



    第一节  听下面5个句子。每个句子后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出所听句子中含有的那个选项.并标在试卷的相应位置。

1.A.quite               B.quiet                   C.quilt

2.A.winter              B.waiter                 C.way

3.A.magazine            B.mail                   C.map

4.A.shop               B.smart                    C.shy

5.A.cook                 B.country                C.camera

    第二节  听下面5个句子。每个甸子后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出所听句子的正确应答语,并标在试卷的相应位置。

6.A.He speaks French.     B.He's from France.        C.He lives in Paris.

7.A.Yes, I have.          B.No, he isn’t.             C.No, there isn't.

8.A.Because it's so cute.   B.I want to see pandas.     C.I don't like this koala.

9.A.You're welcome.      B.I' m very happy.          C.Don't say it.

10.A.Fine, thank you.   B.It's terrible.           C.How do you do?

    第三节 听下面5段对话。从题中所给的六幅图片中选出与对话内容相符的最佳图片,并标在试卷的相应位置。


第四节  听下面一段对话,回答第16至第20五个小题。

16.Where is Sandra? She is in _____

A.France                B.Paris                     C.Shanghai

17.Why is Sandra calling Gina? She is calling to see _______

A.happy New Year          B.happy birthday           C.how Gina is

18.What's Gina doing? She is _______

A.watching TV           B.doing her homework      C.playing the piano

19.What are Sandra and her pen pal doing? They are____

A.having dinner         B.having lunch            C.having class

20.How's the weather in Shanghai? It's________.

A.hot and sunny           B.hot and warm         C.hot and humid

第五节  听下面一段短文,回答第21至第25五个小题。

21.Where is Mike from?

A.Canada                 B.Japan                    C.France

22.How's the weather today?

A.Sunny                 B.Windy                 C.Cloudy

23.Where are Mike and his friends?

A.On the street          B.In the park                      C.On the beach

24.How is the water?

A.Dirty and blue          B.Clean and blue            C.Clean and green

25.What's the girl doing?

A.Reading books          B.Reading magazines       C.Playing beach volleyball


第二部分  英语知识应用(共两节,满分20分)

第一节  单项选择(共10小题;每小题l分,满分10分)

26.Linda often ______ her homework in the evening, but she _________ TV now.

A.does; watches           B.does; is watching         C.is doing; is watching

27.―I will go swimming this weekend.


A.No problem            B.I don't like it           C.Have a good time

28.―Can you speak Chinese?

―Yes, but only_____

A.very good              B.a little                 C.that sounds good

29.I want ________ a big house ________ interesting garden.

A.to buy; has an            B.buy; with a             C.to buy; with an

30.―_______ do you like giraffes?

―Because they are fun.

A.Why                  B.What                C.How

31.―Let's go to the zoo on Sunday morning.


A.That sounds good.       B.Yes, we do.           C.Not at all.


―He is a reporter.

A.Who is your father?      B.What does your father do?  C.How's your father?

33.―Is John playing computer games?


A.Yes,he is.               B.Yes,he does.                  C.No,he doesn’t.

34.一How’s the weather today?


A.I like the weather.      B.It’s sunny.                       C.I’m reading.

35.Don’t go out.It ________ hard.

A.snows                         B.are snowing                       C.is snowing

第二节  完形填空(共10小题;每小题l分,满分10分) 

My uncle is a  36  .He works in a bank.He is very  37  .Every day he has to  38  and talk with many people.He feels very tired(劳累的), 39  after work he likes to sit quietly alone(独自地)at home.

Every year he has a long vacation.At the  40  of the vacation he always takes a good rest (休息) and   41  a good time with his family.Then he goes out to meet some of his old friends.This winter,he and his family go to see snow, 42  they can’t see it in Yunnan.They stay there  43  a week and they are  44  to see the thick(厚的)snow there.

Their son says.“I hope we can come here every year.”

      "Then work hard and enjoy  45  life!”  says my uncle.

36.A.bank clerk         B.actor                   C.waiter

37.A.clever              B.quiet                C.busy

38.A.look              B.pay                   C.meet

39.A.for               B.so                     C.as

40.A.begin             B.beginning              C.first

41.A.have               B.has                    C.does

42.A.and               B.but                         C.because

43.A.for                B.in                     C.about

44.A.surprising        B.sad                    C.surprised

45.A.you               B.your                         C.my



  Tengzhou College(滕州学院)

  Wang Dawei(Engnsh teacher)

  666 College Road,Tengzhou 277500





Waiter Wanted

    Our restaurant needs some waiters.The work is hard.Can you work late? Can you meet people every day? If you like the work,you can call Tengzhou Hotel at 0632―5555999.You can also call our manager Mr Wang at l8906787777.

