


第Ⅰ卷(共三部分  满分100分)

第一部分       听力(共三节,满分30分)










6.Why did the man surf the Internet?

A.To do schoolwork.                                       B.To play games.

C.To get information.

7.How much does the mail have to pay?

A.4 dollars.          B.12 dollars.         C.20 dollars.

8.What does the woman think of the weather?

A.It's going to rain.                                     B.It's going to snow.

C.It's going to be clear.

9.Why does the woman love pop music?

A.It's great for dancing.                            B.It's slow and sad.

C.It's too loud.

10.What language is difficult for the woman?

A.English.            B.French.             C.Chinese.




11.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.On the phone.     B.In the restaurant. C.At the bank.

12.What did the woman do?

A.She left a message.                                B.She called again.

C.She visited Mr. Jones.

13.What time will the lecture begin?

A.At 3:00.         B.At 3:15.          C.At 3:30.


14.How often does the man drive to work?

A.5 days a week.    B.4 days a week.      C.3 days a week.

15.What does the woman advise the man to do?

A.Walk to work.   B.Drive to work.    C.Ride a bike to work.

16.What can we learn about the man?

A.He lives far from his office.                      B.He takes the bus to work every day.

C.He takes the woman's advice.


17.What do Mr. Brown and his son like?

A.Going swimming.                                 B.Going fishing.

C.Going boating.

18.What is TRUE about Mr. Brown’s wife?

A.She is a careful lady.                                B.She likes giving advice.

C.She doesn't care about her family.

19.Why did Mr. Brown and his son have to return home?

A.Because they got lost near the river.

B.Because they didn't find any fish in the river.

C.Because they didn't bring their raincoats.

20.What can we learn from the story?

A.One must have his own hobby.                  B.It’s good to listen to others.

C.One should be careful enough not to catch a cold.

第二部分       英语知识运用(共2节,满分30分)

第一节    语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21.--Would you have some more chicken?

--________.It's delicious,but I've had enough.

A.Yes,please         B.No,thank you    C.I'd like some

22.--Did you have _______ great time in Disneyland?

--Not really,it was too hot.

A.a                         B.the                      C.\

23.--Orange juice?

--Sorry,we haven't got _______,but we've got some apple juice.

A.some                   B.any                     C.many

24.Your story is perfect.This is_____ I've ever heard.

A.the good one        B.the better one       C.the best one

25.--Must he come to hand in his homework?

--Yes,he _______.

A.need                    B.may                    C.must

26.--don't believe you've already finished the book--I _______ it to you this morning!

A.was lending         B.lent                     C.have lent

27.--How did your parents like your idea?

--They always let me _______ what I think is right.

A.to do                   B.do                       C.doing

28.Start out right away,_______ you'll miss the last train.

A.unless                  B.and                     C.or

29.Surprised and happy,Tony stood up and _______ the present from his boss.

A.received              B.accepted                C.refused

30.-- _______ the TV,Jack.It's time for bed.

--Mum,just ten more minutes,please.

A.Turn on               B.Turn down           C.Turn off

31.--I just can't stop _______ the result of the exam.

--Relax.You'd better wait.

A.worry about         B.to worry about    C.worrying about

32.--I don't think it's good to drive eight hours without a rest.

--I agree.Eight hours _______ really a very long time.

A.has                      B.is                        C.are

33.Dragon Boat Festival is a fun holiday _______ is celebrated in some Asian countries.

A.which                  B.when                   C.what

34.--How long _______ you _______ in America?

--It's two weeks since I came here.

A.did;stay             B.have;stayed        C.will;stay

35.--Do you know _______?

--Yes,exactly after June l,2008.

A.when plastic bags were not allowed to use

B.when were plastic bags not allowed to use

C.how plastic bags were not allowed to use

第二节    完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)



Sun Moon Lake(日月潭)is in Nantou County,in central Taiwan.It is a beautiful and peaceful ___36___.It's also Taiwan's largest fresh water lake.Sun Moon Lake gets ___37___ name from its shape.One part is the shape of the sun.___38___ part is the shape of the moon.There is a small island in the center of the lake.

