初三英语  Unit 2?C卷



    (    )1.A.voice           B.silent             C.violet       D.nice


    (    )2.A.energy         B.ever             C.even        D.since


    (    )3.A.bloom         B.room           C.1ive        D.space


    (    )4.A.ever             B.Amy           C.army       D.envy


    (    )5.A.action          B.selection         C.exit        D.decision



    (    )1.Where did the website open?

    A.Beijing.                   B.Shanghai.            C.Shenzhen.


    (    )2.Who is the website for'?

    A.Teachers.                 B.Students.           C.Doctors.


    (    )3.What kind of website is it?

    A.A game website.         B.A film website.    C.An e―learning website.


    (    )4.What are there on the website?

    A.There are lessons taught by good teachers.

    B.There are lessons,games and a chatroom.

    C.There are fun games and a chatroom.


    (    )5.Students only need to buy_________ to study on-line.

    A.a card                         B.a computer           C.a book




    I was l5.She looked like she was over 70.But on that day,I think she understood me more than 1

    Walking into the church that Sunday was hard.

    I have never let anyone see me cry.But I knew I would cry that day.

    My grandfather’s stroke(中风)three days before put him 2 .The doctors said he might not live much longer.

  Every(me in my family was crying.I felt  3  inside,too.Grandpa was the sweetest man in the world.Why was he leaving us?

    I went to church that day to pray.Maybe that would  4  me to answer some of the questions.

    There weren’t many people at church that day,One of them was a lady sitting at the end of my row.She was smiling.

    I closed my eyes and prayed for my grandfather to  5 .Soon,my eyes were a sea of tears.

I brought my head up and opened my eyes.I saw a  6  in front of me.It was giving me a tissue.

The old lady was sitting next to me,smiling.She  7  say a word.She just gave me a tissue and a smile.I tried to thank her.but only tears came out.

    Then she took my hand.I  8  her eyes.They were cleat and blue,and they made me feel peaceful.Her smile said to me:I am with you.Everything will be OK.

    I closed my eyes again.When I opened them.she wasn’t there.

    I left the church but  9  couldn’t find her.I never saw her again.

    My grandfather died the next week.We all cried a lot more.But when I thought of that old lady’s warm smile,I felt a little better.

    How did she know how I was feeling?  I wish I could see her again,to say  l0 


    (    )1.A.someone else   B.anyone else      C.no one else      D.else anyone


    (    )2.A.in a chair       B.in bed           C.in hospital      D.on a bus


    (    )3.A.angry          B.interested       C.excited            D.sad


    (    )4.A.help           B.ask               C.tell                 D.make


(    )5.A.come back to life                 B.return

C.get better                                    D.get up


    (    )6.A.foot             B.hand             C.face                D.finger


    (    )7.A.did              B.wouldn’t       C.didn’t             D.couldn’t


    (    )8.A.looked for     B.1ooked after     C.looked around        D.1ooked into


    (    )9.A.even           B.still              C.also                D.either


    (    )10.A.sorry         B.hello           C.good luck        D.thank you


    If you are like most people,your intelligence(智力)changes with the seasons.You are probably a lot sharper in the spring than you are at any other time of year.A famous scientist,Ellsworth Huntington(1876―1947),concluded(总结)that climate and temperature have an effect(作用)on your mental abilities(智力).

    He found that cool weather is much more favourable for creative(激活)thinking than summer heat.This does not mean that all people are less intelligent in the summer than they are during the rest of the year.It does mean,however,that the mental abilities of large numbers of people tend to be lowest in the summer.

    Spring appears to be the best period of the year for thinking.One reason may be that in the spring man’s mental abilities are affected(受影响)by the same factors(因素)that bring about great changes in nature.

    Fall is the next.best season,then winter.As for summer,it seems to be a good time to take a long vacation from thinking.

