


第Ⅰ卷(选择题    共98分)

第一部分       基础知识运用(共两节,满分40分)

第一节    单项选择(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


1.--What's this in English,Eric?                     --It's ________ orange.

A.an                       B.a                         C.the

2.--May I have some bananas,please?             --OK.________.

A.Here it is             B.Here you are           C.Give you

3.--Sue,is this your backpack?                      --No,it's not ________.It's Mary's.

A.my                         B.me                         C.mine

4.--Excuse me,where's the bank?

--Just go down this street and turn left.It's ________ your right.

A.on                          B.in                           C.at

5.--Why do you like koalas?             --Because they're ________ cute.

A.a kind of                B.kind of                   C.kinds of

6.Who told you about the matter?      --Sam ________.

A.was                        B.does                       C.did

7.-- ________ did he improve his English so quickly?

--By reading English books and watching English programs.

A.What                      B.Why                       C.How

8.-- ________ do you watch TV?      --Once a week.

A.How often                     B.How long               C.How soon

9.--I can't stop playing computer games.

--For your health,I'm afraid you ________.

A.can                        B.must                       C.need

10.--Hello,this is David.May I ________ to Mr. White?

A.say                         B.talk                        C.speak

11.Little Tom was hungry and tired.He could ________ walk.

A.never                            B.hardly                    C.really

12.--Mum,I'm thirsty and I want some ice-cream.

--Sorry,we have ________ ice-cream now.You can have some iced-tea instead.

A.little                    B.few                      C.a little

13.--Mr. Zhang,this problem is too difficult.

--Don't lose your heart.I believe ________.

A.you can work out it                                    B.you can work it out

C.you can't work it out

14.Don't forget ________ your papers.You can avoid(避免)careless mistakes.

A.checking                 B.to check                  C.check

15.--Would you like tea or coffee?           -- ________.I prefer water.

A.both                     B.Neither                C.None

16.--Peter,what's your plan after the exam?

--I'll join the sports club and do more sports since I'll have a ________ holiday.

A.two months          B.two-months          C.two-month

17.What ________ it is today.Let's go swimming.

A.a hot weather          B.hot day                   C.a hot day

18.--Have you got a swimming pool in your school?

--Yes,we have ________.We built it last year.

A.one                     B.it                        C.that

19.--Will they come to spend the weekend with us tomorrow?

--I think they'll if they ________ free.

A.are                      B.aren't                   C.will be

20.--Do you still remember the lonely man ________ we visited last year?

--Yes,I do.He is really poor.We should still give him some help.

A.which                  B.him                     C.whom

第二节    完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)



How do students around the world get to school? Do you know? We ___21___ a survey about it last month and this is what we ___22___.

In North America,most students go to school ___23___ the school bus.Some students ___24___ walk or ride bikes to school.In ___25___ parts of the world,things are different.In Japan,most students take trains to school,___26___ others walk or ride their bikes,too.In China,it deepens on ___27___ you are.In big cities,students usually ride bikes to school or take buses,but in small villages,students go to school ___28___ and it usually ___29___ them more time to go to school.And in places where there are rivers and lakes,like Hongshanhu and Kaishandao,students usually go to school by boat.That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus.Do you think ___30___?

21.A.did                      B.carried                   C.had

22.A.saw                     B.got                      C.1istened

23.A.by                       B.in                        C.on

24.A.also                     B.too                      C.either

25.A.another                B.other                  C.others

26.A.if                        B.because                C.although

27.A.where                  B.who                    C.what

28.A.on feet                B.on foot                C.with foot

29.A.spends                 B.costs                    C.takes

30.A.so                       B.such                    C.that


There is a shop in our neighborhood.Outside the shop there is a sign.It reads “Secondhand clothes bought and ___31___.”

Last Sunday a boy walked into the shop,carried an old ___32___ of shorts and asked the owner of the shop.“How much will you give me for these,sir?”

The owner ___33___ him and then said:“Four dollars.”