Visitors love Sun Moon Lake for ___39___ reasons.The mountains around the lake are beautiful.People can hike and relax.They can also visit ___40___ places,like Wen Wu Temple(寺庙)and Peacock Garden.What's more,visitors may take boat rides on the lake.

Modern life is so busy.___41___,people need to slow down and ___42___.After a few days at Sun Moon Lake,people feel happy and relaxed again.

36.A.mountain             B.place                   C.country

37.A.its                       B.her                      C.such

38.A.Other                    B.The other             C.Another

39.A.no                          B.two                     C.many

40.A.boring                  B.famous                C.new

41.A.Never                  B.Hardly                 C.Sometimes

42.A.take a break         B.work hard            C.go home


One day a king goes to a place fat away in his country.When he comes back,his ___43___ hurt a lot.

“There are too many small stones on the roads.They hurt my feet.___44___ every road with leather(皮革),” he tells his men.

Of course,it will ___45___ a lot of money.One of his men is very ___46___.He tells the king,“Why not cut a little piece of leather to cover your feet?”

Although the king is surprised,he agrees to the man's idea.He asks his men to make a pair of leather shoes ___47___ him.

This may not be the real beginning of leather shoes.___48___ it teaches us a lesson of life--if you want to make this world A happy place ___49___,the best wav is to change ___50___,not the world.

43.A.hands                  B.back                    C.stomach                 D.feet

44.A.Cover                  B.Put                      C.Clean                     D.Sweep

45.A.cost                     B.make                   C.spend                  D.pay

46.A.funny                  B.kind                    C.foolish                   D.smart

47.A.on                       B.to                        C.with                             D.for

48.A.And                    B.If                        C.But                        D.Though

49.A.to live                 B.to live in              C.to be lived              D.to be lived in

50.A.myself                 B.me                      C.yourself                 D.you

第三部分       阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)




Today,most cars use gasoline(汽油)for energy.It makes the air dirty.That’s bad for us,and it hurts the environment.

But there is another kind of car--the electric car.Their energy comes from batteries.Electric cars are not fast,hut they are very clean and quiet.Also,they don't break very easily.So people don't have to buy gasoline,and they don't have to mend the car often.That means people can save a lot of money.

More and more people are using electric cars to go to work or to go shopping.In the future,when:the streets are full of these cars,cities will be our better home.

51.The passage is mainly about electric cars.

52.Cars using gasoline for energy are bad for the environment.

53.Electric cars are quiet,clean and fast.

54.Yon have to mend electric cars every day.

55.Electric cars will be widely used in the future.


Dear Li Hua,

Today I'd like to talk about something interesting.In UK,you can tell a lot about your friends by what they carry in their schoolbags--you may know what they like reading,and other things they like to do after school.

In the bags of middle school-age boys,you find hand held computer games,football magazines and playing cards.Girls usually have a book in their bag(maybe a romantic novel)and hair clips(发夹).Girls and boys both often have an MP3,a mobile phone,and,of course,last night's homework! By looking in a friend's bag,you earl tell what kind of person they are.A clean and tidy bag shows an organized person.Someone with a bag full of textbooks and pens works hard.

British middle school-age children also have a locker(存储箱)at school.They store their books or sports things,such as a football or a tennis racket(网球拍)there.They use pictures to make the inside of their lockers beautiful.Maybe they have pictures of their favorite music or sports star,or photos of their friends.So just like their bag,their locker says a lot about the person.

How about things in China? Looking forward to your letter.



56.What might you find in a boy's school bag?

A.A romantic novel. B.Playing cards.      C.A football.

57.Both middle school-age boys and girls usually have ________ in their bags.

A.computer games                                        B.last night’s homework

C.hair clips

58.What makes the inside of students’ lockers beautiful?

A.A football.                                           B.A tennis racket.

