broken a bike.

13. A.He isn't in.         B.He is out.               C.In the cinema.

14. A.Stay at home            B.Help her mother to do the housework.

C.Do nothing.

15. A.English.           B.Chinese                 C.History.


16. A.He lives in London. B.He lives a happy life.     C.He lives in a small town.

17. A.He is a doctor.       B.He is a teacher.           C.He is a farmer.

18. A.She is a housewife.  B.She is a doctor.           C.She is a teacher.

19. A.Two.             B.Four.                   C.Only one.

20. A.Sometimes he is late.                                           B.Yes. The hospital is far away.

C.No. He is a hard -working man.


21. The girl often helps her mother ________.the housework. 

A.do           B.does          C.doing did         D.did

22, --How ________your vacation, Lucy?

--It was pretty good.

A.did           B.were          C.do              D.was

23. --Oh, dear! Who's broken my glasses?

-- ________he ________I. It was your cat.

A.Either ,or       B.Neither, nor     C.Both ,and       D.Not only, but also

24. --Would you like to go with me?

--Yes, ________

A.I'd love        B.I do            C.I would          D.I'd love to

25. We have known each other ________we were young.

A.for            B.since           C.after            D.before

26. Our teacher told us the earth ________ round the sun all the time. 

A.moved         B.travels          C.going           D.circle

27. There is a teacher's desk ________of the classroom.

A.in front        B.front            C.in the front      D.the front

28. Tian'an Men Square will ________all kinds of flowers and flags when National Day comes

A.cover          B.cover  with     C.be covered       D.be covered with

29. Could you show me ________the picture?

A.what to draw    B.draw           C.how to draw      D.to draw

30. If you don't feel well, you may ________

A.stop reading    B.stopped reading C.stop to read     D.stopped reading.


One day the famous(著名的)scientist Albert Einstein  1  an old friend of his in the street in New York.“Mr Edelstein,”said 2  friend,“You need to 3  a new coat.Look,worn out(破旧的)it is !”  

“It doesn’t matter。”answered Einstein.“Nobody  5  me here in。New York.”

Several years 6 ,they met in New York  7,Einstein had become a world-physicist(物理学家)by then,but he was still wearing the 8 old coat.  9 more his friend tried to persuade(劝说)him to buy a new one.

“There’s no need,now,”said Einstein.“I10 here for a long time.Everybody here knows me.” 

(    )31. A.found               B.bad                C.met          D.knew

(    )32. A.a                    B.an                  C.the        D./

(    )33. A.have                B.put on              C.in          D.be

(    )34. A.what               B.how              C.however     D.why

(    )35. A.has never known      B.has ever known       C.knows     D.know

(    )36. A.after                B.later                 C.ago         D.since

(    )37. A.after               B.also               C.second     D.once

(    )38. A.before              B.same               C.enough     D.usual

(    )39. A.One                 B.Once               C.Again      D.Many times

(    )40. A.have arrived          B.have got            C.have lived   D.lived



Tom is a little boy, and he is only seven years old. One day he went to the cinema. It was the first time for him to do that. He bought a ticket and then went in. But after two or three minutes he came out, bought a second ticket and went in again. After a few minutes he came out again and bought a third ticket. Two or three minutes later he came out and asked for another ticket. Then the girl in the ticket office asked him, "Why do you buy so many tickets? How many friends do you meet?" Tom answered ,"No ,I have no friend here. But a big boy always stops me at the door and tears(撤)my ticket into pieces.”

41. Tom wanted to buy________ when the girl asked him.

A.the second ticket     B.the third ticket    C.the fourth ticket   D.the fifth ticket

42. The big boy stopped Tom at the door because______.

A.it was the big boy's job         B.the big boy didn’t like Tom

C.the big boy didn't know Tom    D.Tom didn't buy tickets at all

43. The big boy was __ at the cinema.

A.a bookseller         B.a policeman         C.a shopkeeper          D.a worker

44. From the story we know

A.the little boy had a lot of money;

B.the little boy knew nothing about the cinema

C.the big boy wasn't friendly to Tom

D.the girl wanted to get more money

45. Which of the following is NOT true in-the passage?

A.Tom bought the tickets for himself.     B.Tom didn’t go to the cinema before.

C.Tom was too young to make friends.    D.Tom had no friends at the cinema.


Leaves are nature's food factories.Plants take water from the ground through their roots.They take a gas called carbon dioxide(二氧化碳)from the air.Plants use sunlight to turn water and carbon dioxide into glucose.Glucose is a kind of sugar.Plants use glucose as food for energy to grow.The way plants turn water and carbon dioxide into gtue0∞is called photosynthesis(光合作用).That mean’s “putting together with light”.A chemical called chlorophyll helps make photosynthesis happen.Chlorophyll is green.It gives plants their green color.

As summer ends and autumn comes, the days get shorter and shorter. This is how the trees “know" to begin getting ready for winter.

During winter, there is not enough light or water for photosynthesis. The trees will rest, and live on the food they have stored during the summer. They begin to close their food - making factories. The green chlorophyll disappears from the leaves. Then, we begin to see yellow and orange colors. A few of these colors stay in the leaves all the time. We just can't see them in the summer, because they are covered up by the green chlorophyll.