“___34___! I had guessed they were worth(价值)___35___ six dollars.” Said the boy.

“No,they aren’t worth a cent(美分)___36___ than four dollars.”

“Well,” said the boy,taking four dollars out of his pocket.“___37___ your money.These shorts were hanging(挂)outside your shop.The list price was eight dollars.___38___ I thought that was ___39___ money,so I wanted to find out how much they were really worth.”

Then the boy walked out of the shop with these shorts before the shop owner could think of ___40___ to say.

31.A.sale                     B.sell                    C.sold

32.A.set                      B.pair                   C.piece

33.A.looked at             B.looked for            C.looked over

34.A.How                   B.Why                    C.What

35.A.at most                B.at least                 C.at last

36.A.less                     B.more                   C.over

37.A.Here's                  B.There's                 C.It's

38.A.and                     B.however              C.but

39.A.too much             B.too many             C.much too

40.A.nothing               B.everything                  C.anything

第二部分       阅读理解(共25小题;每小题2分,满分50分)



Welcome to City Library

City Library is open to everyone from 9:30 am to 6:00 pm every day.You can borrow books,CDs and videos.You can surf the Internet,too.


?Picture books for kids

?Books in 36 languages

?Story books

You can read magazines and newspapers in the reading room on the second floor.Don’t take them out.Put them back where you take after reading.



?Language learning(French,Japanese and English)

You can enjoy listening to the CDs in a special room on the third floor,one dollar an hour.You can borrow them back to your home Free!


?All kinds of films

?TV plays

You can't watch them here.You can borrow them,one dollar for two videos.


?The Internet room is on the first floor,two dollars an hour.You aren't allowed to play computer games.

41.When can you go to the library?

A.At any time.      B.In the day.         C.At night.

42.What can you do in the library?

A.Read newspapers.                                  B.Play computer games.

C.See a film.

43.Where can we enjoy the CDs in the library?

A.On the third floor.                                       B.On the second floor.

C.On the.first floor.

44.Tom surfed the Internet for 2 hours and borrowed 4 videos.How much did he pay?

A.$8.                   B.$6.                   C.$12.

45.In which part may we read this passage in the newspaper?

A.Sports.              B.News.               C.Ads.


I am the Earth.Once I was in good health,but now I feel quite uncomfortable.

Yesterday I went to see Doctor Moon.She asked me,“What's wrong with you,Mr. Earth?”

I told her,“My children--the people--have destroyed the ozone(臭氧),so the sunshine is too strong.Now I have a high fever.Many trees have died.The dust(灰)always gets into my eyes.I smell the waste gas of cars every day.I can't take in clean air.I often suffer from earache,because I hear loud noises all the time.”

“Oh,Mr. Earth,” said the Moon,“Your illness is so serious.You must have a good rest and drink a lot of water every day.”

“That’s fine,but it often rains acid rain(酸雨),so I have no clean water to drink at all.” I replied.

“That's terrible! I'm very sorry,but I can't help you.” The Moon was very sad.

Oh,dear! What can I do? Who can save me?

46.Who did Mr. Earth see yesterday?

A.Doctor Moon.   B.Doctor Sun.        C.His children.

47.Why does Mr. Earth have a high fever?

A.the sunshine is too strong.                         B.He suffers from earache.

C.The dust gets into his eyes.

48.Who are Mr. Earth’s children?

A.The trees.          B.The cars.           C.The people.

49.Why does Mr. Earth have no water to drink?

A.Many trees have died.                               B.The ozone has been destroyed.

C.It often rains acid rain.

50.Which of the following is True?

A.The Earth is ill.                                       B.The Earth is in good health.

C.The Moon can help Mr. Earth.


Sally was a little lonely girl.She always thought she was not as pretty as her classmates,and that nobody liked her.So she didn't like to talk to others and always felt unhappy.

One day,her mother bought her a beautiful hair clip and asked her to wear it.She looked much more beautiful than before.She was very happy and decided to wear it to school.