C.Pictures or their friends' photos.

59.“Organized person” is ________.

A.one who puts everything in order                 B.one who is hard-working

C.one who loves sports games

60.Which of the following is TRUE about the schoolbags?

A.Schoolbags mean a lot of homework for students.

B.Schoolbags say how much money a person has.

C.Schoolbags tell a lot about a student's habits and personality(个性).


Bad teeth,a heavier body...and now,weaker bones(骨头).Recently American scientists have found another bad thing about cola--it's bad for our bones,especially women's bones.

Well,if cola is bad for us,how about energy drinks(功能饮料)? Energy drinks look cool.Their makers say they give you energy and make you better at sports.So,many students drink them before exams to help them stay awake.

But wait.To keep you awake,most energy drinks have a lot of caffeine(咖啡因).They are like a strong cup of coffee or tea.If you drink a lot of them,Your heart will beat faster.You will feel nervous.You could also have sleeping problems and find it hard to live without them.Amanda Smith is a 16-year-old US junior high school student.She drinks one or more energy drinks every day.She started to do this a year ago before she danced.But now,Smith says,“I drink them whenever I feel weak or before a test.I cannot help drinking them.I find I'm addicted to them.”

The energy you get from the drinks helps for only a short time.You may feel good for an hour or so,but then you'll feel worse than before.

61.The main topic of this passage is ________.

A.how good energy drinks are                      B.ways to make bones strong

C.how energy drinks are made                        D.how harmful energy drinks are

62.We can learn from the first paragraph(第一段)that drinking cola ________.

A.helps lose weight                                     B.does harm to teeth and bones

C.keeps people healthy                                  D.helps kids grow tall

63.Why do people drink energy drinks?

A.Because they are said to make people energetic.

B.Because they are not expensive to buy.

C.Because they may make people's hearts stronger.

D.Because they may make people feel weak.

64.Which of the following statements is NOT true about energy drinks?

A.They can keep people awake.

B.They can make people feel good for some time.

C.They won't cause sleeping problems.

D.They are like a strong cup of coffee or tea.

65.What does the underlined word “addicted” mean in Chinese?

A.喜欢的                B.上瘾的                C.感兴趣的            D.紧张的


It was the first day of school.I had a new classmate,a little old lady with a warm smile.She said,“Hi,handsome! I'm Rose.I'm 87 years old.Can I give you a hug(拥抱)?” I said heartily,“of course!”,“Why are you in college at such an age?” I asked.She joked,“I'm here to meet a rich husband,get married,have children,and then travel around.” “No,seriously,” I asked.“I always dreamed of having a college education.Now I'm getting one!” she told me.Over the year,Rose became an icon(偶像).She easily made friends where she went.She loved to dress up and she enjoyed the attention from other students.At the end of the term we invited Rose to speak at our party.I’ll  never forget what she taught us.

“We do not stop playing because we are old;we grow old because we stop playing.Here are the secrets of staying young.You have to laugh and find humor(幽默)every day.You've got to have a dream.When you lose your dreams,you die!” she said.“There is a big difference between growing old and growing up.Anybody can grow old.That doesn't take any talent(天赋)or ability,”she added.“But to grow up,you have to find the chance in change.Have no regrets(后悔).We usually don’t have regrets for what we did,but rather for things we did not do.”

One week after graduation,Rose died peacefully in her sleep.She taught us by example that it's never too late to be what you can possibly be.

66.Why did the old woman go to college at such a late age?

A.Because she wanted to meet handsome young men.

B.Because she wanted to meet a rich man and get married.

C.Because she wanted to travel around the world.

D.Because she had always dreamed of a college education.

67.What did the old woman love to do?

A.She loved being an icon.

B.She loved to wear beautiful clothes.

C.She loved to pay attention to other students.

D.She loved to speak at the party.

68.What's the secret of staying young according to the old lady?

A.You have to laugh every day.                 B.You have to find humor every day.

C.You should have dreams.                          D.All above.