    Jindao Taxi company(公司)

    Gao Qiang(driver)

    234 Jinghe Road,Tengzhou 277500





Summer Job

    Our school newspaper needs some reporters.Do you like to write stories? Then come and work with us.Please call Li Hong(reporter)  at 0632-5568900 or 13703458529.

    You can also send an e-mail to lihong@tom.com

46.If you want to take a taxi in Tengzhou at two o' clock ha the morning, you should call______.

A.13703458529           B.13906327428                 C.18906787777

47.We can't write an e-mail to_________

A.reporter                B.manager                    C.English teacher

48.If you want to work as a waiter, you can call _____

A.0632-5568900          B.0632-5650565               C.0632-5555999

49._______ can teach you English.

A.Wang Dawei           B.Gao Qiang                  C.Li Hong

50.Which of the following is WRONG?

A.You can send an e-mall to Li Hong if you want to be a reporter:

B.Wang Dawei can write an e-mall to Gao Qiang.

C.Jingdao Taxi Company is at 666 College Road, Tengzhou.


      Jack works in an office in a small city.One day his boss(老板)says to him,“Jack,I want you to go to London,to an office there,to see Mr. White.Here is the address.”

      Jack goes to London by train.He leaves the station,and thinks,“The office is near the station,and I can find it easily.”

      But after an hour he sun(依然)looks for it ,so he stops and asks an old man.He says,“Go down this street, turn right at the end and It' s the first building on the right." Jack goes and finds it.

Three days later he goes to the same city, but he can't find the office again. He wants to ask somebody the way. He stops and sees an old man. It is the same man. The old man is very surprised and says,  "Are you still looking for that place?"

51.Jack works in an office_______

A.in a small city                   B.in a big city                  C.in London

52.Jack' s boss wants him to go to London ________

A.to see Mrs. Black         B.to see Mr. White         C.to see Mrs. White

53.Jack finds Mr. White's office_______

A.easily                   B.after an hour           C.after asking the old man

64.Jack goes to London

A.three days later            B.three weeks later         C.three years later

55.Jack asks  ________the way again.

A.his boss                  B.the old man             C.the same old woman



第一节  听力填表(根据所听到的短文,完成表格中所缺的信息。)(6分)




Mr. Green

reading a book


Mrs. Green


in the kitchen



in his room




Bill’s grandparents


In the living room

第二节 单词拼写(共10小题,满分10分)


61.I have a pen pal,he is from _________(澳大利亚)

62.I’m very ___________(饥饿的).Can you give me some food?

63.It often rains in the __________(南方)of China.

64.My sister is a nurse,she works in a __________(医院).

65.You can __________(放松)yourself when you listen to music.

66.Our English teacher is very ________(友好的)to us.We love her very much.

67.There are many green _________(树叶)on the tree.

68.Lucy is a ________(害羞的)girl.Look! She is behind her mother.

69.Please be quiet.We are reading books in the _________(图书馆).

70.It’s very __________ (危险的)to play soccer in the street.

第三节 补全对话(从方框内选择恰当的句子补全对话,共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)

A:It’s a fine day today.isn’t it?

B:    71   

A:Do you like the weather here,Mike?

B:    72   

A:Yes,it can be very hot here in summer.  73   By the way(顺便问一下),what’s the weather like in your hometown(家乡)?

B:  74  

A:So do you often go swimming?

B:Yes.I do.

A:Who do you usually go swimming with?

B:My brother.Do you like go swimming?

A:    75   

B:Do you want to go swimming this Sunday?

A:Yes.I do. 

    A.It’s very hot in summer and it often rains.

    B.Yes.But it is sometimes too hot in summer.

    C.Yes.It’s a little fun.

    D.Yes.it is.It’s very sunny.

    E.No.I’m not.

    F.But it is not very cold in winter.

第四节  阅读填词(共10小题,满分10分)

      I go to Mr. Smith’s house on Sunday.When I get there.his wife(妻子)is cooking in the kitchen.Mr. Smith and his son  76   (watch)TV.

His son  77  (sit)next to me on the sofa.The TV play is very interesting.After We have lunch,I ask his son,“What do you want to be when you grow up(长大)?”  “I want  78  (be)a father or an uncle.I don’t want to be a child.”  79  (answer)his son.“Why do you want to be a father?” I ask him again.“Because a father can watch TV after he  80  (come)back from work.And he can do nothing before he has dinner.And he can  81   (do)what he wants to do.” He  82  (look)at his father and makes faces(做鬼脸).

    “Why do you want to be an uncle?” “Because an uncle  83  (have)much money and he can  84  (buy)many things for the children,and the children  85  (like)him very much.”

    76________ 77_________ 78________ 79_________80___________

    81________82 __________83_________ 84________ 85__________

第五节 书面表达(20分)


姓名:Maria             国籍:英国

现居地:中国北京      年龄:23



Dear Sir or Madam,

      I think I am the fight person to be an English teacher in your middle school.


If you think I air fit for this job,please call me.