On her way to school she saw everyone smile at her.Most of her schoolmates even said hello to her.But this had never happened before! She thought the hair clip brought all of them to her.She was so happy about all of the wonderful things.Although she didn't tell her classmates about her clip,they all wanted to know what had happened to her.

When she came back after school,her mother asked her “Did you know you dropped your hair clip? I found it on your dresser this morning.”

Suddenly she understood that she hadn’t worn the hair clip to school at all.

It isn't important what we wear or how we look.In fact,the most important thing is how we think about ourselves.

51.Why was Sally unhappy?

A.Nobody liked to talk to her.                      B.She had no hair clip.

C.She thought she wasn't as beautiful as others.

52.What did Sally's mother buy for her?

A.A beautiful hair clip.                                     B.A beautiful dress.

C.A beautiful dresser.

53.Which of the following is True?

A.Everyone loved her hair clip.                    B.Everyone said hello to her.

C.No classmates knew what happened to her.

54.Where did Sally find she dropped the hair clip?

A.At home.                                             B.On her way to school.

C.At school.

55.What may happen to Sally after the matter?

A.She likes the hair clip best.                       B.She doesn't like the hair clip any more.

C.She will be more confident and happy.


Dear editor,

Once I went to the post office to buy some stamps.When I was ready to leave,someone came up to me.I looked up and found an old man with dirty clothes.He was a scramp-collector(捡废品的人).I instinctively(本能地)stepped backward,because I was in my clean school uniforms.

He wanted to send some money home but he didn't know how to fill out the form.He wanted me to help him.“But you can ask the cashier there.” I answered impatiently(不耐烦).

“I have asked her.But I don't understand her instructions.W0uld you please help me?” Just then,my mobile phone rang.It was a good excuse to refuse him.Hopelessly and sadly he went away and tried to find someone else to help him.

When I came out of the post office I became very upset.How couldn't refuse someone in need of help,especially such an old scramp-collector.Was it because he was old,poor and dirty?

I want to say sorry to him in this newspaper.It's been on my mind for a long time.And I hope to feel better by doing this.



56.Why did Lily step backward when she saw the old man?

A.He was in dirty clothes.                                B.She didn't know him.

C.She was ready to 1eave.

57.What's the meaning of the underlined(下画线的)word?

A.导购员                B.会计员                C.出纳员

58.What was Lily's excuse for leaving?

A.The cashier could help him.                      B.Her mobile phone was ringing.

C.He was a scramp-collector.

59.Why did Lily write the letter?

A.She wanted to help the old man.

B.She wanted to tell the story to the editor.

C.She wanted to say sorry to the old man.

60.Which of the following is True?

A.The old man was angry with Lily.

B.Lily was sorry for refusing to help the old man.

C.The cashier helped the old marl send his money.


Music is very popular in America and it is very important to American people.

Pop or popular music is what every student likes in America.Students carry MP3 or MP4 and listen to music before class,after class,and at lunch.Students with cars buy large speakers and enjoy the loud music as they drive on the street.

Adult drivers listen to music on the radio as they drive to work.They also listen to the news about sports,the weather,and the life of American people.However,most of the radio programs are music.

Popular music singers make much money.They make CDs or tapes,which TV or radio stations often use in many ways.Once the singers are heard all over the country,young people buy their CDs or tapes.Some of the money from the CDs or tapes go to the singers.The popular singers also give concerts.Wherever they go,all the young people want to meet them.Now,the singers have become famous stars.

There are another two kinds of music that are important to American people.One is called folk(民间)music.It tells stories about the common life of American people.The other is called western or country music.This was started by cowboys(牛仔)who would sing at night to the COWS they were watching.Today,any music about country life and the love between country boys and girls is called western or country music.

61.How many kinds of music are there in this passage.?

A.3.                     B.5.                     C.4.

62.According to this passage what is the country music about?