69.What does the underlined word “That” refer to(指代)?

A.Growing old.                                        B.Growing up.

C.Staying young.                                        D.Growing old and growing up.

70.What does the story tell us?

A.It is hard to become an icon.

B.A college education is very important.

C.The older you are,the more popular you will be.

D.Hold on to your dreams,and they will come true some day.


第四部分       写作(共四节,满分50分)

第一节    词汇(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


71.Plants and ________(动物),including human beings need water and food.

72.We should be careful with time and not ________(浪费)it.

73.________(绿色的)food is healthy and environmentally-friendly.

74.Parents should not ________(say loudly)at but reason with their children.

75.Jay Chou is my favorite ________(a person who sings in public).


In the US,autumn is ___76___(call)“fall”.Fall is a great season for ___77___(go)out.The days are ___78___(sun)The air is cool.The trees are colorful.The birds fly south.

In US schools,teachers like ___79___(plan)field trips in the fail.They take students to parks,gardens and forests.They play there.They learn the names of plants,trees and insects.They even bring some back to school ___80___(study).

第二节    完成句子(共10小题;满分15分)


81.There will be a lot more tourists to Sichuan this year.(改为一般疑问句)

_________ _________ be a lot more tourists to Sichuan this year?

82.Yao Ming is a professional basketball player.(对画线部分提问)

_________ _________ Yao Ming?

83.You really have to take care of the pet when we are away.(改为同义句)

You really have to _________ _________ the pet when we are away.

84.He came back two hours ago.(改为同义句)

He _________ _________ back for two hours.

85.We can write with e-mails.We can read with e-books,too.(改为同义句)

We can write with e-mails and we can read with e-books _________ _________.



Some college students choose to _________ _________ companies of their own after graduation.


Moon Day has become a public holiday when people can _________ a day _________.


Kids should be taught to learn to share what they have with _________ _________.


There is no doubt that Nansha Islands _________ _________ China.


Washing hands often may _________ people _________ catching and spreading A/H1N1 flu.

第三节    补全对话(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


A.How shall we get there?

B.What's the talk about?

C.I'm interested in music.

D.Shall we go to a film?

E.That's all right.

F.Why not go there together?

A:Jim,What are you going to do tonight?

B:I have no idea.What about you?


B:Sounds good! But I hear there is a talk at 7:00 in the City Hall.


B:The History of Music.____93____


B:Good idea! But we must be quick.We have only twenty minutes left.


B:We have to take a taxi because it's quite a long way.

A:Can we ask John to go with us? He likes music,too.

B:OK.Let's go.



B:Yes.I want to ____97____ some tickets for the concert next week.

A:How many tickets do you want?


A:____98____ performance(表演)do you like,Friday evening or Sunday afternoon?

B:Sunday afternoon will be fine.

A:Let me see.Ah,there happens to be ____99____ tickets left for Sunday's concert.

B:That's fine.I'll take them all.How much are they?

A:30 dollars each,90 dollars in all.

B:Here is 100 dollars.

A:OK.____100____,your tickets and the change.

B:Thank you.

第四节    书面表达(满分15分)




3.参考词汇:magician 魔术师     successful 成功的

(R=Reporter;L=Liu Qian)

R:When and where were you born?

L:In Taiwan in 1976.

R:You learned magic very young,right?

L:Yes,at the age of 7.

R:Then,how did you learn magic?

L:Well,I often saw magic shows and I began doing magic at home.

R:So you mean you learned by yourself?

L:Yes.But I practiced hard and put a lot of time into it.Magic is part of my life.

R:Do you have any other hobbies?

L:Of course.I like seeing films and listening to music very much.

R:Well,I have to say teenagers feel like copying your magic style.What do you think?

L:Er...the most important is to have a creative mind rather than copy and have deft(灵活的)fingers and kills.

R:Good advise.Thank you!

After performing his magic shows at the 2009 Spring Festival Gala(春节晚会),Liu Qian has become popular with teenagers In China.