





1.What does Bill do now?

     A.A teacher.         B.A student.         C.A journalist.

2.Where did the conversation(对话)most probably take place?

     A.On a bus              B.In a library          C.In a dinning room

3.What day is it today?

      A.Tuesday               B.Wednesday          C.Thursday

4.What’s David’s hobby?

      A.Sports.              B.Music                  C.None

 5.How long did the meeting last?

    A.One hour             B.Two hours                  C.Three hours


6.What are they talking about?

      A.Their weekends.   B.Their relatives    C.Their plans

7.What did Frank do on Saturday?

A.He did his homework.   

B.He played tennis.   

C.He visited his relatives.

8.Whom did Frank go to the beach and play soccer with?

    A.His brother          B.His family                  C.His friends.

9.When did Kate study for a maths test?

    A.In the morning    B.In the afternoon    C.In the evening

10.Why did Kate have more fun in the evening?

  A.She cleaned her room herself.  

      B.She went to movies with his friends.

      C.She had a party.


11.What kind of people do guide dogs help?

      A.Doctor                B.Soldiers               C.The blind

12.Whose pet dog was it?

      A.The doctor’s        B.The soldier’s         C.Dorothy’s

13.What kind of dogs are the best ones for the jobs?

A.Strong                 B.Bright                 C.Old enough

14.When did Germany start a program to teach dogs to be guides?

      A.After Dorothy went to Germany.

      B.After Dorothy wrote about it for a magazine.

      C.After the doctor taught a dog to guide a person.

15.How long does it take to train a little dog to be a guide?

      A.Over 2 years.    B.14 months            C.4 weeks.



第一节  单项选择(15小题:每小题l分,满分l5分)


16.Don’t            the people in trouble.Try to help them.

     A.hear from            B.go over                C.1augh at                 D.1ook like

17.I sleep with the Window open _______________it's really cold.

      A.if                        B.when                   C.unless                    D.with

18.―I don’t know what the word means?

    一Why don’t you ___________it ___________in a dictionary?

     A.take;on             B.1ook;up            C.make;up              D.add;to

19.Tom’s grandfather ____________more time with him on weekends.

    A.keeps                         B.spends                 C.costs                      D.pays

20.Our country __________a lot in the past few years.

      A.changes               B.changes               C.has changed            D.will change

21.Jim is trying his best to learn Chinese kungfu_____________________.   

    A.So does Mike       B.So is Mike           C.So Mike does         D.So Mike is

22._________school nights,I am allowed to watch TV,But I have to be in bed_____9:00 pm.

     A.At:at                 B.On:by               C.On:since              D.At;since

23.一Do you think she can pass the test?

  一 ____________________.She pays little attention to his studies.

      A.Yes.I do            B.Yes.she can       C.1’m afraid not         D.No.she don’t

24.We watched TV instead of _____________to the movies last night.

      A.to go                     B.going                         C.go                         D.went

25.一How much does it cost to travel by plane from Beijing to Shanghai?


      A.million                B.million of            C.millions                 D.millions of

26.Mr.Zhang is the teacher_________________________can speak two foreign languages.

      A.which                  B.this                     C.that                       D.what

27.This music is great because even a child of three can dance ________________it.

    A.for                      B.to                        C.on                         D.at

28.Which do you prefer, oranges or apples7

    ____________.I’d like bananas.

      A.Both                   B.Either                  C.Neither                  D.All

29.The poor man ate a big breakfast ________________he said he wasn’t hungry.

      A.though                B.if                        C.because                   D.but

30.Since the villager’s houses have been damaged(损上)in the earthquake,the soldiers are helping __________________________them tents(帐篷).

      A.put on                 B.put off                 C.put up                    D.put down   



    Once a little girl wanted to find love.She knew it was a long  31  to find it,so she got food

and drinks ready for the journey and started off.When she passed three streets,she saw an old man 32  by the roadside.He looked very  33 .So the little girl gave him some  34 .The old man took them and  35  at her.The smile was so beautiful that she wanted to  36  it again,so she gave the old man a coke.Once again he smiled.The little girl was very happy.They sat there all the afternoon,eating and smiling.

  When it got  37 ,the girl decided to go home.She gave the man a hug and the man gave her his biggest smile,The girl got home.Her mother felt  38  when she saw the look of joy on her face.The mother asked  39  made her so happy.The little girl said,“l had lunch with an old man.He has the most beautiful smile in the world.”At his house,the man said to his son,I ate some cakes with a little girl today and she is  40  happier than when l first saw her.