A.Country life.                                        B.Country boys' and girls' love.

C.A and B.

63.When do the popular singers become famous stars?

A.When they make some money.

B.When they are very popular with young people.

C.When they make a CD or a tape.

64.Which of the following is Not true?

A.American students like popular music very much.

B.Adult drivers like to enjoy music when they work.

C.Country music was originally(最初)sung by cowboys.

65.What's the best title(标题)for the passage?

A.Popular music.     B.American music. C.Country music.

第三部分       口语运用(共8小题;每小题1分,满分8分)



A:Hello,Mary,you don't look well.What’s up?

B:Oh,I'm very busy and tired.


B:We are going to have the graduation exam this week.I'm not ready for it.

A:___67___ You have been studying hard,I know.

B:But I'm still not sure of myself.

A;Why not listen to some light music.___68___

B:___69___ I'll have a try.

A.And you should go to bed as usual and have a good sleep.

B:Thank you.

A.Take it easy!

B.That sounds good.

C.That will help you relax.

D.What's the problem?


A:Hi,Mona! Glad to see you again.

B:I don't think I know you.You are…?

A:___70___ Don’t you remember a girl named Emma in the primary school?

B:___71___ You’ve changed a lot! You used to be short and thin,didn’t you?

A:Yeah.But now I am tall and a little heavy.


A:I went to Beijing with my parents.

B:Did you use to sing?

A:Yes,I did.___73___ I joined this art club last month,and I hope to be an artist in the future.

B:I hope your dream will come true.

A:Thank you.

A.But now I've given it up.

B.You surely know me.

C.You are Emma?

D.Where were you these years?

第Ⅱ卷(非选择题       共22分)

第四部分       写(共三节,满分22分)

第一节    单词拼写(满分5分)


74.My daughter is only two years old and has a few ________(牙齿).

75.--We have such a ________(晴朗)weekend.Let's go camping tomorrow.

--Why not?

76.--Don't play the music so ________(大声).Your father is sleeping,Jenny.


77.--I don't know what to do when I grow up.

--How about ________(工作)as a reporter for our newspaper?

78.My mother is really busy every day.She gets up at 7:00,________(吃)a quick breakfast and then rushes to her school.

第二节    短文填空(满分5分)


It's good to get along with your teachers because it makes you much happier in the classroom.It's good to get along with your teachers because it's a good i__79__ to learn how to get along with different people you'll meet throughout(整个)your life.

In fact,when teenagers get along with their teachers,they not only learn more,but also feel more comfortable to ask f__80__ help.This makes it easier to learn.When you have this kind of relationship with a teacher.the teacher can help you face difficulties.

“Getting along” means that you and your teacher have a way of communicating with each other and you are both getting what you need from the relationship.

In every school,teenagers say that a teacher is good or b__81__,but don't judge a teacher when you are in his or her class.In most eases,your teacher wants to help you,and a strict teacher wants to do his or her job w__82__ and teach you the subject you are supposed to learn.It's also important to remember that m__83__ mistakes is a part of learning.By pointing out your mistakes and helping you correct them,a teacher is teaching you.

第三节    书面表达(满分12分)

自去年“5?12”汶川大地震以来,许多外国朋友来到我们灾区帮助灾后重建。其中有位名叫Brown的美国心理学教授,他10岁的女儿Cindy下周将来广元看望他和过暑假。但因他工作繁忙,不能陪她玩,于是他在广元日报上登了一则广告,招聘一名初三毕业生作babysitter来照顾她。现请你以Li Hua的名义,按以下要点提示写封80字左右的应聘信。信的首尾已为你写好,但不计入总字数。

1.性格外向,喜欢交朋友;                        2.热爱大自然,喜欢旅游;

3.英语学得好,尤其擅长口语;                4.能和睦相处,让他们开心。

Dear Mr. Brown,

I read your ad in Guangyuan Daily.                                            





I'm looking forward to your reply! Thank you.


L i Hua