Red and purple colors we see in leaves are made mostly in autumn. In some trees, like maples(枫树)glucose is stored in the leaves after photosynthesis stops.Sunlight and cool nights of autumn turn this glucose into red.The brown color of trees like oaks(橡树)is made from wastes left in the leaves.

46.The underlined word “chlorophyll” in the first paragraph means ______in Chinese.

A.叶绿素          B.氧气            C.胡萝卜素        D.蛋白质

47.Where is carbon dioxide from?

A.Ground.      B.Roots.        C.Sunlight.              D.Air.

48.The way _______called photosynthesis.

A.plants get carbon dioxide from the air

B.plants take water from the ground

C.plants turn water and carbon dioxide into glucose

D.plants use glucose as food for energy to grow

49.Red and purple colors in leaves are made mostly in ________.

A.spring                  B.autumn         C.summer                 D.winter

50._________ in the leaves changes into red in autumn.

A.Sunlight        B.Water           C.Glucose                 D.Chlorophyll


Do you know that you can use your watch as a compass(指南针)on a sunny day? Take a watch and point the hour hand in the direction of the sun.Imagine a line which runs from the center of the watch through a point half way between the hour hand and number one.This line will surely point south.

If you know astronomy a little, you will understand why this works. In the northern half of the earth, the sun is in the south at noon. In Russia, the real noon is one o'clock. If at that time we point the hour hand at the sun, the hour hand and the number one will point south. That is why you must imagine a line which will run from the center of the watch through a point half way between the hour hand and number one. It will point south. If you are in the southern part of our planet, you must point number 12 at the sun. The line which you can imagine between number twelve and the hour hand will then show north.

51. When we carry out this experiment in the northern part of the earth, we should point at the sun.

A.number 12       B.the minute-hand     C.the hour hand   D.number one

52. What does the word "astronomy" mean in this passage?

A.天文学          B.地理学           C.宇航学         D.逻辑学

53. The passage tells us that we can use a watch __ on a sunny, day.

A.to study the weather                 B.to show direction

C.to enjoy ourselves                  D.to keep good .time

54. If you are in Australia, which tithe following is the ,right way to show north?

55. What's the best title for this passage?

A.Your Watch Becomes a Compass       B.The Story of a Watch

C.An Interesting Watch                 D.The Sun and a Watch





Time: February 6,2009, Fri. 4:00. pm

Place:Jinzhou stadium

Ticket price: ¥20 for adults

           ¥10 for children

Name: China Cup Football Match



* picture books for children

* novels (小说) and stories

* books in 38 languages (语言)

* borrow six books at most at one time

* keep the books for two weeks



Music for Young Listeners

Lantian Theatre

March 10, Saturday, 7:00 pm


Sun Nan

Sha Baoliang

All seats ¥25

Each adult must come with a child



Most places will stay dry and sunny.

North China will have rain.

South China will have clouds over rain


1.The weather report says it will be  56   in North China.If you go there,you should take an57  with you.

2.The 58   59  will be held(举行)in Jinzbou Stadium on 60

3.You can't borrow  61  six books each time.

4.Adults must go to the 62   63 with64   65


66.A dog is an a_____ ,so is a cow.

67.I can’t do the work myself,can you g_____ me a hand?

68.Dan is a l_____ boy,he never does the cleaning.

69.Elephant is a_____ extinct in China.

70.You can k_____ the book for two weeks。but you must give it back.

71.How many_____ (出口)are there in the cinema?

72.Tigers are_____ (危险)animals.

73.Keep the window_____ (开着).It's too hot.

74.Why is she standing_____ (静止的)?

75.I am very____ (惊奇的)at the news.


Only Mother Love is tree love. It gives everybody everything all h  76   life. When you are still a baby, mother takes good care of you as much as p  77. In your w  78   hours she always holds you in her arms. When you are ill, she stops her work right now to look after you day and night a 79  forgets about, her. When you are growing up day b  80  day, she feels very happy . When you are old enough to go to school, mother still looks after you all the time. On cold winter days, she always tells you to put on more clothes. She always stands in the wind w  81  for you back from school. When you hurry to leave home for school with little breakfast, she always, feels w 82  about you at home. She usually knows about your study and spends much money on your school things. When you do well at school, you will see the brightest smile on her face.

Mother is always ready to give everything she h  83   to her children, n   84  to receive. What true love that is in the w  85  ! We will remember Mother Love for ever!

76. ____ 77. ____ 78. ____ 79. ____   80. ____

81. ____ 82. ____  83. ____    84. ____   85. ____


A:  86   season do you like beat in the year?

B :I like spring best.

A:  87 

B :Because everything begins to  88 in spring. I think it’s the best time for studies.

A: Do you like summer?

B :Yes ,I do. I enjoy  89   very much. What  90   you?

A.I enjoy swimming ,too . Autumn is a cool season,  91 it?

B: Yes ,it is. It's the  92   time. The farmers are very  93 at this time of a year.

A: What do you usually do at this time?

B:I usually go to  94   them with the apple-picking.

A: What's the weather like in winter?

B.It's very cold. It often  95  heavily.

86. ____87. ____ 88. ____  89. ____ 90. ____

91. ____92. ____ 93. ____  94. ____ 95. ____



Panda: from the west of china

Colour: black and white

Weight: baby pandas: 0.15 kilos;

adult pandas: about 100 kilos

Favourite food: bamboo