31.A.way                    B.street                   C.time                             D.1ife

32.A.standing                B.1ying                         C.sitting                   D.sleeping

33.A.1onely                 B.ill                       C.poor                      D.hungry

34.A.money                 B.tea                      C.clothes                   D.cakes

35.A.1ooked                B.smiled                 C.1aughed                 D.pointed

36.A.feel                     B.hear                    C.see                        D.taste

37.A.bright                  B.dark                    C.1ong                      D.cold

38.A.surprised               B.angry                         C.interested               D.sad

39.A.who                    B.what                    C.why                     D.where

40.A.much                         B.more                   C.1ess                       D.1ittle




  Mr.Baker lived in an old house.His wife was blind in both eyes and the two children were very young.All his family often went hungry.He had nothing but a small piece of field.One autumn he grew some wheat in his field.He hoped it would do well because all his family would depend on it.The whole winter it often snowed.And the next spring the wheat would grow well.Mr.Baker was happy.

  One day, Mr.Baker went to watch his wheat.To his surprise,a lot of crops were eaten up by a horse.He became angry but could not find out whose horse had eaten them.He thought he horse would go there again.So he decided to stay in his field and tried to catch the horse.

  A few days later a yellow horse came into his field again and began to eat the wheat Mr.Baker ran after it quickly, with a stick in his hand.But the horse ran much faster than him.He tried his best,but couldn’t catch up with it.

  The next morning,when Mr.Baker was working in his field,he saw tile yellow horse pulling a carriage on the road.He picked a stick up at once,ran closer to the horse and began to beat it.The driver was surprised and tried to stop him.He asked.“Why are you beating my horse?”

  “It has nothing to do with you.”Mr.Baker said angrily.“The beast knows why I’m beating him.”

41.What was Mr.Baker?

      A.A driver              B.A farmer             C.A keeper                D.A doctor

42.What kind of life did Mr.Baker’s family live?

      A.A simple life                B.A happy life         C.A rich life              D.A poor life

43.Mr.Baker was happy at first because_________________.

      A.He found out the horse that ate his wheat.

      B.he would soon get a good piece of field

      C.his wheat was growing very well

      D.his family wouldn’t grow any more wheat

44.Which of the following is TRUE?

      A.The horse knew that it had done wrong.

      B.The horse had nothing to do with the driver.

      C.The horse belonged to the driver.

      D.The horse knew whose wheat it had eaten.

45.All the following statements(陈述)are true EXCEPT that__________________.

      A.the horse was eating his wheat when Mr.Baker saw it the second time

      B.Mr.Baker’s family depended on the wheat

      C.the driver didn’t know why Mr.Baker beat his horse

      D.thanks to the snow last winter, Mr.Baker’s wheat was growing well the next spring.


    Here is an examination notice.Mrs.Dickson gave it to her students last week.Read it and answer the questions  To the students of class 3

    ◆Examinations start on June 22 and end on June 23.

    ◆The time for each of the subject is:

    English       June 22             9:30AM-10:30AM

    Math           June 22             11:00AM-12:00AM

    History        June 22              2:30PM-3:30PM

    PE              June 23           8:00AM-10:00AM

    Music          June23              1:00PM.3:00PM

     ◆ For the PE test,go to the gym.For the music test,go the piano Room.All else are written tests.They will be held in classrom3.

    ◆No student can enter the examination room more than l 5 minutes after the exam starts.

    ◆No food or drink during ANY test.

    ◆No dictionaries during the English exam

    ◆Wear pants and sports shoes for the PE exam.

◆If you have questions.go to the teacher’s office before the test.

46.Who could not take the English exam?

    A.Nancy.she wore her sport shoes on June 22

    B.Richard.He did not have breakfast before the exam

    C.Wendy.She forgot to take an English dictionary with her.

    D.Tony.He went to school at 9:50 on the morning of June 22

47.Where were the students of Class 3 at 8:30 A.M,June23?

    A.In the gym                                              B.In their classroom.

    C.In the Piano Room                                     D.At the Teacher’s Office.

48.When were the written tests held?

    A.Only on the morning of June 22

    B.Only on the morning of June 23

    C.On the morning and afternoon of June 22

    D.on the morning and afternoon of June 23

49.On the morning of June 23,What should Helen,a student of class 3 get ready for?

    A.Food and drinks.Because there is no food and drinks during my test.

    B.Dictionary.because she isn’t good at English

    C.Pants and sports shoes Because there will be a PE exam

    D.Nothing.Because all the exams are ended.

50.Tom still has some questions about the exams.he can_____________________.

    A.ask his teacher at any time

    B.find his teacher in the playground

    C.ask his teacher on June 22 or June 23

    D.go to the teacher’s office on June 21 and ask about them


    When I was seven years old,my family made me an ant(蚂蚁)farm.First,we put clean sand in a thin glass box.Then we waited for the ants to arrive.

    After the ants were in the glass farm,they started to make tunnels(地道).I was amazed that each one knew exactly what to do.Each had its own job.

    On the fifth day a tragedy(悲剧)happened.I put my face so close to the glass farm that I knocked it over.All the tunnels fell down.Although the ants remained alive after their earthquake.one by one they began to die,I was scared as I watched them building their tunnels to carry the bodies to a comer of the farm.

    My mother said that the ants were dying of sadness.They simply could not stand that their tunnels were gone.

    Although much time has passed,I still think of that ant farm.Mom has hoped it would teach me about the natural world.but it taught me much more.

    Over the years I came to realize the importance of teamwork.Working together, the ants were able to make an amazing world for themselves.I also learned that they should be admired(钦佩)for their hard work.

    But there was an even larger lesson that I did not realize until recently:Adversity(逆境)is a natural part of life,and must be accepted.Unlike the ants,we cannot give up when we are sad. We have to realize that if a tunnel is gone.we must build another.

    Give up,I say,is not a good choice(选择).

51.What did the writer’s family do for him when he was seven.

      A.They built a farm of ants.                      B.They bought a few ants.

      C.They caught a lot of ants                             D.They found an ant city                                                                                                        

52.Which statement(陈述)is TRUE according to the passage?

      A.The writer broke the glass box because it made his face dirty.

      B.The ants died one by one because the tunnels were destroyed(破坏).

      C.Unlike people,teamwork is not so important for ants.

      D.Giving up is a good way when we meet trouble.

53.Which is the correct order of the following?

      a.All the tunnels fell down.                         b.The ants died one by one.

      c.The ants got into the glass box.                   d.The ants began making tunnels.

      A.a-b-c-d                B.a-c-d-b                C.c-d-a-b                  D.c-a-d-b

54.What did the writer come to realize a few years later?

      A.Working together is useless                      B.Teamwork is important

      C.He can’t accept adversity                            D.Working alone is amazing

55.What is the best title(题目)for the passage?

      A.Ants Fear Adversity                                 B.My Family and Ants

      C.Giving Up in Adversity                              D.A Good lesson from Ants



1.Where did Hank live before he found a job in a big city?

He lived in  56

 2.What was he doing on Saturday when one of his friends saw him?

He was  57

 3.What color was his car?

His car  58 

 4.When did his son use the car?

When there was  59

 5.How many people were there in Hank’s family?





61.Many students hope to___________(继续)studying after they finish schoo1.61._________

62.Mr.1iu has taught for many years,so he has much e _______in teaching.62._________

63.His p___________is poor.He should practice more.                  63___________

64.The famous pop singer will be____________(采访)by the local newspaper next week.


65.If he________________(使生气)you next time,we will give him a lesson.65._________



    I’d like  66  (say)something about how  67  (improve)your English.68 (1earn) English well,you have to practice all the time.Listening to the radio,watching television,and seeing movies are good ways to improve your 69  (1isten)skill.You can develop your 70  (speak) skill by__71  (talk)to native speakers of English wherever possible and by speaking aloud to yourself when you are alone.Reading and writing also require a lot of practice.You can improve your reading skills by reading English language newspapers and magazines.72_(write)to friends in English and keeping a diary are good ways 73  (practice) 74  (write).

  Hope you 75  (have)a good time during your stay here for the course,thank you.





    If you do not use your arms or legs for a long time,they become weak.When you start using them again,they slowly become strong again.Everybody knows that.But many people do not know that memory(记忆)is the same way.

    When someone says that he has a good memory, he really means that he keeps his memory in practice by using it.When someone else says that his memory is poor,he really means that does not give it a chance to become strong.

    If a friend says that his arms and legs are weak,we know that it is his own fault(错误).But if he tells us that he has a poor memory, many of us think that his parents are to blame(责备)and few of us know that it is just his own fault.

    Have you ever noticed that some people.who can’t read or write usually have better       memories? This is because they can’t read or write and they have to remember things with their mind――they can’t write them down in a little notebook.They have to remember days.names,songs and stories.so they are always exercising their memories.

So if you want to have a good memory, learn from those peoplepractice remembering

76.Does memory work in the same way as arms and legs?


77.Do your arms and legs become strong or weak when you use them a lot?


78.What does writer think of the people with poor memories?


79.Why do the people who can’t read or write usually have better memories?



第五节 汉译英(共5小题;每小题2分,满分l0分)。


81.你应该向你的医生寻求建议。(ask for)




83.我们不能推迟制定计划的事。(put off)






 第六节 书面表达(10分)。



    提示词语:young,tell,for example,think
